Adding more emacs

This commit is contained in:
Dorian Wood 2021-03-19 10:08:04 -04:00
parent 34f1079f89
commit 83775eb45f
758 changed files with 62730 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
:: Forward the ./doom script to Emacs
PUSHD "%~dp0" >NUL
SET args=
SET command=%1
IF NOT [%1]==[] (
SET args=%args% %1
IF [%command%]==[run] (
start runemacs -Q %args% -l ..\init.el -f "doom-run-all-startup-hooks-h"
) ELSE (
emacs --quick --script .\doom -- %*

View File

@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
:; set -e # -*- mode: emacs-lisp; lexical-binding: t -*-
:; case "$EMACS" in *term*) EMACS=emacs ;; *) EMACS="${EMACS:-emacs}" ;; esac
:; $EMACS --version >/dev/null 2>&1 || { >&2 echo "Can't find emacs in your PATH"; exit 1; }
:; $EMACS --no-site-file --script "$0" -- "$@" || __DOOMCODE=$?
:; [ "${__DOOMCODE:-0}" -eq 128 ] && { sh "`$EMACS -Q --batch --eval '(princ temporary-file-directory)'`/" "$0" "$@" && true; __DOOMCODE=$?; }
:; exit $__DOOMCODE
;; The garbage collector isn't as important during CLI ops. A higher threshold
;; makes it 15-30% faster, but set it too high and we risk spiralling memory
;; usage in longer sessions.
(setq gc-cons-threshold 134217728) ; 128mb
;; Prioritize non-byte-compiled source files in non-interactive sessions to
;; prevent loading stale byte-code.
(setq load-prefer-newer t)
;; Ensure Doom runs out of this file's parent directory, where Doom is
;; presumably installed. Use the EMACSDIR envvar to change this.
(setq user-emacs-directory
(if (getenv-internal "EMACSDIR")
(file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name (getenv-internal "EMACSDIR")))
"../" (file-name-directory (file-truename load-file-name)))))
;; Handle some potential issues early
(when (version< emacs-version "26.1")
(error (concat "Detected Emacs %s (at %s).\n\n"
"Doom only supports Emacs 26.1 and newer. 27.1 is highly recommended. A guide\n"
"to install a newer version of Emacs can be found at:\n\n "
(cond ((eq system-type 'darwin)
((memq system-type '(cygwin windows-nt ms-dos))
(car command-line-args)))
(unless (file-exists-p (expand-file-name "core/core.el" user-emacs-directory))
(error (concat "Couldn't find Doom Emacs in %S.\n\n"
"This is likely because this script (or its parent directory) is a symlink.\n"
"If you must use a symlink, you'll need to specify an EMACSDIR so Doom knows\n"
"where to find itself. e.g.\n\n "
(if (string-match-p "/fish$" (getenv "SHELL"))
"env EMACSDIR=~/.emacs.d doom"
"EMACSDIR=~/.emacs.d doom sync")
(abbreviate-file-name user-emacs-directory)
(abbreviate-file-name load-file-name)))
(when (and (equal (user-real-uid) 0)
(not (file-in-directory-p user-emacs-directory "/root")))
(error (concat "This script is running as root. This likely wasn't intentional and\n"
"will cause file permissions errors later if this Doom install is\n"
"ever used on a non-root account.\n\n"
;; HACK Load `cl' and site files manually to prevent polluting logs and stdout
;; with deprecation and/or file load messages.
(let ((inhibit-message t))
(when (> emacs-major-version 26)
(require 'cl))
(unless site-run-file
(let ((tail load-path))
(while tail
(let ((default-directory (car tail)))
(load (expand-file-name "subdirs.el") t t t)
(setq tail (cdr tail)))))
(load "site-start" t t)))
;; Load the heart of the beast and its CLI processing library
(load (expand-file-name "core/core.el" user-emacs-directory) nil t)
(require 'core-cli)
;; I use our own home-grown debugger so we can capture and store backtraces,
;; make them more presentable, and make it easier for users to produce better
;; bug reports!
(setq debugger #'doom-cli--debugger
debug-on-error t
debug-ignored-errors nil)
(catch 'exit
;; Process the arguments passed to this script. `doom-cli-execute' should
;; return a boolean, integer (error code) or throw an 'exit event, which
;; we handle specially.
(apply #'doom-cli-execute :doom (cdr (member "--" argv))))
;; Any non-zero integer is treated as an explicit exit code.
((and (pred integerp) code) code)
;; If, instead, we were given a string or list of strings, copy these as
;; shell script commands to a temporary script file which this script will
;; execute after this session finishes. Also accepts special keywords, like
;; `:restart', to rerun the current command.
((and (or (pred consp)
(pred stringp)
(pred keywordp))
(let ((script (expand-file-name "" temporary-file-directory))
(coding-system-for-write 'utf-8-unix)
(coding-system-for-read 'utf-8-unix))
(with-temp-file script
(insert "#!/usr/bin/env sh\n"
"_postscript() {\n"
" rm -f " (shell-quote-argument script) "\n "
(cond ((eq command :restart)
((stringp command)
(if (listp (car-safe command))
(cl-loop for line in (doom-enlist command)
collect (mapconcat #'shell-quote-argument (remq nil line) " "))
(list (mapconcat #'shell-quote-argument (remq nil command) " ")))
"\n ")))
(cl-loop for env
in (cl-set-difference process-environment
:test #'equal)
if (string-match "^\\([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\\)=\\(.+\\)$" env)
concat (format "%s=%s \\\n"
(match-string 1 env)
(shell-quote-argument (match-string 2 env)))))
(format "PATH=\"%s%s$PATH\" \\\n" (concat doom-emacs-dir "bin/") path-separator)
"_postscript $@\n"))
(set-file-modes script #o600))
;; Error code 128 is special: it means run the post-script after this
;; session ends.
;; Anything else (e.g. booleans) is treated as a successful run. Yes, a `nil'
;; indicates a successful run too!
(_ 0)))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# Open an org-capture popup frame from the shell. This opens a temporary emacs
# daemon if emacs isn't already running.
# Usage: org-capture [-k KEY] [MESSAGE]
# Examples:
# org-capture -k n "To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders."
set -e
cleanup() {
emacsclient --eval '(let (kill-emacs-hook) (kill-emacs))'
# If emacs isn't running, we start a temporary daemon, solely for this window.
if ! emacsclient --suppress-output --eval nil; then
emacs --daemon
trap cleanup EXIT INT TERM
# org-capture key mapped to argument flags
# keys=$(emacsclient -e "(+org-capture-available-keys)" | cut -d '"' -f2)
while getopts "hk:" opt; do
shift $((OPTIND-1))
[ -t 0 ] && str="$*" || str=$(cat)
# Fix incompatible terminals that cause odd 'not a valid terminal' errors
[ $TERM = "alacritty" ] && export TERM=xterm-256color
if [ $daemon ]; then
emacsclient -a "" \
-c -F '((name . "doom-capture") (width . 70) (height . 25) (transient . t))' \
-e "(+org-capture/open-frame \"$str\" ${key:-nil})"
# Non-daemon servers flicker a lot if frames are created from terminal, so we
# do it internally instead.
emacsclient -a "" \
-e "(+org-capture/open-frame \"$str\" ${key:-nil})"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
":"; exec emacs --quick --script "$0" -- "$@" # -*- mode: emacs-lisp; lexical-binding: t; -*-
;;; bin/org-tangle
;; Tangles source blocks from org files. Also expands #+INCLUDE directives,
;; unlike vanilla `ob-tangle'. Debug/info messages are directed to stderr and
;; can be ignored.
;; -l/--lang LANG
;; Only include blocks in the specified language (e.g. emacs-lisp).
;; -a/--all
;; Tangle all blocks by default (unless it has :tangle nil set or a
;; :notangle: tag)
;; -t/--tag TAG
;; --and TAG
;; --or TAG
;; Only include blocks in trees that have these tags. Combine multiple --and
;; and --or's, or just use --tag (implicit --and).
;; -p/--print
;; Prints tangled code to stdout instead of to files
;; Usage: org-tangle [[-l|--lang] LANG]
;; Examples:
;; org-tangle -l sh modules/some/module/ >
;; org-tangle -l sh modules/lang/go/ | sh
;; org-tangle --and tagA --and tagB my/literate/
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'ox)
(require 'ob-tangle)
(defun usage ()
(insert (format "%s %s [OPTIONS] [TARGETS...]\n"
(file-name-nondirectory load-file-name))
"A command line interface for tangling org-mode files. TARGETS can be\n"
"files or folders (which are searched for org files recursively).\n"
"This is useful for literate configs that rely on command line\n"
"workflows to build it.\n"
" org-tangle\n"
" org-tangle literate/config/\n"
" org-tangle -p -l sh >\n"
" org-tangle -p -l python -t tagA -t tagB | python\n"
" -a --all\t\tTangle all blocks by default\n"
" -l --lang LANG\tOnly tangle blocks written in LANG\n"
" -p --print\t\tPrint tangled output to stdout than to files\n"
" -t --tag TAG\n"
" --and TAG\n"
" --or TAG\n"
" Lets you tangle org blocks by tag. You may have more than one\n"
" of these options.\n")
(princ (buffer-string))))
(defun *org-babel-tangle (orig-fn &rest args)
"Don't write tangled blocks to files, print them to stdout."
(cl-letf (((symbol-function 'write-region)
(lambda (start end filename &optional append visit lockname mustbenew)
(princ (buffer-string)))))
(apply orig-fn args)))
(defun *org-babel-tangle-collect-blocks (&optional language tangle-file)
"Like `org-babel-tangle-collect-blocks', but will ignore blocks that are in
trees with the :notangle: tag."
(let ((counter 0) last-heading-pos blocks)
(org-babel-map-src-blocks (buffer-file-name)
(let ((current-heading-pos
(org-with-limited-levels (outline-previous-heading)))))
(if (eq last-heading-pos current-heading-pos) (cl-incf counter)
(setq counter 1)
(setq last-heading-pos current-heading-pos)))
(unless (org-in-commented-heading-p)
(require 'org)
(let* ((tags (org-get-tags-at))
(info (org-babel-get-src-block-info 'light))
(src-lang (nth 0 info))
(src-tfile (cdr (assq :tangle (nth 2 info)))))
(cond ((member "notangle" tags))
((and (or or-tags and-tags)
(or (not and-tags)
(let ((a (cl-intersection and-tags tags :test #'string=))
(b and-tags))
(not (or (cl-set-difference a b :test #'equal)
(cl-set-difference b a :test #'equal)))))
(or (not or-tags)
(cl-intersection or-tags tags :test #'string=))
((or (not (or all-blocks src-tfile))
(string= src-tfile "no") ; tangle blocks by default
(and tangle-file (not (equal tangle-file src-tfile)))
(and language (not (string= language src-lang)))))
;; Add the spec for this block to blocks under its language.
((let ((by-lang (assoc src-lang blocks))
(block (org-babel-tangle-single-block counter)))
(if by-lang
(setcdr by-lang (cons block (cdr by-lang)))
(push (cons src-lang (list block)) blocks))))))))
;; Ensure blocks are in the correct order.
(mapcar (lambda (b) (cons (car b) (nreverse (cdr b)))) blocks)))
(advice-add #'org-babel-tangle-collect-blocks
:override #'*org-babel-tangle-collect-blocks)
(defvar all-blocks nil)
(defvar and-tags nil)
(defvar or-tags nil)
(let (lang srcs and-tags or-tags)
(pop argv)
(while argv
(let ((arg (pop argv)))
(pcase arg
((or "-h" "--help")
(error ""))
((or "-a" "--all")
(setq all-blocks t))
((or "-l" "--lang")
(setq lang (pop argv)))
((or "-p" "--print")
(advice-add #'org-babel-tangle :around #'*org-babel-tangle))
((or "-t" "--tag" "--and")
(push (pop argv) and-tags))
(push (pop argv) or-tags))
((guard (string-match-p "^--lang=" arg))
(setq lang (cadr (split-string arg "=" t t))))
((guard (file-directory-p arg))
(setq srcs
(append (directory-files-recursively arg "\\.org$")
((guard (file-exists-p arg))
(push arg srcs))
(_ (error "Unknown option or file: %s" arg)))))
(dolist (file srcs)
(let ((backup (make-temp-file (file-name-base file) nil "")))
;; Prevent slow hooks from interfering
(let (org-mode-hook)
;; We do the ol' switcheroo because `org-babel-tangle' writes
;; changes to the current file, which would be imposing on the user.
(copy-file file backup t)
(with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect file)
;; Tangling doesn't expand #+INCLUDE directives, so we do it
;; ourselves, since includes are so useful for literate configs!
(org-babel-tangle nil nil lang)))
(ignore-errors (copy-file backup file t))
(ignore-errors (delete-file backup)))))
(kill-emacs 0))

View File

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@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
;;; core/autoload/buffers.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defvar doom-real-buffer-functions
"A list of predicate functions run to determine if a buffer is real, unlike
`doom-unreal-buffer-functions'. They are passed one argument: the buffer to be
Should any of its function returns non-nil, the rest of the functions are
ignored and the buffer is considered real.
See `doom-real-buffer-p' for more information.")
(defvar doom-unreal-buffer-functions
'(minibufferp doom-special-buffer-p doom-non-file-visiting-buffer-p)
"A list of predicate functions run to determine if a buffer is *not* real,
unlike `doom-real-buffer-functions'. They are passed one argument: the buffer to
be tested.
Should any of these functions return non-nil, the rest of the functions are
ignored and the buffer is considered unreal.
See `doom-real-buffer-p' for more information.")
(defvar-local doom-real-buffer-p nil
"If non-nil, this buffer should be considered real no matter what. See
`doom-real-buffer-p' for more information.")
(defvar doom-fallback-buffer-name "*scratch*"
"The name of the buffer to fall back to if no other buffers exist (will create
it if it doesn't exist).")
;;; Functions
(defun doom-buffer-frame-predicate (buf)
"To be used as the default frame buffer-predicate parameter. Returns nil if
BUF should be skipped over by functions like `next-buffer' and `other-buffer'."
(or (doom-real-buffer-p buf)
(eq buf (doom-fallback-buffer))))
(defun doom-fallback-buffer ()
"Returns the fallback buffer, creating it if necessary. By default this is the
scratch buffer. See `doom-fallback-buffer-name' to change this."
(let (buffer-list-update-hook)
(get-buffer-create doom-fallback-buffer-name)))
(defalias 'doom-buffer-list #'buffer-list)
(defun doom-project-buffer-list (&optional project)
"Return a list of buffers belonging to the specified PROJECT.
If PROJECT is nil, default to the current project.
If no project is active, return all buffers."
(let ((buffers (doom-buffer-list)))
(if-let* ((project-root
(if project (expand-file-name project)
(cl-loop for buf in buffers
if (projectile-project-buffer-p buf project-root)
collect buf)
(defun doom-open-projects ()
"Return a list of projects with open buffers."
(cl-loop with projects = (make-hash-table :test 'equal :size 8)
for buffer in (doom-buffer-list)
if (buffer-live-p buffer)
if (doom-real-buffer-p buffer)
if (with-current-buffer buffer (doom-project-root))
do (puthash (abbreviate-file-name it) t projects)
finally return (hash-table-keys projects)))
(defun doom-dired-buffer-p (buf)
"Returns non-nil if BUF is a dired buffer."
(with-current-buffer buf (derived-mode-p 'dired-mode)))
(defun doom-special-buffer-p (buf)
"Returns non-nil if BUF's name starts and ends with an *."
(equal (substring (buffer-name buf) 0 1) "*"))
(defun doom-temp-buffer-p (buf)
"Returns non-nil if BUF is temporary."
(equal (substring (buffer-name buf) 0 1) " "))
(defun doom-visible-buffer-p (buf)
"Return non-nil if BUF is visible."
(get-buffer-window buf))
(defun doom-buried-buffer-p (buf)
"Return non-nil if BUF is not visible."
(not (doom-visible-buffer-p buf)))
(defun doom-non-file-visiting-buffer-p (buf)
"Returns non-nil if BUF does not have a value for `buffer-file-name'."
(not (buffer-file-name buf)))
(defun doom-real-buffer-list (&optional buffer-list)
"Return a list of buffers that satify `doom-real-buffer-p'."
(cl-remove-if-not #'doom-real-buffer-p (or buffer-list (doom-buffer-list))))
(defun doom-real-buffer-p (buffer-or-name)
"Returns t if BUFFER-OR-NAME is a 'real' buffer.
A real buffer is a useful buffer; a first class citizen in Doom. Real ones
should get special treatment, because we will be spending most of our time in
them. Unreal ones should be low-profile and easy to cast aside, so we can focus
on real ones.
The exact criteria for a real buffer is:
1. A non-nil value for the buffer-local value of the `doom-real-buffer-p'
variable OR
2. Any function in `doom-real-buffer-functions' returns non-nil OR
3. None of the functions in `doom-unreal-buffer-functions' must return
If BUFFER-OR-NAME is omitted or nil, the current buffer is tested."
(or (bufferp buffer-or-name)
(stringp buffer-or-name)
(signal 'wrong-type-argument (list '(bufferp stringp) buffer-or-name)))
(when-let (buf (get-buffer buffer-or-name))
(when-let (basebuf (buffer-base-buffer buf))
(setq buf basebuf))
(and (buffer-live-p buf)
(not (doom-temp-buffer-p buf))
(or (buffer-local-value 'doom-real-buffer-p buf)
(run-hook-with-args-until-success 'doom-real-buffer-functions buf)
(not (run-hook-with-args-until-success 'doom-unreal-buffer-functions buf))))))
(defun doom-unreal-buffer-p (buffer-or-name)
"Return t if BUFFER-OR-NAME is an 'unreal' buffer.
See `doom-real-buffer-p' for details on what that means."
(not (doom-real-buffer-p buffer-or-name)))
(defun doom-buffers-in-mode (modes &optional buffer-list derived-p)
"Return a list of buffers whose `major-mode' is `eq' to MODE(S).
If DERIVED-P, test with `derived-mode-p', otherwise use `eq'."
(let ((modes (doom-enlist modes)))
(cl-remove-if-not (if derived-p
(lambda (buf)
(with-current-buffer buf
(apply #'derived-mode-p modes)))
(lambda (buf)
(memq (buffer-local-value 'major-mode buf) modes)))
(or buffer-list (doom-buffer-list)))))
(defun doom-visible-windows (&optional window-list)
"Return a list of the visible, non-popup (dedicated) windows."
(cl-loop for window in (or window-list (window-list))
when (or (window-parameter window 'visible)
(not (window-dedicated-p window)))
collect window))
(defun doom-visible-buffers (&optional buffer-list)
"Return a list of visible buffers (i.e. not buried)."
(let ((buffers (delete-dups (mapcar #'window-buffer (window-list)))))
(if buffer-list
(cl-delete-if (lambda (b) (memq b buffer-list))
(delete-dups buffers))))
(defun doom-buried-buffers (&optional buffer-list)
"Get a list of buffers that are buried."
(cl-remove-if #'get-buffer-window (or buffer-list (doom-buffer-list))))
(defun doom-matching-buffers (pattern &optional buffer-list)
"Get a list of all buffers that match the regex PATTERN."
(cl-loop for buf in (or buffer-list (doom-buffer-list))
when (string-match-p pattern (buffer-name buf))
collect buf))
(defun doom-set-buffer-real (buffer flag)
"Forcibly mark BUFFER as FLAG (non-nil = real).
See `doom-real-buffer-p' for an explanation for real buffers."
(with-current-buffer buffer
(setq doom-real-buffer-p flag)))
(defun doom-kill-buffer-and-windows (buffer)
"Kill the buffer and delete all the windows it's displayed in."
(dolist (window (get-buffer-window-list buffer))
(unless (one-window-p t)
(delete-window window)))
(kill-buffer buffer))
(defun doom-fixup-windows (windows)
"Ensure that each of WINDOWS is showing a real buffer or the fallback buffer."
(dolist (window windows)
(with-selected-window window
(when (doom-unreal-buffer-p (window-buffer))
(when (doom-unreal-buffer-p (window-buffer))
(switch-to-buffer (doom-fallback-buffer)))))))
(defun doom-kill-buffer-fixup-windows (buffer)
"Kill the BUFFER and ensure all the windows it was displayed in have switched
to a real buffer or the fallback buffer."
(let ((windows (get-buffer-window-list buffer)))
(kill-buffer buffer)
(doom-fixup-windows (cl-remove-if-not #'window-live-p windows))))
(defun doom-kill-buffers-fixup-windows (buffers)
"Kill the BUFFERS and ensure all the windows they were displayed in have
switched to a real buffer or the fallback buffer."
(let ((seen-windows (make-hash-table :test 'eq :size 8)))
(dolist (buffer buffers)
(let ((windows (get-buffer-window-list buffer)))
(kill-buffer buffer)
(dolist (window (cl-remove-if-not #'window-live-p windows))
(puthash window t seen-windows))))
(doom-fixup-windows (hash-table-keys seen-windows))))
(defun doom-kill-matching-buffers (pattern &optional buffer-list)
"Kill all buffers (in current workspace OR in BUFFER-LIST) that match the
regex PATTERN. Returns the number of killed buffers."
(let ((buffers (doom-matching-buffers pattern buffer-list)))
(dolist (buf buffers (length buffers))
(kill-buffer buf))))
;; Hooks
(defun doom-mark-buffer-as-real-h ()
"Hook function that marks the current buffer as real.
See `doom-real-buffer-p' for an explanation for real buffers."
(doom-set-buffer-real (current-buffer) t))
;; Interactive commands
(defun doom/save-and-kill-buffer ()
"Save the current buffer to file, then kill it."
(defun doom/kill-this-buffer-in-all-windows (buffer &optional dont-save)
"Kill BUFFER globally and ensure all windows previously showing this buffer
have switched to a real buffer or the fallback buffer.
If DONT-SAVE, don't prompt to save modified buffers (discarding their changes)."
(list (current-buffer) current-prefix-arg))
(cl-assert (bufferp buffer) t)
(when (and (buffer-modified-p buffer) dont-save)
(with-current-buffer buffer
(set-buffer-modified-p nil)))
(doom-kill-buffer-fixup-windows buffer))
(defun doom--message-or-count (interactive message count)
(if interactive
(message message count)
(defun doom/kill-all-buffers (&optional buffer-list interactive)
"Kill all buffers and closes their windows.
If the prefix arg is passed, doesn't close windows and only kill buffers that
belong to the current project."
(list (if current-prefix-arg
(if (null buffer-list)
(message "No buffers to kill")
(when (memq (current-buffer) buffer-list)
(switch-to-buffer (doom-fallback-buffer)))
(mapc #'kill-buffer buffer-list)
interactive "Killed %d buffers"
(- (length buffer-list)
(length (cl-remove-if-not #'buffer-live-p buffer-list))))))
(defun doom/kill-other-buffers (&optional buffer-list interactive)
"Kill all other buffers (besides the current one).
If the prefix arg is passed, kill only buffers that belong to the current
(list (delq (current-buffer)
(if current-prefix-arg
(mapc #'doom-kill-buffer-and-windows buffer-list)
interactive "Killed %d other buffers"
(- (length buffer-list)
(length (cl-remove-if-not #'buffer-live-p buffer-list)))))
(defun doom/kill-matching-buffers (pattern &optional buffer-list interactive)
"Kill buffers that match PATTERN in BUFFER-LIST.
If the prefix arg is passed, only kill matching buffers in the current project."
(list (read-regexp "Buffer pattern: ")
(if current-prefix-arg
(doom-kill-matching-buffers pattern buffer-list)
(when interactive
(message "Killed %d buffer(s)"
(- (length buffer-list)
(length (cl-remove-if-not #'buffer-live-p buffer-list))))))
(defun doom/kill-buried-buffers (&optional buffer-list interactive)
"Kill buffers that are buried.
If PROJECT-P (universal argument), only kill buried buffers belonging to the
current project."
(list (doom-buried-buffers
(if current-prefix-arg (doom-project-buffer-list)))
(mapc #'kill-buffer buffer-list)
interactive "Killed %d buried buffers"
(- (length buffer-list)
(length (cl-remove-if-not #'buffer-live-p buffer-list)))))
(defun doom/kill-project-buffers (project &optional interactive)
"Kill buffers for the specified PROJECT."
(list (if-let (open-projects (doom-open-projects))
"Kill buffers for project: " open-projects
nil t nil nil
(if-let* ((project-root (doom-project-root))
(project-root (abbreviate-file-name project-root))
((member project-root open-projects)))
(message "No projects are open!")
(when project
(let ((buffer-list (doom-project-buffer-list project)))
(doom-kill-buffers-fixup-windows buffer-list)
interactive "Killed %d project buffers"
(- (length buffer-list)
(length (cl-remove-if-not #'buffer-live-p buffer-list)))))))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
;;; core/autoload/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defvar doom-bin-dir (concat doom-emacs-dir "bin/"))
(defvar doom-bin (concat doom-bin-dir "doom"))
(defvar doom-reloading-p nil
(defun doom/open-private-config ()
"Browse your `doom-private-dir'."
