publish: May we meet in Heaven Dear Omar Hamza

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murtezayesil 2020-08-22 14:18:31 +06:00
parent 6bd89ebff4
commit 557218d6a6
22 changed files with 537 additions and 184 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
title: May we meet in Heaven Dear Omar Hamza
date: 2020-08-21 20:36
tags: 100DaysToOffload
summary: My unworthy writing about recently deceased friend, Muhammed Omer Hamza.
status: published
hundreddaystooffload: 22
Today is Friday, holy day for Muslims. Sun put on its brightest smile and birds are chirping to turn the day into festive. Unfortunately, not for us. We are going to funeral for our beloved friend __Muhammad Omar Hamza__ who closed his eyes to get some rest during recover after his surgery never to open them again.
I always use my headphones to listen to something while riding a taxi. Today is different. I am thinking of death as we ride to the mosque. I am listening to the bitter feelings as tiers grind over the asphalt. Feeling, as if I am the one in the coffin.
While I am in deep thoughts, we arrived at the mosque. Follow the broken hearts and you shall find the Beautiful Muhammad in whites. It grabbed my attention that he isn't in a coffin. Must be the rush during Covid19. After the prayer, we carried the Glorious Omar to hearse to deliver him to his final home, semi-mixed graveyard for Christians and Muslims. Flat places were taken. Great Hamza is lowered to a grave on slope. Thank god I was lucky enough to carry him to the hearse and put dirt on his grave as we farewell him to his final home. He past away in the abroad country he came to study. His parents couldn't attend to his funeral, so I put a shovel of dirt for each of his parents too.
We left him in his final home in this world, along with angels to question him and ask about his deeds. My prayers are that I can reunite with all the people I love, that includes Muhammad Omar Hamza, and his parents can visit the grave of their son and recite Quran.

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
title: Mezarın Nur, Makamın Cennet Olsun Ömer Hamza
date: 2020-08-21 20:36
tags: Türkçe
summary: Son yolculuğuna uğurladığımız kardeşimiz Muhammed Ömer Hamzaya layık olmayan yazım
status: draft
<!-- lang: tr -->
Bugün Müslimanlar için mübarek olan Cuma günü. Güneş en büyük gülemsemesini kuşanmış ve kuşlar cıvıldaşıp günü bayrama çeviriyorlar. Bizim için değil ne yazık ki. Ameliyattan sonra dinlenmeye çekilipte gözlerini Dünyaya bir daha açmayan kardeşimiz __Muhammed Ömer Hamza__nın cenazesine gidiyoruz.
Her taksiye binişimde kulaklıkları takıp birşeyler dinlerim. Bugün farklı. Taksi bizi camiye götürürken ölümü düşünüyorum. Tekerleklerin asfalt üzerinde gıcırdarken içimde ki burukluğa kulak veriyorum. Sanki tabutta ki benim.
Ben derin düşünceler içindeyken vardık camiye. Kalbi burukları takip et ve beyazlara bürünmüş Güzel Muhammedi bulursun. Dikkatimi çekiyor tabutu yok, kovid19 acelesi heralde. Cenaze namazından sonra Görkemli Ömeri cenaze aracına koyup son evine doğru yol alıyoruz. Hıristiyan Müsliman yarı karışık mezarlık. Düz yerler kapılmış yarı yamaç bir mezara indiriliyor Şanlı Hamza. Şükürler olsun onu son yolculuğa uğurlarken azda olsun taşımak, mezarına kum atmak nasip oldu. Okumak için geldiği yurt dışında vefat edince annesi ve babasına nasip olmadı cenazesine katılmak. Onlar içinde birer kepçe kum attım.
Muhammed Ömer Hamza ile bu Dünya da yollarımız ayrıldı. Onu sorgu melekleri ile başbaşa bıraktık. Dualarımda Muhammed Ömer Hamza dahil bütüm sevdiklerim ile Cennette bir araya gelmek ve ailesinin huzur içinde oğullarının mezarı başında Yasin okumaları var.
