Gwen Lofman 4303e26f2a
Re-arrange git config
Moved more things from my global gitconfig to user config where it
feels appropriate.
2022-12-22 20:32:06 -05:00

64 lines
1.7 KiB

name = Gwen Lofman
email =
signingkey = 4DB217ABEC8E37B0
gpgSign = true
gpgSign = true
editor = "hx"
pager = delta --dark
# "Custom" commands
# diff against characters instead of lines
diff-words = diff --word-diff
dw = !git diff-words
# unstage files from the staging index
unstage = reset HEAD --
uns = !git unstage
# fixup last few commits
fixup = rebase -i origin/
fx = !git fixup
# Grab a remote branch and track it
get = checkout --track
# abbreviated commands
st = status -sbu
sts = status
ci = commit -v
am = commit -v --amend
cnv = commit -v --no-verify
br = branch -vv
co = checkout
rb = rebase
ap = add -p
ps = push
pu = pull
ds = diff --stat
dc = diff --cached
# logging commands
# pretty format
his = log --pretty=\"%C(auto)[%h:%ad] %s%d \" --date=short
# long pretty format
lgl = log --pretty=\"%C(auto)[%h:%ad] %an %d%n%s%n%w(72,4,4)%b\" --date=short --graph --decorate
lg = !git his --decorate --graph # full short log
lgs = !git his -5 # log only the last five commits
lst = !git lg --stat # log including which files changed
lpa = !git lg -p # log including every individual changed line
last = !git lgl -1 --patch # show everything about the head commit
lgh = !git lgl -1 --stat
lgt = !git lg --all --simplify-by-decoration # show relationships between branches
sl = !git lgs && git st # show stats and last 5 commits
# file logging commands
fl = !git his --follow -- # commits including desired files
fll = !git lgl --follow -- # long-format commits
fst = !git lst --follow -- # stat-style commits
fpa = !git lpa --follow -- # full patch commits