(unless (file-directory-p doom-private-dir)
(make-directory doom-private-dir t))
(doom-project-browse doom-private-dir))
(defun doom/find-file-in-private-config ()
"Search for a file in `doom-private-dir'."
(doom-project-find-file doom-private-dir))
(defun doom/goto-private-init-file ()
"Open your private init.el file.
And jumps to your `doom!' block."
(find-file (expand-file-name "init.el" doom-private-dir))
(or (save-excursion
(goto-char (point-min))
(search-forward "(doom!" nil t))
(defun doom/goto-private-config-file ()
"Open your private config.el file."
(find-file (expand-file-name "config.el" doom-private-dir)))
(defun doom/goto-private-packages-file ()
"Open your private packages.el file."
(find-file (expand-file-name "packages.el" doom-private-dir)))
;;; Managements
(defmacro doom--if-compile (command on-success &optional on-failure)
(declare (indent 2))
`(with-current-buffer (compile ,command t)
(let ((w (get-buffer-window (current-buffer))))
(select-window w)
(lambda (_buf status)
(if (equal status "finished\n")
(delete-window w)
nil 'local))))
(defun doom/reload ()
"Reloads your private config.
This is experimental! It will try to do as `bin/doom sync' does, but from within
this Emacs session. i.e. it reload autoloads files (if necessary), reloads your
package list, and lastly, reloads your private config.el.
Runs `doom-after-reload-hook' afterwards."
(require 'core-cli)
(when (and IS-WINDOWS (file-exists-p doom-env-file))
(message "Can't regenerate envvar file from within Emacs. Run 'doom env' from the console"))
;; In case doom/reload is run before incrementally loaded packages are loaded,
;; which could cause odd load order issues.
(mapc #'require (cdr doom-incremental-packages))
(doom--if-compile (format "%S sync -e" doom-bin)
(let ((doom-reloading-p t))
(run-hook-wrapped 'doom-before-reload-hook #'doom-try-run-hook)
(doom-initialize 'force)
(with-demoted-errors "PRIVATE CONFIG ERROR: %s"
(doom-initialize-modules 'force)
(general-auto-unbind-keys t)))
(run-hook-wrapped 'doom-after-reload-hook #'doom-try-run-hook)
(message "Config successfully reloaded!"))
(user-error "Failed to reload your config")))
(defun doom/reload-autoloads ()
"Reload only `doom-autoloads-file' and `doom-package-autoload-file'.
This is much faster and safer than `doom/reload', but not as comprehensive. This
reloads your package and module visibility, but does not install new packages or
remove orphaned ones. It also doesn't reload your private config.
It is useful to only pull in changes performed by 'doom sync' on the command
(require 'core-cli)
(require 'core-packages)
(defun doom/reload-env (&optional arg)
"Regenerates and/or reloads your envvar file.
If passed the prefix ARG, clear the envvar file. Uses the same mechanism as
'bin/doom env'.
An envvar file contains a snapshot of your shell environment, which can be
imported into Emacs."
(interactive "P")
(user-error "Cannot reload envvar file from within Emacs on Windows, run it from cmd.exe"))
(format "%s -ic '%S env%s'"
(format "getent passwd %S | cut -d: -f7"
doom-bin (if arg " -c" ""))
(let ((doom-reloading-p t))
(unless arg
(doom-load-envvars-file doom-env-file)))
(error "Failed to generate env file")))
(defun doom/upgrade ()
"Run 'doom upgrade' then prompt to restart Emacs."
(doom--if-compile (format "%S -y upgrade" doom-bin)
(when (y-or-n-p "You must restart Emacs for the upgrade to take effect.\n\nRestart Emacs?")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
;;; core/autoload/debug.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;;; Doom's debug mode
(defvar doom-debug-variables
(message-log-max . 16384))
"A list of variable to toggle on `doom-debug-mode'.
Each entry can be a variable symbol or a cons cell whose CAR is the variable
symbol and CDR is the value to set it to when `doom-debug-mode' is activated.")
(defvar doom--debug-vars-old-values nil)
(defvar doom--debug-vars-undefined nil)
(defun doom--watch-debug-vars-h (&rest _)
(when-let (bound-vars (cl-remove-if-not #'boundp doom--debug-vars-undefined))
(doom-log "New variables available: %s" bound-vars)
(let ((message-log-max nil))
(doom-debug-mode -1)
(doom-debug-mode +1))))
(define-minor-mode doom-debug-mode
"Toggle `debug-on-error' and `doom-debug-p' for verbose logging."
:init-value nil
:global t
(let ((enabled doom-debug-mode))
(setq doom--debug-vars-undefined nil)
(dolist (var doom-debug-variables)
(cond ((listp var)
(cl-destructuring-bind (var . val) var
(if (not (boundp var))
(add-to-list 'doom--debug-vars-undefined var)
var (if (not enabled)
(alist-get var doom--debug-vars-old-values)
(setf (alist-get var doom--debug-vars-old-values)
(symbol-value var))
((if (boundp var)
(set-default var enabled)
(add-to-list 'doom--debug-vars-undefined var)))))
(when (called-interactively-p 'any)
(when (fboundp 'explain-pause-mode)
(explain-pause-mode (if enabled +1 -1))))
;; Watch for changes in `doom-debug-variables', or when packages load (and
;; potentially define one of `doom-debug-variables'), in case some of them
;; aren't defined when `doom-debug-mode' is first loaded.
(cond (enabled
(add-variable-watcher 'doom-debug-variables #'doom--watch-debug-vars-h)
(add-hook 'after-load-functions #'doom--watch-debug-vars-h))
(remove-variable-watcher 'doom-debug-variables #'doom--watch-debug-vars-h)
(remove-hook 'after-load-functions #'doom--watch-debug-vars-h)))
(message "Debug mode %s" (if enabled "on" "off"))))
;;; Hooks
(defun doom-run-all-startup-hooks-h ()
"Run all startup Emacs hooks. Meant to be executed after starting Emacs with
-q or -Q, for example:
emacs -Q -l init.el -f doom-run-all-startup-hooks-h"
(setq after-init-time (current-time))
(let ((inhibit-startup-hooks nil))
(mapc (lambda (hook)
(run-hook-wrapped hook #'doom-try-run-hook))
;;; Helpers
(defsubst doom--collect-forms-in (file form)
(when (file-readable-p file)
(let (forms)
(insert-file-contents file)
(let (emacs-lisp-mode) (emacs-lisp-mode))
(while (re-search-forward (format "(%s " (regexp-quote form)) nil t)
(let ((ppss (syntax-ppss)))
(unless (or (nth 4 ppss)
(nth 3 ppss))
(goto-char (match-beginning 0))
(push (sexp-at-point) forms)))))
(nreverse forms)))))
(defun doom-info ()
"Returns diagnostic information about the current Emacs session in markdown,
ready to be pasted in a bug report on github."
(require 'vc-git)
(require 'core-packages)
(let ((default-directory doom-emacs-dir))
(letf! ((defun sh (&rest args) (cdr (apply #'doom-call-process args)))
(defun abbrev-path (path)
(concat "\\<" (regexp-quote (user-login-name)) "\\>") "$USER"
(abbreviate-file-name path))))
(type . ,system-type)
(config . ,system-configuration)
(shell . ,(abbrev-path shell-file-name))
(uname . ,(if IS-WINDOWS "n/a" (sh "uname" "-msrv")))
(path . ,(mapcar #'abbrev-path exec-path)))
(dir . ,(abbrev-path (file-truename doom-emacs-dir)))
(version . ,emacs-version)
(build . ,(format-time-string "%b %d, %Y" emacs-build-time))
(buildopts . ,system-configuration-options)
(features . ,system-configuration-features)
(traits . ,(delq
nil (list (cond ((not doom-interactive-p) 'batch)
((display-graphic-p) 'gui)
(if (daemonp) 'daemon)
(if (and (require 'server)
(if (boundp 'chemacs-profiles-path)
(if (file-exists-p doom-env-file)
(if (featurep 'exec-path-from-shell)
(if (file-symlink-p user-emacs-directory)
(if (file-symlink-p doom-private-dir)
(dir . ,(abbrev-path (file-truename doom-private-dir)))
(version . ,doom-version)
,@(when doom-interactive-p
`((font . ,(bound-and-true-p doom-font))
(theme . ,(bound-and-true-p doom-theme))))
(build . ,(sh "git" "log" "-1" "--format=%D %h %ci"))
. ,(length (doom-files-in `(,@doom-modules-dirs
:type 'files :match "\\.elc$")))
,@(or (cl-loop with cat = nil
for key being the hash-keys of doom-modules
if (or (not cat)
(not (eq cat (car key))))
do (setq cat (car key))
and collect cat
(let* ((flags (doom-module-get cat (cdr key) :flags))
(path (doom-module-get cat (cdr key) :path))
(module (append (cond ((null path)
(list '&nopath))
((file-in-directory-p path doom-private-dir)
(list '&user)))
(if flags
`(,(cdr key) ,@flags)
(list (cdr key))))))
(if (= (length module) 1)
(car module)
,@(or (condition-case e
#'cdr (doom--collect-forms-in
(doom-path doom-private-dir "packages.el")
(error (format "<%S>" e)))
,@(or (condition-case e
(mapcan #'identity
#'cdr (doom--collect-forms-in
(doom-path doom-private-dir "packages.el")
(error (format "<%S>" e)))
,@(or (condition-case e
(cl-loop for (name . _) in package-alist
collect (format "%s" name)))
(error (format "<%S>" e)))
;;; Commands
(defun doom/version ()
"Display the current version of Doom & Emacs, including the current Doom
branch and commit."
(let ((default-directory doom-core-dir))
(print! "Doom v%s (%s)"
(or (cdr (doom-call-process "git" "log" "-1" "--format=%D %h %ci"))
(defun doom/info (&optional raw)
"Collects some debug information about your Emacs session, formats it and
copies it to your clipboard, ready to be pasted into bug reports!"
(interactive "P")
(let ((buffer (get-buffer-create "*doom info*"))
(info (doom-info)))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(if raw
(pp info (current-buffer)))
(dolist (sym '(modules packages))
(when (re-search-forward (format "^ *\\((%s\\)" sym) nil t)
(goto-char (match-beginning 1))
(cl-destructuring-bind (beg . end)
(bounds-of-thing-at-point 'sexp)
(let ((sexp (prin1-to-string (sexp-at-point))))
(delete-region beg end)
(insert sexp))))))
(insert "```\n")
(dolist (group info)
(insert! "%-8s%-10s %s\n"
((upcase (symbol-name (car group)))
(caadr group)
(cdadr group)))
(dolist (spec (cddr group))
(insert! (indent 8 "%-10s %s\n")
((car spec) (cdr spec)))))
(insert "```\n"))
(if (not doom-interactive-p)
(print! (buffer-string))
(pop-to-buffer buffer)
(kill-new (buffer-string))
(print! (green "Copied your doom info to clipboard"))))))
(defun doom/am-i-secure ()
"Test to see if your root certificates are securely configured in emacs.
Some items are not supported by the `nsm.el' module."
(declare (interactive-only t))
(unless (string-match-p "\\_<GNUTLS\\_>" system-configuration-features)
(warn "gnutls support isn't built into Emacs, there may be problems"))
(if-let* ((bad-hosts
(cl-loop for bad
in '(""
;; ""
;; ""
;; ""
;; ""
;; ""
;; ""
if (condition-case _e
(url-retrieve-synchronously bad)
(error nil))
collect bad)))
(error "tls seems to be misconfigured (it got %s)."
(url-retrieve ""
(lambda (status)
(if (or (not status) (plist-member status :error))
(warn "Something went wrong.\n\n%s" (pp-to-string status))
(message "Your trust roots are set up properly.\n\n%s" (pp-to-string status))
;;; Vanilla sandbox
(defun doom--run-sandbox (&optional mode)
(let ((contents (buffer-string))
(file (make-temp-file "doom-sandbox-")))
(require 'package)
(with-temp-file file
(prin1 `(progn
(setq before-init-time (current-time)
after-init-time nil
noninteractive nil
user-init-file ,file
process-environment ',doom--initial-process-environment
exec-path ',doom--initial-exec-path
doom-debug-p t
init-file-debug t
doom--initial-load-path load-path
load-path ',load-path
package--init-file-ensured t
package-user-dir ,package-user-dir
package-archives ',package-archives
user-emacs-directory ,doom-emacs-dir
comp-deferred-compilation nil
comp-eln-load-path ',(bound-and-true-p comp-eln-load-path)
comp-async-env-modifier-form ',(bound-and-true-p comp-async-env-modifier-form)
comp-deferred-compilation-black-list ',(bound-and-true-p comp-deferred-compilation-black-list))
(with-eval-after-load 'undo-tree
;; HACK `undo-tree' throws errors because `buffer-undo-tree'
;; isn't correctly initialized
(setq-default buffer-undo-tree (make-undo-tree)))
(delete-directory ,(expand-file-name "auto-save-list" doom-emacs-dir) 'parents)))
(prin1 `(unwind-protect
(defun --run-- () ,(read (concat "(progn\n" contents "\n)")))
(delete-file ,file))
(prin1 (pcase mode
(`vanilla-doom+ ; Doom core + modules - private config
(load-file ,(expand-file-name "core.el" doom-core-dir))
(setq doom-modules-dirs (list doom-modules-dir))
(let ((doom-init-modules-p t))
(setq doom-modules ',doom-modules)
(maphash (lambda (key plist)
(car key) (cdr key)
:path (doom-module-locate-path (car key) (cdr key))))
(maphash (doom-module-loader doom-module-init-file) doom-modules)
(maphash (doom-module-loader doom-module-config-file) doom-modules)
(run-hook-wrapped 'doom-init-modules-hook #'doom-try-run-hook)))
(`vanilla-doom ; only Doom core
(load-file ,(expand-file-name "core.el" doom-core-dir))
(let ((doom-init-modules-p t))
(`vanilla ; nothing loaded
;; Redo all startup initialization, like running startup hooks and loading
;; init files.
(prin1 `(progn
(fset 'doom-try-run-hook #',(symbol-function #'doom-try-run-hook))
(fset 'doom-run-all-startup-hooks-h #',(symbol-function #'doom-run-all-startup-hooks-h))
(let ((args (if (eq mode 'doom)
(list "-l" file)
(list "-Q" "-l" file))))
(require 'restart-emacs)
(condition-case e
(cond ((display-graphic-p)
(if (memq system-type '(windows-nt ms-dos))
(restart-emacs--start-gui-on-windows args)
(restart-emacs--start-gui-using-sh args)))
((memq system-type '(windows-nt ms-dos))
(user-error "Cannot start another Emacs from Windows shell."))
(format "%s %s -nw; fg"
(shell-quote-argument (restart-emacs--get-emacs-binary))
(mapconcat #'shell-quote-argument args " ")))))
(delete-file file)
(signal (car e) (cdr e)))))))
(fset 'doom--run-vanilla-emacs (cmd! (doom--run-sandbox 'vanilla)))
(fset 'doom--run-vanilla-doom (cmd! (doom--run-sandbox 'vanilla-doom)))
(fset 'doom--run-vanilla-doom+ (cmd! (doom--run-sandbox 'vanilla-doom+)))
(fset 'doom--run-full-doom (cmd! (doom--run-sandbox 'doom)))
(defvar doom-sandbox-emacs-lisp-mode-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map (kbd "C-c C-c") #'doom--run-vanilla-emacs)
(define-key map (kbd "C-c C-d") #'doom--run-vanilla-doom)
(define-key map (kbd "C-c C-p") #'doom--run-vanilla-doom+)
(define-key map (kbd "C-c C-f") #'doom--run-full-doom)
(define-key map (kbd "C-c C-k") #'kill-current-buffer)
(define-derived-mode doom-sandbox-emacs-lisp-mode emacs-lisp-mode "Sandbox Elisp"
(defun doom/sandbox ()
"Open the Emacs Lisp sandbox.
This is a test bed for running Emacs Lisp in another instance of Emacs with
varying amounts of Doom loaded, including:
a) vanilla Emacs (nothing loaded),
b) vanilla Doom (only Doom core),
c) Doom + modules - your private config or
c) Doom + modules + your private config (a complete Doom session)
This is done without sacrificing access to installed packages. Use the sandbox
to reproduce bugs and determine if Doom is to blame."
(let* ((buffer-name "*doom:sandbox*")
(exists (get-buffer buffer-name))
(buf (get-buffer-create buffer-name)))
(with-current-buffer buf
(setq-local default-directory doom-emacs-dir)
(unless (buffer-live-p exists)
(insert-file-contents (doom-glob doom-core-dir "templates/VANILLA_SANDBOX"))
(let ((contents (substitute-command-keys (buffer-string))))
(insert contents "\n")))
(goto-char (point-max)))
(pop-to-buffer buf)))
;;; Reporting bugs
(defun doom/report-bug ()
"Open a markdown buffer destinated to populate the New Issue page on Doom
Emacs' issue tracker.
If called when a backtrace buffer is present, it and the output of `doom-info'
will be automatically appended to the result."
(browse-url ""))
(defun doom/copy-buffer-contents (buffer-name)
"Copy the contents of BUFFER-NAME to your clipboard."
(list (if current-prefix-arg
(completing-read "Select buffer: " (mapcar #'buffer-name (buffer-list)))
(buffer-name (current-buffer)))))
(let ((buffer (get-buffer buffer-name)))
(unless (buffer-live-p buffer)
(user-error "Buffer isn't live"))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(substring-no-properties (buffer-string))))
(message "Contents of %S were copied to the clipboard" buffer-name)))
;;; Profiling
(defvar doom--profiler nil)
(defun doom/toggle-profiler ()
"Toggle the Emacs profiler. Run it again to see the profiling report."
(if (not doom--profiler)
(profiler-start 'cpu+mem)
(setq doom--profiler (not doom--profiler)))

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@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
;;; core/autoload/files.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defun doom--resolve-path-forms (spec &optional directory)
"Converts a simple nested series of or/and forms into a series of
`file-exists-p' checks.
For example
'(or A (and B C))
Returns (approximately):
'(let* ((_directory \"~\")
(A (expand-file-name A _directory))
(B (expand-file-name B _directory))
(C (expand-file-name C _directory)))
(or (and (file-exists-p A) A)
(and (if (file-exists-p B) B)
(if (file-exists-p C) C))))
This is used by `file-exists-p!' and `project-file-exists-p!'."
(declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t))
(if (and (listp spec)
(memq (car spec) '(or and)))
(cons (car spec)
(mapcar (doom-rpartial #'doom--resolve-path-forms directory)
(cdr spec)))
(let ((filevar (make-symbol "file")))
`(let ((,filevar ,spec))
(and (stringp ,filevar)
,(if directory
`(let ((default-directory ,directory))
(file-exists-p ,filevar))
`(file-exists-p ,filevar))
(defun doom--path (&rest segments)
(let ((segments (delq nil segments))
(while segments
(setq dir (expand-file-name (car segments) dir)
segments (cdr segments)))
(defun doom-glob (&rest segments)
"Construct a path from SEGMENTS and expand glob patterns.
Returns nil if the path doesn't exist.
Ignores `nil' elements in SEGMENTS."
(let* (case-fold-search
(dir (apply #'doom--path segments)))
(if (string-match-p "[[*?]" dir)
(file-expand-wildcards dir t)
(if (file-exists-p dir)
(defun doom-path (&rest segments)
"Constructs a file path from SEGMENTS.
Ignores `nil' elements in SEGMENTS."
(if segments
(apply #'doom--path segments)
(defun doom-dir (&rest segments)
"Constructs a path from SEGMENTS.
See `doom-path'.
Ignores `nil' elements in SEGMENTS."
(when-let (path (apply #'doom-path segments))
(directory-file-name (file-name-directory path))))
(cl-defun doom-files-in
(paths &rest rest
(full t)
(follow-symlinks t)
(type 'files)
(relative-to (unless full default-directory))
(depth 99999)
(mindepth 0)
(match "/[^._][^/]+"))
"Return a list of files/directories in PATHS (one string or a list of them).
FILTER is a function or symbol that takes one argument (the path). If it returns
non-nil, the entry will be excluded.
MAP is a function or symbol which will be used to transform each entry in the
TYPE determines what kind of path will be included in the results. This can be t
(files and folders), 'files or 'dirs.
By default, this function returns paths relative to PATH-OR-PATHS if it is a
single path. If it a list of paths, this function returns absolute paths.
Otherwise, by setting RELATIVE-TO to a path, the results will be transformed to
be relative to it.
The search recurses up to DEPTH and no further. DEPTH is an integer.
MATCH is a string regexp. Only entries that match it will be included."
(let (result)
(dolist (file (mapcan (doom-rpartial #'doom-glob "*") (doom-enlist paths)))
(cond ((file-directory-p file)
(and (memq type '(t dirs))
(string-match-p match file)
(not (and filter (funcall filter file)))
(not (and (file-symlink-p file)
(not follow-symlinks)))
(<= mindepth 0)
(list (cond (map (funcall map file))
(relative-to (file-relative-name file relative-to))
(and (>= depth 1)
(apply #'doom-files-in file
(append (list :mindepth (1- mindepth)
:depth (1- depth)
:relative-to relative-to)
((and (memq type '(t files))
(string-match-p match file)
(not (and filter (funcall filter file)))
(<= mindepth 0))
(push (if relative-to
(file-relative-name file relative-to)
(defun doom-file-cookie-p (file &optional cookie null-value)
"Returns the evaluated result of FORM in a ;;;###COOKIE FORM at the top of
If COOKIE doesn't exist, or cookie isn't within the first 256 bytes of FILE,
return NULL-VALUE."
(unless (file-exists-p file)
(signal 'file-missing file))
(unless (file-readable-p file)
(error "%S is unreadable" file))
(insert-file-contents file nil 0 256)
(if (re-search-forward (format "^;;;###%s " (regexp-quote (or cookie "if")))
nil t)
(let ((load-file-name file))
(eval (sexp-at-point) t))
(defmacro file-exists-p! (files &optional directory)
"Returns non-nil if the FILES in DIRECTORY all exist.
DIRECTORY is a path; defaults to `default-directory'.
Returns the last file found to meet the rules set by FILES, which can be a
single file or nested compound statement of `and' and `or' statements."
`(let ((p ,(doom--resolve-path-forms files directory)))
(and p (expand-file-name p ,directory))))
(defun doom-file-size (file &optional dir)
"Returns the size of FILE (in DIR) in bytes."
(let ((file (expand-file-name file dir)))
(unless (file-exists-p file)
(error "Couldn't find file %S" file))
(unless (file-readable-p file)
(error "File %S is unreadable; can't acquire its filesize"
(nth 7 (file-attributes file))))
(defvar w32-get-true-file-attributes)
(defun doom-directory-size (dir)
"Returns the size of FILE (in DIR) in kilobytes."
(unless (file-directory-p dir)
(error "Directory %S does not exist" dir))
(if (executable-find "du")
(/ (string-to-number (cdr (doom-call-process "du" "-sb" dir)))
;; REVIEW This is slow and terribly inaccurate, but it's something
(let ((w32-get-true-file-attributes t)
(file-name-handler-alist dir)
(max-lisp-eval-depth 5000)
(sum 0.0))
(dolist (attrs (directory-files-and-attributes dir nil nil t) sum)
(unless (member (car attrs) '("." ".."))
sum (if (eq (nth 1 attrs) t) ; is directory
(doom-directory-size (expand-file-name (car attrs) dir))
(/ (nth 8 attrs) 1024.0))))))))
;;; Helpers
(defun doom--update-files (&rest files)
"Ensure FILES are updated in `recentf', `magit' and `save-place'."
(let (toplevels)
(dolist (file files)
(when (featurep 'vc)
(vc-file-clearprops file)
(when-let (buffer (get-file-buffer file))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(when (featurep 'magit)
(when-let (default-directory (magit-toplevel (file-name-directory file)))
(cl-pushnew default-directory toplevels)))
(unless (file-readable-p file)
(when (bound-and-true-p recentf-mode)
(recentf-remove-if-non-kept file))
(when (and (bound-and-true-p projectile-mode)
(projectile-file-cached-p file (doom-project-root)))
(projectile-purge-file-from-cache file))))
(dolist (default-directory toplevels)
(when (bound-and-true-p save-place-mode)
;;; Commands
(defun doom/delete-this-file (&optional path force-p)
"Delete PATH, kill its buffers and expunge it from vc/magit cache.
If PATH is not specified, default to the current buffer's file.
If FORCE-P, delete without confirmation."
(list (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer))
(let* ((path (or path (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer))))
(short-path (abbreviate-file-name path)))
(unless (and path (file-exists-p path))
(user-error "Buffer is not visiting any file"))
(unless (file-exists-p path)
(error "File doesn't exist: %s" path))
(unless (or force-p (y-or-n-p (format "Really delete %S?" short-path)))
(user-error "Aborted"))
(let ((buf (current-buffer)))
(progn (delete-file path t) t)
(if (file-exists-p path)
(error "Failed to delete %S" short-path)
;; Ensures that windows displaying this buffer will be switched to
;; real buffers (`doom-real-buffer-p')
(doom/kill-this-buffer-in-all-windows buf t)
(doom--update-files path)
(message "Deleted %S" short-path))))))
(defun doom/copy-this-file (new-path &optional force-p)
"Copy current buffer's file to NEW-PATH.