Ruhun şah
Mezarın nur
Makamın cennet
Başımız sağ olsun

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
title: Portal 2
date: 2020-08-21 00:00
tags: 100DaysToOffload
summary: One of the finest game of the previous decade
status: draft
hundreddaystooffload: 22

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@ -51,6 +51,8 @@
<h1>Archives for Ali Murteza Yesil</h1> <h1>Archives for Ali Murteza Yesil</h1>
<dl> <dl>
<dt>Fri 21 August 2020</dt>
<dd><a href="">May we meet in Heaven Dear Omar Hamza</a></dd>
<dt>Wed 19 August 2020</dt> <dt>Wed 19 August 2020</dt>
<dd><a href="">Blog in Progress #2</a></dd> <dd><a href="">Blog in Progress #2</a></dd>
<dt>Mon 17 August 2020</dt> <dt>Mon 17 August 2020</dt>

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@ -50,28 +50,41 @@
<aside id="featured" class="body"> <aside id="featured" class="body">
<article> <article>
<h1 class="entry-title"><a href="">Blog in Progress #2</a></h1> <h1 class="entry-title"><a href="">May we meet in Heaven Dear Omar Hamza</a></h1>
<footer class="post-info">
<span>Fri 21 August 2020</span>
<span>| in <a href="">Personal</a></span>
<span>| tags: <a href="">100DaysToOffload</a></span> <span>| Day <strong>22</strong> of #100DaysToOffload</span>
</footer><!-- /.post-info --><p>Today is Friday, holy day for Muslims. Sun put on its brightest smile and birds are chirping to turn the day into festive. Unfortunately, not for us. We are going to funeral for our beloved friend <strong>Muhammad Omar Hamza</strong> who closed his eyes to get some rest during recover after his surgery never to open them again.</p>
<p>I always use my headphones to listen to something while riding a taxi. Today is different. I am thinking of death as we ride to the mosque. I am listening to the bitter feelings as tiers grind over the asphalt. Feeling, as if I am the one in the coffin.</p>
<p>While I am in deep thoughts, we arrived at the mosque. Follow the broken hearts and you shall find the Beautiful Muhammad in whites. It grabbed my attention that he isn't in a coffin. Must be the rush during Covid19. After the prayer, we carried the Glorious Omar to hearse to deliver him to his final home, semi-mixed graveyard for Christians and Muslims. Flat places were taken. Great Hamza is lowered to a grave on slope. Thank god I was lucky enough to carry him to the hearse and put dirt on his grave as we farewell him to his final home. He past away in the abroad country he came to study. His parents couldn't attend to his funeral, so I put a shovel of dirt for each of his parents too.</p>
<p>We left him in his final home in this world, along with angels to question him and ask about his deeds. My prayers are that I can reunite with all the people I love, that includes Muhammad Omar Hamza, and his parents can visit the grave of their son and recite Quran.</p><!-- Comments -->
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<span>Wed 19 August 2020</span> <span>Wed 19 August 2020</span>
<span>| in <a href="">Notes</a></span> <span>| in <a href="">Notes</a></span>
<span>| tags: <a href="">100DaysToOffload</a></span> <span>| Day <strong>21</strong> of #100DaysToOffload</span> <span>| tags: <a href="">100DaysToOffload</a></span> <span>| Day <strong>21</strong> of #100DaysToOffload</span>
</footer><!-- /.post-info --><p>Current theme I use isn't all old school but it isn't responsive enough either. Since I don't want to have external dependencies to other frameworks there will be no Bootstrap import. I am thinking of writing a responsive theme from scratch. Also, I am putting more emphasize on the text size and spacing. which is one of the things I don't like about the current theme. Of course I could change text sizes in blueidea theme but I am feeling itchy for a challenge 😅️</p> </footer><!-- /.post-info --> </div><!-- /.entry-content -->
<p>There is currently nothing to see. It doesn't render anything since bare minimum templates such as base.html and index.html aren't in place yet.</p> </article></li>
<p>This is an ambitious projects since I didn't write any website from scratch before. I only have basic understanding of HTML, CSS, responsive design and <a href="" title="Make Web Accessible for everyone">a11y</a>. Features I implemented into blueidea are held together with band-aids. That is why I didn't made a pull request with my changes to <a href="">blueidea's github repo</a>. This new theme will have those features by design (now that is a selling pitch for something that doesn't exist yet).</p>
<p>Planned features are decided but not yet <strong>TBA</strong></p>
<p>I still didn't fix MP4 MIME type issue. If you are facing that issue, you can download the video via . There is currently only one mp4 video and I am thinking of self hosting a PeerTube instance and embedding videos from the that instead of using limited storage space of server for this blog. </p>
