added more necessary installer config files

This commit is contained in:
sose 2020-09-04 21:32:29 -07:00
parent ea59cc9010
commit 71e2c6d6dd
8 changed files with 480 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: no
# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
# Bootloader configuration. The bootloader is installed to allow
# the system to start (and pick one of the installed operating
# systems to run).
# Define which bootloader you want to use for EFI installations
# Possible options are 'grub', 'sb-shim' and 'systemd-boot'.
efiBootLoader: "grub"
# systemd-boot configuration files settings, set kernel and initramfs file names
# and amount of time before default selection boots
kernel: "/vmlinuz-linux"
img: "/initramfs-linux.img"
fallback: "/initramfs-linux-fallback.img"
timeout: "10"
# Optionally set the menu entry name and kernel name to use in systemd-boot.
# If not specified here, these settings will be taken from branding.desc.
# bootloaderEntryName: "Generic GNU/Linux"
# kernelLine: ", with Stable-Kernel"
# fallbackKernelLine: ", with Stable-Kernel (fallback initramfs)"
# GRUB 2 binary names and boot directory
# Some distributions (e.g. Fedora) use grub2-* (resp. /boot/grub2/) names.
# These names are also used when using sb-shim, since that needs some
# GRUB functionality (notably grub-probe) to work. As needed, you may use
# complete paths like `/usr/bin/efibootmgr` for the executables.
grubInstall: "grub-install"
grubMkconfig: "grub-mkconfig"
grubCfg: "/boot/grub/grub.cfg"
grubProbe: "grub-probe"
efiBootMgr: "efibootmgr"
# Optionally set the bootloader ID to use for EFI. This is passed to
# grub-install --bootloader-id.
# If not set here, the value from bootloaderEntryName from branding.desc
# is used, with problematic characters (space and slash) replaced.
# The ID is also used as a directory name within the EFI environment,
# and the bootloader is copied from /boot/efi/EFI/<dirname>/ . When
# setting the option here, keep in mind that the name is sanitized
# (problematic characters, see above, are replaced).
# efiBootloaderId: "dirname"
# Optionally install a copy of the GRUB EFI bootloader as the EFI
# fallback loader (either bootia32.efi or bootx64.efi depending on
# the system). This may be needed on certain systems (Intel DH87MC
# seems to be the only one). If you set this to false, take care
# to add another module to optionally install the fallback on those
# boards that need it.
installEFIFallback: true

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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: no
# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
# Creates /etc/fstab and /etc/crypttab in the target system.
# Also creates mount points for all the filesystems.
# When creating fstab entries for a filesystem, this module
# uses the options for the filesystem type to write to the
# options field of the file.
# Mount options to use for all filesystems. If a specific filesystem
# is listed here, use those options, otherwise use the *default*
# options from this mapping.
default: defaults,noatime
btrfs: defaults,noatime,space_cache,autodefrag
# Mount options to use for the EFI System Partition. If not defined, the
# *mountOptions* for *vfat* are used, or if that is not set either,
# *default* from *mountOptions*.
efiMountOptions: umask=0077
# If a filesystem is on an SSD, add the following options. If a specific
# filesystem is listed here, use those options, otherwise no additional
# options are set (i.e. there is no *default* like in *mountOptions*).
# This example configuration applies the *discard* option to most
# common filesystems on an SSD. This may not be the right option
# for your distribution. If you use a systemd timer to trim the
# SSD, it may interfere with the *discard* option. Opinions vary
# as to whether *discard* is worth the effort -- it depends on
# the usage pattern of the disk as well.
# ssdExtraMountOptions:
# ext4: discard
# jfs: discard
# xfs: discard
# swap: discard
# btrfs: discard,compress=lzo
# The standard configuration applies only lzo compression to btrfs
# and does nothing for other filesystems.
btrfs: compress=lzo
# Additional options added to each line in /etc/crypttab
crypttabOptions: luks
# For Debian and Debian-based distributions, change the above line to:
# crypttabOptions: luks,keyscript=/bin/cat