If FORCE-P, overwrite the destination file if it exists, without confirmation."
(list (read-file-name "Copy file to: ")
(unless (and buffer-file-name (file-exists-p buffer-file-name))
(user-error "Buffer is not visiting any file"))
(let ((old-path (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer)))
(new-path (expand-file-name new-path)))
(make-directory (file-name-directory new-path) 't)
(copy-file old-path new-path (or force-p 1))
(doom--update-files old-path new-path)
(message "File copied to %S" (abbreviate-file-name new-path))))
(defun doom/move-this-file (new-path &optional force-p)
"Move current buffer's file to NEW-PATH.
If FORCE-P, overwrite the destination file if it exists, without confirmation."
(list (read-file-name "Move file to: ")
(unless (and buffer-file-name (file-exists-p buffer-file-name))
(user-error "Buffer is not visiting any file"))
(let ((old-path (buffer-file-name (buffer-base-buffer)))
(new-path (expand-file-name new-path)))
(make-directory (file-name-directory new-path) 't)
(rename-file old-path new-path (or force-p 1))
(set-visited-file-name new-path t t)
(doom--update-files old-path new-path)
(message "File moved to %S" (abbreviate-file-name new-path))))
(defun doom--sudo-file-path (file)
(let ((host (or (file-remote-p file 'host) "localhost")))
(concat "/" (when (file-remote-p file)
(concat (file-remote-p file 'method) ":"
(if-let (user (file-remote-p file 'user))
(concat user "@" host)
"sudo:root@" host
":" (or (file-remote-p file 'localname)
(defun doom/sudo-find-file (file)
"Open FILE as root."
(interactive "FOpen file as root: ")
(find-file (doom--sudo-file-path file)))
(defun doom/sudo-this-file ()
"Open the current file as root."
(or buffer-file-name
(when (or (derived-mode-p 'dired-mode)
(derived-mode-p 'wdired-mode))
(defun doom/sudo-save-buffer ()
"Save this file as root."
(let ((file (doom--sudo-file-path buffer-file-name)))
(if-let (buffer (find-file-noselect file))
(let ((origin (current-buffer)))
(copy-to-buffer buffer (point-min) (point-max))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(unless (eq origin buffer)
(kill-buffer buffer))
(with-current-buffer origin
(revert-buffer t t))))
(user-error "Unable to open %S" file))))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
;;; core/autoload/fonts.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defvar doom-font-increment 2
"How many steps to increase the font size each time `doom/increase-font-size'
or `doom/decrease-font-size' are invoked.")
(defvar doom-big-font nil
"The font to use for `doom-big-font-mode'. If nil, `doom-font' will be used,
scaled up by `doom-big-font-increment'. See `doom-font' for details on
acceptable values for this variable.")
(defvar doom-big-font-increment 4
"How many steps to increase the font size (with `doom-font' as the base) when
`doom-big-font-mode' is enabled and `doom-big-font' is nil.")
;;; Library
(defun doom--font-name (fontname)
(when (query-fontset fontname)
(when-let (ascii (assq 'ascii (aref (fontset-info fontname) 2)))
(setq fontname (nth 2 ascii))))
(or (x-decompose-font-name fontname)
(error "Cannot decompose font name")))
(defvar doom--font-scale nil)
(defun doom-adjust-font-size (increment)
"Increase size of font in FRAME by INCREMENT.
FRAME parameter defaults to current frame."
(if (null increment)
(set-frame-font doom-font 'keep-size t)
(setf (alist-get 'font default-frame-alist)
(cond ((stringp doom-font) doom-font)
((fontp doom-font) (font-xlfd-name doom-font))
((signal 'wrong-type-argument (list '(fontp stringp)
(let* ((font (frame-parameter nil 'font))
(font (doom--font-name font))
(increment (* increment doom-font-increment))
(zoom-factor (or doom--font-scale 0)))
(let ((new-size (+ (string-to-number (aref font xlfd-regexp-pixelsize-subnum))
(unless (> new-size 0)
(error "Font is too small at %d" new-size))
(aset font xlfd-regexp-pixelsize-subnum (number-to-string new-size)))
;; Set point size & width to "*", so frame width will adjust to new font size
(aset font xlfd-regexp-pointsize-subnum "*")
(aset font xlfd-regexp-avgwidth-subnum "*")
(setq font (x-compose-font-name font))
(unless (x-list-fonts font)
(error "Cannot change font size"))
(set-frame-font font 'keep-size t)
(setf (alist-get 'font default-frame-alist) font)
(setq doom--font-scale (+ zoom-factor increment))
;; Unlike `set-frame-font', `set-frame-parameter' won't trigger this
(run-hooks 'after-setting-font-hook))))
;;; Commands
(defun doom/reload-font ()
"Reload your fonts, if they're set.
See `doom-init-fonts-h'."
(when doom-font
(set-frame-font doom-font t))
(mapc #'doom-init-extra-fonts-h (frame-list)))
(defun doom/increase-font-size (count)
"Enlargens the font size across the current and child frames."
(interactive "p")
(doom-adjust-font-size count))
(defun doom/decrease-font-size (count)
"Shrinks the font size across the current and child frames."
(interactive "p")
(doom-adjust-font-size (- count)))
(defun doom/reset-font-size ()
"Reset font size and `text-scale'.
Assuming it has been adjusted via `doom/increase-font-size' and
`doom/decrease-font-size', or `text-scale-*' commands."
(let (success)
(when (and (boundp 'text-scale-mode-amount)
(/= text-scale-mode-amount 0))
(text-scale-set 0)
(setq success t))
(when (doom-adjust-font-size nil)
(setq success t))
(unless success
(user-error "The font hasn't been resized"))))
(define-minor-mode doom-big-font-mode
"A global mode that resizes the font, for streams, screen-sharing and
This uses `doom/increase-font-size' under the hood, and enlargens the font by
:init-value nil
:lighter " BIG"
:global t
(unless doom-font
(user-error "`doom-font' must be set to a valid font"))
(if doom-big-font
(let ((font (if doom-big-font-mode doom-big-font doom-font)))
(set-frame-font font 'keep-size t)
(setf (alist-get 'font default-frame-alist)
(cond ((stringp doom-font) font)
((fontp font) (font-xlfd-name font))
((signal 'wrong-type-argument (list '(fontp stringp)
(and doom-big-font-mode
(integerp doom-big-font-increment)
(/= doom-big-font-increment 0)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,737 @@
;;; core/autoload/help.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defvar doom--help-major-mode-module-alist
'((dockerfile-mode :tools docker)
(agda2-mode :lang agda)
(c-mode :lang cc)
(c++-mode :lang cc)
(objc++-mode :lang cc)
(crystal-mode :lang crystal)
(lisp-mode :lang common-lisp)
(csharp-mode :lang csharp)
(clojure-mode :lang clojure)
(clojurescript-mode :lang clojure)
(json-mode :lang json)
(yaml-mode :lang yaml)
(csv-mode :lang data)
(erlang-mode :lang erlang)
(elixir-mode :lang elixir)
(elm-mode :lang elm)
(emacs-lisp-mode :lang emacs-lisp)
(ess-r-mode :lang ess)
(ess-julia-mode :lang ess)
(go-mode :lang go)
(haskell-mode :lang haskell)
(hy-mode :lang hy)
(idris-mode :lang idris)
(java-mode :lang java)
(js2-mode :lang javascript)
(rjsx-mode :lang javascript)
(typescript-mode :lang javascript)
(typescript-tsx-mode :lang javascript)
(coffee-mode :lang javascript)
(julia-mode :lang julia)
(kotlin-mode :lang kotlin)
(latex-mode :lang latex)
(LaTeX-mode :lang latex)
(ledger-mode :lang ledger)
(lua-mode :lang lua)
(moonscript-mode :lang lua)
(markdown-mode :lang markdown)
(gfm-mode :lang markdown)
(nim-mode :lang nim)
(nix-mode :lang nix)
(taureg-mode :lang ocaml)
(org-mode :lang org)
(raku-mode :lang raku)
(php-mode :lang php)
(hack-mode :lang php)
(plantuml-mode :lang plantuml)
(purescript-mode :lang purescript)
(python-mode :lang python)
(restclient-mode :lang rest)
(ruby-mode :lang ruby)
(rust-mode :lang rust)
(rustic-mode :lang rust)
(scala-mode :lang scala)
(scheme-mode :lang scheme)
(sh-mode :lang sh)
(swift-mode :lang swift)
(web-mode :lang web)
(css-mode :lang web)
(scss-mode :lang web)
(sass-mode :lang web)
(less-css-mode :lang web)
(stylus-mode :lang web)
(terra-mode :lang terra))
"An alist mapping major modes to Doom modules.
This is used by `doom/help-modules' to auto-select the module corresponding to
the current major-modea.")
;;; Helpers
(defun doom-active-minor-modes ()
"Return a list of active minor-mode symbols."
(cl-loop for mode in minor-mode-list
if (and (boundp mode) (symbol-value mode))
collect mode))
;;; Custom describe commands
;;;###autoload (defalias 'doom/describe-autodefs #'doom/help-autodefs)
;;;###autoload (defalias 'doom/describe-module #'doom/help-modules)
;;;###autoload (defalias 'doom/describe-package #'doom/help-packages)
(defun doom/describe-active-minor-mode (mode)
"Get information on an active minor mode. Use `describe-minor-mode' for a
selection of all minor-modes, active or not."
(list (completing-read "Describe active mode: " (doom-active-minor-modes))))
(let ((symbol
(cond ((stringp mode) (intern mode))
((symbolp mode) mode)
((error "Expected a symbol/string, got a %s" (type-of mode))))))
(if (fboundp symbol)
(helpful-function symbol)
(helpful-variable symbol))))
;;; Documentation commands
(defvar org-agenda-files)
(defun doom--org-headings (files &optional depth include-files)
(require 'org)
(let* ((default-directory doom-docs-dir)
(org-agenda-files (mapcar #'expand-file-name (doom-enlist files)))
(depth (if (integerp depth) depth))
(org-inhibit-startup t))
(message "Loading search results...")
(lambda ()
(cl-destructuring-bind (level _reduced-level _todo _priority text tags)
(when (and (or (null depth)
(<= level depth))
(or (null tags)
(not (string-match-p ":TOC" tags))))
(let ((path (org-get-outline-path)))
(list (string-join
(list (string-join
(append (when include-files
(list (or (+org-get-global-property "TITLE")
(file-relative-name (buffer-file-name)))))
(when text
(list (replace-regexp-in-string org-link-any-re "\\4" text))))
" > ")
" ")
t 'agenda))
(mapc #'kill-buffer org-agenda-new-buffers)
(setq org-agenda-new-buffers nil))))
(defvar ivy-sort-functions-alist)
(defun doom-completing-read-org-headings (prompt files &optional depth include-files initial-input extra-candidates)
(let ((alist
(append (doom--org-headings files depth include-files)
(if-let (result (completing-read prompt alist nil nil initial-input))
(cl-destructuring-bind (file &optional location)
(cdr (assoc result alist))
(find-file file)
(cond ((functionp location)
(funcall location))
(goto-char location)))
(when (outline-invisible-p)
(outline-previous-visible-heading 1)
(user-error "Aborted"))))
(defun doom/homepage ()
"Open the doom emacs homepage in the browser."
(browse-url ""))
(defun doom/help ()
"Open Doom's user manual."
(find-file (expand-file-name "" doom-docs-dir)))
(defun doom/help-search-headings (&optional initial-input)
"Search Doom's documentation and jump to a headline."
"Find in Doom help: "
(list ""
3 t initial-input
(mapcar (lambda (x)
(setcar x (concat "Doom Modules > " (car x)))
(defun doom/help-search (&optional initial-input)
"Preform a text search on all of Doom's documentation."
(funcall (cond ((fboundp '+ivy-file-search)
((fboundp '+helm-file-search)
"Search for" (or initial-input 'grep-tag-default)
"*.org" doom-emacs-dir)
:query initial-input
:args '("-t" "org")
:in doom-emacs-dir
:prompt "Search documentation for: "))
(defun doom/help-search-news (&optional initial-input)
"Search headlines in Doom's newsletters."
"Find in News: "
(nreverse (doom-files-in (expand-file-name "news" doom-docs-dir)
:match "/[0-9]"
:relative-to doom-docs-dir))
nil t initial-input))
(defun doom/help-faq (&optional initial-input)
"Search Doom's FAQ and jump to a question."
"Find in FAQ: " (list "")
2 nil initial-input))
(defun doom/help-news ()
"Open a Doom newsletter.
The latest newsletter will be selected by default."
(let* ((default-directory (expand-file-name "news/" doom-docs-dir))
(news-files (doom-files-in default-directory)))
(read-file-name (format "Open Doom newsletter (current: v%s): "
(if (member doom-version news-files)
(concat (mapconcat #'number-to-string
(nbutlast (version-to-list doom-version) 1)
t doom-version))))
(defun doom/help-autodefs (autodef)
"Open documentation for an autodef.
An autodef is a Doom concept. It is a function or macro that is always defined,
whether or not its containing module is disabled (in which case it will safely
no-op without evaluating its arguments). This syntactic sugar lets you use them
without needing to check if they are available."
(let* ((settings
(cl-loop with case-fold-search = nil
for sym being the symbols of obarray
for sym-name = (symbol-name sym)
if (and (or (functionp sym)
(macrop sym))
(string-match-p "[a-z]!$" sym-name))
collect sym))
(sym (symbol-at-point))
"Describe setter: "
;; TODO Could be cleaner (refactor me!)
(cl-loop with maxwidth = (apply #'max (mapcar #'length (mapcar #'symbol-name settings)))
for def in (sort settings #'string-lessp)
if (get def 'doom-module)
(format (format "%%-%ds%%s" (+ maxwidth 4))
def (propertize (format "%s %s" (car it) (cdr it))
'face 'font-lock-comment-face))
else if (and (string-match-p "^set-.+!$" (symbol-name def))
(symbol-file def)
(file-in-directory-p (symbol-file def) doom-core-dir))
(format (format "%%-%ds%%s" (+ maxwidth 4))
def (propertize (format "core/%s.el" (file-name-sans-extension (file-relative-name (symbol-file def) doom-core-dir)))
'face 'font-lock-comment-face)))
nil t
(when (and (symbolp sym)
(string-match-p "!$" (symbol-name sym)))
(symbol-name sym)))))
(list (and autodef (car (split-string autodef " "))))))
(or (stringp autodef)
(functionp autodef)
(signal 'wrong-type-argument (list '(stringp functionp) autodef)))
(let ((fn (if (functionp autodef)
(intern-soft autodef))))
(or (fboundp fn)
(error "'%s' is not a valid DOOM autodef" autodef))
(if (fboundp 'helpful-callable)
(helpful-callable fn)
(describe-function fn))))
(defun doom--help-modules-list ()
(cl-loop for path in (cdr (doom-module-load-path 'all))
for (cat . mod) = (doom-module-from-path path)
for readme-path = (or (doom-module-locate-path cat mod "")
(doom-module-locate-path cat mod))
for format = (format "%s %s" cat mod)
if (doom-module-p cat mod)
collect (list format readme-path)
else if (and cat mod)
collect (list (propertize format 'face 'font-lock-comment-face)
(defun doom--help-current-module-str ()
(cond ((save-excursion
(require 'smartparens)
(unless (eq (char-after) ?\()
(let ((sexp (sexp-at-point)))
(when (memq (car-safe sexp) '(featurep! require!))
(format "%s %s" (nth 1 sexp) (nth 2 sexp)))))))
((when buffer-file-name
(when-let (mod (doom-module-from-path buffer-file-name))
(unless (memq (car mod) '(:core :private))
(format "%s %s" (car mod) (cdr mod))))))
((when-let (mod (cdr (assq major-mode doom--help-major-mode-module-alist)))
(format "%s %s"
(symbol-name (car mod))
(symbol-name (cadr mod)))))))
(defun doom/help-modules (category module &optional visit-dir)
"Open the documentation for a Doom module.
CATEGORY is a keyword and MODULE is a symbol. e.g. :editor and 'evil.
If VISIT-DIR is non-nil, visit the module's directory rather than its
Automatically selects a) the module at point (in private init files), b) the
module derived from a `featurep!' or `require!' call, c) the module that the
current file is in, or d) the module associated with the current major mode (see
(mapcar #'intern
(completing-read "Describe module: "
nil t nil nil
" " t))
(list current-prefix-arg)))
(cl-check-type category symbol)
(cl-check-type module symbol)
(cl-destructuring-bind (module-string path)
(or (assoc (format "%s %s" category module) (doom--help-modules-list))
(user-error "'%s %s' is not a valid module" category module))
(setq module-string (substring-no-properties module-string))
(unless (file-readable-p path)
(error "Can't find or read %S module at %S" module-string path))
(cond ((not (file-directory-p path))
(if visit-dir
(doom-project-browse (file-name-directory path))
(find-file path)))
(doom-project-browse path))
((y-or-n-p (format "The %S module has no README file. Explore its directory?"
(doom-project-browse (file-name-directory path)))
((user-error "Aborted module lookup")))))
(defun doom/help-custom-variable (var)
"Look up documentation for a custom variable.
Unlike `helpful-variable', which casts a wider net that includes internal
variables, this only lists variables that exist to be customized (defined with
(list (helpful--read-symbol
"Custom variable: "
(lambda (sym)
(and (helpful--variable-p sym)
(custom-variable-p sym)
;; Exclude minor mode state variables, which aren't meant to be
;; modified directly, but through their associated function.
(not (or (and (string-suffix-p "-mode" (symbol-name sym))
(fboundp sym))
(eq (get sym 'custom-set) 'custom-set-minor-mode))))))))
(helpful-variable var))
;;; `doom/help-packages'
(defun doom--help-insert-button (label &optional path)
(cl-destructuring-bind (uri . qs)
(let ((parts (split-string label "::" t)))
(cons (string-trim (car parts))
(string-join (cdr parts) "::")))
(let ((path (or path label)))
'face 'link
'follow-link t
(lambda (_)
(when (window-dedicated-p)
(other-window 1))
(pcase (cond ((string-match-p "^https?://" qs) 'url)
((or `file `nil)
(unless (file-exists-p path)
(user-error "Path does not exist: %S" path))
(let ((buffer (or (get-file-buffer path)
(find-file path))))
(when qs
(with-current-buffer buffer
(goto-char (point-min))
(re-search-forward qs)
(`url (browse-url uri))))))))
(defun doom--help-package-configs (package)
(let ((default-directory doom-emacs-dir))
;; TODO Use ripgrep instead
(cdr (doom-call-process
"git" "grep" "--no-break" "--no-heading" "--line-number"
(format "%s %s\\($\\| \\)"
"\n" t)))
(defvar doom--help-packages-list nil)
(defun doom/help-packages (package)
"Like `describe-package', but for packages installed by Doom modules.
Only shows installed packages. Includes information about where packages are
defined and configured.
If prefix arg is present, refresh the cache."
(let ((guess (or (function-called-at-point)
(require 'finder-inf nil t)
(require 'package)
(require 'straight)
(let ((packages
(if (and doom--help-packages-list (null current-prefix-arg))
(message "Generating packages list for the first time...")
(sit-for 0.1)
(setq doom--help-packages-list
(append (mapcar #'car package-alist)
(mapcar #'car package--builtins)
(mapcar #'intern (hash-table-keys straight--build-cache))
(mapcar #'car (doom-package-list 'all))
(unless (memq guess packages)
(setq guess nil))
(completing-read (if guess
(format "Select Doom package to search for (default %s): "
(format "Describe Doom package (%d): " (length packages)))
packages nil t nil nil
(if guess (symbol-name guess))))))))
;; TODO Refactor me.
(require 'core-packages)
(if (or (package-desc-p package)
(and (symbolp package)
(or (assq package package-alist)
(assq package package--builtins))))
(describe-package package)
(help-setup-xref (list #'doom/help-packages package)
(called-interactively-p 'interactive))
(with-help-window (help-buffer)))
(with-current-buffer (help-buffer)
(let ((inhibit-read-only t)
(indent (make-string 13 ? )))
(goto-char (point-max))
(if (re-search-forward "^ *Status: " nil t)
(insert "\n"))
(search-forward "\n\n" nil t))
(package--print-help-section "Package")
(insert (symbol-name package) "\n")
(package--print-help-section "Source")
(pcase (doom-package-backend package)
(insert "Straight\n")
(package--print-help-section "Pinned")
(insert (if-let (pin (plist-get (cdr (assq package doom-packages)) :pin))
(package--print-help-section "Build")
(let ((default-directory (straight--repos-dir (symbol-name package))))
(insert (cdr (doom-call-process "git" "log" "-1" "--format=%D %h %ci"))
"\n" indent))
(package--print-help-section "Build location")
(let ((build-dir (straight--build-dir (symbol-name package))))
(if (file-exists-p build-dir)
(doom--help-insert-button (abbreviate-file-name build-dir))
(insert "n/a")))
(insert "\n" indent)
(package--print-help-section "Repo location")
(let ((repo-dir (straight--repos-dir (symbol-name package))))
(if (file-exists-p repo-dir)
(doom--help-insert-button (abbreviate-file-name repo-dir))
(insert "n/a"))
(insert "\n"))
(let ((recipe (doom-package-build-recipe package)))
(package--print-help-section "Recipe")
(insert (format "%s\n" (string-trim (pp-to-string recipe))))
(package--print-help-section "Homepage")
(doom--help-insert-button (doom--package-url package))))
(`elpa (insert "[M]ELPA ")
(doom--help-insert-button (doom--package-url package))
(package--print-help-section "Location")
(file-name-directory (locate-library (symbol-name package))))))
(`builtin (insert "Built-in\n")
(package--print-help-section "Location")
(file-name-directory (locate-library (symbol-name package))))))
(`other (doom--help-insert-button
(or (symbol-file package)
(locate-library (symbol-name package))))))
(_ (insert "Not installed")))
(insert "\n")
(if (gethash (symbol-name package) straight--build-cache)
(doom-package-get package :modules)
(plist-get (cdr (assq package (doom-package-list 'all)))
(package--print-help-section "Modules")
(insert "Declared by the following Doom modules:\n")
(dolist (m modules)
(let* ((module-path (pcase (car m)
(:core doom-core-dir)
(:private doom-private-dir)
(category (doom-module-path category (cdr m)))))
(readme-path (expand-file-name "" module-path)))
(insert indent)
(format "%s %s" (car m) (or (cdr m) ""))
(insert " (")
(if (file-exists-p readme-path)
(insert "no readme"))
(insert ")\n"))))
(package--print-help-section "Configs")
(insert "This package is configured in the following locations:")
(dolist (location (doom--help-package-configs package))
(insert "\n" indent)
'face 'link
'follow-link t
`(lambda (_)
(cl-destructuring-bind (file line _match)
',(split-string location ":")
(find-file (expand-file-name file doom-emacs-dir))
(goto-char (point-min))
(forward-line (1- (string-to-number line)))
(insert "\n\n")))))
(defvar doom--package-cache nil)
(defun doom--package-list (&optional prompt)
(let* ((guess (or (function-called-at-point)
(require 'finder-inf nil t)
(unless package--initialized
(package-initialize t))
(let ((packages (or doom--package-cache
(message "Reading packages...")
(append (mapcar 'car package-alist)
(mapcar 'car package--builtins)
(mapcar 'car package-archive-contents)))))))
(setq doom--package-cache packages)
(unless (memq guess packages)
(setq guess nil))
(intern (completing-read (or prompt
(if guess
(format "Select package to search for (default %s): "
"Describe package: "))
packages nil t nil nil
(if guess (symbol-name guess)))))))
(defun doom--package-url (package)
(cond ((assq package package--builtins)
(user-error "Package is built into Emacs and cannot be looked up"))
((when-let (location (locate-library (symbol-name package)))
(insert-file-contents (concat (file-name-sans-extension location) ".el")
nil 0 4096)
(let ((case-fold-search t))
(when (re-search-forward " \\(?:URL\\|homepage\\|Website\\): \\(http[^\n]+\\)\n" nil t)
(match-string-no-properties 1))))))
((and (ignore-errors (eq (doom-package-backend package) 'quelpa))
(let* ((plist (cdr (doom-package-prop package :recipe)))
(fetcher (plist-get plist :fetcher)))
(pcase fetcher
(`git (plist-get plist :url))
(`github (format "" (plist-get plist :repo)))
(`gitlab (format "" (plist-get plist :repo)))
(`bitbucket (format "" (plist-get plist :repo)))
(`wiki (format ""
(or (car-safe (doom-enlist (plist-get plist :files)))
(format "%s.el" package))))
(_ (plist-get plist :url))))))
((and (require 'package nil t)
(or package-archive-contents
(progn (package-refresh-contents)
(pcase (package-desc-archive (cadr (assq package package-archive-contents)))
("org" "")
((or "melpa" "melpa-mirror")
(format "" package))
(format "" package))
(if-let (src (cdr (assoc package package-archives)))
(format "%s" src)
(user-error "%S isn't installed through any known source (%s)"
package archive))))))
((user-error "Cannot find the homepage for %S" package))))
(defun doom/help-package-config (package)
"Jump to any `use-package!', `after!' or ;;;###package block for PACKAGE.