<p><img alt="this is fine gif" src="images/gifs/this_is_fine.gif"></p><!-- Comments -->
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@ -198,22 +211,6 @@
<span>| tags: <a href="">digitalcleansing</a><a href="">music</a><a href="">100DaysToOffload</a></span> <span>| Day <strong>13</strong> of #100DaysToOffload</span> <span>| tags: <a href="">digitalcleansing</a><a href="">music</a><a href="">100DaysToOffload</a></span> <span>| Day <strong>13</strong> of #100DaysToOffload</span>
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<span>Sat 01 August 2020</span>
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@ -191,22 +207,6 @@
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<span>Sun 12 July 2020</span>
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@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
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<h1>Authors on Ali Murteza Yesil</h1> <li><a href="">Ali Murteza Yesil</a> (21)</li> <h1>Authors on Ali Murteza Yesil</h1> <li><a href="">Ali Murteza Yesil</a> (22)</li>
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@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
<h1>Categories on Ali Murteza Yesil</h1> <h1>Categories on Ali Murteza Yesil</h1>
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@ -50,46 +50,41 @@
<aside id="featured" class="body"> <aside id="featured" class="body">
<article> <article>
<h1 class="entry-title"><a href="">Name Everything</a></h1> <h1 class="entry-title"><a href="">May we meet in Heaven Dear Omar Hamza</a></h1>
<footer class="post-info">
<span>Fri 21 August 2020</span>
<span>| in <a href="">Personal</a></span>
<span>| tags: <a href="">100DaysToOffload</a></span> <span>| Day <strong>22</strong> of #100DaysToOffload</span>
</footer><!-- /.post-info --><p>Today is Friday, holy day for Muslims. Sun put on its brightest smile and birds are chirping to turn the day into festive. Unfortunately, not for us. We are going to funeral for our beloved friend <strong>Muhammad Omar Hamza</strong> who closed his eyes to get some rest during recover after his surgery never to open them again.</p>
<p>I always use my headphones to listen to something while riding a taxi. Today is different. I am thinking of death as we ride to the mosque. I am listening to the bitter feelings as tiers grind over the asphalt. Feeling, as if I am the one in the coffin.</p>
<p>While I am in deep thoughts, we arrived at the mosque. Follow the broken hearts and you shall find the Beautiful Muhammad in whites. It grabbed my attention that he isn't in a coffin. Must be the rush during Covid19. After the prayer, we carried the Glorious Omar to hearse to deliver him to his final home, semi-mixed graveyard for Christians and Muslims. Flat places were taken. Great Hamza is lowered to a grave on slope. Thank god I was lucky enough to carry him to the hearse and put dirt on his grave as we farewell him to his final home. He past away in the abroad country he came to study. His parents couldn't attend to his funeral, so I put a shovel of dirt for each of his parents too.</p>
<p>We left him in his final home in this world, along with angels to question him and ask about his deeds. My prayers are that I can reunite with all the people I love, that includes Muhammad Omar Hamza, and his parents can visit the grave of their son and recite Quran.</p><!-- Comments -->
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title="Permalink to Name Everything">Name Everything</a></h1>
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<span>Mon 17 August 2020</span> <span>Mon 17 August 2020</span>
<span>| in <a href="">Personal</a></span> <span>| in <a href="">Personal</a></span>
<span>| tags: <a href="">100DaysToOffload</a></span> <span>| Day <strong>20</strong> of #100DaysToOffload</span> <span>| tags: <a href="">100DaysToOffload</a></span> <span>| Day <strong>20</strong> of #100DaysToOffload</span>
</footer><!-- /.post-info --><p>You probably have a phone and a laptop and possibly even a desktop for heavy duty jobs such as wm ricing. But what do you call those devices? If you have 2 phones how do you differentiate them? If they are the same make, do you use their modal numbers?</p> </footer><!-- /.post-info --> </div><!-- /.entry-content -->
<p>I wanted to solve this non-existing problem for my devices so that when I want to refer to any of them in my blog posts, readers would have a confusing (and in my opinion funny) moment and go "What the heck even is X?" in their head 😜️</p> </article></li>
<h1><a href="" title="An overwhelming or unstoppable force">Juggernaut</a></h1>
<p>My laptop which was low end back in 2017 when I bought it brand new and even lower end now 7nm era.</p>
<p>Model: Lenovo IdeaPad 110 15acl<br>
