
78 lines
2.0 KiB
Executable File

# for convenience
alias ?=test
# Global list of dependencies
# The bash function check returns true, 0,
# when recompilation is needed.
# it also sets a variable called DEPS.
# DEPS is a useful variable that holds a list of
# all dependencies, so you can write
# check bin src1.c src2.c src3.c && $CC -o bin $DEPS
# Usage: check executable bar.c foo.c lib.c etc.c
# resets the DEPS list
# at 1st, assume we don't need to recompile
# if the 1st file don't even exist, return true
# in this case, we don't return 0 yet, because
# we need to set the DEPS variable
? ! -f "$1" && ret=0
# for each given argument
for file in $@;{
# skip 1st arg, because the 1st arg
# is the very object file to be compiled
? "$file" == "$1" && continue
# appends to DEPS.
DEPS="$DEPS $file"
# if the file doesn't exists, print err.
? ! -f "$file" && echo -e \
"\x1b[33;41m" \
"$file doesn\'t exist" \
"\x1b[0m" && break
# but if it is newer than the 1st arg return 0
? "$file" -nt "$1" && ret=0 && break;
return $ret
# The function contains returns true, 0 in bash,
# if the argsarray contains the word.
# usage: contains word argsarray
# this is probably not the best way to do it,
# but its the way I know, and it works.
echo "$(echo $@ | cut -c $((${#1}+2))-)" |\
grep "$1" > /dev/null && return 0
return 1
# handles cook -f file
[[ "$#" == "2" ]] &&\
[[ "$1" == "-f" ]] &&\
[[ -e "$2" ]] &&\
. "$2" &&\
exit 0
# handles cook -n template
[[ "$#" == "2" ]] &&\
[[ "$1" == "-n" ]] &&\
[[ -e "$CFGDIR/$2" ]] &&\
cp "$CFGDIR/$2" "cookbook" &&\
exit 0
# handles cook [args]
[[ -e "./cookbook" ]] &&\
echo "running ./cookbook" &&\
. "./cookbook" $@ &&\
exit 0
# handles everything else
echo -en "usage:\n\tcook [-f cookbook] [-n template]\n" &&\
exit 0