This only searches `doom-emacs-dir' (typically ~/.emacs.d) and does not include
config blocks in your private config."
(interactive (list (doom--package-list "Find package config: ")))
(cl-destructuring-bind (file line _match)
"Jump to config: "
(or (doom--help-package-configs package)
(user-error "This package isn't configured by you or Doom")))
(find-file (expand-file-name file doom-emacs-dir))
(goto-char (point-min))
(forward-line (1- line))
(defalias 'doom/help-package-homepage #'straight-visit-package-website)
(defun doom--help-search-prompt (prompt)
(let ((query (doom-thing-at-point-or-region)))
(if (featurep 'counsel)
(read-string prompt query 'git-grep query))))
(defvar counsel-rg-base-command)
(defun doom--help-search (dirs query prompt)
;; REVIEW Replace with deadgrep
(unless (executable-find "rg")
(user-error "Can't find ripgrep on your system"))
(if (fboundp 'counsel-rg)
(let ((counsel-rg-base-command
(if (stringp counsel-rg-base-command)
(format counsel-rg-base-command
(concat "%s " (mapconcat #'shell-quote-argument dirs " ")))
(append counsel-rg-base-command dirs))))
(counsel-rg query nil "-Lz" prompt))
;; TODO Add helm support?
(append (list "rg" "-L" "--search-zip" "--no-heading" "--color=never"
(shell-quote-argument query))
(mapcar #'shell-quote-argument dirs))
" "))))
(defun doom/help-search-load-path (query)
"Perform a text search on your `load-path'.
Uses the symbol at point or the current selection, if available."
(list (doom--help-search-prompt "Search load-path: ")))
(doom--help-search (cl-remove-if-not #'file-directory-p load-path)
query "Search load-path: "))
(defun doom/help-search-loaded-files (query)
"Perform a text search on your `load-path'.
Uses the symbol at point or the current selection, if available."
(list (doom--help-search-prompt "Search loaded files: ")))
(cl-loop for (file . _) in (cl-remove-if-not #'stringp load-history :key #'car)
for filebase = (file-name-sans-extension file)
if (file-exists-p! (or (format "%s.el.gz" filebase)
(format "%s.el" filebase)))
collect it)
query "Search loaded files: "))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
;;; core/autoload/output.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defvar doom-output-ansi-alist
'(;; fx
(bold 1 :weight bold)
(dark 2)
(italic 3 :slant italic)
(underscore 4 :underline t)
(blink 5)
(rapid 6)
(contrary 7)
(concealed 8)
(strike 9 :strike-through t)
;; fg
(black 30 term-color-black)
(red 31 term-color-red)
(green 32 term-color-green)
(yellow 33 term-color-yellow)
(blue 34 term-color-blue)
(magenta 35 term-color-magenta)
(cyan 36 term-color-cyan)
(white 37 term-color-white)
;; bg
(on-black 40 term-color-black)
(on-red 41 term-color-red)
(on-green 42 term-color-green)
(on-yellow 43 term-color-yellow)
(on-blue 44 term-color-blue)
(on-magenta 45 term-color-magenta)
(on-cyan 46 term-color-cyan)
(on-white 47 term-color-white))
"An alist of fg/bg/fx names mapped to ansi codes and term-color-* variables.
This serves as the cipher for converting (COLOR ...) function calls in `print!'
and `format!' into colored output, where COLOR is any car of this list.")
(defvar doom-output-class-alist
`((color . doom--output-color)
(class . doom--output-class)
(indent . doom--output-indent)
(autofill . doom--output-autofill)
(success . (lambda (str &rest args)
(apply #'doom--output-color 'green (format "✓ %s" str) args)))
(warn . (lambda (str &rest args)
(apply #'doom--output-color 'yellow (format "! %s" str) args)))
(error . (lambda (str &rest args)
(apply #'doom--output-color 'red (format "x %s" str) args)))
(info . (lambda (str &rest args)
(concat "- " (if args (apply #'format str args) str))))
(start . (lambda (str &rest args)
(concat "> " (if args (apply #'format str args) str))))
(debug . (lambda (str &rest args)
(if doom-debug-p
(apply #'doom--output-color 'dark
(format "- %s" str)
(path . abbreviate-file-name)
(symbol . symbol-name)
(relpath . (lambda (str &optional dir)
(if (or (not str)
(not (stringp str))
(string-empty-p str))
(let ((dir (or dir (file-truename default-directory)))
(str (file-truename str)))
(if (file-in-directory-p str dir)
(file-relative-name str dir)
(abbreviate-file-name str))))))
(filename . file-name-nondirectory)
(dirname . (lambda (path)
(unless (file-directory-p path)
(setq path (file-name-directory path)))
(directory-file-name path))))
"An alist of text classes that map to transformation functions.
Any of these classes can be called like functions from within `format!' and
`print!' calls, which will transform their input.")
(defvar doom-output-indent 0
"Level to rigidly indent text returned by `format!' and `print!'.")
(defvar doom-output-indent-increment 2
"Steps in which to increment `doom-output-indent' for consecutive levels.")
(defvar doom-output-backend
(if doom-interactive-p 'text-properties 'ansi)
"Determines whether to print colors with ANSI codes or with text properties.
Accepts 'ansi and 'text-properties. nil means don't render colors.")
;;; Library
(defun doom--format (output)
(if (string-empty-p (string-trim output))
(concat (make-string doom-output-indent 32)
"\n" (concat "\n" (make-string doom-output-indent 32))
output t t))))
(defun doom--print (output)
(unless (string-empty-p output)
(princ output)
(defun doom--output-indent (width text &optional prefix)
"Indent TEXT by WIDTH spaces. If ARGS, format TEXT with them."
(setq text (format "%s" text))
(insert text)
(indent-rigidly (point-min) (point-max) width)
(when (stringp prefix)
(when (> width 2)
(goto-char (point-min))
(delete-char (- (length prefix)))
(insert prefix)))
(defun doom--output-autofill (&rest msgs)
"Ensure MSG is split into lines no longer than `fill-column'."
(let ((fill-column 76))
(dolist (line msgs)
(when line
(insert (format "%s" line))))
(fill-region (point-min) (point-max))
(defun doom--output-color (style format &rest args)
"Apply STYLE to formatted MESSAGE with ARGS.
STYLE is a symbol that correlates to `doom-output-ansi-alist'.
In a noninteractive session, this wraps the result in ansi color codes.
Otherwise, it maps colors to a term-color-* face."
(let* ((code (cadr (assq style doom-output-ansi-alist)))
(format (format "%s" format))
(message (if args (apply #'format format args) format)))
(unless code
(error "%S is an invalid color" style))
(pcase doom-output-backend
(format "\e[%dm%s\e[%dm" code message 0))
(require 'term) ; piggyback on term's color faces
(append (get-text-property 0 'face format)
(cond ((>= code 40)
`(:background ,(caddr (assq style doom-output-ansi-alist))))
((>= code 30)
`(:foreground ,(face-foreground (caddr (assq style doom-output-ansi-alist)))))
((cddr (assq style doom-output-ansi-alist)))))))
(_ message))))
(defun doom--output-class (class format &rest args)
"Apply CLASS to formatted format with ARGS.
CLASS is derived from `doom-output-class-alist', and can contain any arbitrary,
transformative logic."
(let (fn)
(cond ((setq fn (cdr (assq class doom-output-class-alist)))
(if (functionp fn)
(apply fn format args)
(error "%s does not have a function" class)))
(args (apply #'format format args))
(defun doom--output-apply (forms &optional sub)
"Replace color-name functions with calls to `doom--output-color'."
(cond ((null forms) nil)
((listp forms)
(append (cond ((not (symbolp (car forms)))
(list (doom--output-apply (car forms))))
(list (car forms)))
((assq (car forms) doom-output-ansi-alist)
`(doom--output-color ',(car forms)))
((assq (car forms) doom-output-class-alist)
`(doom--output-class ',(car forms)))
((list (car forms))))
(doom--output-apply (cdr forms) t)
(defmacro format! (message &rest args)
"An alternative to `format' that understands (color ...) and converts them
into faces or ANSI codes depending on the type of sesssion we're in."
`(doom--format (format ,@(doom--output-apply `(,message ,@args)))))
(defmacro print-group! (&rest body)
"Indents any `print!' or `format!' output within BODY."
`(let ((doom-output-indent (+ doom-output-indent-increment doom-output-indent)))
(defmacro print! (message &rest args)
"Prints MESSAGE, formatted with ARGS, to stdout.
Returns non-nil if the message is a non-empty string.
Can be colored using (color ...) blocks:
(print! \"Hello %s\" (bold (blue \"How are you?\")))
(print! \"Hello %s\" (red \"World\"))
(print! (green \"Great %s!\") \"success\")
Uses faces in interactive sessions and ANSI codes otherwise."
`(doom--print (format! ,message ,@args)))
(defmacro insert! (message &rest args)
"Like `insert'; the last argument must be format arguments for MESSAGE.
\(fn MESSAGE... ARGS)"
`(insert (format! (concat ,message ,@(butlast args))
,@(car (last args)))))
(defmacro error! (message &rest args)
"Like `error', but with the power of `format!'."
`(error (format! ,message ,@args)))
(defmacro user-error! (message &rest args)
"Like `user-error', but with the power of `format!'."
`(user-error (format! ,message ,@args)))
(defmacro with-output-to! (dest &rest body)
"Send all output produced in BODY to DEST.
DEST can be one or more of `standard-output', a buffer, a file"
(declare (indent 1))
`(let* ((log-buffer (generate-new-buffer " *doom log*"))
(lambda (out)
(with-current-buffer log-buffer
(insert-char out))
(send-string-to-terminal (char-to-string out)))))
(letf! (defun message (msg &rest args)
(with-current-buffer log-buffer
(insert (doom--format (apply #'format msg args)) "\n")))
(if doom-debug-p
(doom--print (doom--format (apply #'format msg args)))
(apply message msg args)))
,(macroexp-progn body)
(with-current-buffer log-buffer
(require 'ansi-color)
(ansi-color-filter-region (point-min) (point-max)))
(let ((dest ,dest))
(cond ((bufferp dest)
(with-current-buffer dest
(insert-buffer-substring log-buffer)))
((stringp dest)
(make-directory (file-name-directory dest) 'parents)
(with-temp-file dest
(insert-buffer-substring log-buffer))))
(kill-buffer log-buffer))))))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
;;; core/autoload/packages.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defun doom/reload-packages ()
"Reload `doom-packages', `package' and `quelpa'."
;; HACK straight.el must be loaded for this to work
(message "Reloading packages")
(doom-initialize-packages t)
(message "Reloading packages...DONE"))
;;; Bump commands
(defun doom--package-merge-recipes (package plist)
(require 'straight)
(plist-get plist :recipe)
(if-let (recipe (straight-recipes-retrieve package))
(cdr (if (memq (car recipe) '(quote \`))
(eval recipe t)
(let ((recipe (plist-get (cdr (assq package doom-packages))
(if (keywordp (car recipe))
(cdr recipe))))))
(defun doom--package-to-bump-string (package plist)
"Return a PACKAGE and its PLIST in 'username/repo@commit' format."
(format "%s@%s"
(plist-get (doom--package-merge-recipes package plist) :repo)
(substring-no-properties (plist-get plist :pin) 0 7)))
(defun doom--package-at-point (&optional point)
"Return the package and plist from the (package! PACKAGE PLIST...) at point."
(and point (goto-char point))
(while (and (or (atom (sexp-at-point))
(search-backward "(" nil t)))
(when (eq (car-safe (sexp-at-point)) 'package!)
(cl-destructuring-bind (beg . end)
(bounds-of-thing-at-point 'sexp)
(let* ((doom-packages nil)
(or buffer-file-name
(bound-and-true-p org-src-source-file-name)))
(package (eval (sexp-at-point) t)))
(list :beg beg
:end end
:package (car package)
:plist (cdr package))))))))
(defun doom/bumpify-package-at-point ()
"Convert `package!' call at point to a bump string."
(cl-destructuring-bind (&key package plist beg end)
(when-let (str (doom--package-to-bump-string package plist))
(goto-char beg)
(delete-region beg end)
(insert str))))
(defun doom/bumpify-packages-in-buffer ()
"Convert all `package!' calls in buffer into bump strings."
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (search-forward "(package!" nil t)
(unless (doom-point-in-string-or-comment-p)
(defun doom/bump-package-at-point (&optional select)
"Inserts or updates a `:pin' for the `package!' statement at point.
Grabs the latest commit id of the package using 'git'."
(interactive "P")
(cl-destructuring-bind (&key package plist beg end)
(or (doom--package-at-point)
(user-error "Not on a `package!' call"))
(let* ((recipe (doom--package-merge-recipes package plist))
(branch (plist-get recipe :branch))
(oldid (or (plist-get plist :pin)
(doom-package-get package :pin)))
(url (straight-vc-git--destructure recipe (upstream-repo upstream-host)
(straight-vc-git--encode-url upstream-repo upstream-host)))
(id (or (when url
(cdr (doom-call-process
"git" "ls-remote" url
(unless select branch))))
(user-error "Couldn't find a recipe for %s" package)))
(id (car (split-string
(if select
(completing-read "Commit: " (split-string id "\n" t))
(when (and oldid
(plist-member plist :pin)
(equal oldid id))
(user-error "%s: no update necessary" package))
(if (re-search-forward ":pin +\"\\([^\"]+\\)\"" end t)
(replace-match id t t nil 1)
(goto-char (1- end))
(insert " :pin " (prin1-to-string id))))
(cond ((not oldid)
(message "%s: → %s" package (substring id 0 10)))
((< (length oldid) (length id))
(message "%s: extended to %s..." package id))
((message "%s: %s → %s"
(substring oldid 0 10)
(substring id 0 10)))))))
(defun doom/bump-packages-in-buffer (&optional select)
"Inserts or updates a `:pin' for the `package!' statement at point.
Grabs the latest commit id of the package using 'git'."
(interactive "P")
(goto-char (point-min))
(let (packages)
(while (search-forward "(package! " nil t)
(unless (let ((ppss (syntax-ppss)))
(or (nth 4 ppss)
(nth 3 ppss)
(and (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
(not (plist-member (sexp-at-point) :pin))))))
(condition-case e
(push (doom/bump-package-at-point) packages)
(user-error (message "%s" (error-message-string e))))))
(if packages
(message "Updated %d packages\n- %s" (length packages) (string-join packages "\n- "))
(message "No packages to update")))))
(defun doom/bump-module (category &optional module select)
"Bump packages in CATEGORY MODULE.
If SELECT (prefix arg) is non-nil, prompt you to choose a specific commit for
each package."
(let* ((module (completing-read
"Bump module: "
(let ((modules (doom-module-list 'all)))
(mapcar (lambda (m)
(if (listp m)
(format "%s %s" (car m) (cdr m))
(format "%s" m)))
(append '(:private :core)
(delete-dups (mapcar #'car modules))
nil t nil nil))
(module (split-string module " " t)))
(list (intern (car module))
(ignore-errors (intern (cadr module)))
(mapc (fn! ((cat . mod))
(if-let (packages-file
(pcase cat
(:private (doom-glob doom-private-dir "packages.el"))
(:core (doom-glob doom-core-dir "packages.el"))
(_ (doom-module-locate-path cat mod "packages.el"))))
(or (get-file-buffer packages-file)
(find-file-noselect packages-file))
(doom/bump-packages-in-buffer select)
(message "Module %s has no packages.el file" (cons cat mod))))
(if module
(list (cons category module))
(cl-remove-if-not (lambda (m) (eq (car m) category))
(append '((:core) (:private))
(doom-module-list 'all))))))
(defun doom/bump-package (package)
"Bump PACKAGE in all modules that install it."
(list (intern (completing-read "Bump package: "
(mapcar #'car (doom-package-list 'all))))))
(let* ((packages (doom-package-list 'all))
(modules (plist-get (alist-get package packages) :modules)))
(unless modules
(user-error "This package isn't installed by any Doom module"))
(dolist (module modules)
(when-let (packages-file (doom-module-locate-path (car module) (cdr module)))
(doom/bump-module (car module) (cdr module))))))
;;; Bump commits
(defun doom/commit-bumps ()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
;;; core/autoload/plist.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;;; Macros
(cl-defmacro doplist! ((arglist plist &optional retval) &rest body)
"Loop over a PLIST's (property value) pairs then return RETVAL.
Evaluate BODY with either ARGLIST bound to (cons PROP VAL) or, if ARGLIST is a
list, the pair is destructured into (CAR . CDR)."
(declare (indent 1))
(let ((plist-var (make-symbol "plist")))
`(let ((,plist-var (copy-sequence ,plist)))
(while ,plist-var
(let ,(if (listp arglist)
`((,(pop arglist) (pop ,plist-var))
(,(pop arglist) (pop ,plist-var)))
`((,arglist (cons (pop ,plist-var)
(pop ,plist-var)))))
(defmacro plist-put! (plist &rest rest)
"Set each PROP VALUE pair in REST to PLIST in-place."
`(cl-loop for (prop value)
on (list ,@rest) by #'cddr
do ,(if (symbolp plist)
`(setq ,plist (plist-put ,plist prop value))
`(plist-put ,plist prop value))))
(defmacro plist-delete! (plist prop)
"Delete PROP from PLIST in-place."
`(setq ,plist (doom-plist-delete ,plist ,prop)))
;;; Library
(defun doom-plist-get (plist prop &optional nil-value)
"Return PROP in PLIST, if it exists. Otherwise NIL-VALUE."
(if-let (val (plist-member plist prop))
(cadr val)
(defun doom-plist-merge (from-plist to-plist)
"Non-destructively merge FROM-PLIST onto TO-PLIST"
(let ((plist (copy-sequence from-plist)))
(while plist
(plist-put! to-plist (pop plist) (pop plist)))
(defun doom-plist-delete-nil (plist)
"Delete `nil' properties from a copy of PLIST."
(let (p)
(while plist
(if (car plist)
(plist-put! p (car plist) (nth 1 plist)))
(setq plist (cddr plist)))
(defun doom-plist-delete (plist &rest props)
"Delete PROPS from a copy of PLIST."
(let (p)
(while plist
(if (not (memq (car plist) props))
(plist-put! p (car plist) (nth 1 plist)))
(setq plist (cddr plist)))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
;;; core/autoload/process.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defun doom-call-process (command &rest args)
"Execute COMMAND with ARGS synchronously.
Returns (STATUS . OUTPUT) when it is done, where STATUS is the returned error
code of the process and OUTPUT is its stdout output."
(cons (or (apply #'call-process command nil t nil (remq nil args))
(string-trim (buffer-string)))))
(defun doom-exec-process (command &rest args)
"Execute COMMAND with ARGS synchronously.
Unlike `doom-call-process', this pipes output to `standard-output' on the fly to
simulate 'exec' in the shell, so batch scripts could run external programs
synchronously without sacrificing their output.
Warning: freezes indefinitely on any stdin prompt."
;; FIXME Is there any way to handle prompts?
(cons (let ((process
(make-process :name "doom-sh"
:buffer (current-buffer)
:command (cons command (remq nil args))
:connection-type 'pipe))
process (lambda (_process output)
(princ output (current-buffer))
(princ output)))
process (lambda (process _event)
(when (memq (process-status process) '(exit stop))
(setq done-p t))))
(while (not done-p)
(sit-for 0.1))
(process-exit-status process))
(string-trim (buffer-string)))))
(defvar doom--num-cpus nil)
(defun doom-num-cpus ()
"Return the max number of processing units on this system.
Tries to be portable. Returns 1 if cannot be determined."
(or doom--num-cpus
(setq doom--num-cpus
(let ((cpus
(cond ((getenv "NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS"))
((executable-find "nproc")
(doom-call-process "nproc"))
((executable-find "sysctl")
(doom-call-process "sysctl" "-n" "hw.ncpu")))))
1 (or (cl-typecase cpus
(condition-case _
(string-to-number cpus)
(user-error "NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS contains an invalid value: %S"
(if (zerop (car cpus))
(string-to-number (cdr cpus))
(user-error "Failed to look up number of processors, because:\n\n%s"
(cdr cpus)))))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
;;; core/autoload/projects.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defvar projectile-project-root nil)
(defvar projectile-enable-caching)
(defvar projectile-require-project-root)
;;;###autoload (autoload 'projectile-relevant-known-projects "projectile")
(cl-defun set-project-type! (name &key predicate compile run test configure dir)
"Add a project type to `projectile-project-type'."
(declare (indent 1))
(after! projectile
(add-to-list 'projectile-project-types
(list name
'marker-files predicate
'compilation-dir dir
'configure-command configure
'compile-command compile
'test-command test
'run-command run))))
;;; Macros
(defmacro project-file-exists-p! (files)
"Checks if the project has the specified FILES.
Paths are relative to the project root, unless they start with ./ or ../ (in
which case they're relative to `default-directory'). If they start with a slash,
they are absolute."
`(file-exists-p! ,files (doom-project-root)))
;;; Commands
(defun doom/find-file-in-other-project (project-root)
"Preforms `projectile-find-file' in a known project of your choosing."
(completing-read "Find file in project: " (projectile-relevant-known-projects))))
(unless (file-directory-p project-root)
(error "Project directory '%s' doesn't exist" project-root))
(doom-project-find-file project-root))
(defun doom/browse-in-other-project (project-root)
"Preforms `find-file' in a known project of your choosing."
(completing-read "Browse in project: " (projectile-relevant-known-projects))))
(unless (file-directory-p project-root)
(error "Project directory '%s' doesn't exist" project-root))
(doom-project-browse project-root))
(defun doom/browse-in-emacsd ()
"Browse files from `doom-emacs-dir'."
(interactive) (doom-project-browse doom-emacs-dir))
(defun doom/find-file-in-emacsd ()
"Find a file under `doom-emacs-dir', recursively."
(interactive) (doom-project-find-file doom-emacs-dir))
;;; Library
(defun doom-project-p (&optional dir)
"Return t if DIR (defaults to `default-directory') is a valid project."
(and (doom-project-root dir)
(defun doom-project-root (&optional dir)
"Return the project root of DIR (defaults to `default-directory').
Returns nil if not in a project."
(let ((projectile-project-root (unless dir projectile-project-root))
(projectile-project-root dir)))
(defun doom-project-name (&optional dir)
"Return the name of the current project.
Returns '-' if not in a valid project."
(if-let (project-root (or (doom-project-root dir)
(if dir (expand-file-name dir))))
(funcall projectile-project-name-function project-root)
(defun doom-project-expand (name &optional dir)
"Expand NAME to project root."
(expand-file-name name (doom-project-root dir)))
(defun doom-project-find-file (dir)
"Jump to a file in DIR (searched recursively).
If DIR is not a project, it will be indexed (but not cached)."
(unless (file-directory-p dir)
(error "Directory %S does not exist" dir))
(unless (file-readable-p dir)
(error "Directory %S isn't readable" dir))
(let* ((default-directory (file-truename dir))
(projectile-project-root (doom-project-root dir))
(projectile-enable-caching projectile-enable-caching))
(cond ((and projectile-project-root (file-equal-p projectile-project-root default-directory))
(unless (doom-project-p default-directory)
;; Disable caching if this is not a real project; caching
;; non-projects easily has the potential to inflate the projectile
;; cache beyond reason.
(setq projectile-enable-caching nil))
;; Intentionally avoid `helm-projectile-find-file', because it runs
;; asynchronously, and thus doesn't see the lexical
;; `default-directory'
(if (doom-module-p :completion 'ivy)
((fboundp 'counsel-file-jump) ; ivy only
(call-interactively #'counsel-file-jump))
((project-current nil dir)
(project-find-file-in nil nil dir))
((fboundp 'helm-find-files)
(call-interactively #'helm-find-files))
((call-interactively #'find-file)))))
(defun doom-project-browse (dir)
"Traverse a file structure starting linearly from DIR."
(let ((default-directory (file-truename (expand-file-name dir))))
(cond ((doom-module-p :completion 'ivy)
((doom-module-p :completion 'helm)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
;;; core/autoload/scratch.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defvar doom-scratch-default-file "__default"
"The default file name for a project-less scratch buffer.
Will be saved in `doom-scratch-dir'.")
(defvar doom-scratch-dir (concat doom-etc-dir "scratch")
"Where to save persistent scratch buffers.")
(defvar doom-scratch-initial-major-mode nil
"What major mode to start fresh scratch buffers in.
Scratch buffers preserve their last major mode, however, so this only affects
the first, fresh scratch buffer you create. This accepts:
t Inherits the major mode of the last buffer you had selected.
nil Uses `fundamental-mode'
MAJOR-MODE Any major mode symbol")
(defvar doom-scratch-buffers nil
"A list of active scratch buffers.")