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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: no
# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
## initramfs module
# This module is specific to Debian based distros. Post installation on Debian
# the initramfs needs to be updated so as to not interrupt the boot process
# with a error about fsck.ext4 not being found.
## Debian specific notes
# If you're using live-build to build your ISO and setup the runtime env
# make sure that you purge the live-\* packages on the target system
# before running this module, since live-config dpkg-diverts update-initramfs
# and can cause all sorts of fun issues.
# There is only one configuration item for this module,
# the kernel to be loaded. This can have the following
# values:
# - empty or unset, interpreted as "all"
# - the literal string "$uname" (without quotes, with dollar),
# which will use the output of `uname -r` to determine the
# running kernel, and use that.
# - any other string.
# Whatever is set, that string is passed as *version* argument to the
# `-k` option of *update-initramfs*. Take care that both "$uname" operates
# in the host system, and might not be correct if the target system is
# updated (to a newer kernel) as part of the installation.
# The default is empty/unset, leading to the behavior from Calamares
# 3.2.9 and earlier which passed "all" as version.
kernel: "all"
# Set this to true to turn off mitigations for lax file
# permissions on initramfs (which, in turn, can compromise
# your LUKS encryption keys, CVS-2019-13179).
be_unsafe: false

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: no
# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
# NOTE: you must have ckbcomp installed and runnable
# on the live system, for keyboard layout previews.
# The name of the file to write X11 keyboard settings to
# The default value is the name used by upstream systemd-localed.
# Relative paths are assumed to be relative to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d
xOrgConfFileName: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf"
# The path to search for keymaps converted from X11 to kbd format
# Leave this empty if the setting does not make sense on your distribution.
convertedKeymapPath: "/lib/kbd/keymaps/xkb"
# Write keymap configuration to /etc/default/keyboard, usually
# found on Debian-related systems.
# Defaults to true if nothing is set.
#writeEtcDefaultKeyboard: true

