Return records that intersect with the query. Return records that contain the query entirely. Return records that do not intersect with the query. Additional attributes defined by the OpenSearch Geo extension for the Query element. Replaced with a string describing the location (place name) to perform the search. This location string will be parsed and geocoded by the search service. Deprecated. Use the "name" parameter instead. Latitude in decimal degrees in EPSG:4326 (typical WGS84 coordinates as returned by a GPS receiver). This parameter should also include a "radius" parameter that specifies the search radius, in meters. Longitude in decimal degrees in EPSG:4326 (typical WGS84 coordinates as returned by a GPS receiver). This parameter should also include a "radius" parameter that specifies the search radius, in meters. Search distance from the point defined by `lat` and `lon`. The distance is in meters along the Earth's surface. If no radius is supplied, then the search service is free to use a default radius but should specify this radius in the returned result. Replaced with the bounding box to search for geospatial results within. The box is defined by "west, south, east, north" coordinates of longitude, latitude, in EPSG 4236 decimal degrees. This is also commonly referred to by minX, minY, maxX, maxY (where longitude is the X-axis, and latitude is the Y-axis), or also SouthWest corner and NorthEast corner. Replaced with a geometry defined using the Well Known Text (WKT) standard. The following 2D geometric objects can be described: POINT, LINESTRING, POLYGON, MULTIPOINT, MULTILINESTRING, MULTIPOLYGON. Note that the WKT coordinate pairs are in lon, lat order; opposite to GeoRSS. Polygons are a collection of linear rings. The outer ring is expressed in counter-clockwise order. Internal rings have the opposite orientation, appearing as clockwise (see in OGC Simple Features Specification v. 1.2.0). Spaces must be URL encoded ('%20' or '+') in the request. Deprecated. Use the geometry parameter instead. The spatial relation of the search. By default the geo searches return the records that intersect the query. The identifier of the resource within the search engine context (local reference). This parameter is used to query resources by their fragment identifier, unique within the search scope only. It can be used to query local identifiers that are not URIs, including the support of GML identifiers.