import GeminiServer from "./GeminiServer.js"; import StaticHandler from "./handlers/static.js"; import DefaultHandler from "./handlers/default.js"; import ReverseProxyHandler from "./handlers/revproxy.js"; // import {, staticFileHandler} from "./main.js"; // If you'r going to be reverse-proxying a server with a self-signed cert, you need process.env.NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED = 0; const server = new GeminiServer({ // port: 1965 //Option 1 (a single hostname): hostname: "localhost", key: "private-key.pem", cert: "public-cert.pem", //Option 2 (if you want virtual hosting) /*host: [ { hostnames: ["localhost", ""], key: "private-key.pem", cert: "public-cert.pem" }, { hostnames: ["MacBookGamma.local"], key: "mac-gamma-key.pem", cert: "mac-gamma-pub-cert.pem", }, { hostnames: ["*"], key: "private-key.pem", cert: "ex-public-cert.pem" } ]*/ }); //Registering a path with a string returns the string as Gemini text server.registerPath("localhost/", "### Hello, world"); //Anything before the first slash is a domain name and is used in SNI matching if you passed the `host` option // server.registerPath("MacBookGamma.local/", "### Hello from my Mac!"); // server.registerPath("", "Hello, world."); //Wild-card domains are supported like they are by TLS, only one "*" and it must be first. //Wild-card's aren't supported in paths or anywhere else // server.registerPath("*", "This is a catch-all domain"); //You can subclass DefaultHandler, which has a .handle method, that takes a url and a basePath //You have to provide the entire response including content type class ExampleHandler extends DefaultHandler { constructor() { super(); } handle(url, basePath) { return "20 text/txt\r\nHello, World\r\n"; } } server.registerPath("localhost/allFiles", new ExampleHandler()); // We will provide some convenient handlers for static, CGI, and reverse proxy //if the passed file is a single file, it's a file. If it's a directory, all sub-files are auto-included server.registerPath("localhost/static/about.gmi", new StaticHandler("README.gmi" /*, {options}*/)); server.registerPath("localhost/static", new StaticHandler("static/" /*, {options}*/)); // server.registerPath("localhost/static", new StaticHandler("/tmp/yourmom/" /*, {options}*/)); //The file passed to CGI handler must exist and be executable at run time //You know what, CGIHandler hashes the file //No dynamically generated or changed CGI files //No enabling CGI running for a certain file extension //No enabling CGI running for a certain path. This must take a single file //500 CGI files, you better write 500 registerPath's (or write a custom handler) // server.registerPath("localhost/run", CGIhandler("/path/to/")); //Kinda cursed but whatever // server.registerPath("localhost/thoughts", proxyHandler("gemini://localhost:8888")); server.registerPath("/blaseball", new ReverseProxyHandler("localhost:1973")); server.registerPath("/thoughts", new ReverseProxyHandler(""));;