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8 Commits

7 changed files with 240 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
complete -c alacritty -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -l embed -d 'X11 window ID to embed Alacritty within (decimal or hexadecimal with "0x" prefix)' -r
complete -c alacritty -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -l config-file -d 'Specify alternative configuration file [default: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/alacritty/alacritty.yml]' -r -F
complete -c alacritty -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -l socket -d 'Path for IPC socket creation' -r -F
complete -c alacritty -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -s o -l option -d 'Override configuration file options [example:]' -r
complete -c alacritty -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -l working-directory -d 'Start the shell in the specified working directory' -r -F
complete -c alacritty -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -s e -l command -d 'Command and args to execute (must be last argument)' -r
complete -c alacritty -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -s T -l title -d 'Defines the window title [default: Alacritty]' -r
complete -c alacritty -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -l class -d 'Defines window class/app_id on X11/Wayland [default: Alacritty]' -r
complete -c alacritty -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -s h -l help -d 'Print help information'
complete -c alacritty -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -s V -l version -d 'Print version information'
complete -c alacritty -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -l print-events -d 'Print all events to stdout'
complete -c alacritty -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -l ref-test -d 'Generates ref test'
complete -c alacritty -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -s q -d 'Reduces the level of verbosity (the min level is -qq)'
complete -c alacritty -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -s v -d 'Increases the level of verbosity (the max level is -vvv)'
complete -c alacritty -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -l hold -d 'Remain open after child process exit'
complete -c alacritty -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -f -a "msg" -d 'Send a message to the Alacritty socket'
complete -c alacritty -n "__fish_use_subcommand" -f -a "help" -d 'Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)'
complete -c alacritty -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from msg; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from create-window; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from config; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from help" -s s -l socket -d 'IPC socket connection path override' -r -F
complete -c alacritty -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from msg; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from create-window; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from config; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from help" -s h -l help -d 'Print help information'
complete -c alacritty -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from msg; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from create-window; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from config; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from help" -f -a "create-window" -d 'Create a new window in the same Alacritty process'
complete -c alacritty -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from msg; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from create-window; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from config; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from help" -f -a "config" -d 'Update the Alacritty configuration'
complete -c alacritty -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from msg; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from create-window; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from config; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from help" -f -a "help" -d 'Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)'
complete -c alacritty -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from msg; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from create-window" -l working-directory -d 'Start the shell in the specified working directory' -r -F
complete -c alacritty -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from msg; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from create-window" -s e -l command -d 'Command and args to execute (must be last argument)' -r
complete -c alacritty -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from msg; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from create-window" -s T -l title -d 'Defines the window title [default: Alacritty]' -r
complete -c alacritty -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from msg; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from create-window" -l class -d 'Defines window class/app_id on X11/Wayland [default: Alacritty]' -r
complete -c alacritty -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from msg; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from create-window" -l hold -d 'Remain open after child process exit'
complete -c alacritty -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from msg; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from create-window" -s h -l help -d 'Print help information'
complete -c alacritty -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from msg; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from config" -s w -l window-id -d 'Window ID for the new config' -r
complete -c alacritty -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from msg; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from config" -s r -l reset -d 'Clear all runtime configuration changes'
complete -c alacritty -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from msg; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from config" -s h -l help -d 'Print help information'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
# This is terribly complicated
# It's because:
# 1. bun run has to have dynamic completions
# 2. there are global options
# 3. bun {install add remove} gets special options
# 4. I don't know how to write fish completions well
# Contributions very welcome!!
function __fish__get_bun_bins
string split ' ' (bun getcompletes b)
function __fish__get_bun_scripts
set -lx SHELL bash
string trim (string split '\n' (string split '\t' (bun getcompletes z)))
function __fish__get_bun_packages
if test (commandline -ct) != ""
set -lx SHELL fish
string split ' ' (bun getcompletes a (commandline -ct))
function __history_completions
set -l tokens (commandline --current-process --tokenize)
history --prefix (commandline) | string replace -r \^$tokens[1]\\s\* "" | string replace -r \^$tokens[2]\\s\* "" | string split ' '
function __fish__get_bun_bun_js_files
string split ' ' (bun getcompletes j)
function bun_fish_is_nth_token --description 'Test if current token is on Nth place' --argument-names n
set -l tokens (commandline -poc)
set -l tokens (string replace -r --filter '^([^-].*)' '$1' -- $tokens)
test (count $tokens) -eq "$n"
function __bun_command_count --argument-names n
set -l cmds (commandline -poc)
test (count cmds) -eq "$n"
function __bun_last_cmd --argument-names n
set -l cmds (commandline -poc)
test "(cmds[-1])" = "$n"
set -l bun_install_boolean_flags yarn production optional development no-save dry-run force no-cache silent verbose global