CPU: AMD A8 7410 - 4 cores each ticking at 2.2GHz<br>
iGPU: AMD R5 - 900MHz 1GB RAM from shared memory<br>
dGPU: AMD R5 - 1050MHz 2GB RAM<br>
RAM: 8GB DDR3 1600MHz<br>
SSD: 240GB with DRAM - Solus OS + swap<br>
HDD: 1TB 5400rpm - Solus OS (for emergency) + Storage</p>
<h1><a href="" title="is our neighboring galaxy">Andromeda</a></h1>
<p>My Android smartphone which is a mid range phone that still rocks after 3 years 👍️<br>
Screen is still healthy even though both its glass surface and protective glass took a good beating thanks to clumsy me. Front speaker and microphone connection of headphone jack stopped working after a recent drop 😐️ I still like this phone and looking forward to using it for another 3 years.</p>
<p>Model: Redmi Note 4 - mido<br>
CPU: SnapDragon 625<br>
RAM: 4GB<br>
Storage: 64GB<br>
Battery: ~3000mAh (was 4100mAh but aged 25% in 3 years)</p>
<h1>Sophisticated Noise Cans</h1>
<p>Model:Redmi Airbuds in-ear Bluetooth earphones</p>
<p>I bought them after dropping phone which caused front speaker to brake and headphone jack's metal piece for microphone come out. I only have it for phone/video calls and it was the only solution that fit into my budget. Without them the only other way to make phone calls is to use loudspeaker which is not always appropriate. Sound quality is good for the price (20$).</p>
<p>What I don't like about Airbuds is the in-ear design. I tried tips with different sizes but my ears still hurt. Not only that they hurt which I can get used to, using in-ear earphones feels like my ears are blocked.</p>
<p>Do you name your devices? What are the creative names you came up for your devices?</p><!-- Comments -->
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output/drafts/portal-2.html Normal file
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<span>Fri 21 August 2020</span>
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<feed xmlns=""><title>Ali Murteza Yesil</title><link href="" rel="alternate"></link><link href="" rel="self"></link><id></id><updated>2020-08-19T12:45:00+06:00</updated><subtitle>Blog</subtitle><entry><title>Blog in Progress #2</title><link href="" rel="alternate"></link><published>2020-08-19T12:45:00+06:00</published><updated>2020-08-19T12:45:00+06:00</updated><author><name>Ali Murteza Yesil</name></author><id>,2020-08-19:/blog-in-progress-2.html</id><summary type="html">&lt;p&gt;I have more ambitious plans for the update to blog's theme. It will take time. I am thinking of few months.&lt;/p&gt;</summary><content type="html">&lt;p&gt;Current theme I use isn't all old school but it isn't responsive enough either. Since I don't want to have external dependencies to other frameworks there will be no Bootstrap import. I am thinking of writing a responsive theme from scratch. Also, I am putting more emphasize on the text size and spacing. which is one of the things I don't like about the current theme. Of course I could change text sizes in blueidea theme but I am feeling itchy for a challenge 😅️&lt;/p&gt; <feed xmlns=""><title>Ali Murteza Yesil</title><link href="" rel="alternate"></link><link href="" rel="self"></link><id></id><updated>2020-08-21T20:36:00+06:00</updated><subtitle>Blog</subtitle><entry><title>May we meet in Heaven Dear Omar Hamza</title><link href="" rel="alternate"></link><published>2020-08-21T20:36:00+06:00</published><updated>2020-08-21T20:36:00+06:00</updated><author><name>Ali Murteza Yesil</name></author><id>,2020-08-21:/may-we-meet-in-heaven-dear-omar-hamza.html</id><summary type="html">&lt;p&gt;My unworthy writing about recently deceased friend, Muhammed Omer Hamza.&lt;/p&gt;</summary><content type="html">&lt;p&gt;Today is Friday, holy day for Muslims. Sun put on its brightest smile and birds are chirping to turn the day into festive. Unfortunately, not for us. We are going to funeral for our beloved friend &lt;strong&gt;Muhammad Omar Hamza&lt;/strong&gt; who closed his eyes to get some rest during recover after his surgery never to open them again.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I always use my headphones to listen to something while riding a taxi. Today is different. I am thinking of death as we ride to the mosque. I am listening to the bitter feelings as tiers grind over the asphalt. Feeling, as if I am the one in the coffin.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;While I am in deep thoughts, we arrived at the mosque. Follow the broken hearts and you shall find the Beautiful Muhammad in whites. It grabbed my attention that he isn't in a coffin. Must be the rush during Covid19. After the prayer, we carried the Glorious Omar to hearse to deliver him to his final home, semi-mixed graveyard for Christians and Muslims. Flat places were taken. Great Hamza is lowered to a grave on slope. Thank god I was lucky enough to carry him to the hearse and put dirt on his grave as we farewell him to his final home. He past away in the abroad country he came to study. His parents couldn't attend to his funeral, so I put a shovel of dirt for each of his parents too.