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@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: no
# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
# These settings are used to set your default system time zone.
# Time zones are usually located under /usr/share/zoneinfo and
# provided by the 'tzdata' package of your Distribution.
# Distributions using systemd can list available
# time zones by using the timedatectl command.
# timedatectl list-timezones
# The starting timezone (e.g. the pin-on-the-map) when entering
# the locale page can be set through keys *region* and *zone*.
# If either is not set, defaults to America/New_York.
# Note that useSystemTimezone and GeoIP settings can change the
# starting time zone.
region: "America"
zone: "New_York"
# Instead of using *region* and *zone* specified above,
# you can use the system's notion of the timezone, instead.
# This can help if your system is automatically configured with
# a sensible TZ rather than chasing a fixed default.
# The default is false.
# useSystemTimezone: true
# Should changing the system location (e.g. clicking around on the timezone
# map) immediately reflect the changed timezone in the live system?
# By default, installers (with a target system) do, and setup (e.g. OEM
# configuration) does not, but you can switch it on here (or off, if
# you think it's annoying in the installer).
# Note that not all systems support live adjustment.
# adjustLiveTimezone: true
# System locales are detected in the following order:
# - /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED
# - localeGenPath (defaults to /etc/locale.gen if not set)
# - `locale -a` output
# Enable only when your Distribution is using a
# custom path for locale.gen
#localeGenPath: "/etc/locale.gen"
# GeoIP based Language settings: Leave commented out to disable GeoIP.
# GeoIP needs a working Internet connection.
# This can be managed from `welcome.conf` by adding
# internet to the list of required conditions. (The welcome
# module can also do its own GeoIP lookups, independently
# of the lookup done here. The lookup in the welcome module
# is used to establish language; this one is for timezone).
# The configuration is in three parts:
# - a *style*, which can be "json" or "xml" depending on the
# kind of data returned by the service, and
# - a *url* where the data is retrieved, and
# - an optional *selector*
# to pick the right field out of the returned data (e.g. field
# name in JSON or element name in XML).
# The default selector (when the setting is blank) is picked to
# work with existing JSON providers (which use "time_zone") and
# Ubiquity's XML providers (which use "TimeZone").
# If the service configured via *url* uses
# a different attribute name (e.g. "timezone") in JSON or a
# different element tag (e.g. "<Time_Zone>") in XML, set the
# selector to the name or tag to be used.
# In JSON:
# - if the string contains "." characters, this is used as a
# multi-level selector, e.g. "a.b" will select the timezone
# from data "{a: {b: "Europe/Amsterdam" } }".
# - each part of the string split by "." characters is used as
# a key into the JSON data.
# In XML:
# - all elements with the named tag (e.g. all TimeZone) elements
# from the document are checked; the first one with non-empty
# text value is used.
# Special case:
# - the *style* "fixed" is also supported. This ignores the data
# returned from the URL (but the URL must still be valid!)
# and just returns the value of the *selector*.
# An HTTP(S) request is made to *url*. The request should return
# valid data in a suitable format, depending on *style*;
# generally this includes a string value with the timezone
# in <region>/<zone> format. For services that return data which
# does not follow the conventions of "suitable data" described
# below, *selector* may be used to pick different data.
# Suitable JSON data looks like
# ```
# {"time_zone":"America/New_York"}
# ```
# Suitable XML data looks like
# ```
# <Response><TimeZone>Europe/Brussels</TimeZone></Response>
# ```
# To accommodate providers of GeoIP timezone data with peculiar timezone
# naming conventions, the following cleanups are performed automatically:
# - backslashes are removed
# - spaces are replaced with _
# To disable GeoIP checking, either comment-out the entire geoip section,
# or set the *style* key to an unsupported format (e.g. `none`).
# Also, note the analogous feature in src/modules/welcome/welcome.conf.
style: "json"
url: ""
selector: "" # leave blank for the default
# For testing purposes, you could use *fixed* style, to see how Calamares
# behaves in a particular zone:
# geoip:
# style: "fixed"
# url: "" # Still needs to be valid!
# selector: "America/Vancouver" # this is the selected zone

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: no
# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
# Machine-ID and other random data on the target system.
# This module can create a number of "random" things on the target:
# - a systemd machine-id file (hence the name of the Calamares module)
# with a random UUID.
# - a dbus machine-id file (or, optionally, link to the one from systemd)
# - an entropy file
# Whether to create /etc/machine-id for systemd.
systemd: true
# Whether to create /var/lib/dbus/machine-id for D-Bus.
dbus: true
# Whether /var/lib/dbus/machine-id should be a symlink to /etc/machine-id
# (ignored if dbus is false, or if there is no /etc/machine-id to point to).
symlink: true
# Whether to create an entropy file
entropy: false
# Whether to copy entropy from the host
entropy-copy: false