set -l bun_install_boolean_flags_descriptions "Write a yarn.lock file (yarn v1)" "Don't install devDependencies" "Add dependency to optionalDependencies" "Add dependency to devDependencies" "Don't install devDependencies" "Don't install anything" "Always request the latest versions from the registry & reinstall all dependenices" "Ignore manifest cache entirely" "Don't output anything" "Excessively verbose logging" "Use global folder"
set -l bun_builtin_cmds dev create help bun upgrade discord run install remove add init link unlink pm x
set -l bun_builtin_cmds_without_run dev create help bun upgrade discord install remove add init pm x
set -l bun_builtin_cmds_without_bun dev create help upgrade run discord install remove add init pm x
set -l bun_builtin_cmds_without_create dev help bun upgrade discord run install remove add init pm x
set -l bun_builtin_cmds_without_install create dev help bun upgrade discord run remove add init pm x
set -l bun_builtin_cmds_without_remove create dev help bun upgrade discord run install add init pm x
set -l bun_builtin_cmds_without_add create dev help bun upgrade discord run remove install init pm x
set -l bun_builtin_cmds_without_pm create dev help bun upgrade discord run init pm x
# clear
complete -e -c bun
complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds_without_run; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_use_subcommand" -a '(__fish__get_bun_scripts)' -d 'script'
complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds_without_run; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_seen_subcommand_from run" -a '(__fish__get_bun_bins)' -d 'package bin'
complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds_without_run; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_seen_subcommand_from run" -a '(__fish__get_bun_scripts)' -d 'script'
complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds_without_run; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_seen_subcommand_from run" -a '(__fish__get_bun_bun_js_files)' -d 'Bun.js'
complete -c bun \
-n "bun_fish_is_nth_token 1; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts) and __fish_use_subcommand" -a 'run' -f -d 'Run a script or bin'
complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts) install remove add;" --no-files -s 'u' -l 'origin' -r -d 'Server URL. Rewrites import paths'
complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts) install remove add;" --no-files -s 'p' -l 'port' -r -d 'Port number to start server from'
complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts) install remove add;" --no-files -s 'd' -l 'define' -r -d 'Substitute K:V while parsing, e.g. --define process.env.NODE_ENV:\"development\"'
complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts) install remove add;" --no-files -s 'e' -l 'external' -r -d 'Exclude module from transpilation (can use * wildcards). ex: -e react'
complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts) install remove add;" --no-files -l 'use' -r -d 'Use a framework (ex: next)'
complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts) install remove add;" --no-files -l 'hot' -r -d 'Enable hot reloading in Bun\'s JavaScript runtime'
complete -c bun \
-n "bun_fish_is_nth_token 1; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts) and __fish_use_subcommand" -a 'dev' -d 'Start dev server'
complete -c bun \
-n "bun_fish_is_nth_token 1; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts) and __bun_command_count 1 and __fish_use_subcommand" -a 'create' -f -d 'Create a new project from a template'
complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds_without_create next react; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_seen_subcommand_from create;" -a 'next' -d 'new Next.js project'
complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds_without_create next react; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_seen_subcommand_from create;" -a 'react' -d 'new React project'
complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_use_subcommand" -a 'upgrade' -d 'Upgrade bun to the latest version' -x
complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_use_subcommand" -a '--help' -d 'See all commands and flags' -x
complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_use_subcommand" -l "version" -s "v" -a '--version' -d 'Bun\'s version' -x
complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_use_subcommand" -a 'discord' -d 'Open bun\'s Discord server' -x
complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds_without_bun; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); __fish_use_subcommand" -a 'bun' -d 'Generate a new bundle'
complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds_without_bun; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_seen_subcommand_from bun" -F -d 'Bundle this'
complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds_without_create; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins); and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_seen_subcommand_from react; or __fish_seen_subcommand_from next" -F -d "Create in directory"
complete -c bun \
-n "bun_fish_is_nth_token 1; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts) and __bun_command_count 1 and __fish_use_subcommand" -a 'init' -F -d 'Start an empty Bun project'
complete -c bun \
-n "bun_fish_is_nth_token 1; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts) and __bun_command_count 1 and __fish_use_subcommand" -a 'install' -f -d 'Install packages from package.json'
complete -c bun \
-n "bun_fish_is_nth_token 1; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts) and __bun_command_count 1 and __fish_use_subcommand" -a 'add' -F -d 'Add a package to package.json'
complete -c bun \
-n "bun_fish_is_nth_token 1; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts) and __bun_command_count 1 and __fish_use_subcommand" -a 'remove' -F -d 'Remove a package from package.json'
complete -c bun \
-n "bun_fish_is_nth_token 1; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts) and __bun_command_count 1 and __fish_use_subcommand add remove" -F
for i in (seq (count $bun_install_boolean_flags))
complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds_without_pm; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_seen_subcommand_from install add remove;" -l "$bun_install_boolean_flags[$i]" -d "$bun_install_boolean_flags_descriptions[$i]"
complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds_without_pm; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_seen_subcommand_from install add remove;" -l 'cwd' -d 'Change working directory'
complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds_without_pm; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_seen_subcommand_from install add remove;" -l 'cache-dir' -d 'Choose a cache directory (default: $HOME/.bun/install/cache)'
complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds_without_pm; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_seen_subcommand_from add;" -d 'Popular' -a '(__fish__get_bun_packages)'
complete -c bun \
-n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds_without_pm; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts); and __fish_seen_subcommand_from add;" -d 'History' -a '(__history_completions)'
complete -c bun \
-n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from pm; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts) cache;" -a 'bin ls cache hash hash-print hash-string' -f
complete -c bun \
-n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from pm; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from cache; and not __fish_seen_subcommand_from (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts);" -a 'rm' -f
complete -c bun -n "not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $bun_builtin_cmds (__fish__get_bun_bins) (__fish__get_bun_scripts)" -a "$bun_builtin_cmds" -f

