
269 lines
4.9 KiB

import libc { calloc, free }
const MAP_LOAD_FACTOR = 0.9;
const MAP_MIN_SIZE = 8;
global DEFAULT_HASH_FN: HashFn = hash_ptr;
global DEFAULT_KEY_CMP_FN: KeyCmpFn = cmp_ptr;
struct std_map_entry
key, val: void*;
hash: usize;
typedef HashFn = func(key: void*): usize;
typedef KeyCmpFn = func(key: void*, test: void*): bool;
struct std_map
hash_fn: HashFn;
key_cmp_fn: KeyCmpFn;
entries: std_map_entry*;
size: usize;
cap: usize;
mask: usize;
resize_at: usize;
priv func map__ideal_ix(map: std_map*, hash: usize): usize
return hash & map.mask;
priv func map__probe_len(map: std_map*, hash: usize, ix: usize): usize
return (ix + map.cap - map__ideal_ix(map, hash)) & map.mask;
func std_map_entry_is_empty(entry: std_map_entry*): bool
return entry.hash == 0;
func map__entry_clear(m: std_map*, ix: usize)
m.entries[ix].hash = 0;
func std_map_clear(m: std_map*)
if (m.size == 0)
for (i := 0; i < m.cap; i++)
map__entry_clear(m, i);
m.size = 0;
func hash_u64(x: ullong): usize
x *= 0xff51afd7ed558ccd;
x ^= x >> 32;
return x;
func hash_ptr(ptr: void*): usize
return (:usize)(hash_u64((:uintptr)ptr));
func cmp_ptr(key: void*, test: void*): bool
return key == test;
func std_map_init(m: std_map*, hash_fn: HashFn, key_cmp_fn: KeyCmpFn)
m.hash_fn = hash_fn;
m.key_cmp_fn = key_cmp_fn;
func std_map_new(): std_map*
m: std_map* = calloc(1, sizeof(Map));
return m;
func std_map_free(m: std_map*)
priv func map__grow(m: std_map*, new_cap: usize)
new_cap = std_usize_max(MAP_MIN_SIZE, new_cap);
new_m: std_map = {
hash_fn = m.hash_fn ? m.hash_fn : DEFAULT_HASH_FN,
key_cmp_fn = m.key_cmp_fn ? m.key_cmp_fn : DEFAULT_KEY_CMP_FN,
entries = calloc(new_cap, sizeof(std_map_entry)),
cap = new_cap,
mask = new_cap - 1,
resize_at = (:usize)((:double)new_cap * MAP_LOAD_FACTOR)
for (i: usize = 0; i < m.cap; i++)
if (!std_map_entry_is_empty(&m.entries[i]))
map__do_insert(&new_m, m.entries[i].key, m.entries[i].val);
*m = new_m;
func std_map__get_hash(m: std_map *, key: void*): usize
hash := m.hash_fn(key);
hash |= (hash == 0); // 0 indicates empty
return hash;
func std_map__find(m: std_map*, key: void*, ix_result: usize*): bool
if (m.size == 0)
return false;
#assert(m.size < m.cap);
hash := std_map__get_hash(m, key);
ix := map__ideal_ix(m, hash);
probe_len: usize = 0;
while (true)
if (m.entries[ix].hash == 0)
return false;
else if (probe_len > map__probe_len(m, m.entries[ix].hash, ix))
// Can early out here because an element with a longer probe count than probe_len would have been swapped on insert
return false;
else if (m.entries[ix].hash == hash && m.key_cmp_fn(m.entries[ix].key, key))
*ix_result = ix;
return true;
ix = (ix + 1) & m.mask;
return false;
func std_map_has_key(m: std_map*, key: void*): bool
ix: usize;
return std_map__find(m, key, &ix);
func std_map_get(m: std_map*, key: void*): void*
ix: usize;
return std_map__find(m, key, &ix) ? m.entries[ix].val : NULL;
func std_map_remove(m: std_map*, key: void*): bool
ix: usize;
if (!std_map__find(m, key, &ix))
return false;
while (true)
prev_ix := ix;
ix = (ix + 1) & m.mask;
if (std_map_entry_is_empty(&m.entries[ix]) || map__probe_len(m, m.entries[ix].hash, ix) == 0)
std_map__entry_clear(m, prev_ix);
m.entries[prev_ix] = m.entries[ix];
return true;
priv func map__create_entry(m: std_map*, ix: usize, hash: usize, key: void*, val: void*)
m.entries[ix].key = key;
m.entries[ix].val = val;
m.entries[ix].hash = hash;
priv func map__do_insert(m: std_map*, key: void*, val: void*)
hash := std_map__get_hash(m, key);
ix := map__ideal_ix(m, hash);
probe_len: usize = 0;
while (true)
if (std_map_entry_is_empty(&m.entries[ix]))
map__create_entry(m, ix, hash, key, val);
else if (m.key_cmp_fn(m.entries[ix].key, key))
m.entries[ix].val = val;
m.entries[ix].hash = hash;
occupant_probe_len := map__probe_len(m, m.entries[ix].hash, ix);
// If occupant is closer to its ideal slot, insert the new item here and continue looking for a slot for the evicted item
if (occupant_probe_len < probe_len)
tmp: std_map_entry = m.entries[ix];
m.entries[ix].key = key;
m.entries[ix].val = val;
m.entries[ix].hash = hash;
key = tmp.key;
val = tmp.val;
hash = tmp.hash;
probe_len = occupant_probe_len;
ix = (ix + 1) & m.mask;
func std_map_put(m: std_map*, key: void*, val: void*)
if (m.resize_at <= m.size)
map__grow(m, 2 * m.cap);
map__do_insert(m, key, val);