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;;;; A Very Tiny Pretty Printer (VtPP) for Mini-Scheme
;;; Date written 28-Nov-1989 by Akira Kida
;;; Date revised 24-Jan-1990 by Atsushi Moriwaki
;;; Date revised 17-May-1994 by Akira Kida
;; Columns of display device.
(define *pp-display-width* 80)
;; Margin of display-width
;; 8 means 80% of *pp-display-width*, i.e., if *pp-display-width* is
;; set to 80, the result is 64. The prety-print procedure will watch
;; for the current output column, and if the output seem to exceed
;; this limit, it tries to insert newlines somewhere in the current
;; sub-list. However, sometimes this may fail, and output may get even
;; longer than *pp-display-width*. This is a feature, not a bug. :-)
(define *pp-display-margin* 8)
;; Number of elements will possibly be displayed in one line.
;; pretty-print will never display more then this number of elements
;; on a single physical line. There is no feature around this. :-)
(define *pp-display-elements* 12)
;;; print n spaces
(define (spaces n)
(if (positive? n)
(display " ")
(spaces (- n 1)))))
;;; get definition of a procedure or a macro
(define (getd symbol)
(if (not (symbol? symbol))
(error "getd: expects symbol value"))
(let ((code (eval symbol)))
;; since a closure is also a macro, we should check macro first.
((macro? code)
(let ((def (get-closure-code code)))
(cons 'macro (list symbol def))))
((closure? code)
(let ((def (get-closure-code code)))
(cons symbol (car (cdr def)))
(cdr (cdr def))))))
;; if symbol is not a macro nor closure,
;; we shall generate error function call code.
(list 'error "Not a S-Expression procedure:" (list 'quote symbol))))))
;;; pretty printer main procedure
(define (pretty-print a-list)
; List of procedures which need exceptional handling.
; Structure or each element in the list is
; (name . special-indentation)
; where name is a symbol and
; special-indentation is an integer.
; #1 Standard format, non special case.
; (proc
; arg1
; arg2
; arg3)
; #2 Format for special-indentation == 0
; (proc arg1
; arg2
; arg3)
; #3 Format for special-indentation == 1
; (proc arg1
; arg2
; arg3)
; #4 Format for let style = 2
; (let ((x .....)
; (y .....))
; <....>
; <....>)
(define exception
'((lambda . 0) (if . 0) (and . 1)
(or . 1) (let . 2) (case . 0)
(define . 0) (macro . 0)
(map . 0) (apply . 0)
(eq? . 1) (eqv? . 1) (set! . 0)
(let* . 2) (letrec . 2)
(* . 1) (/ . 1) (+ . 1) (- . 1)
(= . 1) (< . 1) (> . 1) (<= . 1) (>= . 1)
(do . 2)
(call-with-input-file . 0) (call-with-output-file . 0)))
; special quote abbrev.
(define special
'((quote 1 . "'") (quasiquote 1 . "`")
(unquote 2 . ",") (unquote-splicing 2 . ",@")))
; calculate appropriate margins
(define pp-margin (/ (* *pp-display-width* *pp-display-margin*) 10))
; check whether the number of elements exceeds n or not.
(define (less-than-n-elements? a-list n)
; count elements in a-list at most (n+1)
(define (up-to-nth a-list n c)
((null? a-list) c)
((pair? a-list)
(set! c (up-to-nth (car a-list) n c))
(if (< n c)
(up-to-nth (cdr a-list) n c)))
(else (+ c 1))))
(< (up-to-nth a-list n 0) n))
; check if the length is fit within n columns or not.
(define (fit-in-n-width? a-list n)
(< (print-width a-list) n))
; indent and pretty-print
(define (do-pp a-list col)
(spaces col)
(pp-list a-list col 2))
;; main logic.
(define (pp-list a-list col step)
((atom? a-list) (write a-list)) ; atom
((and (assq (car a-list) special)
(pair? (cdr a-list))
(null? (cddr a-list))) ; check for proper quote etc.
(let ((s (assq (car a-list) special)))
(display (cddr s)) ; display using abbrev.
(cadr a-list)
(+ col (- (print-width (cddr s)) 2))
(cadr s))))
((and (less-than-n-elements? a-list *pp-display-elements*)
(fit-in-n-width? a-list (- pp-margin col)))
(display "(")
(do-pp (car a-list) 0)
(pp-args #f (cdr a-list) 1))
(else ; long list.
(let* ((sym (car a-list))
(ex-col (assq sym exception)))
(if (pair? ex-col) ; check for exception.,
(case (cdr ex-col)
((0 1)
(display "(")
(write sym)
(display " ")
(pp-list (cadr a-list) (+ col 2 (print-width sym)) 2)
(cdr (cdr a-list))
(+ col 2 (if (zero? (cdr ex-col)) 0 (print-width sym)))))
(display "(")
(write sym)
(display " ")
(if (symbol? (cadr a-list))
(begin ; named let
(write (cadr a-list))
(display " ")
(caddr a-list)
(+ col 3 (print-width sym) (print-width (cadr a-list)))
(pp-args #t (cdddr a-list) (+ col 2)))
(begin ; usual let
(pp-list (cadr a-list) (+ col 2 (print-width sym)) 1)
(pp-args #t (cddr a-list) (+ col 2)))))
(error "Illegal exception")))
(begin ; normal case.
(display "(")
(pp-list (car a-list) (+ col 1) 2)
(pp-args #t (cdr a-list) (+ col step))))))))
;; display arguments
(define (pp-args nl a-list col)
((null? a-list) (display ")"))
((pair? a-list)
(if nl (newline))
(do-pp (car a-list) col)
(pp-args nl (cdr a-list) col))
(display " . ")
(write a-list)
(display ")"))))
;; main of pretty-print begins here.
(do-pp a-list 0)
;;; pretty print procedure(s)/macro(s).
;;; (pretty 'a-symbol) ; pretty print a procedure or macro
;;; (pretty '(sym1 sym2 ...)) ; pretty print procedures and/or macros
(define (pretty symbols)
(if (pair? symbols)
(lambda (x) (pretty-print (getd x)) (newline))
(pretty-print (getd symbols))))
;;; pretty print user-interface
;;; usage:
;;; (pp sym1 sym2 ...) ; obtain procedure/macro definitions in sequence
;;; Note: pp never evaluate its argument, so you do not have to specify
;;; (pp 'proc-name). Use (pp proc-name) instead.
(macro pp (lambda (pp-macro)
`(pretty ',(cdr pp-macro))))