# phpub2twtxt An php interface for publishing microblogposts to your selfhosted [twtxt.txt](https://github.com/buckket/twtxt) ![Screenshot](screenshot.png) ## Setup and use 1. Upload the files to you webserver via ftp - index.html - the UI for the app - config.php - the backend that writes to you txt file - twtxt.txt 2. Edit config.php - add the location of you twtxt.txt file - you can place the file in and other folder that the files like "../twtxt.txt" to get it in the root of your URL - default: twtxt.txt 3. Navigate to www.yourdomain.net/phpub2twtxt/index.php in you web browser and start microblogging. 4. Tell the world to check out you awesome micro blog at www.yourdomain.net/twtxt.txt 5. If you want/need to edit or delete you posts then you need to log in via ftp and just edit your text file. ## WARNING! **There is no build-in access control, so whoever know the URL of where you uploade these files will have the power to post as you to your twtxt.txt-file!!!!** **Use of this software is totally at one's own risk!!!** ## Issues * Security / login - [ ] using access restriction to the folder via cPanel - [ ] integrat it into yellow cms - [ ] using some (other) .htaccess or .htpasswd magic * Missing line break depending on how the file was left the last time - [x] add the line break as the first thing - [ ] check for line breaks at EOF before writing ## Ideas * Combine into just one .php file insted of two (UI and backend) * Find a better name, such as - phpost - picopub - picopost - twtpub - nanopub * Make a gif like: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gabrieldejesus/register-with-txt/master/web-preview.gif * Integrate with a nice render of twtxt - https://github.com/hxii/picoblog - https://github.com/schulle4u/yellow-extensions-schulle4u/tree/master/ticker - https://github.com/Zegnat/site-notxte - https://github.com/my5t3ry/twi # Meta Code based on [register-with-txt by Gabriel de Jesus](https://github.com/gabrieldejesus/register-with-txt) and bits of php to make it write just one line of twtxt compliant data at a time. Distributed under the MIT License. See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for more information.