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@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: no
# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
# Systemd services manipulation.
# This module can enable services and targets for systemd
# (if packaging doesn't already do that). It can calso
# disable services (but not targets).
# First, services are enabled; then targets; then services
# are disabled -- this order of operations is fixed.
# There are three configuration keys for this module:
# *services*, *targets* and *disable*. The value of each
# key is a list of entries. Each entry has two keys:
# - *name* is the (string) name of the service or target that is being
# changed. Use quotes. Don't include ".target" or ".service"
# in the name.
# - *mandatory* is a boolean option, which states whether the change
# must be done successfully. If systemd reports an error while changing
# a mandatory entry, the installation will fail. When mandatory is false,
# errors for that entry (service or target) are ignored. If mandatory
# is not specified, the default is false.
# An entry may also be given as a single string, which is then
# interpreted as the name of the service. In this case, mandatory
# is also set to the default of false.
# Use [] to express an empty list.
# # This example enables NetworkManager (and fails if it can't),
# # disables cups (and ignores failure). Then it enables the
# # graphical target (e.g. so that SDDM runs for login), and
# # finally disables pacman-init (an ArchLinux-only service).
# #
# # Enables <name>.service
# services:
# - name: "NetworkManager"
# mandatory: true
# - name: "cups"
# mandatory: false
# # Enables <name>.target
# targets:
# - name: "graphical"
# mandatory: true
# # Disables <name>.service
# disable:
# - name: "pacman-init"
# mandatory: false
# # Disables <name>.target
# # .. this shows how to use just the name
# disable-targets:
# - graphical
# # Masks (stronger version of disable). This section
# # is unusual because you **must** include the suffix
# # (e.g. ".service") as part of the name, so, e.g. to mask
# # NetworkManager (rather than just disable it) you must
# # specify "NetworkManager.service" as name.
# mask:
# - name: "NetworkManager.service"
# - mandatory: true
# By default, no changes are made.
services: []
targets: []
disable: []
disable-targets: []
mask: []

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@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: no
# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
# Unsquash / unpack a filesystem. Multiple sources are supported, and
# they may be squashed or plain filesystems.
# Configuration:
# from globalstorage: rootMountPoint
# from job.configuration: the path to where to mount the source image(s)
# for copying an ordered list of unpack mappings for image file <->
# target dir relative to rootMountPoint.
# Each list item is unpacked, in order, to the target system.
# Each list item has the following **mandatory** attributes:
# - *source* path relative to the live / intstalling system to the image
# - *sourcefs* the type of the source files; valid entries are
# - `ext4` (copies the filesystem contents)
# - `squashfs` (unsquashes)
# - `file` (copies a file or directory)
# - (may be others if mount supports it)
# - *destination* path relative to rootMountPoint (so in the target
# system) where this filesystem is unpacked. It may be an
# empty string, which effectively is / (the root) of the target
# system.
# Each list item **optionally** can include the following attributes:
# - *exclude* is a list of values that is expanded into --exclude
# arguments for rsync (each entry in exclude gets its own --exclude).
# - *excludeFile* is a single file that is passed to rsync as an
# --exclude-file argument. This should be a full pathname
# inside the **host** filesystem.
# Usually you list a filesystem image to unpack; you can use
# squashfs or an ext4 image. An empty destination is equivalent to "/",
# the root of the target system. The destination directory must exist
# in the target system.
# - source: "/path/to/filesystem.sqfs"
# sourcefs: "squashfs"
# destination: ""
# Multiple entries are unpacked in-order; if there is more than one
# item then only the first must exist beforehand -- it's ok to
# create directories with one unsquash and then to use those
# directories as a target from a second unsquash.
# - source: "/path/to/another/filesystem.img"
# sourcefs: "ext4"
# destination: ""
# - source: "/path/to/another/filesystem2.img"
# sourcefs: "ext4"
# destination: "/usr/lib/extra"
# You can list filesystem source paths relative to the Calamares run
# directory, if you use -d (this is only useful for testing, though).
# - source: ./example.sqfs
# sourcefs: squashfs
# destination: ""
# You can list individual files (copied one-by-one), or directories
# (the files inside this directory are copied directly to the destination,
# so no "dummycpp/" subdirectory is created in this example).
# Do note that the target directory must exist already (e.g. from
# extracting some other filesystem).
# - source: ../CHANGES
# sourcefs: file
# destination: "/tmp/derp"
# - source: ../src/modules/dummycpp
# sourcefs: file
# destination: "/tmp/derp"
# The *destination* and *source* are handed off to rsync, so the semantics
# of trailing slashes apply. In order to *rename* a file as it is
# copied, specify one single file (e.g. CHANGES) and a full pathname
# for its destination name, as in the example below.
- source: "/dev/loop0"
sourcefs: squashfs
destination: ""