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~lucidiot 2023-05-21 13:43:27 +02:00
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commit c98e7546f4

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@ -1110,5 +1110,19 @@
Quite a few webcomics out there are using Tumblr, sometimes behind custom domains. This one is a pretty simple webcomic that someone made and that I somehow stumbled upon one day, possibly just by seeing a link to one of the posts on the Fediverse. It is intentionally poorly drawn and written and that just adds to the jokes, and usually talks about topics related to the queer community or to neurodivergent people, which is what you commonly find on Tumblr. It posts quite irregularly, but it is nice to see a simple and funny post from time to time in my feedreader, and the intentional low quality does remind you that you do not have to make something that's perfect for it to be enjoyable or interesting.
<pubDate>Sun, 04 Dec 2022 18:44:52 +0100</pubDate>
<guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>
<category domain="">Feed</category>
<p>Through the endless treasure trove of <a href="" target="_blank">feeds</a> that is dozens, I am guaranteed not to ever be running out of feeds to post about on here. Thanks to him, I discovered <a href=""></a>, a place to share your current status in 140 characters or less. Basically Twitter, but without a concept of notifications or following others; this is a lot more about publishing content than receiving it.</p>
<p>Each status includes an emoji to summarize your current mood or state, and if you know how to use the browser's developer tools, you can make it use any Unicode character you want. You can show off your current status emoji using a badge, and I have put <a href="" target="_blank">mine</a> among the many others on <a href="" target="_blank">my page</a>.</p>
<p> provides a whole bunch of Atom feeds; you can subscribe to <a href="" target="_blank">a feed of everyone at once</a> or the specific feed of each user as <code>[username].atom</code>. For example, here is <a href="" target="_blank">mine</a>.</p>
<p>While exploring the information superhighway to learn more about other feeds I wanted to post about on here, I also stumbled upon <a href="" target="_blank">imood</a>, which possibly was a source of inspiration for Statuses are called moods, and have both a personal mood (some sentence that the user writes) and a base mood selected from a set. There are no feeds on this one though, so is clearly superior.</p>