#!/usr/bin/env bash # first argument of the script is Xapian version (e.g. 1.2.19) VERSION=$1 # prepare mkdir $VIRTUAL_ENV/packages && cd $VIRTUAL_ENV/packages CORE=xapian-core-$VERSION BINDINGS=xapian-bindings-$VERSION # download echo "Downloading source..." curl -O https://oligarchy.co.uk/xapian/$VERSION/${CORE}.tar.xz curl -O https://oligarchy.co.uk/xapian/$VERSION/${BINDINGS}.tar.xz # extract echo "Extracting source..." tar xf ${CORE}.tar.xz tar xf ${BINDINGS}.tar.xz # install echo "Installing Xapian-core..." cd $VIRTUAL_ENV/packages/${CORE} ./configure --prefix=$VIRTUAL_ENV && make && make install PYV=`python -c "import sys;t='{v[0]}'.format(v=list(sys.version_info[:1]));sys.stdout.write(t)";` if [ $PYV = "2" ]; then PYTHON_FLAG=--with-python else PYTHON_FLAG=--with-python3 fi if [ $VERSION = "1.3.3" ]; then XAPIAN_CONFIG=$VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/xapian-config-1.3 else XAPIAN_CONFIG= fi # The bindings for Python require python-sphinx echo "Installing Python-Sphinx..." pip install sphinx echo "Installing Xapian-bindings..." cd $VIRTUAL_ENV/packages/${BINDINGS} ./configure --prefix=$VIRTUAL_ENV $PYTHON_FLAG XAPIAN_CONFIG=$XAPIAN_CONFIG && make && make install # clean cd $VIRTUAL_ENV rm -rf $VIRTUAL_ENV/packages # test echo "Testing Xapian..." python -c "import xapian"