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;We left him in his final home in this world, along with angels to question him and ask about his deeds. My prayers are that I can reunite with all the people I love, that includes Muhammad Omar Hamza, and his parents can visit the grave of their son and recite Quran.&lt;/p&gt;</content><category term="Personal"></category><category term="100DaysToOffload"></category></entry><entry><title>Blog in Progress #2</title><link href="" rel="alternate"></link><published>2020-08-19T12:45:00+06:00</published><updated>2020-08-19T12:45:00+06:00</updated><author><name>Ali Murteza Yesil</name></author><id>,2020-08-19:/blog-in-progress-2.html</id><summary type="html">&lt;p&gt;I have more ambitious plans for the update to blog's theme. It will take time. I am thinking of few months.&lt;/p&gt;</summary><content type="html">&lt;p&gt;Current theme I use isn't all old school but it isn't responsive enough either. Since I don't want to have external dependencies to other frameworks there will be no Bootstrap import. I am thinking of writing a responsive theme from scratch. Also, I am putting more emphasize on the text size and spacing. which is one of the things I don't like about the current theme. Of course I could change text sizes in blueidea theme but I am feeling itchy for a challenge 😅️&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;There is currently nothing to see. It doesn't render anything since bare minimum templates such as base.html and index.html aren't in place yet.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;There is currently nothing to see. It doesn't render anything since bare minimum templates such as base.html and index.html aren't in place yet.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;This is an ambitious projects since I didn't write any website from scratch before. I only have basic understanding of HTML, CSS, responsive design and &lt;a href="" title="Make Web Accessible for everyone"&gt;a11y&lt;/a&gt;. Features I implemented into blueidea are held together with band-aids. That is why I didn't made a pull request with my changes to &lt;a href=""&gt;blueidea's github repo&lt;/a&gt;. This new theme will have those features by design (now that is a selling pitch for something that doesn't exist yet).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;This is an ambitious projects since I didn't write any website from scratch before. I only have basic understanding of HTML, CSS, responsive design and &lt;a href="" title="Make Web Accessible for everyone"&gt;a11y&lt;/a&gt;. Features I implemented into blueidea are held together with band-aids. That is why I didn't made a pull request with my changes to &lt;a href=""&gt;blueidea's github repo&lt;/a&gt;. This new theme will have those features by design (now that is a selling pitch for something that doesn't exist yet).&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Planned features are decided but not yet &lt;strong&gt;TBA&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Planned features are decided but not yet &lt;strong&gt;TBA&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<feed xmlns=""><title>Ali Murteza Yesil - Personal</title><link href="" rel="alternate"></link><link href="" rel="self"></link><id></id><updated>2020-08-17T17:14:00+06:00</updated><subtitle>Blog</subtitle><entry><title>Name Everything</title><link href="" rel="alternate"></link><published>2020-08-17T17:14:00+06:00</published><updated>2020-08-17T17:14:00+06:00</updated><author><name>Ali Murteza Yesil</name></author><id>,2020-08-17:/name-everything.html</id><summary type="html">&lt;p&gt;Finding a suitable name for stuff is both fun and a possible cause of cancer. So, I am naming devices I own.&lt;/p&gt;</summary><content type="html">&lt;p&gt;You probably have a phone and a laptop and possibly even a desktop for heavy duty jobs such as wm ricing. But what do you call those devices? If you have 2 phones how do you differentiate them? If they are the same make, do you use their modal numbers?&lt;/p&gt; <feed xmlns=""><title>Ali Murteza Yesil - Personal</title><link href="" rel="alternate"></link><link href="" rel="self"></link><id></id><updated>2020-08-21T20:36:00+06:00</updated><subtitle>Blog</subtitle><entry><title>May we meet in Heaven Dear Omar Hamza</title><link href="" rel="alternate"></link><published>2020-08-21T20:36:00+06:00</published><updated>2020-08-21T20:36:00+06:00</updated><author><name>Ali Murteza Yesil</name></author><id>,2020-08-21:/may-we-meet-in-heaven-dear-omar-hamza.html</id><summary type="html">&lt;p&gt;My unworthy writing about recently deceased friend, Muhammed Omer Hamza.