from typing import Optional, Callable, Any import logging import urllib.parse import click import requests logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class RegistryClient(object): """ The twtxt registry API client. """ def __init__(self, registry_url: str, insecure: bool = False, disclose_identity: Optional[bool] = None): """ :param str registry_url: Base URL for the registry API. :param bool insecure: Disable SSL certificate checks :param disclose_identity: Enable or disable identity disclosure; this appends the User-Agent header with the twtxt local username and URL, deduced from the twtxt configuration :type disclose_identity: bool or None """ self.registry_url = registry_url self.session = requests.Session() self.session.verify = not insecure from twtxt_registry_client import __version__ if disclose_identity or disclose_identity is None: logger.debug('Looking up identity disclosure configuration') config = click.get_current_context().obj.conf disclose_identity = config.disclose_identity if disclose_identity: logger.debug('disclose_identity is enabled') user_agent = 'twtxt-registry/{} (+{}; @{})'.format( __version__, config.twturl, config.nick, ) else: logger.debug( 'Configuration not found or disclose_identity is disabled') user_agent = 'twtxt-registry/{}'.format(__version__) logger.debug('Using user agent {!r}'.format(user_agent)) self.session.headers['User-Agent'] = user_agent def request(self, method: Callable, endpoint: str, *, format: str = 'plain', raise_exc: bool = True, **params: Any) -> requests.Response: """ Perform an API request. :param Callable method: A ``requests`` request method. :param str endpoint: An endpoint path; will be appended to the registry URL and the format. :param str format: The response format, as defined in the twtxt registry API specification. :param bool raise_exc: Raise :exc:`requests.exceptions.HTTPError` for HTTP errors. :param \\**params: Query parameters to send in the request URL. :returns: An HTTP response. :rtype: requests.Response :raises requests.RequestException: For any error occuring when performing the request. :raises requests.HTTPError: When ``raise_exc`` is ``True`` and the response has an HTTP 4xx or 5xx status code. """ # Ignore parameters with None values params = {k: v for k, v in params.items() if v} resp = method( '/'.join([self.registry_url, format, endpoint]), params=params, ) logger.debug('{} request to {}'.format(resp.request.method, resp.url)) logger.debug('HTTP {} {}'.format(resp.status_code, resp.reason)) logger.debug('Response body: {!r}'.format(resp.text)) if raise_exc: resp.raise_for_status() return resp def get(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> requests.Response: """ Perform a GET request. Passes all arguments to :meth:`RegistryClient.request`. :returns: An HTTP response. :rtype: requests.Response :raises requests.RequestException: For any error occuring when performing the request. """ return self.request(self.session.get, *args, **kwargs) def post(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> requests.Response: """ Perform a POST request. Passes all arguments to :meth:`RegistryClient.request`. :returns: An HTTP response. :rtype: requests.Response :raises requests.RequestException: For any error occuring when performing the request. """ return self.request(, *args, **kwargs) def register(self, nickname: str, url: str, **kwargs: Any) -> requests.Response: """ Register a new user. :param str nickname: Nickname of the user. :param str url: Profile URL of the user. :param \\**kwargs: Keyword arguments sent to :meth:`RegistryClient.request`. :returns: An HTTP response. :rtype: requests.Response :raises requests.RequestException: For any error occuring when performing the request. """ return'users', nickname=nickname, url=url, **kwargs) def list_users(self, *, q: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> requests.Response: """ List registered users. :param q: Optional query to filter users. :type q: str or None :param \\**kwargs: Keyword arguments sent to :meth:`RegistryClient.request`. :returns: An HTTP response. :rtype: requests.Response :raises requests.RequestException: For any error occuring when performing the request. """ return self.get('users', q=q, **kwargs) def list_tweets(self, *, q: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> requests.Response: """ List tweets from registered users. :param q: Optional query to filter tweets. :type q: str or None :param \\**kwargs: Keyword arguments sent to :meth:`RegistryClient.request`. :returns: An HTTP response. :rtype: requests.Response :raises requests.RequestException: For any error occuring when performing the request. """ return self.get('tweets', q=q, **kwargs) def list_mentions(self, url: str, **kwargs: Any) -> requests.Response: """ List tweets mentioning a given user. :param str url: Profile URL of the user to list mentions of. :param \\**kwargs: Keyword arguments sent to :meth:`RegistryClient.request`. :returns: An HTTP response. :rtype: requests.Response :raises requests.RequestException: For any error occuring when performing the request. """ return self.get('mentions', url=url, **kwargs) def list_tag_tweets(self, name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> requests.Response: """ List tweets with a given tag. :param str name: Name of the tag to look for. :param \\**kwargs: Keyword arguments sent to :meth:`RegistryClient.request`. :returns: An HTTP response. :rtype: requests.Response :raises requests.RequestException: For any error occuring when performing the request. """ return self.get('tags/{}'.format(urllib.parse.quote(name)), **kwargs)