
107 lines
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// Single line comment
Function that calculates the factorial of a number
define factorial(n:number)
if n > 0
return 0
return factorial(n)
// variables
letter :char = 'n'
string = "toki!"
number = 42
truth:bool = true
var colors:list // initialised to []
let moons = 1 // use let to define immutable variables
// Constants are defined at compile time
debug = true
is_sunday= false
Note i defined is_sunday above and not isSunday?
This is because ante is partially case insensitive and `_` blind.
so is_sunday and isSunday are the same variable
when isSunday // Compile time if statement
print "Another Sunday for you!"
var cupcakes = 3
if cupcakes == 0
print "oh no, we have run out of cupcakes!"
print "Here User, have a cupcake 🧁"
cupcake -= 1
var giftedCupcakes:int
// a for-each loop, note in is a function in(cupcakes) is a equivalent
loop in cupcake
print "Hmm, Hmm, Hmm, here is a cupcake for you 🧁 and you 🧁"
giftedCupcakes += 2
// a while loop is defined like this
var loopTimes = 9
loop loopTimes
print "Hi again!"
loopTimes -=1
import math
life = 42
death = 4
print math.power(life,death)
// function calls
factorial 1
1.factorial() // only for the first argument
// All calls above are equivalent
// case
define makeTea(type:string,sugar:bool,ammount_of_sugar:int)
case type
of "grey"
print "Here is your grey tea🍵"
of "green"
print "Here is your grey tea🍵"
print "Sorry we don't have such tea🍵"
// add sugar (closure)
closure function to add sugar
ammount (g)
define addSugar(ammount)
if ammount == 0
print "Great! tea without sugar is the best"
elif ammount <= 10
print "Here is your sweet tea"
print "No, it's bad for your health to use so much!"
if sugar
addSugar ammountOfSugar