&lt;/p&gt;</summary><content type="html">&lt;p&gt;Today is Friday, holy day for Muslims. Sun put on its brightest smile and birds are chirping to turn the day into festive. Unfortunately, not for us. We are going to funeral for our beloved friend &lt;strong&gt;Muhammad Omar Hamza&lt;/strong&gt; who closed his eyes to get some rest during recover after his surgery never to open them again.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I always use my headphones to listen to something while riding a taxi. Today is different. I am thinking of death as we ride to the mosque. I am listening to the bitter feelings as tiers grind over the asphalt. Feeling, as if I am the one in the coffin.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;While I am in deep thoughts, we arrived at the mosque. Follow the broken hearts and you shall find the Beautiful Muhammad in whites. It grabbed my attention that he isn't in a coffin. Must be the rush during Covid19. After the prayer, we carried the Glorious Omar to hearse to deliver him to his final home, semi-mixed graveyard for Christians and Muslims. Flat places were taken. Great Hamza is lowered to a grave on slope. Thank god I was lucky enough to carry him to the hearse and put dirt on his grave as we farewell him to his final home. He past away in the abroad country he came to study. His parents couldn't attend to his funeral, so I put a shovel of dirt for each of his parents too.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;We left him in his final home in this world, along with angels to question him and ask about his deeds. My prayers are that I can reunite with all the people I love, that includes Muhammad Omar Hamza, and his parents can visit the grave of their son and recite Quran.&lt;/p&gt;</content><category term="Personal"></category><category term="100DaysToOffload"></category></entry><entry><title>Name Everything</title><link href="" rel="alternate"></link><published>2020-08-17T17:14:00+06:00</published><updated>2020-08-17T17:14:00+06:00</updated><author><name>Ali Murteza Yesil</name></author><id>,2020-08-17:/name-everything.html</id><summary type="html">&lt;p&gt;Finding a suitable name for stuff is both fun and a possible cause of cancer. So, I am naming devices I own.&lt;/p&gt;</summary><content type="html">&lt;p&gt;You probably have a phone and a laptop and possibly even a desktop for heavy duty jobs such as wm ricing. But what do you call those devices? If you have 2 phones how do you differentiate them? If they are the same make, do you use their modal numbers?&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;I wanted to solve this non-existing problem for my devices so that when I want to refer to any of them in my blog posts, readers would have a confusing (and in my opinion funny) moment and go "What the heck even is X?" in their head 😜️&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;I wanted to solve this non-existing problem for my devices so that when I want to refer to any of them in my blog posts, readers would have a confusing (and in my opinion funny) moment and go "What the heck even is X?" in their head 😜️&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;h1&gt;&lt;a href="" title="An overwhelming or unstoppable force"&gt;Juggernaut&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h1&gt; &lt;h1&gt;&lt;a href="" title="An overwhelming or unstoppable force"&gt;Juggernaut&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h1&gt;
&lt;p&gt;My laptop which was low end back in 2017 when I bought it brand new and even lower end now 7nm era.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;My laptop which was low end back in 2017 when I bought it brand new and even lower end now 7nm era.&lt;/p&gt;

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<aside id="featured" class="body"> <aside id="featured" class="body">
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<h1 class="entry-title"><a href="">Blog in Progress #2</a></h1> <h1 class="entry-title"><a href="">May we meet in Heaven Dear Omar Hamza</a></h1>
<footer class="post-info">
<span>Fri 21 August 2020</span>
<span>| in <a href="">Personal</a></span>
<span>| tags: <a href="">100DaysToOffload</a></span> <span>| Day <strong>22</strong> of #100DaysToOffload</span>
</footer><!-- /.post-info --><p>Today is Friday, holy day for Muslims. Sun put on its brightest smile and birds are chirping to turn the day into festive. Unfortunately, not for us. We are going to funeral for our beloved friend <strong>Muhammad Omar Hamza</strong> who closed his eyes to get some rest during recover after his surgery never to open them again.</p>