(defvar doom-scratch-current-project nil
"The name of the project associated with the current scratch buffer.")
(put 'doom-scratch-current-project 'permanent-local t)
(defvar doom-scratch-buffer-hook ()
"The hooks to run after a scratch buffer is created.")
(defun doom--load-persistent-scratch-buffer (project-name)
(setq-local doom-scratch-current-project
(or project-name
(let ((smart-scratch-file
(expand-file-name (concat doom-scratch-current-project ".el")
(make-directory doom-scratch-dir t)
(when (file-readable-p smart-scratch-file)
(message "Reading %s" smart-scratch-file)
(cl-destructuring-bind (content point mode)
(save-excursion (insert-file-contents smart-scratch-file))
(read (current-buffer)))
(funcall mode)
(insert content)
(goto-char point)
(defun doom-scratch-buffer (&optional dont-restore-p mode directory project-name)
"Return a scratchpad buffer in major MODE."
(let* ((buffer-name (if project-name
(format "*doom:scratch (%s)*" project-name)
(buffer (get-buffer buffer-name)))
(or buffer (get-buffer-create buffer-name))
(setq default-directory directory)
(setq-local so-long--inhibited t)
(if dont-restore-p
(unless buffer
(doom--load-persistent-scratch-buffer project-name)
(when (and (eq major-mode 'fundamental-mode)
(functionp mode))
(funcall mode))))
(cl-pushnew (current-buffer) doom-scratch-buffers)
(add-transient-hook! 'doom-switch-buffer-hook (doom-persist-scratch-buffers-h))
(add-transient-hook! 'doom-switch-window-hook (doom-persist-scratch-buffers-h))
(add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook #'doom-persist-scratch-buffer-h nil 'local)
(run-hooks 'doom-scratch-buffer-created-hook)
;;; Persistent scratch buffer
(defun doom-persist-scratch-buffer-h ()
"Save the current buffer to `doom-scratch-dir'."
(let ((content (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)))
(point (point))
(mode major-mode))
(expand-file-name (concat (or doom-scratch-current-project
(prin1 (list content
(defun doom-persist-scratch-buffers-h ()
"Save all scratch buffers to `doom-scratch-dir'."
(setq doom-scratch-buffers
(cl-delete-if-not #'buffer-live-p doom-scratch-buffers))
(dolist (buffer doom-scratch-buffers)
(with-current-buffer buffer
(defun doom-persist-scratch-buffers-after-switch-h ()
"Kill scratch buffers when they are no longer visible, saving them to disk."
(unless (cl-some #'get-buffer-window doom-scratch-buffers)
(mapc #'kill-buffer doom-scratch-buffers)
(remove-hook 'doom-switch-buffer-hook #'doom-persist-scratch-buffers-after-switch-h)))
(when doom-interactive-p
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'doom-persist-scratch-buffers-h))
;;; Commands
(defvar projectile-enable-caching)
(defun doom/open-scratch-buffer (&optional arg project-p same-window-p)
"Pop up a persistent scratch buffer.
If passed the prefix ARG, do not restore the last scratch buffer.
If PROJECT-P is non-nil, open a persistent scratch buffer associated with the
current project."
(interactive "P")
(let (projectile-enable-caching)
(if same-window-p
(cond ((eq doom-scratch-initial-major-mode t)
(unless (or buffer-read-only
(derived-mode-p 'special-mode)
(string-match-p "^ ?\\*" (buffer-name)))
((null doom-scratch-initial-major-mode)
((symbolp doom-scratch-initial-major-mode)
(when project-p
(defun doom/switch-to-scratch-buffer (&optional arg project-p)
"Like `doom/open-scratch-buffer', but switches to it in the current window.
If passed the prefix ARG, do not restore the last scratch buffer."
(interactive "P")
(doom/open-scratch-buffer arg project-p 'same-window))
(defun doom/open-project-scratch-buffer (&optional arg same-window-p)
"Opens the (persistent) project scratch buffer in a popup.
If passed the prefix ARG, do not restore the last scratch buffer."
(interactive "P")
(doom/open-scratch-buffer arg 'project same-window-p))
(defun doom/switch-to-project-scratch-buffer (&optional arg)
"Like `doom/open-project-scratch-buffer', but switches to it in the current
If passed the prefix ARG, do not restore the last scratch buffer."
(interactive "P")
(doom/open-project-scratch-buffer arg 'same-window))
(defun doom/revert-scratch-buffer ()
"Revert scratch buffer to last persistent state."
(unless (string-match-p "^\\*doom:scratch" (buffer-name))
(user-error "Not in a scratch buffer"))
(when (doom--load-persistent-scratch-buffer doom-scratch-current-project)
(message "Reloaded scratch buffer")))
(defun doom/delete-persistent-scratch-file (&optional arg)
"Deletes a scratch buffer file in `doom-scratch-dir'.
If prefix ARG, delete all persistent scratches."
(if arg
(delete-directory doom-scratch-dir t)
(message "Cleared %S" (abbreviate-file-name doom-scratch-dir)))
(make-directory doom-scratch-dir t)
(let ((file (read-file-name "Delete scratch file > " doom-scratch-dir "scratch")))
(if (not (file-exists-p file))
(message "%S does not exist" (abbreviate-file-name file))
(delete-file file)
(message "Successfully deleted %S" (abbreviate-file-name file))))))

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@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
;;; core/autoload/sessions.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defvar desktop-base-file-name)
(defvar desktop-dirname)
(defvar desktop-restore-eager)
(defvar desktop-file-modtime)
;;; Helpers
(defun doom-session-file (&optional name)
(cond ((require 'persp-mode nil t)
(expand-file-name (or name persp-auto-save-fname) persp-save-dir))
((require 'desktop nil t)
(if name
(expand-file-name name (file-name-directory (desktop-full-file-name)))
((error "No session backend available"))))
(defun doom-save-session (&optional file)
(setq file (expand-file-name (or file (doom-session-file))))
(cond ((require 'persp-mode nil t)
(unless persp-mode (persp-mode +1))
(setq persp-auto-save-opt 0)
(persp-save-state-to-file file))
((and (require 'frameset nil t)
(require 'restart-emacs nil t))
(let ((frameset-filter-alist (append '((client . restart-emacs--record-tty-file))
(desktop-base-file-name (file-name-nondirectory file))
(desktop-dirname (file-name-directory file))
(desktop-restore-eager t)
(make-directory desktop-dirname t)
;; Prevents confirmation prompts
(let ((desktop-file-modtime (nth 5 (file-attributes (desktop-full-file-name)))))
(desktop-save desktop-dirname t))))
((error "No session backend to save session with"))))
(defun doom-load-session (&optional file)
(setq file (expand-file-name (or file (doom-session-file))))
(message "Attempting to load %s" file)
(cond ((not (file-readable-p file))
(message "No session file at %S to read from" file))
((require 'persp-mode nil t)
(unless persp-mode
(persp-mode +1))
(let ((allowed (persp-list-persp-names-in-file file)))
(cl-loop for name being the hash-keys of *persp-hash*
unless (member name allowed)
do (persp-kill name))
(persp-load-state-from-file file)))
((and (require 'frameset nil t)
(require 'restart-emacs nil t))
(restart-emacs--restore-frames-using-desktop file))
((error "No session backend to load session with"))))
;;; Command line switch
(defun doom-restore-session-handler (&rest _)
(add-hook 'window-setup-hook #'doom-load-session 'append))
(add-to-list 'command-switch-alist (cons "--restore" #'doom-restore-session-handler))
;;; Commands
(defun doom/quickload-session ()
(message "Restoring session...")
(message "Session restored. Welcome back."))
(defun doom/quicksave-session ()
(message "Saving session")
(message "Saving session...DONE"))
(defun doom/load-session (file)
(let ((session-file (doom-session-file)))
(list (or (read-file-name "Session to restore: "
(file-name-directory session-file)
(file-name-nondirectory session-file)
(user-error "No session selected. Aborting")))))
(unless file
(error "No session file selected"))
(message "Loading '%s' session" file)
(doom-load-session file)
(message "Session restored. Welcome back."))
(defun doom/save-session (file)
(let ((session-file (doom-session-file)))
(list (or (read-file-name "Save session to: "
(file-name-directory session-file)
(file-name-nondirectory session-file))
(user-error "No session selected. Aborting")))))
(unless file
(error "No session file selected"))
(message "Saving '%s' session" file)
(doom-save-session file))
(defalias 'doom/restart #'restart-emacs)
(defun doom/restart-and-restore (&optional debug)
(interactive "P")
(setq doom-autosave-session nil)
(save-some-buffers nil t)
(letf! ((#'save-buffers-kill-emacs #'kill-emacs)
(append (if debug (list "--debug-init"))
(when (boundp 'chemacs-current-emacs-profile)
(list "--with-profile" chemacs-current-emacs-profile))
(list "--restore")))))

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@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
;;; core/autoload/cache.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; This little library abstracts the process of writing arbitrary elisp values
;; to a 2-tiered file store (in `doom-store-dir'/`doom-store-location').
(defvar doom-store-dir (concat doom-etc-dir "store/")
"Directory to look for and store data accessed through this API.")
(defvar doom-store-persist-alist '(t)
"An alist of alists, containing lists of variables for the doom cache library
to persist across Emacs sessions.")
(defvar doom-store-location "default"
"The default location for cache files. This symbol is translated into a file
name under `pcache-directory' (by default a subdirectory under
`doom-store-dir'). One file may contain multiple cache entries.")
(defvar doom--store-table (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(defvar doom--inhibit-flush nil)
(defun doom-save-persistent-store-h ()
"Hook to run when an Emacs session is killed. Saves all persisted variables
listed in `doom-store-persist-alist' to files."
(let (locations)
(let ((doom--inhibit-flush t))
(dolist (alist (butlast doom-store-persist-alist 1))
(cl-loop with location = (car alist)
for var in (cdr alist)
do (doom-store-put var (symbol-value var) nil location)
and do (cl-pushnew location locations))))
(mapc #'doom--store-flush locations)))
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'doom-save-persistent-store-h)
;; Library
(defun doom-store-persist (location variables)
"Persist VARIABLES (list of symbols) in LOCATION (symbol).
This populates these variables with cached values, if one exists, and saves them
to file when Emacs quits. This cannot persist buffer-local variables."
(dolist (var variables)
(when (doom-store-member-p var location)
(set var (doom-store-get var location))))
(setf (alist-get location doom-store-persist-alist)
(append variables (alist-get location doom-store-persist-alist))))
(defun doom-store-desist (location &optional variables)
"Unregisters VARIABLES (list of symbols) in LOCATION (symbol).
Variables to persist are recorded in `doom-store-persist-alist'. Does not affect
the actual variables themselves or their values."
(if variables
(setf (alist-get location doom-store-persist-alist)
(cl-set-difference (cdr (assq location doom-store-persist-alist))
(delq! location doom-store-persist-alist 'assoc)))
(defun doom--store-init (location)
(or (gethash location doom--store-table)
(let* ((file-name-handler-alist nil)
(location-path (expand-file-name location doom-store-dir)))
(if (file-exists-p location-path)
(puthash location
(set-buffer-multibyte nil)
(setq buffer-file-coding-system 'binary)
(insert-file-contents-literally location-path)
(read (current-buffer)))
(puthash location (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
(defun doom--store-get (key location &optional default-value)
(let* ((location-data (doom--store-init location))
(data (gethash key location-data default-value)))
(if (and (not (eq data default-value))
(or (null (car data))
(not (time-less-p (car data) (current-time)))))
(cdr data)
(defun doom--store-put (key value location &optional ttl)
(puthash key (cons (if ttl (time-add (current-time) ttl)) value)
(doom--store-init location))
(doom--store-flush location))
(defun doom--store-flush (location)
(unless doom--inhibit-flush
(let ((file-name-handler-alist nil)
(coding-system-for-write 'binary)
(write-region-annotate-functions nil)
(write-region-post-annotation-function nil)
(data (doom--store-init location)))
(make-directory doom-store-dir 'parents)
(with-temp-file (expand-file-name location doom-store-dir)
(prin1 data (current-buffer)))
(defun doom-store-get (key &optional location default-value)
"Retrieve KEY from LOCATION (defaults to `doom-store-location').
If it doesn't exist or has expired, DEFAULT_VALUE is returned."
(doom--store-get key (or location doom-store-location) default-value))
(defun doom-store-put (key value &optional ttl location)
"Set KEY to VALUE in the store at LOCATION.
KEY can be any lisp object that is comparable with `equal'. TTL is the duration
(in seconds) after which this cache entry expires; if nil, no cache expiration.
LOCATION is the super-key to store this cache item under. It defaults to
(doom--store-put key value (or location doom-store-location) ttl))
(defun doom-store-rem (key &optional location)
"Clear a cache LOCATION (defaults to `doom-store-location')."
(let ((location (or location doom-store-location)))
(remhash key (doom--store-init location))
(let ((table (doom--store-init "default")))
(remhash 'test table)
(doom--store-flush location)))
(defun doom-store-member-p (key &optional location)
"Return t if KEY in LOCATION exists.
LOCATION defaults to `doom-store-location'."
(let ((nil-value (format "--nilvalue%s--" (current-time))))
(not (equal (doom-store-get key location nil-value)
(defun doom-store-clear (&optional location)
"Clear the store at LOCATION (defaults to `doom-store-location')."
(let* ((location (or location doom-store-location))
(path (expand-file-name location doom-store-dir)))
(remhash location doom--store-table)
(when (file-exists-p path)
(delete-file path)

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@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
;;; core/autoload/text.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defvar doom-point-in-comment-functions ()
"List of functions to run to determine if point is in a comment.
Each function takes one argument: the position of the point. Stops on the first
function to return non-nil. Used by `doom-point-in-comment-p'.")
(defvar doom-point-in-string-functions ()
"List of functions to run to determine if point is in a string.
Each function takes one argument: the position of the point. Stops on the first
function to return non-nil. Used by `doom-point-in-string-p'.")
(defun doom-surrounded-p (pair &optional inline balanced)
"Returns t if point is surrounded by a brace delimiter: {[(
If INLINE is non-nil, only returns t if braces are on the same line, and
whitespace is balanced on either side of the cursor.
If INLINE is nil, returns t if the opening and closing braces are on adjacent
lines, above and below, with only whitespace in between."
(when pair
(let ((beg (plist-get pair :beg))
(end (plist-get pair :end))
(pt (point)))
(when (and (> pt beg) (< pt end))
(when-let* ((cl (plist-get pair :cl))
(op (plist-get pair :op)))
(and (not (string= op ""))
(not (string= cl ""))
(let ((nbeg (+ (length op) beg))
(nend (- end (length cl))))
(let ((content (buffer-substring-no-properties nbeg nend)))
(and (string-match-p (format "[ %s]*" (if inline "" "\n")) content)
(or (not balanced)
(= (- pt nbeg) (- nend pt))))))))))))
(defun doom-point-in-comment-p (&optional pos)
"Return non-nil if POS is in a comment.
POS defaults to the current position."
(let ((pos (or pos (point))))
(or (run-hook-with-args-until-success 'doom-point-in-comment-functions pos)
(sp-point-in-comment pos))))
(defun doom-point-in-string-p (&optional pos)
"Return non-nil if POS is in a string."
;; REVIEW Should we cache `syntax-ppss'?
(let ((pos (or pos (point))))
(or (run-hook-with-args-until-success 'doom-point-in-string-functions pos)
(sp-point-in-string pos))))
(defun doom-point-in-string-or-comment-p (&optional pos)
"Return non-nil if POS is in a string or comment."
(or (doom-point-in-string-p pos)
(doom-point-in-comment-p pos)))
(defun doom-region-active-p ()
"Return non-nil if selection is active.
Detects evil visual mode as well."
(declare (side-effect-free t))
(or (use-region-p)
(and (bound-and-true-p evil-local-mode)
(defun doom-region-beginning ()
"Return beginning position of selection.
Uses `evil-visual-beginning' if available."
(declare (side-effect-free t))
(if (bound-and-true-p evil-local-mode)
(defun doom-region-end ()
"Return end position of selection.
Uses `evil-visual-end' if available."
(declare (side-effect-free t))
(if (bound-and-true-p evil-local-mode)
(defun doom-thing-at-point-or-region (&optional thing prompt)
"Grab the current selection, THING at point, or xref identifier at point.
Returns THING if it is a string. Otherwise, if nothing is found at point and
PROMPT is non-nil, prompt for a string (if PROMPT is a string it'll be used as
the prompting string). Returns nil if all else fails.
NOTE: Don't use THING for grabbing symbol-at-point. The xref fallback is smarter
in some cases."
(declare (side-effect-free t))
(cond ((stringp thing)
(thing-at-point thing t))
((require 'xref nil t)
;; Eglot, nox (a fork of eglot), and elpy implementations for
;; `xref-backend-identifier-at-point' betray the documented purpose of
;; the interface. Eglot/nox return a hardcoded string and elpy prepends
;; the line number to the symbol.
(if (memq (xref-find-backend) '(eglot elpy nox))
(thing-at-point 'symbol t)
;; A little smarter than using `symbol-at-point', though in most
;; cases, xref ends up using `symbol-at-point' anyway.
(xref-backend-identifier-at-point (xref-find-backend))))
(read-string (if (stringp prompt) prompt "")))))
;;; Commands
(defun doom--bol-bot-eot-eol (&optional pos)
(when pos
(goto-char pos))
(let* ((bol (if visual-line-mode
(bot (save-excursion
(goto-char bol)
(skip-chars-forward " \t\r")
(eol (if visual-line-mode
(save-excursion (end-of-visual-line) (point))
(eot (or (save-excursion
(if (not comment-use-syntax)
(goto-char bol)
(when (re-search-forward comment-start-skip eol t)
(or (match-end 1) (match-beginning 0))))
(goto-char eol)
(while (and (doom-point-in-comment-p)
(> (point) bol))
(skip-chars-backward " " bol)
(unless (or (eq (char-after) 32) (eolp))
(list bol bot eot eol))))
(defvar doom--last-backward-pt nil)
(defun doom/backward-to-bol-or-indent (&optional point)
"Jump between the indentation column (first non-whitespace character) and the
beginning of the line. The opposite of
(interactive "^d")
(let ((pt (or point (point))))
(cl-destructuring-bind (bol bot _eot _eol)
(doom--bol-bot-eot-eol pt)
(cond ((> pt bot)
(goto-char bot))
((= pt bol)
(or (and doom--last-backward-pt
(= (line-number-at-pos doom--last-backward-pt)
(line-number-at-pos pt)))
(setq doom--last-backward-pt nil))
(goto-char (or doom--last-backward-pt bot))
(setq doom--last-backward-pt nil))
((<= pt bot)
(setq doom--last-backward-pt pt)
(goto-char bol))))))
(defvar doom--last-forward-pt nil)
(defun doom/forward-to-last-non-comment-or-eol (&optional point)
"Jumps between the last non-blank, non-comment character in the line and the
true end of the line. The opposite of `doom/backward-to-bol-or-indent'."
(interactive "^d")
(let ((pt (or point (point))))
(cl-destructuring-bind (_bol _bot eot eol)
(doom--bol-bot-eot-eol pt)
(cond ((< pt eot)
(goto-char eot))
((= pt eol)
(goto-char (or doom--last-forward-pt eot))
(setq doom--last-forward-pt nil))
((>= pt eot)
(setq doom--last-backward-pt pt)
(goto-char eol))))))
(defun doom/backward-kill-to-bol-and-indent ()
"Kill line to the first non-blank character. If invoked again afterwards, kill
line to beginning of line. Same as `evil-delete-back-to-indentation'."
(let ((empty-line-p (save-excursion (beginning-of-line)
(looking-at-p "[ \t]*$"))))
(funcall (if (fboundp 'evil-delete)
(point-at-bol) (point))
(unless empty-line-p
(defun doom/delete-backward-word (arg)
"Like `backward-kill-word', but doesn't affect the kill-ring."
(interactive "p")
(let (kill-ring)
(backward-kill-word arg)))
(defun doom/dumb-indent ()
"Inserts a tab character (or spaces x tab-width)."
(if indent-tabs-mode
(insert "\t")
(let* ((movement (% (current-column) tab-width))
(spaces (if (= 0 movement) tab-width (- tab-width movement))))
(insert (make-string spaces ? )))))
(defun doom/dumb-dedent ()
"Dedents the current line."
(if indent-tabs-mode
(call-interactively #'backward-delete-char)
(unless (bolp)
(when (> (current-column) (current-indentation))
(let ((movement (% (current-column) tab-width)))
(- (if (= 0 movement)
(- tab-width movement)))))))))
(defun doom/retab (arg &optional beg end)
"Converts tabs-to-spaces or spaces-to-tabs within BEG and END (defaults to
buffer start and end, to make indentation consistent. Which it does depends on
the value of `indent-tab-mode'.
If ARG (universal argument) is non-nil, retab the current buffer using the
opposite indentation style."
(interactive "Pr")
(unless (and beg end)
(setq beg (point-min)
end (point-max)))
(let ((indent-tabs-mode (if arg (not indent-tabs-mode) indent-tabs-mode)))
(if indent-tabs-mode
(tabify beg end)
(untabify beg end))))
(defun doom/delete-trailing-newlines ()
"Trim trailing newlines.
Respects `require-final-newline'."
(goto-char (point-max))
(defun doom/dos2unix ()
"Convert the current buffer to a Unix file encoding."
(set-buffer-file-coding-system 'undecided-unix nil))
(defun doom/unix2dos ()
"Convert the current buffer to a DOS file encoding."
(set-buffer-file-coding-system 'undecided-dos nil))
(defun doom/toggle-indent-style ()
"Switch between tabs and spaces indentation style in the current buffer."
(setq indent-tabs-mode (not indent-tabs-mode))
(message "Indent style changed to %s" (if indent-tabs-mode "tabs" "spaces")))
(defvar editorconfig-lisp-use-default-indent)
(defun doom/set-indent-width (width)
"Change the indentation size to WIDTH of the current buffer.
The effectiveness of this command is significantly improved if you have
editorconfig or dtrt-indent installed."
(list (if (integerp current-prefix-arg)
(read-number "New indent size: "))))
(setq tab-width width)
(setq-local standard-indent width)
(when (boundp 'evil-shift-width)
(setq evil-shift-width width))
(cond ((require 'editorconfig nil t)
(let (editorconfig-lisp-use-default-indent)
(editorconfig-set-indentation nil width)))
((require 'dtrt-indent nil t)
(when-let (var (nth 2 (assq major-mode dtrt-indent-hook-mapping-list)))
(doom-log "Updated %s = %d" var width)
(set var width))))
(message "Changed indentation to %d" width))
;;; Hooks
(defun doom-enable-delete-trailing-whitespace-h ()
"Enables the automatic deletion of trailing whitespaces upon file save.
i.e. enables `ws-butler-mode' in the current buffer."
(ws-butler-mode +1))
(defun doom-disable-delete-trailing-whitespace-h ()
"Disables the automatic deletion of trailing whitespaces upon file save.
i.e. disables `ws-butler-mode' in the current buffer."
(ws-butler-mode -1))
(defun doom-enable-show-trailing-whitespace-h ()
"Enable `show-trailing-whitespace' in the current buffer."
(setq-local show-trailing-whitespace t))
(defun doom-disable-show-trailing-whitespace-h ()
"Disable `show-trailing-whitespace' in the current buffer."
(setq-local show-trailing-whitespace nil))

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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
;;; core/autoload/themes.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defun doom--custom-theme-set-face (spec)
(cond ((listp (car spec))
(cl-loop for face in (car spec)
(car (doom--custom-theme-set-face (cons face (cdr spec))))))
((keywordp (cadr spec))
`((,(car spec) ((t ,(cdr spec))))))
(`((,(car spec) ,(cdr spec))))))
(defconst doom-customize-theme-hook nil)
(add-hook! 'doom-load-theme-hook
(defun doom-apply-customized-faces-h ()
(run-hooks 'doom-customize-theme-hook)))
(defmacro custom-theme-set-faces! (theme &rest specs)
"Apply a list of face SPECS as user customizations for THEME.
THEME can be a single symbol or list thereof. If nil, apply these settings to
all themes. It will apply to all themes once they are loaded."
(declare (indent defun))
(let ((fn (gensym "doom--customize-themes-h-")))
(defun ,fn ()
(let (custom--inhibit-theme-enable)
(dolist (theme (doom-enlist (or ,theme 'user)))
(when (or (eq theme 'user)
(custom-theme-enabled-p theme))
(apply #'custom-theme-set-faces theme
(mapcan #'doom--custom-theme-set-face
(list ,@specs)))))))
(when (or doom-init-theme-p (null doom-theme))
(funcall #',fn))
(add-hook 'doom-customize-theme-hook #',fn 'append))))
(defmacro custom-set-faces! (&rest specs)
"Apply a list of face SPECS as user customizations.
This is a convenience macro alternative to `custom-set-face' which allows for a
simplified face format, and takes care of load order issues, so you can use
doom-themes' API without worry."
(declare (indent defun))
`(custom-theme-set-faces! 'user ,@specs))
(defvar doom--prefer-theme-elc)
(defun doom/reload-theme ()
"Reload the current color theme."
