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Primary Authors:
* David Sauve
Thanks to:
* Daniel Lindsley for the awesome Haystack API and putting up with all of my questions.
* Trapeze Media <http://www.trapeze.com/> for providing time and resources to complete this project as well as Q&A.
* Richard Boulton for answering questions regarding the Xapian python bindings and API.
* The Xapian team for creating and releasing under the GPL, such a great search engine.
* Supreet Sethi for suggestions regarding morphologic date comparisons and for fixing NOT query expressions.
* Joshua Jonah for changes to highlighting logic to avoid reserved words.
* Jannis Leidel for setting up the code base for pip, easy_install and PyPI.
* Erik Aigner for the initial patch to get_identifier changes.
* Travis Cline for the initial patch to support SQ objects in Haystack.
* wshallum for a patch that makes date facets compatible with Python 2.4
* askfor for reporting issues with narrow_queries and float fields.