<p>I always use my headphones to listen to something while riding a taxi. Today is different. I am thinking of death as we ride to the mosque. I am listening to the bitter feelings as tiers grind over the asphalt. Feeling, as if I am the one in the coffin.</p>
<p>While I am in deep thoughts, we arrived at the mosque. Follow the broken hearts and you shall find the Beautiful Muhammad in whites. It grabbed my attention that he isn't in a coffin. Must be the rush during Covid19. After the prayer, we carried the Glorious Omar to hearse to deliver him to his final home, semi-mixed graveyard for Christians and Muslims. Flat places were taken. Great Hamza is lowered to a grave on slope. Thank god I was lucky enough to carry him to the hearse and put dirt on his grave as we farewell him to his final home. He past away in the abroad country he came to study. His parents couldn't attend to his funeral, so I put a shovel of dirt for each of his parents too.</p>
<p>We left him in his final home in this world, along with angels to question him and ask about his deeds. My prayers are that I can reunite with all the people I love, that includes Muhammad Omar Hamza, and his parents can visit the grave of their son and recite Quran.</p><!-- Comments -->
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<span>Wed 19 August 2020</span> <span>Wed 19 August 2020</span>
<span>| in <a href="">Notes</a></span> <span>| in <a href="">Notes</a></span>
<span>| tags: <a href="">100DaysToOffload</a></span> <span>| Day <strong>21</strong> of #100DaysToOffload</span> <span>| tags: <a href="">100DaysToOffload</a></span> <span>| Day <strong>21</strong> of #100DaysToOffload</span>
</footer><!-- /.post-info --><p>Current theme I use isn't all old school but it isn't responsive enough either. Since I don't want to have external dependencies to other frameworks there will be no Bootstrap import. I am thinking of writing a responsive theme from scratch. Also, I am putting more emphasize on the text size and spacing. which is one of the things I don't like about the current theme. Of course I could change text sizes in blueidea theme but I am feeling itchy for a challenge 😅️</p> </footer><!-- /.post-info --> </div><!-- /.entry-content -->
<p>There is currently nothing to see. It doesn't render anything since bare minimum templates such as base.html and index.html aren't in place yet.</p> </article></li>
<p>This is an ambitious projects since I didn't write any website from scratch before. I only have basic understanding of HTML, CSS, responsive design and <a href="" title="Make Web Accessible for everyone">a11y</a>. Features I implemented into blueidea are held together with band-aids. That is why I didn't made a pull request with my changes to <a href="">blueidea's github repo</a>. This new theme will have those features by design (now that is a selling pitch for something that doesn't exist yet).</p>
<p>Planned features are decided but not yet <strong>TBA</strong></p>
<p>I still didn't fix MP4 MIME type issue. If you are facing that issue, you can download the video via . There is currently only one mp4 video and I am thinking of self hosting a PeerTube instance and embedding videos from the that instead of using limited storage space of server for this blog. </p>
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<span>Sat 01 August 2020</span>
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<span>Sat 01 August 2020</span>
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<h1 class="entry-title">
<a href="" rel="bookmark"
title="Permalink to May we meet in Heaven Dear Omar Hamza">May we meet in Heaven Dear Omar Hamza</a></h1>
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<footer class="post-info">
<span>Fri 21 August 2020</span>
<span>| in <a href="">Personal</a></span>
<span>| tags: <a href="">100DaysToOffload</a></span> <span>| Day <strong>22</strong> of #100DaysToOffload</span>
</footer><!-- /.post-info --> <p>Today is Friday, holy day for Muslims. Sun put on its brightest smile and birds are chirping to turn the day into festive. Unfortunately, not for us. We are going to funeral for our beloved friend <strong>Muhammad Omar Hamza</strong> who closed his eyes to get some rest during recover after his surgery never to open them again.</p>
<p>I always use my headphones to listen to something while riding a taxi. Today is different. I am thinking of death as we ride to the mosque. I am listening to the bitter feelings as tiers grind over the asphalt. Feeling, as if I am the one in the coffin.</p>
