#!/usr/bin/env bash # Rebuilds tag_*.html files # if no arguments given, rebuilds all of them # if arguments given, they should have this format: # "FILE1 [FILE2 [...]]" "TAG1 [TAG2 [...]]" # where FILEn are files with posts which should be used for rebuilding tags, # and TAGn are names of tags which should be rebuilt. # example: # rebuild_tags "one_post.html another_article.html" "example-tag another-tag" # mind the quotes! declare prefix_tags declare cut_do declare cut_line declare template_read_more declare template_tag_title declare global_title declare global_author rebuild_tags() { if (($# < 2)); then # will process all files and tags files=$(ls -t ./*.html) all_tags=yes else # will process only given files and tags files=$(printf '%s\n' "$1" | sort -u) # shellcheck disable=SC2086 # Intended splitting of $files files=$(ls -t $files) tags=$2 fi echo -n "Rebuilding tag pages " #n=0 if [[ -n $all_tags ]]; then rm ./"$prefix_tags"*.html &>/dev/null else for i in $tags; do rm "./$prefix_tags$i.html" &>/dev/null done fi # First we will process all files and create temporal tag files # with just the content of the posts tmpfile=tmp.$RANDOM while [[ -f $tmpfile ]]; do tmpfile=tmp.$RANDOM; done while IFS='' read -r i; do is_boilerplate_file "$i" && continue echo -n "." if [[ -n $cut_do ]]; then get_html_file_content 'entry' 'entry' 'cut' <"$i" | awk "/$cut_line/ { print \"


\" ; next } 1" else get_html_file_content 'entry' 'entry' <"$i" fi >"$tmpfile" for tag in $(tags_in_post "$i"); do if [[ -n $all_tags || " $tags " == *" $tag "* ]]; then cat "$tmpfile" >>"$prefix_tags$tag".tmp.html fi done done <<<"$files" rm "$tmpfile" # Now generate the tag files with headers, footers, etc while IFS='' read -r i; do tagname=${i#./"$prefix_tags"} tagname=${tagname%.tmp.html} create_html_page "$i" "$prefix_tags$tagname.html" yes "$global_title — $template_tag_title \"$tagname\"" "$global_author" rm "$i" done < <(ls -t ./"$prefix_tags"*.tmp.html 2>/dev/null) echo }