
193 lines
6.8 KiB

import os.path
import uuid
import subprocess
import base64
import magic
from django import forms
from django.shortcuts import render, redirect
from django.utils.crypto import constant_time_compare
from haystack.views import SearchView, search_view_factory
from haystack.query import SearchQuerySet
from haystack.forms import SearchForm
from whispermaphone import settings
from .models import Thought, ThoughtForm, ALLOWED_MEDIA_TYPES
from .pagination import get_all_pages, get_page_slug
def check_authenticated(request):
authenticated = False
if constant_time_compare(request.COOKIES["password"], settings.PASSWORD):
authenticated = True
except KeyError:
return authenticated
def index(request):
authenticated = check_authenticated(request)
highlighted_uuid = uuid.UUID(request.GET.get("show", ""))
except ValueError:
highlighted_uuid = ""
## Figure out what page we're viewing
pages = get_all_pages()
requested_slug = request.GET.get("page", default="")
# show=uuid takes priority over page
if highlighted_uuid:
highlighted_thought = Thought.objects.get(uuid=highlighted_uuid)
requested_slug = get_page_slug(highlighted_thought)
except Thought.DoesNotExist:
# When we get here, either:
# no slug was passed, requested_slug is ""
# a valid highlighted_uuid was passed, requested_slug is the slug of that page
# requested_slug is an invalid slug
# requested_slug is a valid slug
# First item in pages should be listed first
requested_page = pages[0]
for p in pages:
if p.slug == requested_slug:
requested_page = p
thoughts = requested_page.get_all_entries()
return render(request, "thoughts/index.html", {
"thoughts": thoughts,
"highlighted": highlighted_uuid,
"authenticated": authenticated,
"pages": pages,
"current_page_slug": requested_page.slug,
"first_page": requested_page == pages[0] # if you're viewing the first page
def login(request):
if check_authenticated(request):
return redirect("post")
if request.method == "POST":
if constant_time_compare(request.POST["password"], settings.PASSWORD):
res = redirect("post")
res.set_cookie("password", request.POST["password"], max_age=60*60*24*365) # 1 year
return res
# Returning 401 here causes `links` to always prompt for HTTP basic auth, which is annoying.
# But the alternative is not following the HTTP spec, so I think this is fine.
return render(request, "thoughts/login.html", status=401)
def post(request):
if not check_authenticated(request):
return redirect("login")
editing = request.GET.get("editing", None)
editing_thought = Thought.objects.get(uuid=editing)
editing_thought.timezone_offset = - editing_thought.timezone_offset / 60
except Thought.DoesNotExist:
editing_thought = None
if request.method == "POST":
# We post in hours, so we need to convert back to minutes for saving
# We can pass errors since form.is_valid catches most of them
# We just need to convert hours to minutes first, because otherwise it errors on non-integer values
values = request.POST.copy()
values["timezone_offset"] = - float(values["timezone_offset"]) * 60
except (ValueError, KeyError):
thought_form = ThoughtForm(values, request.FILES, instance=editing_thought or Thought())
if not thought_form.is_valid():
errors = thought_form.errors.as_data()
# Media formatting errors
problem_field = list(errors.keys())[0]
message = list(errors.values())[0][0].messages[0]
error_line = f"{problem_field[0].upper()}{problem_field[1:]}: {message}"
error_line = f"An unknown error occurred processing your request: {errors}"
return render(request, "thoughts/post.html", {
"form": thought_form,
"form_error": error_line
}, status=400)
if editing_thought:
thought = editing_thought
# Create a thought object we can work with
# But don't save it the DB yet
thought = thought_form.save(commit=False)
# Do media processing (already validated)
if "media" in request.FILES:
chunk = next(thought.media.chunks(chunk_size=2048))
media_type = magic.from_buffer(chunk, mime="True")
thought.media.name = f"{thought.uuid}.{ALLOWED_MEDIA_TYPES[media_type]}"
if media_type == "audio/x-m4a" or media_type == "audio/x-hx-aac-adts":
# This is a hack-fix because I want to be able to upload audio
# In the future, this should be refactored to convert file types
# using ffmpeg.js on the client side (so there are 0 security concerns)
# and then the backend just has to check a 3 item whitelist
thought.save() # Save so that we have a file to work with
"-i", thought.media.path,
"-codec:a", "mp3", "-vn",
os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, f"{thought.uuid}.mp3")
], check=True)
os.remove(os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, thought.media.name)) # Remove the original file
thought.media.name = f"{thought.uuid}.mp3" # Update the file in the DB
# We need to make sure that if we remove an image, the alt text is removed with it
if not thought.media:
thought.media_alt = ""
# Save for real
# Redirect to the same page, so that we make a GET request to /post
if editing_thought:
return redirect(editing_thought)
return redirect("post")
return render(request, "thoughts/post.html", {
"form": ThoughtForm(instance=editing_thought) if editing_thought else ThoughtForm(),
"editing": not not editing_thought,
def about(request):
return render(request, "thoughts/about.html", {
"authenticated": check_authenticated(request)
class ThoughtsSearchForm(SearchForm):
q = forms.CharField(
widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={"type": "search", "placeholder": "Search query"}),
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
search = search_view_factory(