(let ((theme (or (car-safe custom-enabled-themes) doom-theme)))
(when theme
(mapc #'disable-theme custom-enabled-themes))
(load-theme doom-theme 'noconfirm)

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@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
;;; core/autoload/ui.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;;; Public library
(defun doom-resize-window (window new-size &optional horizontal force-p)
"Resize a window to NEW-SIZE. If HORIZONTAL, do it width-wise.
If FORCE-P is omitted when `window-size-fixed' is non-nil, resizing will fail."
(with-selected-window (or window (selected-window))
(let ((window-size-fixed (unless force-p window-size-fixed)))
(enlarge-window (- new-size (if horizontal (window-width) (window-height)))
(defun doom-quit-p (&optional prompt)
"Prompt the user for confirmation when killing Emacs.
Returns t if it is safe to kill this session. Does not prompt if no real buffers
are open."
(or (not (ignore-errors (doom-real-buffer-list)))
(yes-or-no-p (format " %s" (or prompt "Quit Emacs?")))
(ignore (message "Aborted"))))
;;; Advice
(defun doom-recenter-a (&rest _)
"Generic advice for recentering window (typically :after other functions)."
(defun doom-preserve-window-position-a (orig-fn &rest args)
"Generic advice for preserving cursor position on screen after scrolling."
(let ((row (cdr (posn-col-row (posn-at-point)))))
(prog1 (apply orig-fn args)
(let ((target-row (- (line-number-at-pos) row)))
(unless (< target-row 0)
(evil-scroll-line-to-top target-row)))))))
(defun doom-shut-up-a (orig-fn &rest args)
"Generic advisor for silencing noisy functions.
In interactive Emacs, this just inhibits messages from appearing in the
minibuffer. They are still logged to *Messages*.
In tty Emacs, messages suppressed completely."
(quiet! (apply orig-fn args)))
;;; Hooks
(defun doom-apply-ansi-color-to-compilation-buffer-h ()
"Applies ansi codes to the compilation buffers. Meant for
(ansi-color-apply-on-region compilation-filter-start (point))))
(defun doom-disable-show-paren-mode-h ()
"Turn off `show-paren-mode' buffer-locally."
(setq-local show-paren-mode nil))
(defun doom-enable-line-numbers-h ()
(display-line-numbers-mode +1))
(defun doom-disable-line-numbers-h ()
(display-line-numbers-mode -1))
;;; Commands
(defun doom/toggle-line-numbers ()
"Toggle line numbers.
Cycles through regular, relative and no line numbers. The order depends on what
`display-line-numbers-type' is set to. If you're using Emacs 26+, and
visual-line-mode is on, this skips relative and uses visual instead.
See `display-line-numbers' for what these values mean."
(defvar doom--line-number-style display-line-numbers-type)
(let* ((styles `(t ,(if visual-line-mode 'visual 'relative) nil))
(order (cons display-line-numbers-type (remq display-line-numbers-type styles)))
(queue (memq doom--line-number-style order))
(next (if (= (length queue) 1)
(car order)
(car (cdr queue)))))
(setq doom--line-number-style next)
(setq display-line-numbers next)
(message "Switched to %s line numbers"
(pcase next
(`t "normal")
(`nil "disabled")
(_ (symbol-name next))))))
(defun doom/delete-frame-with-prompt ()
"Delete the current frame, but ask for confirmation if it isn't empty."
(if (cdr (frame-list))
(when (doom-quit-p "Close frame?")
(defun doom--enlargened-forget-last-wconf-h ()
(set-frame-parameter nil 'doom--maximize-last-wconf nil)
(set-frame-parameter nil 'doom--enlargen-last-wconf nil)
(remove-hook 'doom-switch-window-hook #'doom--enlargened-forget-last-wconf-h))
(defun doom/window-maximize-buffer (&optional arg)
"Close other windows to focus on this one.
Activate again to undo this. If prefix ARG is non-nil, don't restore the last
window configuration and re-maximize the current window. Alternatively, use
(interactive "P")
(let ((param 'doom--maximize-last-wconf))
(cl-destructuring-bind (window . wconf)
(or (frame-parameter nil param)
(cons nil nil))
nil param
(if (and (equal window (selected-window))
(not arg)
(null (cdr (cl-remove-if #'window-dedicated-p (window-list))))
(let ((source-window (selected-window)))
(set-window-configuration wconf)
(when (window-live-p source-window)
(select-window source-window))))
(when (and (bound-and-true-p +popup-mode)
(user-error "Cannot maximize a popup, use `+popup/raise' first or use `doom/window-enlargen' instead"))
(prog1 (cons (selected-window) (or wconf (current-window-configuration)))
(add-hook 'doom-switch-window-hook #'doom--enlargened-forget-last-wconf-h)))))))
(defun doom/window-enlargen (&optional arg)
"Enlargen the current window to focus on this one. Does not close other
windows (unlike `doom/window-maximize-buffer'). Activate again to undo."
(interactive "P")
(let ((param 'doom--enlargen-last-wconf))
(cl-destructuring-bind (window . wconf)
(or (frame-parameter nil param)
(cons nil nil))
nil param
(if (and (equal window (selected-window))
(not arg)
(let ((source-window (selected-window)))
(set-window-configuration wconf)
(when (window-live-p source-window)
(select-window source-window))))
(prog1 (cons (selected-window) (or wconf (current-window-configuration)))
(let* ((window (selected-window))
(dedicated-p (window-dedicated-p window))
(preserved-p (window-parameter window 'window-preserved-size))
(ignore-window-parameters t)
(window-resize-pixelwise nil)
(frame-resize-pixelwise nil))
(when dedicated-p
(set-window-dedicated-p window nil))
(when preserved-p
(set-window-parameter window 'window-preserved-size nil))
(maximize-window window))
(set-window-dedicated-p window dedicated-p)
(when preserved-p
(set-window-parameter window 'window-preserved-size preserved-p))
(add-hook 'doom-switch-window-hook #'doom--enlargened-forget-last-wconf-h)))))))))
(defun doom/window-maximize-horizontally ()
"Delete all windows to the left and right of the current window."
(require 'windmove)
(while (ignore-errors (windmove-left)) (delete-window))
(while (ignore-errors (windmove-right)) (delete-window))))
(defun doom/window-maximize-vertically ()
"Delete all windows above and below the current window."
(require 'windmove)
(while (ignore-errors (windmove-up)) (delete-window))
(while (ignore-errors (windmove-down)) (delete-window))))
(defun doom/set-frame-opacity (opacity)
"Interactively change the current frame's opacity.
OPACITY is an integer between 0 to 100, inclusive."
(list (read-number "Opacity (0-100): "
(or (frame-parameter nil 'alpha)
(set-frame-parameter nil 'alpha opacity))
(defvar doom--narrowed-base-buffer nil)
(defun doom/narrow-buffer-indirectly (beg end)
"Restrict editing in this buffer to the current region, indirectly.
This recursively creates indirect clones of the current buffer so that the
narrowing doesn't affect other windows displaying the same buffer. Call
`doom/widen-indirectly-narrowed-buffer' to undo it (incrementally).
Inspired from"
(list (or (bound-and-true-p evil-visual-beginning) (region-beginning))
(or (bound-and-true-p evil-visual-end) (region-end))))
(unless (region-active-p)
(setq beg (line-beginning-position)
end (line-end-position)))
(let ((orig-buffer (current-buffer)))
(with-current-buffer (switch-to-buffer (clone-indirect-buffer nil nil))
(narrow-to-region beg end)
(setq-local doom--narrowed-base-buffer orig-buffer))))
(defun doom/widen-indirectly-narrowed-buffer (&optional arg)
"Widens narrowed buffers.
This command will incrementally kill indirect buffers (under the assumption they
were created by `doom/narrow-buffer-indirectly') and switch to their base
If ARG, then kill all indirect buffers, return the base buffer and widen it.
If the current buffer is not an indirect buffer, it is `widen'ed."
(interactive "P")
(unless (buffer-narrowed-p)
(user-error "Buffer isn't narrowed"))
(let ((orig-buffer (current-buffer))
(base-buffer doom--narrowed-base-buffer))
(cond ((or (not base-buffer)
(not (buffer-live-p base-buffer)))
(let ((buffer orig-buffer)
(buffers-to-kill (list orig-buffer)))
(while (setq buffer (buffer-local-value 'doom--narrowed-base-buffer buffer))
(push buffer buffers-to-kill))
(switch-to-buffer (buffer-base-buffer))
(mapc #'kill-buffer (remove (current-buffer) buffers-to-kill))))
((switch-to-buffer base-buffer)
(kill-buffer orig-buffer)))))
(defun doom/toggle-narrow-buffer (beg end)
"Narrow the buffer to BEG END. If narrowed, widen it."
(list (or (bound-and-true-p evil-visual-beginning) (region-beginning))
(or (bound-and-true-p evil-visual-end) (region-end))))
(if (buffer-narrowed-p)
(unless (region-active-p)
(setq beg (line-beginning-position)
end (line-end-position)))
(narrow-to-region beg end)))

View File

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@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
;;; core/cli/autoloads.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defvar doom-autoloads-excluded-packages ()
"What packages whose autoloads files we won't index.
These packages have silly or destructive autoload files that try to load
everyone in the universe and their dog, causing errors that make babies cry. No
one wants that.")
(defvar doom-autoloads-cached-vars
"A list of variables to be cached in `doom-autoloads-file'.")
(defvar doom-autoloads-files ()
"A list of additional files or file globs to scan for autoloads.")
;;; Library
(defun doom-autoloads-reload (&optional file)
"Regenerates Doom's autoloads and writes them to FILE."
(unless file
(setq file doom-autoloads-file))
(print! (start "(Re)generating autoloads file..."))
(cl-check-type file string)
(and (print! (start "Generating autoloads file..."))
`((unless (equal doom-version ,doom-version)
(signal 'doom-error
(list "The installed version of Doom has changed since last 'doom sync' ran"
"Run 'doom sync' to bring Doom up to speed"))))
(cl-loop for var in doom-autoloads-cached-vars
when (boundp var)
collect `(set ',var ',(symbol-value var)))
(append (cl-loop for dir
in (append (list doom-core-dir)
(cdr (doom-module-load-path 'all-p))
(list doom-private-dir))
if (doom-glob dir "autoload.el") collect it
if (doom-glob dir "autoload/*.el") append it)
(mapcan #'doom-glob doom-autoloads-files)))
(mapcar #'straight--autoloads-file
(seq-difference (hash-table-keys straight--build-cache)
(print! (start "Byte-compiling autoloads file..."))
(doom-autoloads--compile-file file)
(print! (success "Generated %s")
(relpath (byte-compile-dest-file file)
(defun doom-autoloads--write (file &rest forms)
(make-directory (file-name-directory file) 'parents)
(condition-case-unless-debug e
(with-temp-file file
(setq-local coding-system-for-write 'utf-8)
(let ((standard-output (current-buffer))
(print-quoted t)
(print-level nil)
(print-length nil))
(insert ";; -*- lexical-binding: t; coding: utf-8; -*-\n"
";; This file is autogenerated by 'doom sync', DO NOT EDIT IT!!\n")
(dolist (form (delq nil forms))
(mapc #'prin1 form))
(error (delete-file file)
(signal 'doom-autoload-error (list file e)))))
(defun doom-autoloads--compile-file (file)
(condition-case-unless-debug e
(let ((byte-compile-warnings (if doom-debug-p byte-compile-warnings)))
(and (byte-compile-file file)
(load (byte-compile-dest-file file) nil t)))
(delete-file (byte-compile-dest-file file))
(signal 'doom-autoload-error (list file e)))))
(defun doom-autoloads--cleanup-form (form &optional expand)
(let ((func (car-safe form)))
(cond ((memq func '(provide custom-autoload))
((and (eq func 'add-to-list)
(memq (doom-unquote (cadr form))
((not (eq func 'autoload))
((and expand (not (file-name-absolute-p (nth 2 form))))
(defvar doom--autoloads-path-cache nil)
(setf (nth 2 form)
(let ((path (nth 2 form)))
(or (cdr (assoc path doom--autoloads-path-cache))
(when-let* ((libpath (locate-library path))
(libpath (file-name-sans-extension libpath))
(libpath (abbreviate-file-name libpath)))
(push (cons path libpath) doom--autoloads-path-cache)
(defun doom-autoloads--scan-autodefs (file buffer module &optional module-enabled-p)
(insert-file-contents file)
(while (re-search-forward "^;;;###autodef *\\([^\n]+\\)?\n" nil t)
(let* ((standard-output buffer)
(form (read (current-buffer)))
(altform (match-string 1))
(definer (car-safe form))
(symbol (doom-unquote (cadr form))))
(cond ((and (not module-enabled-p) altform)
(print (read altform)))
((memq definer '(defun defmacro cl-defun cl-defmacro))
(if module-enabled-p
(print (make-autoload form file))
(cl-destructuring-bind (_ _ arglist &rest body) form
(if altform
(read altform)
(list (pcase definer
(`defun 'defmacro)
(`cl-defun `cl-defmacro)
(_ type))
symbol arglist
(if (stringp (car body))
(pop body)
"No documentation.")))
(cl-loop for arg in arglist
if (and (symbolp arg)
(not (keywordp arg))
(not (memq arg cl--lambda-list-keywords)))
collect arg into syms
else if (listp arg)
collect (car arg) into syms
finally return (if syms `((ignore ,@syms)))))))))
(print `(put ',symbol 'doom-module ',module)))
((eq definer 'defalias)
(cl-destructuring-bind (_ _ target &optional docstring) form
(unless module-enabled-p
(setq target #'ignore
module docstring)))
(print `(put ',symbol 'doom-module ',module))
(print `(defalias ',symbol #',(doom-unquote target) ,docstring))))
(module-enabled-p (print form)))))))
(defvar autoload-timestamps)
(defvar generated-autoload-load-name)
(defun doom-autoloads--scan-file (file)
(let* (;; Prevent `autoload-find-file' from firing file hooks, e.g. adding
;; to recentf.
;; Prevent a possible source of crashes when there's a syntax error
;; in the autoloads file
;; The following bindings are in `package-generate-autoloads'.
;; Presumably for a good reason, so I just copied them
(backup-inhibited t)
(version-control 'never)
case-fold-search ; reduce magic
autoload-timestamps ; reduce noise in generated files
;; Needed for `autoload-generate-file-autoloads'
(generated-autoload-load-name (file-name-sans-extension file))
(target-buffer (current-buffer))
(module (doom-module-from-path file))
(module-enabled-p (and (or (memq (car module) '(:core :private))
(doom-module-p (car module) (cdr module)))
(doom-file-cookie-p file "if" t))))
(when module-enabled-p
(quiet! (autoload-generate-file-autoloads file target-buffer)))
file target-buffer module module-enabled-p))))
(defun doom-autoloads--scan (files &optional literal)
(require 'autoload)
(let (autoloads)
(dolist (file
(seq-filter #'file-readable-p files)
(nreverse (delq nil autoloads)))
(print! (debug "- Scanning %s") (relpath file doom-emacs-dir))
(if literal
(insert-file-contents file)
(doom-autoloads--scan-file file))
(let ((filestr (prin1-to-string file)))
(while (re-search-forward "\\_<load-file-name\\_>" nil t)
;; `load-file-name' is meaningless in a concatenated
;; mega-autoloads file, so we replace references to it with the
;; file they came from.
(let ((ppss (save-excursion (syntax-ppss))))
(or (nth 3 ppss)
(nth 4 ppss)
(replace-match filestr t t))))))
(let ((load-file-name file)
(append (list doom-private-dir)
(condition-case _
(while t
(push (doom-autoloads--cleanup-form (read (current-buffer))
(not literal))

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@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
;;; core/cli/byte-compile.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defcli! (compile c)
((recompile-p ["-r" "--recompile"])
(core-p ["-c" "--core"])
(private-p ["-p" "--private"])
(verbose-p ["-v" "--verbose"]))
"Byte-compiles your config or selected modules.
compile [TARGETS...]
compile :core :private lang/python
compile feature lang
Accepts :core and :private as special arguments, which target Doom's core files
and your private config files, respectively. To recompile your packages, use
'doom build' instead."
(if (or core-p private-p)
(append (when core-p
(list (doom-glob doom-emacs-dir "init.el")
(when private-p
(list doom-private-dir)))
(append (list (doom-glob doom-emacs-dir "init.el")
;; Only compile Doom's modules
(lambda (path) (file-in-directory-p path doom-emacs-dir))
;; Omit `doom-private-dir', which is always first
(cdr (doom-module-load-path)))))
(defcli! clean ()
"Delete all *.elc files."
:bare t
;; Helpers
(defun doom--byte-compile-ignore-file-p (path)
(let ((filename (file-name-nondirectory path)))
(or (not (equal (file-name-extension path) "el"))
(member filename (list "packages.el" "doctor.el"))
(string-prefix-p "." filename)
(string-prefix-p "test-" filename)
(string-prefix-p "flycheck_" filename)
(string-suffix-p ".example.el" filename))))
(cl-defun doom-cli-byte-compile (&optional targets recompile-p verbose-p)
"Byte compiles your emacs configuration.
init.el is always byte-compiled by this.
If TARGETS is specified, as a list of direcotries
If MODULES is specified (a list of module strings, e.g. \"lang/php\"), those are
byte-compiled. Otherwise, all enabled modules are byte-compiled, including Doom
core. It always ignores unit tests and files with `no-byte-compile' enabled.
WARNING: byte-compilation yields marginal gains and makes debugging new issues
difficult. It is recommended you don't use it unless you understand the
Use `doom-clean-byte-compiled-files' or `make clean' to reverse
If RECOMPILE-P is non-nil, only recompile out-of-date files."
(let* ((default-directory doom-emacs-dir)
(targets (nreverse (delete-dups targets)))
;; In case it is changed during compile-time
(auto-mode-alist auto-mode-alist)
kill-emacs-hook kill-buffer-query-functions)
(let ((after-load-functions
(if (null targets)
;; Assemble el files we want to compile, and preserve in the order
;; they are loaded in, so we don't run into any scary catch-22s
;; while byte-compiling, like missing macros.
(cons (let ((target-dirs (cl-remove-if-not #'file-directory-p targets)))
(lambda (path)
(and (not (doom--byte-compile-ignore-file-p path))
(cl-find-if (doom-partial #'file-in-directory-p path)
(cl-pushnew path targets))))
(doom-log "Reloading Doom in preparation for byte-compilation")
;; But first we must be sure that Doom and your private config have been
;; fully loaded. Which usually aren't so in an noninteractive session.
(let ((load-prefer-newer t)
(noninteractive t)
(doom-initialize 'force)
(quiet! (doom-initialize-packages))))
(if (null targets)
(print! (info "No targets to %scompile" (if recompile-p "re" "")))
(print! (start "%scompiling your config...")
(if recompile-p "Re" "Byte-"))
(dolist (dir
(cl-remove-if-not #'file-directory-p targets)
(setq targets (cl-remove-if #'file-directory-p targets)))
(prependq! targets
dir :match "\\.el" :filter #'doom--byte-compile-ignore-file-p)))
(require 'use-package)
(condition-case-unless-debug e
(let* ((total-ok 0)
(total-fail 0)
(total-noop 0)
(byte-compile-verbose nil)
(byte-compile-warnings '(not free-vars unresolved noruntime lexical make-local))
(byte-compile-dynamic-docstrings t)
(use-package-compute-statistics nil)
(use-package-defaults use-package-defaults)
(use-package-expand-minimally t)
(targets (delete-dups targets))
(modules (seq-group-by #'doom-module-from-path targets))
(total-files (length targets))
(total-modules (length modules))
(i 0)
;; Prevent packages from being loaded at compile time if they
;; don't meet their own predicates.
(push (list :no-require t
(lambda (_name args)
(or (when-let (pred (or (plist-get args :if)
(plist-get args :when)))
(not (eval pred t)))
(when-let (pred (plist-get args :unless))
(eval pred t)))))
(dolist (module-files modules)
(cl-incf i)
(dolist (target (cdr module-files))
(let ((elc-file (byte-compile-dest-file target)))
(if (and recompile-p (not (file-newer-than-file-p target elc-file)))
(pcase (if (not (doom-file-cookie-p target "if" t))
(unless (equal last-module (car module-files))
(print! (success "(% 3d/%d) Compiling %s")
i total-modules
(if-let (m (caar module-files))
(format "%s %s module..." m (cdar module-files))
(format "%d stand alone elisp files..."
(length (cdr module-files))))
(caar module-files) (cdar module-files))
(setq last-module (car module-files)))
(if verbose-p
(byte-compile-file target)
(quiet! (byte-compile-file target))))
(print! (debug "(% 3d/%d) Ignored %s")
i total-modules (relpath target))
(print! (error "(% 3d/%d) Failed to compile %s")
i total-modules (relpath target))
(_ total-ok)))))))
(print! (class (if (= total-fail 0) 'success 'warn)
"%s %d/%d file(s) (%d ignored)")
(if recompile-p "Recompiled" "Byte-compiled")
total-ok total-files
(= total-fail 0))
((debug error)
(print! (error "There were breaking errors.\n\n%s")
"Reverting changes...")
(signal 'doom-error (list 'byte-compile e))))))))
(defun doom-clean-byte-compiled-files ()
"Delete all the compiled elc files in your Emacs configuration and private
module. This does not include your byte-compiled, third party packages.'"
(require 'core-modules)
(print! (start "Cleaning .elc files"))
(cl-loop with default-directory = doom-emacs-dir
with success = 0
with esc = (if doom-debug-p "" "\033[1A")
for path
in (append (doom-glob doom-emacs-dir "*.elc")
(doom-files-in doom-private-dir :match "\\.elc$" :depth 1)
(doom-files-in doom-core-dir :match "\\.elc$")
(doom-files-in doom-modules-dirs :match "\\.elc$" :depth 4))
if (file-exists-p path)
do (delete-file path)
and do (print! (success "\033[KDeleted %s%s") (relpath path) esc)
and do (cl-incf success)
finally do
(print! (if (> success 0)
(success "\033[K%d elc files deleted" success)
(info "\033[KNo elc files to clean"))))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
;;; core/cli/debug.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(load! "autoload/debug" doom-core-dir)
;;; Commands
(defcli! info
((format ["--json" "--md" "--lisp"] "What format to dump info into"))
"Output system info in markdown for bug reports."
(pcase format
(require 'json)
(insert (json-encode (doom-info)))
(print! (buffer-string))))
(doom/info 'raw))
(user-error "I don't understand %S. Did you mean --json, --md/--markdown or --lisp?"
(defcli! (version v) ()
"Show version information for Doom & Emacs."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
;;; core/cli/doctor.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defvar doom-warnings ())
(defvar doom-errors ())
;;; Helpers
(defun elc-check-dir (dir)
(dolist (file (directory-files-recursively dir "\\.elc$"))
(when (file-newer-than-file-p (concat (file-name-sans-extension file) ".el")
(warn! "%s is out-of-date" (abbreviate-file-name file)))))
(defmacro assert! (condition message &rest args)
`(unless ,condition
(error! ,message ,@args)))
;;; Logging
(defmacro error! (&rest args)
`(progn (unless inhibit-message (print! (error ,@args)))
(push (format! (error ,@args)) doom-errors)))
(defmacro warn! (&rest args)
`(progn (unless inhibit-message (print! (warn ,@args)))
(push (format! (warn ,@args)) doom-warnings)))
(defmacro success! (&rest args)
`(print! (green ,@args)))
(defmacro section! (&rest args)
`(print! (bold (blue ,@args))))
(defmacro explain! (&rest args)
`(print-group! (print! (autofill ,@args))))
;;; CLI commands
(defcli! (doctor doc) ()
"Diagnoses common issues on your system.
The Doom doctor is essentially one big, self-contained elisp shell script that
uses a series of simple heuristics to diagnose common issues on your system.
Issues that could intefere with Doom Emacs.
Doom modules may optionally have a doctor.el file to run their own heuristics
:bare t
(print! "The doctor will see you now...\n")
;; REVIEW Refactor me
(print! (start "Checking your Emacs version..."))
(warn! (concat "Emacs %s detected. Doom should support this version, but be prepared for "
"Emacs updates causing breakages.")
((= emacs-major-version 26)
(warn! (concat "Emacs %s detected. Doom is dropping Emacs 26.x support very soon. Consider "
"upgrading to Emacs 27.x.")
(print! (start "Checking for Emacs config conflicts..."))
(when (file-exists-p "~/.emacs")
(warn! "Detected an ~/.emacs file, which may prevent Doom from loading")
(explain! "If Emacs finds an ~/.emacs file, it will ignore ~/.emacs.d, where Doom is "
"typically installed. If you're seeing a vanilla Emacs splash screen, this "
"may explain why. If you use Chemacs, you may ignore this warning."))
(when EMACS27+
(print! (start "Checking for great Emacs features..."))
