# The TAG Tour ## Goal Try to find the longest possible bus/tram ride along the Grenoble public transit network, TAG, using the *Métromobilité* APIs and a lot of weird scripts. ## Rules * Must start and end at the same stop * Cannot ride on the same line twice * Stopping at the same stop multiple times is acceptable ## Tools * [Open data APIs](https://www.mobilites-m.fr/pages/opendata/OpenDataApi.html) * [All lines (JSON)](https://data.metromobilite.fr/api/routers/default/index/routes) * [All lines (GeoJSON)](https://data.metromobilite.fr/api/lines/json?types=ligne&reseaux=SEM) * [All stops (GeoJSON)](https://data.mobilites-m.fr/api/bbox/json?ymax=45.60899367383399&xmin=4.220682761918508&ymin=44.849783731140064&xmax=7.132059715043508&types=arret) * [`jq`](https://stedolan.github.io/jq/) * [Graphviz](https://graphviz.org/)