View File

@ -22,9 +22,13 @@ if type -q cargo
abbr -ga c cargo abbr -ga c cargo
end end
if type -q cargo-fuzz
abbr -ga fuzz rustup run nightly cargo fuzz
# configure cat replacement # configure cat replacement
if type -q bat if type -q batcat
abbr -ga cat bat abbr -ga cat batcat
set -x BAT_THEME 'Monokai Extended' set -x BAT_THEME 'Monokai Extended'
end end

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# This file contains fish universal variable definitions. # This file contains fish universal variable definitions.
# VERSION: 3.0 # VERSION: 3.0
SETUVAR __fish_initialized:3100 SETUVAR __fish_initialized:3400
SETUVAR fish_color_autosuggestion:555\x1ebrblack SETUVAR fish_color_autosuggestion:555\x1ebrblack
SETUVAR fish_color_cancel:\x2dr SETUVAR fish_color_cancel:\x2dr
SETUVAR fish_color_command:005fd7 SETUVAR fish_color_command:005fd7
@ -30,3 +30,4 @@ SETUVAR fish_pager_color_completion:\x1d
SETUVAR fish_pager_color_description:B3A06D\x1eyellow SETUVAR fish_pager_color_description:B3A06D\x1eyellow
SETUVAR fish_pager_color_prefix:white\x1e\x2d\x2dbold\x1e\x2d\x2dunderline SETUVAR fish_pager_color_prefix:white\x1e\x2d\x2dbold\x1e\x2d\x2dunderline
SETUVAR fish_pager_color_progress:brwhite\x1e\x2d\x2dbackground\x3dcyan SETUVAR fish_pager_color_progress:brwhite\x1e\x2d\x2dbackground\x3dcyan
SETUVAR fish_pager_color_selected_background:\x2dr

View File

@ -31,5 +31,8 @@ required = true
[init] [init]
defaultBranch = main defaultBranch = main
defaultRemoteName = o
[include] [include]
path = ~/.gitconfig.user path = ~/.gitconfig.user

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
name = "image-blocks"
scope = "source.image-blocks"
file-types = ["ibl"]
roots = []
comment-token = ";"
indent = { tab-width = 4, unit = " " }
# language-server = { command = "image-blocks-viewer" }
name = "image-blocks"
source.path = "/home/ludens/Code/tree-sitter-image-blocks"
name = "zig"
name = "lldb-vscode"
transport = "stdio"
command = "lldb-vscode-17"
name = "binary"
request = "launch"
completion = [{ name = "binary", completion = "filename" }]
args = { program = "{0}", initCommands = []}
name = "markdown"
language-server = { command = "ltex-ls" }
name = "git-commit"
language-server = { command = "ltex-ls" }

View File

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ ln -sbv "$DIR/config/fish" ~/.config/
echo -e "\n\t${BOLD}Text editors...${NC}\n" echo -e "\n\t${BOLD}Text editors...${NC}\n"
ln -sbv "$DIR/config/vimrc" ~/.vimrc ln -sbv "$DIR/config/vimrc" ~/.vimrc
ln -sbv "$DIR/config/helix/config.toml" ~/.config/helix/config.toml ln -sbv "$DIR/config/helix/config.toml" ~/.config/helix/config.toml
ln -sbv "$DIR/config/helix/languages.toml" ~/.config/helix/languages.toml
ln -sbv "$DIR/config/helix/themes/" ~/.config/helix/ ln -sbv "$DIR/config/helix/themes/" ~/.config/helix/
# Terminal Config # Terminal Config