(unless (and (functionp 'json-serialize)
(string-match-p "\\_<JSON\\_>" system-configuration-features))
(warn! "Emacs was not built with native JSON support")
(explain! "Users will see a substantial performance gain by building Emacs with "
"jansson support (i.e. a native JSON library), particularly LSP users. "
"You must install a prebuilt Emacs binary with this included, or compile "
"Emacs with the --with-json option.")))
(print! (start "Checking for private config conflicts..."))
(let ((xdg-dir (concat (or (getenv "XDG_CONFIG_HOME")
(doom-dir (or (getenv "DOOMDIR")
(when (and (not (file-equal-p xdg-dir doom-dir))
(file-directory-p xdg-dir)
(file-directory-p doom-dir))
(print! (warn "Detected two private configs, in %s and %s")
(abbreviate-file-name xdg-dir)
(explain! "The second directory will be ignored, as it has lower precedence.")))
(print! (start "Checking for stale elc files..."))
(elc-check-dir user-emacs-directory)
(print! (start "Checking Doom Emacs..."))
(condition-case-unless-debug ex
(let ((doom-interactive-p 'doctor))
(doom-initialize 'force)
(print! (success "Initialized Doom Emacs %s") doom-version)
(if (hash-table-p doom-modules)
(success "Detected %d modules" (hash-table-count doom-modules))
(warn "Failed to load any modules. Do you have an private init.el?")))
(print! (success "Detected %d packages") (length doom-packages))
(print! (start "Checking Doom core for irregularities..."))
;; Check for oversized problem files in cache that may cause unusual/tremendous
;; delays or freezing. This shouldn't happen often.
(dolist (file (list "savehist" "projectile.cache"))
(when-let (size (ignore-errors (doom-file-size file doom-cache-dir)))
(when (> size 1048576) ; larger than 1mb
(warn! "%s is too large (%.02fmb). This may cause freezes or odd startup delays"
file (/ size 1024 1024.0))
(explain! "Consider deleting it from your system (manually)"))))
(unless (executable-find "rg")
(error! "Couldn't find the `rg' binary; this a hard dependecy for Doom, file searches may not work at all"))
(unless (ignore-errors (executable-find doom-projectile-fd-binary))
(warn! "Couldn't find the `fd' binary; project file searches will be slightly slower"))
(require 'projectile)
(when (projectile-project-root "~")
(warn! "Your $HOME is recognized as a project root")
(explain! "Doom will disable bottom-up root search, which may reduce the accuracy of project\n"
;; There should only be one
(when (and (file-equal-p doom-private-dir "~/.config/doom")
(file-directory-p "~/.doom.d"))
(print! (warn "Both %S and '~/.doom.d' exist on your system")
(path doom-private-dir))
(explain! "Doom will only load one of these (~/.config/doom takes precedence). Possessing\n"
"both is rarely intentional; you should one or the other."))
;; Check for fonts
(if (not (executable-find "fc-list"))
(warn! "Warning: unable to detect fonts because fontconfig isn't installed")
;; all-the-icons fonts
(when (and (pcase system-type
(`gnu/linux (concat (or (getenv "XDG_DATA_HOME")
(`darwin "~/Library/Fonts/"))
(require 'all-the-icons nil t))
(let ((errors 0))
(cl-destructuring-bind (status . output)
(doom-call-process "fc-list" "" "file")
(if (not (zerop status))
(print! (error "There was an error running `fc-list'. Is fontconfig installed correctly?"))
(insert (cdr (doom-call-process "fc-list" "" "file")))
(dolist (font all-the-icons-font-names)
(if (save-excursion (re-search-backward font nil t))
(success! "Found font %s" font)
(print! (warn "Warning: couldn't find %S font") font)))
(when (> errors 0)
(explain! "Some all-the-icons fonts were missing.\n\n"
"You can install them by running `M-x all-the-icons-install-fonts' within Emacs.\n"
"This could also mean you've installed them in non-standard locations, in which "
"case feel free to ignore this warning.")))))))))
(print! (start "Checking for stale elc files in your DOOMDIR..."))
(when (file-directory-p doom-private-dir)
(elc-check-dir doom-private-dir)))
(when doom-modules
(print! (start "Checking your enabled modules..."))
(advice-add #'require :around #'doom-shut-up-a)
(maphash (lambda (key plist)
(let (doom-local-errors
(let (doom-errors
(condition-case-unless-debug ex
(let ((doctor-file (doom-module-path (car key) (cdr key) "doctor.el"))
(packages-file (doom-module-path (car key) (cdr key) "packages.el")))
(cl-loop with doom-output-indent = 6
for name in (let (doom-packages
(load packages-file 'noerror 'nomessage)
(mapcar #'car doom-packages))
unless (or (doom-package-get name :disable)
(eval (doom-package-get name :ignore))
(plist-member (doom-package-get name :recipe) :local-repo)
(doom-package-built-in-p name)
(doom-package-installed-p name))
do (print! (error "Missing emacs package: %S") name))
(let ((inhibit-message t))
(load doctor-file 'noerror 'nomessage)))
(file-missing (error! "%s" (error-message-string ex)))
(error (error! "Syntax error: %s" ex)))
(when (or doom-errors doom-warnings)
(print! (start (bold "%s %s")) (car key) (cdr key))
(print! "%s" (string-join (append doom-errors doom-warnings) "\n")))
(setq doom-local-errors doom-errors
doom-local-warnings doom-warnings)))
(appendq! doom-errors doom-local-errors)
(appendq! doom-warnings doom-local-warnings)))
(warn! "Attempt to load DOOM failed\n %s\n"
(or (cdr-safe ex) (car ex)))
(setq doom-modules nil)))
;; Final report
(message "")
(dolist (msg (list (list doom-errors "error" 'red)
(list doom-warnings "warning" 'yellow)))
(when (car msg)
(print! (color (nth 2 msg)
(if (cdr msg)
"There are %d %ss!"
"There is %d %s!")
(length (car msg)) (nth 1 msg)))))
(unless (or doom-errors doom-warnings)
(success! "Everything seems fine, happy Emacs'ing!"))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
;;; core/cli/env.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defcli! env
((allow ["-a" "--allow" regexp] "An additive envvar whitelist regexp")
(reject ["-r" "--reject" regexp] "An additive envvar blacklist regexp")
(allow-only ["-A" regexp] "Blacklist everything but REGEXP")
(reject-only ["-R" regexp] "Whitelist everything but REGEXP")
(clear-p ["-c" "--clear"] "Clear and delete your envvar file")
(outputfile ["-o" path]
"Generate the envvar file at PATH. Envvar files that aren't in
`doom-env-file' won't be loaded automatically at startup. You will need to load
them manually from your private config with the `doom-load-envvars-file'
"Creates or regenerates your envvars file.
The envvars file is created by scraping the current shell environment into
newline-delimited KEY=VALUE pairs. Typically by running '$SHELL -ic env' (or
'$SHELL -c set' on windows). Doom loads this file at startup (if it exists) to
ensure Emacs mirrors your shell environment (particularly to ensure PATH and
SHELL are correctly set).
This is useful in cases where you cannot guarantee that Emacs (or the daemon)
will be launched from the correct environment (e.g. on MacOS or through certain
app launchers on Linux).
This file is automatically regenerated when you run this command or 'doom sync'.
However, 'doom sync' will only regenerate this file if it exists.
Why this over exec-path-from-shell?
1. `exec-path-from-shell' spawns (at least) one process at startup to scrape
your shell environment. This can be arbitrarily slow depending on the
user's shell configuration. A single program (like pyenv or nvm) or config
framework (like oh-my-zsh) could undo all of Doom's startup optimizations
in one fell swoop.
2. `exec-path-from-shell' only scrapes some state from your shell. You have to
be proactive in order to get it to capture all the envvars relevant to your
development environment.
I'd rather it inherit your shell environment /correctly/ (and /completely/)
or not at all. It frontloads the debugging process rather than hiding it
until you least want to deal with it."
(let ((env-file (expand-file-name (or outputfile doom-env-file))))
(if (null clear-p)
'force env-file
(append (if reject-only (list "."))
(delq nil (list allow allow-only)))
(append (if allow-only (list "."))
(delq nil (list reject reject-only))))
(unless (file-exists-p env-file)
(user-error! "%S does not exist to be cleared"
(path env-file)))
(delete-file env-file)
(print! (success "Successfully deleted %S")
(path env-file)))))
;; Helpers
(defvar doom-env-blacklist
'(;; State that may be problematic if overwritten
"^HOME$" "^\\(OLD\\)?PWD$" "^SHLVL$" "^PS1$" "^R?PROMPT$" "^TERM$" "^USER$"
;; X server or services' variables
;; ssh and gpg variables (likely to become stale)
"^SSH_\\(AUTH_SOCK\\|AGENT_PID\\)$" "^\\(SSH\\|GPG\\)_TTY$"
;; Internal Doom envvars
"^DEBUG$" "^INSECURE$" "^YES$" "^__")
"Environment variables to not save in `doom-env-file'.
Each string is a regexp, matched against variable names to omit from
(defvar doom-env-whitelist '()
"A whitelist for envvars to save in `doom-env-file'.
This overrules `doom-env-ignored-vars'. Each string is a regexp, matched against
variable names to omit from `doom-env-file'.")
(defun doom-cli-reload-env-file (&optional force-p env-file whitelist blacklist)
"Generates `doom-env-file', if it doesn't exist (or if FORCE-P).
This scrapes the variables from your shell environment by running
`doom-env-executable' through `shell-file-name' with `doom-env-switches'. By
default, on Linux, this is '$SHELL -ic /usr/bin/env'. Variables in
`doom-env-ignored-vars' are removed."
(let ((env-file (if env-file (expand-file-name env-file) doom-env-file))
(process-environment doom--initial-process-environment))
(when (or force-p (not (file-exists-p env-file)))
(with-temp-file env-file
(setq-local coding-system-for-write 'utf-8-unix)
(print! (start "%s envvars file at %S")
(if (file-exists-p env-file)
(path env-file))
(when doom-interactive-p
(user-error "'doom env' must be run on the command line, not an interactive session"))
(goto-char (point-min))
"# -*- mode: sh; coding: utf-8-unix -*-\n"
"# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
"# This file was auto-generated by `doom env'. It contains a list of environment\n"
"# variables scraped from your default shell (excluding variables blacklisted\n"
"# in doom-env-ignored-vars).\n"
(if (file-equal-p env-file doom-env-file)
(concat "# It is NOT safe to edit this file. Changes will be overwritten next time you\n"
"# run 'doom sync'. To create a safe-to-edit envvar file use:\n#\n"
"# doom env -o ~/.doom.d/myenv\n#\n"
"# And load it with (doom-load-envvars-file \"~/.doom.d/myenv\").\n")
(concat "# This file is safe to edit by hand, but remember to preserve the null bytes at\n"
"# the end of each line! needs to be loaded manually with:\n#\n"
"# (doom-load-envvars-file \"path/to/this/file\")\n#\n"
"# Use 'doom env -o path/to/this/file' to regenerate it."))
"# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\0\n"))
;; We assume that this noninteractive session was spawned from the
;; user's interactive shell, therefore we just dump
;; `process-environment' to a file.
(dolist (env process-environment)
(if (cl-find-if (doom-rpartial #'string-match-p (car (split-string env "=")))
(remq nil (append blacklist doom-env-blacklist)))
(if (not (cl-find-if (doom-rpartial #'string-match-p (car (split-string env "=")))
(remq nil (append whitelist doom-env-whitelist))))
(print! (debug "Ignoring %s") env)
(print! (debug "Whitelisted %s") env)
(insert env "\0\n"))
(insert env "\0\n")))
(print! (success "Successfully generated %S")
(path env-file))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
;;; core/cli/help.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defun doom--cli-print-signature (cli)
(print! (bold "Usage: doom %s%s%s")
(if (doom-cli-internal-p cli)
(concat (doom-cli-name cli) " "))
(if-let* ((optlist (doom-cli-optlist cli))
(flags (cl-loop for opt in optlist
append (doom-cli-option-flags opt)))
(fn (doom-partial #'string-prefix-p "--")))
(concat (when-let (short-flags (cl-remove-if fn flags))
;; TODO Show arguments of short flags
(format "[-%s]"
(string-join (mapcar (doom-rpartial #'substring 1 nil) short-flags)
;; TODO Show long flags
;; (when-let (long-flags (cl-remove-if-not fn flags))
;; (concat " " (string-join long-flags " ")))
" ")
(if-let (arglist (doom-cli-arglist cli))
(string-join (append (cl-loop for arg in arglist
until (memq arg cl--lambda-list-keywords)
collect (upcase (symbol-name arg)))
(cl-loop for arg in (cdr (memq '&optional arglist))
until (memq arg cl--lambda-list-keywords)
collect (format "[%s]" (upcase (symbol-name arg)))))
" ")
(when-let (aliases (doom-cli-aliases cli))
(print! "Aliases: %s" (string-join aliases ", "))))
(defun doom--cli-print-desc (cli &optional short)
(print! "%s"
(if short
(car (split-string (doom-cli-desc cli) "\n"))
(doom-cli-desc cli))))
(defun doom--cli-print-short-desc (cli)
(doom--cli-print-desc cli 'short))
(defun doom--cli-print-options (cli)
(when-let (optlist (doom-cli-optlist cli))
(print! (bold "Options:"))
(cl-loop for opt in optlist
for desc = (doom-cli-option-desc opt)
for args = (doom-cli-option-args opt)
for flagstr = (string-join (doom-cli-option-flags opt) ", ")
;; TODO Adjust columns dynamically
(print! "%-18s"
(concat flagstr
(when-let (arg (car args))
(concat " " (upcase (symbol-name arg))))))
(print! (autofill "%s") desc))))))
(defun doom--cli-print (cli)
(doom--cli-print-signature cli)
(doom--cli-print-desc cli)
(doom--cli-print-options cli))
;;; Commands
(defcli! (help h) (&optional command)
"Describe a command or list them all."
:bare t
(if command
(doom--cli-print (doom-cli-get (intern command)))
(doom--cli-print (doom-cli-get :doom))
(print! (bold "Commands:"))
(dolist (group (seq-group-by (lambda (cli)
(plist-get (doom-cli-plist cli) :group))
(cl-loop for name being the hash-keys of doom--cli-commands
for cli = (gethash name doom--cli-commands)
if (and (doom-cli-p cli)
(not (doom-cli-internal-p cli))
(not (plist-get (doom-cli-plist cli) :hidden)))
collect cli)))
(if (null (car group))
(dolist (cli (cdr group))
(print! "%-16s %s"
(doom-cli-name cli)
(car (split-string (doom-cli-desc cli) "\n"))))
(print! "%-26s %s"
(bold (concat (car group) ":"))
(gethash (car group) doom--cli-groups))
(dolist (cli (cdr group))
(print! "%-16s %s"
(doom-cli-name cli)
(car (split-string (doom-cli-desc cli) "\n"))))))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
;;; core/cli/install.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defcli! (install i)
((noconfig-p ["--no-config"] "Don't create DOOMDIR or dummy files therein")
(noenv-p ["--no-env"] "Don't generate an envvars file (see 'doom help env')")
(noinstall-p ["--no-install"] "Don't auto-install packages")
(nofonts-p ["--no-fonts"] "Don't install (or prompt to install) all-the-icons fonts"))
"Installs and sets up Doom Emacs for the first time.
This command does the following:
1. Creates DOOMDIR at ~/.doom.d,
2. Copies ~/.emacs.d/init.example.el to $DOOMDIR/init.el (if it doesn't exist),
3. Creates dummy files for $DOOMDIR/{config,packages}.el,
4. Prompts you to generate an envvar file (same as 'doom env'),
5. Installs any dependencies of enabled modules (specified by $DOOMDIR/init.el),
6. And prompts to install all-the-icons' fonts
This command is idempotent and safe to reuse.
The location of DOOMDIR can be changed with the -p option, or by setting the
DOOMDIR environment variable. e.g.
doom -p ~/.config/doom install
DOOMDIR=~/.config/doom doom install"
(print! (green "Installing Doom Emacs!\n"))
(let ((default-directory (doom-path "~")))
;; Create `doom-private-dir'
(if noconfig-p
(print! (warn "Not copying private config template, as requested"))
;; Create DOOMDIR in ~/.config/doom if ~/.config/emacs exists.
(when (and (not (file-directory-p doom-private-dir))
(not (getenv "DOOMDIR")))
(let ((xdg-config-dir (or (getenv "XDG_CONFIG_HOME") "~/.config")))
(when (file-in-directory-p doom-emacs-dir xdg-config-dir)
(setq doom-private-dir (expand-file-name "doom/" xdg-config-dir)))))
(print! (start "Creating %s") (relpath doom-private-dir))
(make-directory doom-private-dir 'parents)
(print! (success "Created %s") (relpath doom-private-dir)))
;; Create init.el, config.el & packages.el
(mapc (lambda (file)
(cl-destructuring-bind (filename . template) file
(if (file-exists-p! filename doom-private-dir)
(print! (warn "%s already exists, skipping") filename)
(print! (info "Creating %s%s") (relpath doom-private-dir) filename)
(with-temp-file (doom-path doom-private-dir filename)
(insert-file-contents template))
(print! (success "Done!")))))
`(("init.el" . ,(doom-path doom-emacs-dir "init.example.el"))
("config.el" . ,(doom-path doom-core-dir "templates/config.example.el"))
("packages.el" . ,(doom-path doom-core-dir "templates/packages.example.el")))))
;; In case no init.el was present the first time `doom-initialize-modules' was
;; called in core.el (e.g. on first install)
(doom-initialize-modules 'force 'no-config)
;; Ask if user would like an envvar file generated
(if noenv-p
(print! (warn "Not generating envvars file, as requested"))
(if (file-exists-p doom-env-file)
(print! (info "Envvar file already exists, skipping"))
(when (or doom-auto-accept
(y-or-n-p "Generate an envvar file? (see `doom help env` for details)"))
(doom-cli-reload-env-file 'force-p))))
;; Install Doom packages
(if noinstall-p
(print! (warn "Not installing plugins, as requested"))
(print! "Installing plugins")
(print! "Regenerating autoloads files")
(cond (nofonts-p)
(print! (warn "Doom cannot install all-the-icons' fonts on Windows!\n"))
(concat "You'll have to do so manually:\n\n"
" 1. Launch Doom Emacs\n"
" 2. Execute 'M-x all-the-icons-install-fonts' to download the fonts\n"
" 3. Open the download location in windows explorer\n"
" 4. Open each font file to install them"))))
((or doom-auto-accept
(y-or-n-p "Download and install all-the-icon's fonts?"))
(require 'all-the-icons)
(let ((window-system (cond (IS-MAC 'ns)
(IS-LINUX 'x))))
(all-the-icons-install-fonts 'yes))))
(when (file-exists-p "~/.emacs")
(print! (warn "A ~/.emacs file was detected. This conflicts with Doom and should be deleted!")))
(print! (success "\nFinished! Doom is ready to go!\n"))
(insert-file-contents (doom-glob doom-core-dir "templates/QUICKSTART_INTRO"))
(print! "%s" (buffer-string)))))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,610 @@
;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-
;;; core/cli/packages.el
(defcli! (update u) (&rest _)
"This command was removed."
:hidden t
(print! (error "This command has been removed.\n"))
(print! "To update Doom run 'doom upgrade'. To only update packages run 'doom sync -u'."))
(defcli! (build b)
((rebuild-p ["-r"] "Only rebuild packages that need rebuilding"))
"Byte-compiles & symlinks installed packages.
This ensures that all needed files are symlinked from their package repo and
their elisp files are byte-compiled. This is especially necessary if you upgrade
Emacs (as byte-code is generally not forward-compatible)."
(when (doom-cli-packages-build (not rebuild-p))
(defcli! (purge p)
((nobuilds-p ["-b" "--no-builds"] "Don't purge unneeded (built) packages")
(noelpa-p ["-p" "--no-elpa"] "Don't purge ELPA packages")
(norepos-p ["-r" "--no-repos"] "Don't purge unused straight repos")
(regraft-p ["-g" "--regraft"] "Regraft git repos (ie. compact them)"))
"Deletes orphaned packages & repos, and compacts them.
Purges all installed ELPA packages (as they are considered temporary). Purges
all orphaned package repos and builds. If -g/--regraft is supplied, the git
repos among them will be regrafted and compacted to ensure they are as small as
It is a good idea to occasionally run this doom purge -g to ensure your package
list remains lean."
(when (doom-cli-packages-purge
(not noelpa-p)
(not norepos-p)
(not nobuilds-p)
;; (defcli! rollback () ; TODO doom rollback
;; "<Not implemented yet>"
;; (user-error "Not implemented yet, sorry!"))
;;; Library
(defun doom--same-commit-p (abbrev-ref ref)
(and (stringp abbrev-ref)
(stringp ref)
(string-match-p (concat "^" (regexp-quote abbrev-ref))
(defun doom--abbrev-commit (commit &optional full)
(if full commit (substring commit 0 7)))
(defun doom--commit-log-between (start-ref end-ref)
((status (straight--call
"git" "log" "--oneline" "--no-merges"
"-n" "26" end-ref (concat "^" (regexp-quote start-ref))))
(output (string-trim-right (straight--process-get-output)))
(lines (split-string output "\n")))
(if (> (length lines) 25)
(concat (string-join (butlast lines 1) "\n") "\n[...]")
(defun doom--barf-if-incomplete-packages ()
(let ((straight-safe-mode t))
(condition-case _ (straight-check-all)
(error (user-error "Package state is incomplete. Run 'doom sync' first")))))
(defmacro doom--with-package-recipes (recipes binds &rest body)
(declare (indent 2))
(let ((recipe-var (make-symbol "recipe"))
(recipes-var (make-symbol "recipes")))
`(let* ((,recipes-var ,recipes)
(built ())
(cons (lambda (pkg &rest _) (cl-pushnew pkg built :test #'equal))
(dolist (,recipe-var ,recipes-var (nreverse built))
(cl-block nil
(straight--with-plist (append (list :recipe ,recipe-var) ,recipe-var)
,(doom-enlist binds)
(defvar doom--cli-updated-recipes nil)
(defun doom--cli-recipes-update ()
"Updates straight and recipe repos."
(unless doom--cli-updated-recipes
(print! (start "Updating recipe repos..."))
nil (mapcar (doom-rpartial #'gethash straight--repo-cache)
(mapcar #'symbol-name straight-recipe-repositories)))
(recipe package type local-repo)
(let ((esc (unless doom-debug-p "\033[1A"))
(ref (straight-vc-get-commit type local-repo))
newref output)
(print! (start "\033[KUpdating recipes for %s...%s") package esc)
(when (straight-vc-fetch-from-remote recipe)
(setq output (straight--process-get-output))
(straight-merge-package package)
(unless (equal ref (setq newref (straight-vc-get-commit type local-repo)))
(print! (success "\033[K%s updated (%s -> %s)")
(doom--abbrev-commit ref)
(doom--abbrev-commit newref))
(unless (string-empty-p output)
(print-group! (print! (info "%s" output)))))))))
(setq straight--recipe-lookup-cache (make-hash-table :test #'eq)
doom--cli-updated-recipes t)))
(defvar doom--eln-output-expected nil)
(defvar doom--eln-output-path (car (bound-and-true-p comp-eln-load-path)))
(defun doom--eln-file-name (file)
"Return the short .eln file name corresponding to `file'."
(concat comp-native-version-dir "/"
(comp-el-to-eln-filename file))))
(defun doom--eln-output-file (eln-name)
"Return the expected .eln file corresponding to `eln-name'."
(concat doom--eln-output-path eln-name))
(defun doom--eln-error-file (eln-name)
"Return the expected .error file corresponding to `eln-name'."
(concat doom--eln-output-path eln-name ".error"))
(defun doom--find-eln-file (eln-name)
"Find `eln-name' on the `comp-eln-load-path'."
(cl-some (lambda (eln-path)
(let ((file (concat eln-path eln-name)))
(when (file-exists-p file)
(defun doom--elc-file-outdated-p (file)
"Check whether the corresponding .elc for `file' is outdated."
(let ((elc-file (byte-compile-dest-file file)))
;; NOTE Ignore missing elc files, they could be missing due to
;; `no-byte-compile'. Rebuilding unnecessarily is expensive.
(when (and (file-exists-p elc-file)
(file-newer-than-file-p file elc-file))
(doom-log "%s is newer than %s" file elc-file)
(defun doom--eln-file-outdated-p (file)
"Check whether the corresponding .eln for `file' is outdated."
(let* ((eln-name (doom--eln-file-name file))
(eln-file (doom--find-eln-file eln-name))
(error-file (doom--eln-error-file eln-name)))
(cond (eln-file
(when (file-newer-than-file-p file eln-file)
(doom-log "%s is newer than %s" file eln-file)
((file-exists-p error-file)
(when (file-newer-than-file-p file error-file)
(doom-log "%s is newer than %s" file error-file)
(doom-log "%s doesn't exist" eln-name)
(defun doom--native-compile-done-h (file)
"Callback fired when an item has finished async compilation."
