--- title: Cybrecluster --- The Cybrecluster project aims at linking my different websites in a manner akin to a webring. It was imagined during the summer of 2020. ## Sites * https://brainshit.fr/ * https://tilde.town/~lucidiot/ * https://envs.net/~lucidiot/ * https://breadpunk.club/~lucitoast/ ## Goals * Increase the visibility of all of my projects * Lighten the load on [mountain](./mountain.html) by trusting other tildes * Increase my involvement in tildes * Encourage both a visitor and me to browse all of my websites * Reduce my fear of abandoning a particular website ## My computers are my tools When I designed this project, my French blog was hosted at home on `carthage`, an Intel NUC, using Ubuntu Server, Docker, systemd, Apache, PHP, MySQL, and the server was also providing other services such as Nextcloud, HedgeDoc, TinyTinyRSS, a NuGet package server, and a LAN-only WebDAV server, all behind a nginx reverse proxy with a separate container to handle Let's Encrypt certificate renewal. All of those containers were managed using Docker Compose. Handling this structure was pretty complex, as I get very quickly frustrated when it comes to most modern deployment tech. I realized over time that this is not what I want to do. I do not want the "Cloud". If I am going to self-host, then it should be by my rule, by how I think computers should run. Feeling constantly annoyed at my own server's setup, feeling unable to make any process on a project that relates to this server because of its state, just means I need to change the way I run my server. I like the tilde culture, in which we turn random, "soulless" computers in the cloud into cozy places. Into safe places where I feel like I can grow, I can thrive. So I wanted to have a server that gets closer to that. I still want to self-host; I like being able to see my equipment just by turning my head, having access to it even when my internet connection is down, or hearing a very quiet fan noise at night. But I also want to get involved in tildes, and I have an account on three tildes already; I want to publish everywhere and not look dead. I was putting some stress on myself because I really wanted to do something, I do not want those accounts to be a waste. The last thing I want to do to any tilde is to make it waste resources. I solved that dilemma, and started seeing my server in a better light, by imagining the cybrecluster. ## Rules After getting a little further into this idea, making it clearer in my mind, I defined a set of rules. * **Be simple.** * Start small * Plan often, but plan small * Remove unneeded abstractions * **Be resilient.** * Backups * Write documentation for my projects * Reuse existing systems, formats and protocols * [Archive](https://archive.org) things * Monitor my server, sites, services * **Be active.** * Learn what I need, not just for the sake of learning * Create what I want, what I enjoy * Publish what I can This sounds rather close to an [integrity report](./integrity-report.html). ## Actions taken * Stopped the NuGet package server as the projects that relied on it went stale * Migrated to envs.net's TinyTinyRSS instance * Stopped my TinyTinyRSS instance * Stopped the PostgreSQL database that powered the TinyTinyRSS instance * Migrated my files from Nextcloud to Syncthing * Migrated my calendar and contacts to [Framagenda](https://framagenda.org) * Stopped my Nextcloud instance * Migrated my HedgeDoc files to some .md files in a Syncthing folder, using envs.net's HedgeDoc instance when I need multiplayer text editing * Stopped my HedgeDoc instance * Set up Alpine Linux, nginx, certbot, MariaDB, PHP 7, Munin and Syncthing on [Mountain](./mountain.html) * Migrated my WebDAV server to Mountain * Migrated my French blog to PHP 7 * Migrated my French blog to Mountain * Stopped all Docker services on Carthage * Migrated all my Syncthing folders to Mountain * Sold Carthage to a friend at a fair price * Added a Cybrecluster banner to all of my websites * Started posting about my tilde projects on my self-hosted French blog ## Actions to take [This blog article](https://brainshit.fr/read/240) introduces the cybrecluster to my French audience and describes the actions to take regarding [Brainshit](./brainshit.html). * Create a "decentralized monitoring": each server (mine, or a tilde) checks on the others, and reports their status on a status page and an RSS feed using [mod_servicestatus][mod_servicestatus] * Maybe self-host a [DAViCal](https://davical.org) instance, as Framagenda's operator, Framasoft, encourages moving away from its platform into smaller, more decentralized hosts * Make my French blog into a static site * Remove PHP 7 and MariaDB from Mountain [mod_servicestatus]: https://web.resource.org/rss/1.0/modules/servicestatus/