<p>While I am in deep thoughts, we arrived at the mosque. Follow the broken hearts and you shall find the Beautiful Muhammad in whites. It grabbed my attention that he isn't in a coffin. Must be the rush during Covid19. After the prayer, we carried the Glorious Omar to hearse to deliver him to his final home, semi-mixed graveyard for Christians and Muslims. Flat places were taken. Great Hamza is lowered to a grave on slope. Thank god I was lucky enough to carry him to the hearse and put dirt on his grave as we farewell him to his final home. He past away in the abroad country he came to study. His parents couldn't attend to his funeral, so I put a shovel of dirt for each of his parents too.</p>
<p>We left him in his final home in this world, along with angels to question him and ask about his deeds. My prayers are that I can reunite with all the people I love, that includes Muhammad Omar Hamza, and his parents can visit the grave of their son and recite Quran.</p>
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<p>Day <strong>22</strong> of <a href="" title="click to read about the challenge">#100DaysToOffload</a></p>
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<aside id="featured" class="body"> <aside id="featured" class="body">
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<h1 class="entry-title"><a href="">Blog in Progress #2</a></h1> <h1 class="entry-title"><a href="">May we meet in Heaven Dear Omar Hamza</a></h1>
<footer class="post-info">
<span>Fri 21 August 2020</span>
<span>| in <a href="">Personal</a></span>
<span>| tags: <a href="">100DaysToOffload</a></span> <span>| Day <strong>22</strong> of #100DaysToOffload</span>
</footer><!-- /.post-info --><p>Today is Friday, holy day for Muslims. Sun put on its brightest smile and birds are chirping to turn the day into festive. Unfortunately, not for us. We are going to funeral for our beloved friend <strong>Muhammad Omar Hamza</strong> who closed his eyes to get some rest during recover after his surgery never to open them again.</p>
<p>I always use my headphones to listen to something while riding a taxi. Today is different. I am thinking of death as we ride to the mosque. I am listening to the bitter feelings as tiers grind over the asphalt. Feeling, as if I am the one in the coffin.</p>
<p>While I am in deep thoughts, we arrived at the mosque. Follow the broken hearts and you shall find the Beautiful Muhammad in whites. It grabbed my attention that he isn't in a coffin. Must be the rush during Covid19. After the prayer, we carried the Glorious Omar to hearse to deliver him to his final home, semi-mixed graveyard for Christians and Muslims. Flat places were taken. Great Hamza is lowered to a grave on slope. Thank god I was lucky enough to carry him to the hearse and put dirt on his grave as we farewell him to his final home. He past away in the abroad country he came to study. His parents couldn't attend to his funeral, so I put a shovel of dirt for each of his parents too.</p>
<p>We left him in his final home in this world, along with angels to question him and ask about his deeds. My prayers are that I can reunite with all the people I love, that includes Muhammad Omar Hamza, and his parents can visit the grave of their son and recite Quran.</p><!-- Comments -->
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<span>Wed 19 August 2020</span> <span>Wed 19 August 2020</span>
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</footer><!-- /.post-info --><p>Current theme I use isn't all old school but it isn't responsive enough either. Since I don't want to have external dependencies to other frameworks there will be no Bootstrap import. I am thinking of writing a responsive theme from scratch. Also, I am putting more emphasize on the text size and spacing. which is one of the things I don't like about the current theme. Of course I could change text sizes in blueidea theme but I am feeling itchy for a challenge 😅️</p> </footer><!-- /.post-info --> </div><!-- /.entry-content -->
<p>There is currently nothing to see. It doesn't render anything since bare minimum templates such as base.html and index.html aren't in place yet.</p> </article></li>
<p>This is an ambitious projects since I didn't write any website from scratch before. I only have basic understanding of HTML, CSS, responsive design and <a href="" title="Make Web Accessible for everyone">a11y</a>. Features I implemented into blueidea are held together with band-aids. That is why I didn't made a pull request with my changes to <a href="">blueidea's github repo</a>. This new theme will have those features by design (now that is a selling pitch for something that doesn't exist yet).</p>
<p>Planned features are decided but not yet <strong>TBA</strong></p>
<p>I still didn't fix MP4 MIME type issue. If you are facing that issue, you can download the video via . There is currently only one mp4 video and I am thinking of self hosting a PeerTube instance and embedding videos from the that instead of using limited storage space of server for this blog. </p>
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