
37 lines
860 B

accounts = main
pythonfile = ~/
[Account main]
localrepository = main-local
remoterepository = main-remote
# full refresh, in min
autorefresh = 0.2
# quick refreshs between each full refresh
quick = 10
# update notmuch index after sync
postsynchook = notmuch new
[Repository main-local]
type = Maildir
localfolders = ~/.mail
# delete remote mails that were deleted locally
sync_deletes = yes
[Repository main-remote]
type = IMAP
remoteport = 1143
remotehost =
remoteusereval = get_account('main-email', 'user')
remotepasseval = get_account('main-email', 'password')
keepalive = 60
holdconnectionopen = yes
# delete local mails that were deleted on the remote server
expunge = yes
# sync only these folders
folderfilter = folder_filter
nametrans = folder_rename
ssl = no
starttls = yes
sslcacertfile = ~/.mailcert.pem