(when file
(let* ((eln-name (doom--eln-file-name file))
(eln-file (doom--eln-output-file eln-name))
(error-file (doom--eln-error-file eln-name)))
(if (file-exists-p eln-file)
(doom-log "Compiled %s" eln-file)
(make-directory (file-name-directory error-file) 'parents)
(write-region "" nil error-file)
(doom-log "Wrote %s" error-file)))))
(defun doom--native-compile-jobs ()
"How many async native compilation jobs are queued or in-progress."
(if (featurep 'comp)
(+ (length comp-files-queue)
(defun doom--wait-for-compile-jobs ()
"Wait for all pending async native compilation jobs."
(cl-loop for pending = (doom--native-compile-jobs)
with previous = 0
while (not (zerop pending))
if (/= previous pending) do
(print! (info "\033[KWaiting for %d async jobs...\033[1A" pending))
(setq previous pending)
else do
(let ((inhibit-message t))
(sleep-for 0.1))))
(defun doom--write-missing-eln-errors ()
"Write .error files for any expected .eln files that are missing."
(cl-loop for file in doom--eln-output-expected
for eln-name = (doom--eln-file-name file)
for eln-file = (doom--eln-output-file eln-name)
for error-file = (doom--eln-error-file eln-name)
unless (or (file-exists-p eln-file)
(file-newer-than-file-p error-file file))
do (make-directory (file-name-directory error-file) 'parents)
(write-region "" nil error-file)
(doom-log "Wrote %s" error-file))
(setq doom--eln-output-expected nil))
(defun doom--compile-site-packages ()
"Queue async compilation for all non-doom Elisp files."
(when (featurep 'comp)
(cl-loop with paths = (cl-loop for path in load-path
unless (string-prefix-p doom-local-dir path)
collect path)
for file in (doom-files-in paths :match "\\.el\\(?:\\.gz\\)?$")
if (and (file-exists-p (byte-compile-dest-file file))
(not (doom--find-eln-file (doom--eln-file-name file)))
(not (cl-some (lambda (re)
(string-match-p re file))
comp-deferred-compilation-deny-list))) do
(doom-log "Compiling %s" file)
(native-compile-async file))))
(defun doom--bootstrap-trampolines ()
"Build the trampolines we need to prevent hanging."
(when (featurep 'comp)
;; HACK The following list was obtained by running 'doom build', waiting for
;; it to hang, then checking the eln-cache for trampolines. We
;; simulate running 'doom build' twice by compiling the trampolines
;; then restarting.
(let (restart)
(dolist (f '(abort-recursive-edit
(unless (doom--find-eln-file
(concat comp-native-version-dir "/"
(comp-trampoline-filename f)))
(print! (info "Compiling trampoline for %s") f)
(comp-trampoline-compile f)
(setq restart t)))
(when restart
(throw 'exit :restart)))))
(defun doom-cli-packages-install ()
"Installs missing packages.
This function will install any primary package (i.e. a package with a `package!'
declaration) or dependency thereof that hasn't already been."
(print! (start "Installing packages..."))
(let ((pinned (doom-package-pinned-list)))
(add-hook 'comp-async-cu-done-hook #'doom--native-compile-done-h)
(if-let (built
(doom--with-package-recipes (doom-package-recipe-list)
(recipe package type local-repo)
(unless (file-directory-p (straight--repos-dir local-repo))
(condition-case-unless-debug e
(let ((straight-use-package-pre-build-functions
(cons (lambda (pkg &rest _)
(when-let (commit (cdr (assoc pkg pinned)))
(print! (info "Checked out %s: %s") pkg commit)))
(straight-use-package (intern package))
;; HACK Line encoding issues can plague repos with dirty
;; worktree prompts when updating packages or "Local
;; variables entry is missing the suffix" errors when
;; installing them (see hlissner/doom-emacs#2637), so
;; have git handle conversion by force.
(when (and IS-WINDOWS (stringp local-repo))
(let ((default-directory (straight--repos-dir local-repo)))
(when (file-in-directory-p default-directory straight-base-dir)
(straight--call "git" "config" "core.autocrlf" "true")))))
(signal 'doom-package-error (list package e))))))
(print! (success "\033[KInstalled %d packages") (length built)))
(print! (info "No packages need to be installed"))
(defun doom-cli-packages-build (&optional force-p)
"(Re)build all packages."
(print! (start "(Re)building %spackages...") (if force-p "all " ""))
(let ((straight-check-for-modifications
(when (file-directory-p (straight--modified-dir))
(and straight-check-for-modifications
(executable-find straight-find-executable)
(or straight--packages-not-to-rebuild (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
(or (if force-p :all straight--packages-to-rebuild)
(make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
(recipes (doom-package-recipe-list)))
(add-hook 'comp-async-cu-done-hook #'doom--native-compile-done-h)
(unless force-p
(if-let (built
(doom--with-package-recipes recipes (package local-repo recipe)
(unless force-p
;; Ensure packages with outdated files/bytecode are rebuilt
(let* ((build-dir (straight--build-dir package))
(repo-dir (straight--repos-dir local-repo))
(build (plist-get recipe :build))
(or (eq build t)
(memq 'compile build)))
(and (or (eq build t)
(memq 'native-compile build))
(require 'comp nil t))))
(when (eq (car build) :not)
(setq want-byte-compile (not want-byte-compile)
want-native-compile (not want-native-compile)))
(and (or want-byte-compile want-native-compile)
(or (file-newer-than-file-p repo-dir build-dir)
(file-exists-p (straight--modified-dir (or local-repo package)))
(cl-loop with outdated = nil
for file in (doom-files-in build-dir :match "\\.el$" :full t)
if (or (if want-byte-compile (doom--elc-file-outdated-p file))
(if want-native-compile (doom--eln-file-outdated-p file)))
do (setq outdated t)
(when want-native
(push file doom--eln-output-expected))
finally return outdated))
(puthash package t straight--packages-to-rebuild))))
(straight-use-package (intern package))))
(print! (success "\033[KRebuilt %d package(s)") (length built)))
(print! (success "No packages need rebuilding"))
(defun doom-cli-packages-update ()
"Updates packages."
(let* ((repo-dir (straight--repos-dir))
(pinned (doom-package-pinned-list))
(recipes (doom-package-recipe-list))
(packages-to-rebuild (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(repos-to-rebuild (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(total (length recipes))
(esc (unless doom-debug-p "\033[1A"))
(i 0)
(when recipes
(print! (start "Updating packages (this may take a while)..."))
(doom--with-package-recipes recipes (recipe package type local-repo)
(cl-incf i)
(unless (straight--repository-is-available-p recipe)
(print! (error "(%d/%d) Couldn't find local repo for %s") i total package)
(when (gethash local-repo repos-to-rebuild)
(puthash package t packages-to-rebuild)
(print! (success "(%d/%d) %s was updated indirectly (with %s)") i total package local-repo)
(let ((default-directory (straight--repos-dir local-repo)))
(unless (file-in-directory-p default-directory repo-dir)
(print! (warn "(%d/%d) Skipping %s because it is local") i total package)
(when (eq type 'git)
(unless (file-exists-p ".git")
(error "%S is not a valid repository" package)))
(condition-case-unless-debug e
(let ((ref (straight-vc-get-commit type local-repo))
(cdr (or (assoc local-repo pinned)
(assoc package pinned))))
(or (cond
((not (stringp target-ref))
(print! (start "\033[K(%d/%d) Fetching %s...%s") i total package esc)
(when (straight-vc-fetch-from-remote recipe)
(setq output (straight--process-get-output))
(straight-merge-package package)
(setq target-ref (straight-vc-get-commit type local-repo))
(or (not (doom--same-commit-p target-ref ref))
((doom--same-commit-p target-ref ref)
(print! (info "\033[K(%d/%d) %s is up-to-date...%s") i total package esc)
((if (straight-vc-commit-present-p recipe target-ref)
(print! (start "\033[K(%d/%d) Checking out %s (%s)...%s")
i total package (doom--abbrev-commit target-ref) esc)
(print! (start "\033[K(%d/%d) Fetching %s...%s") i total package esc)
(and (straight-vc-fetch-from-remote recipe)
(straight-vc-commit-present-p recipe target-ref)))
(straight-vc-check-out-commit recipe target-ref)
(or (not (eq type 'git))
(setq output (doom--commit-log-between ref target-ref)))
(doom--same-commit-p target-ref (straight-vc-get-commit type local-repo)))
((print! (start "\033[K(%d/%d) Re-cloning %s...") i total local-repo esc)
(let ((repo (straight--repos-dir local-repo))
(straight-vc-git-default-clone-depth 'full))
(delete-directory repo 'recursive)
(straight-use-package (intern package) nil 'no-build))
(prog1 (file-directory-p repo)
(or (not (eq type 'git))
(setq output (doom--commit-log-between ref target-ref)))))))
(print! (warn "\033[K(%d/%d) Failed to fetch %s")
i total local-repo)
(unless (string-empty-p output)
(print-group! (print! (info "%s" output))))
(puthash local-repo t repos-to-rebuild)
(puthash package t packages-to-rebuild)
(print! (success "\033[K(%d/%d) %s updated (%s -> %s)")
i total local-repo
(doom--abbrev-commit ref)
(doom--abbrev-commit target-ref))
(unless (string-empty-p output)
(print-group! (print! "%s" (indent 2 output)))))
(signal 'user-error (error-message-string e)))
(signal 'doom-package-error (list package e)))))))
(princ "\033[K")
(if (hash-table-empty-p packages-to-rebuild)
(ignore (print! (success "All %d packages are up-to-date") total))
(let ((default-directory (straight--build-dir)))
(mapc (doom-rpartial #'delete-directory 'recursive)
(hash-table-keys packages-to-rebuild)))
(print! (success "Updated %d package(s)")
(hash-table-count packages-to-rebuild))
;;; PURGE (for the emperor)
(defun doom--cli-packages-purge-build (build)
(let ((build-dir (straight--build-dir build)))
(delete-directory build-dir 'recursive)
(if (file-directory-p build-dir)
(ignore (print! (error "Failed to purg build/%s" build)))
(print! (success "Purged build/%s" build))
(defun doom--cli-packages-purge-builds (builds)
(if (not builds)
(prog1 0
(print! (info "No builds to purge")))
(print! (start "Purging straight builds..." (length builds)))
(delq nil (mapcar #'doom--cli-packages-purge-build builds))))))
(cl-defun doom--cli-packages-regraft-repo (repo)
(let ((default-directory (straight--repos-dir repo)))
(unless (file-directory-p ".git")
(print! (warn "\033[Krepos/%s is not a git repo, skipping" repo))
(unless (file-in-directory-p default-directory straight-base-dir)
(print! (warn "\033[KSkipping repos/%s because it is local" repo))
(let ((before-size (doom-directory-size default-directory)))
(straight--call "git" "reset" "--hard")
(straight--call "git" "clean" "-ffd")
(if (not (car (straight--call "git" "replace" "--graft" "HEAD")))
(print! (info "\033[Krepos/%s is already compact\033[1A" repo))
(straight--call "git" "reflog" "expire" "--expire=all" "--all")
(straight--call "git" "gc" "--prune=now")
(print! (success "\033[KRegrafted repos/%s (from %0.1fKB to %0.1fKB)")
repo before-size (doom-directory-size default-directory))
(print-group! (print! "%s" (straight--process-get-output))))
(defun doom--cli-packages-regraft-repos (repos)
(if (not repos)
(prog1 0
(print! (info "No repos to regraft")))
(print! (start "Regrafting %d repos..." (length repos)))
(let ((before-size (doom-directory-size (straight--repos-dir))))
(prog1 (delq nil (mapcar #'doom--cli-packages-regraft-repo repos))
(princ "\033[K")
(let ((after-size (doom-directory-size (straight--repos-dir))))
(print! (success "Finished regrafting. Size before: %0.1fKB and after: %0.1fKB (%0.1fKB)")
before-size after-size
(- after-size before-size))))))))
(defun doom--cli-packages-purge-repo (repo)
(let ((repo-dir (straight--repos-dir repo)))
(delete-directory repo-dir 'recursive)
(delete-file (straight--modified-file repo))
(if (file-directory-p repo-dir)
(ignore (print! (error "Failed to purge repos/%s" repo)))
(print! (success "Purged repos/%s" repo))
(defun doom--cli-packages-purge-repos (repos)
(if (not repos)
(prog1 0
(print! (info "No repos to purge")))
(print! (start "Purging straight repositories..."))
(delq nil (mapcar #'doom--cli-packages-purge-repo repos))))))
(defun doom--cli-packages-purge-elpa ()
(require 'core-packages)
(let ((dirs (doom-files-in package-user-dir :type t :depth 0)))
(if (not dirs)
(prog1 0
(print! (info "No ELPA packages to purge")))
(print! (start "Purging ELPA packages..."))
(dolist (path dirs (length dirs))
(condition-case e
(if (file-directory-p path)
(delete-directory path 'recursive)
(delete-file path))
(print! (success "Deleted %s") (filename path)))
(print! (error "Failed to delete %s because: %s")
(filename path)
(defun doom-cli-packages-purge (&optional elpa-p builds-p repos-p regraft-repos-p)
"Auto-removes orphaned packages and repos.
An orphaned package is a package that isn't a primary package (i.e. doesn't have
a `package!' declaration) or isn't depended on by another primary package.
If BUILDS-P, include straight package builds.
If REPOS-P, include straight repos.
If ELPA-P, include packages installed with package.el (M-x package-install)."
(print! (start "Purging orphaned packages (for the emperor)..."))
(cl-destructuring-bind (&optional builds-to-purge repos-to-purge repos-to-regraft)
(let ((rdirs
(and (or repos-p regraft-repos-p)
(straight--directory-files (straight--repos-dir) nil nil 'sort))))
(list (when builds-p
(let ((default-directory (straight--build-dir)))
(seq-filter #'file-directory-p
(seq-remove (doom-rpartial #'gethash straight--profile-cache)
(straight--directory-files default-directory nil nil 'sort)))))
(when repos-p
(seq-remove (doom-rpartial #'straight--checkhash straight--repo-cache)
(when regraft-repos-p
(seq-filter (doom-rpartial #'straight--checkhash straight--repo-cache)
nil (list
(if (not builds-p)
(ignore (print! (info "Skipping builds")))
(and (/= 0 (doom--cli-packages-purge-builds builds-to-purge))
(if (not elpa-p)
(ignore (print! (info "Skipping elpa packages")))
(/= 0 (doom--cli-packages-purge-elpa)))
(if (not repos-p)
(ignore (print! (info "Skipping repos")))
(/= 0 (doom--cli-packages-purge-repos repos-to-purge)))
(if (not regraft-repos-p)
(ignore (print! (info "Skipping regrafting")))
(doom--cli-packages-regraft-repos repos-to-regraft)))))))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
;;; core/cli/sync.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defcli! (sync s)
((no-envvar-p ["-e"] "Don't regenerate the envvar file")
(no-elc-p ["-c"] "Don't recompile config")
(update-p ["-u"] "Update installed packages after syncing")
(purge-p ["-p" "--prune"] "Purge orphaned package repos & regraft them"))
"Synchronize your config with Doom Emacs.
This is the equivalent of running autoremove, install, autoloads, then
recompile. Run this whenever you:
1. Modify your `doom!' block,
2. Add or remove `package!' blocks to your config,
3. Add or remove autoloaded functions in module autoloaded files.
4. Update Doom outside of Doom (e.g. with git)
It will ensure that unneeded packages are removed, all needed packages are
installed, autoloads files are up-to-date and no byte-compiled files have gone
(run-hooks 'doom-sync-pre-hook)
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'doom--cli-abort-warning-h)
(print! (start "Synchronizing your config with Doom Emacs..."))
(delete-file doom-autoloads-file)
(when (and (not no-envvar-p)
(file-exists-p doom-env-file))
(doom-cli-reload-env-file 'force))
(when update-p
(doom-cli-packages-purge purge-p 'builds-p purge-p purge-p)
(run-hooks 'doom-sync-post-hook)
(when (doom-autoloads-reload)
(print! (info "Restart Emacs or use 'M-x doom/reload' for changes to take effect")))
(remove-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'doom--cli-abort-warning-h)))
;;; DEPRECATED Commands
(defcli! (refresh re) ()
"Deprecated for 'doom sync'"
:hidden t
(user-error "'doom refresh' has been replaced with 'doom sync'. Use that instead"))
;;; Helpers
(defun doom--cli-abort-warning-h ()
(print! (warn "Script was abruptly aborted! Run 'doom sync' to repair inconsistencies")))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
;;; core/cli/test.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defun doom--emacs-binary ()
(let ((emacs-binary-path (doom-path invocation-directory invocation-name))
(runemacs-binary-path (if IS-WINDOWS (doom-path invocation-directory "runemacs.exe"))))
(if (and runemacs-binary-path (file-exists-p runemacs-binary-path))
(defcli! test (&rest targets)
"Run Doom unit tests."
:bare t
(doom-initialize 'force 'noerror)
(require 'ansi-color)
(let (files read-files)
(unless targets
(setq targets
(cons doom-core-dir
(doom-rpartial #'file-in-directory-p doom-emacs-dir)
;; Omit `doom-private-dir', which is always first
(let (doom-modules)
(load (expand-file-name "test/init" doom-core-dir) nil t)
(cdr (doom-module-load-path)))))))
(while targets
(let ((target (pop targets)))
;; FIXME Module targets don't work
(cond ((equal target ":core")
(appendq! files (nreverse (doom-glob doom-core-dir "test/test-*.el"))))
((file-directory-p target)
(setq target (expand-file-name target))
(appendq! files (nreverse (doom-glob target "test/test-*.el"))))
((file-exists-p target)
(push target files)))))
(setenv "DOOMLOCALDIR" (concat doom-local-dir "test/"))
(setenv "DOOMDIR" (concat doom-core-dir "test/"))
(print! (start "Bootstrapping test environment, if necessary..."))
(cl-destructuring-bind (status . output)
(setq user-emacs-directory ,doom-emacs-dir
doom-auto-accept t)
(require 'core ,(locate-library "core"))
(require 'core-cli)
(doom-initialize 'force 'noerror)
(when (doom-cli-packages-install)
(unless (zerop status)
(error "Failed to bootstrap unit tests"))))
(dolist (file files)
(if (doom-file-cookie-p file "if" t)
(cl-destructuring-bind (_status . output)
(apply #'doom-exec-process
"-l" (concat doom-core-dir "core.el")
"-l" (concat doom-core-dir "test/helpers.el")
(append (when (file-in-directory-p file doom-modules-dir)
(list "-f" "doom-initialize-core"))
(list "-l" file
"-f" "buttercup-run")))
(insert (replace-regexp-in-string ansi-color-control-seq-regexp "" output))
(push file read-files))
(print! (info "Ignoring %s" (relpath file)))))
(let ((total 0)
(total-failed 0)
(i 0))
(print! "\n----------------------------------------\nTests finished")
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward "^Ran \\([0-9]+\\) specs, \\([0-9]+\\) failed," nil t)
(let ((ran (string-to-number (match-string 1)))
(failed (string-to-number (match-string 2))))
(when (> failed 0)
(print! (warn "(%s) Failed %d/%d tests")
(path (nth i read-files))
failed ran)
"%s" (string-trim
(match-beginning 0)
(dotimes (_ failed (point))
(search-backward "========================================"))))))))
(cl-incf total ran)
(cl-incf total-failed failed)
(cl-incf i))))
(if (= total-failed 0)
(print! (success "Ran %d tests successfully." total total-failed))
(print! (error "Ran %d tests, %d failed") total total-failed)
(kill-emacs 1)))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
;;; core/cli/upgrade.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defcli! (upgrade up)
((force-p ["-f" "--force"] "Discard local changes to Doom and packages, and upgrade anyway")
(packages-only-p ["-p" "--packages"] "Only upgrade packages, not Doom"))
"Updates Doom and packages.
This requires that ~/.emacs.d is a git repo, and is the equivalent of the
following shell commands:
cd ~/.emacs.d
git pull --rebase
bin/doom clean
bin/doom sync -u"
:bare t
(let ((doom-auto-discard force-p))
(doom-cli-execute "sync" "-u")
(print! (success "Finished upgrading Doom Emacs")))
((doom-cli-upgrade doom-auto-accept doom-auto-discard)
;; Reload Doom's CLI & libraries, in case there were any upstream changes.
;; Major changes will still break, however
(print! (info "Reloading Doom Emacs"))
(throw 'exit (list "doom" "upgrade" "-p" (if force-p "-f"))))
((print! "Doom is up-to-date!")
(doom-cli-execute "sync" "-u")))))
;;; library
(defvar doom-repo-url ""
"The git repo url for Doom Emacs.")
(defvar doom-repo-remote "_upgrade"
"The name to use as our staging remote.")
(defun doom--working-tree-dirty-p (dir)
(cl-destructuring-bind (success . stdout)
(doom-call-process "git" "status" "--porcelain" "-uno")
(if (= 0 success)
(split-string stdout "\n" t)
(error "Failed to check working tree in %s" dir))))
(defun doom-cli-upgrade (&optional auto-accept-p force-p)
"Upgrade Doom to the latest version non-destructively."
(let ((default-directory doom-emacs-dir)
(print! (start "Preparing to upgrade Doom Emacs and its packages..."))
(let* (;; git name-rev may return BRANCH~X for detached HEADs and fully
;; qualified refs in some other cases, so an effort to strip out all
;; but the branch name is necessary. git symbolic-ref (or
;; `vc-git--symbolic-ref') won't work; it can't deal with submodules.
(branch (replace-regexp-in-string
"^\\(?:[^/]+/[^/]+/\\)?\\(.+\\)\\(?:~[0-9]+\\)?$" "\\1"
(cdr (doom-call-process "git" "name-rev" "--name-only" "HEAD"))))
(target-remote (format "%s_%s" doom-repo-remote branch)))
(unless branch
(error! (if (file-exists-p! ".git" doom-emacs-dir)
"Couldn't find Doom's .git directory. Was Doom cloned properly?"
"Couldn't detect what branch you're on. Is Doom detached?")))
;; We assume that a dirty .emacs.d is intentional and abort
(when-let (dirty (doom--working-tree-dirty-p default-directory))
(if (not force-p)
(user-error! "%s\n\n%s\n\n %s"
(format "Refusing to upgrade because %S has been modified." (path doom-emacs-dir))
"Either stash/undo your changes or run 'doom upgrade -f' to discard local changes."
(string-join dirty "\n"))
(print! (info "You have local modifications in Doom's source. Discarding them..."))
(doom-call-process "git" "reset" "--hard" (format "origin/%s" branch))
(doom-call-process "git" "clean" "-ffd")))
(doom-call-process "git" "remote" "remove" doom-repo-remote)
(let (result)
(or (zerop (car (doom-call-process "git" "remote" "add" doom-repo-remote doom-repo-url)))
(error "Failed to add %s to remotes" doom-repo-remote))
(or (zerop (car (setq result (doom-call-process "git" "fetch" "--force" "--tags" doom-repo-remote (format "%s:%s" branch target-remote)))))
(error "Failed to fetch from upstream"))
(let ((this-rev (cdr (doom-call-process "git" "rev-parse" "HEAD")))
(new-rev (cdr (doom-call-process "git" "rev-parse" target-remote))))
((and (null this-rev)
(null new-rev))
(error "Failed to get revisions for %s" target-remote))
((equal this-rev new-rev)
(print! (success "Doom is already up-to-date!"))
((print! (info "A new version of Doom Emacs is available!\n\n Old revision: %s (%s)\n New revision: %s (%s)\n"
(substring this-rev 0 10)
(cdr (doom-call-process "git" "log" "-1" "--format=%cr" "HEAD"))
(substring new-rev 0 10)
(cdr (doom-call-process "git" "log" "-1" "--format=%cr" target-remote))))
(let ((diff-url
(format "%s/compare/%s...%s"
(print! "Link to diff: %s" diff-url)
(when (and (not auto-accept-p)
(y-or-n-p "View the comparison diff in your browser?"))
(print! (info "Opened github in your browser."))
(browse-url diff-url)))
(if (not (or auto-accept-p
(y-or-n-p "Proceed with upgrade?")))
(ignore (print! (error "Aborted")))
(print! (start "Upgrading Doom Emacs..."))
(or (and (zerop (car (doom-call-process "git" "reset" "--hard" target-remote)))
(equal (cdr (doom-call-process "git" "rev-parse" "HEAD")) new-rev))
(error "Failed to check out %s" (substring new-rev 0 10)))
(print! (info "%s") (cdr result))
(doom-call-process "git" "branch" "-D" target-remote)
(doom-call-process "git" "remote" "remove" doom-repo-remote))))))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,573 @@
;;; core/core-cli.el --- -*- lexical-binding: t; no-byte-compile: t; -*-
(load! "autoload/process")
(load! "autoload/plist")
(load! "autoload/files")
(load! "autoload/output")
(require 'seq)
;; Create all our core directories to quell file errors.
(mapc (doom-rpartial #'make-directory 'parents)
(list doom-local-dir
;; Ensure straight and the bare minimum is ready to go
(require 'core-modules)
(require 'core-packages)
;; Don't generate superfluous files when writing temp buffers
(setq make-backup-files nil)
;; Stop user configuration from interfering with package management
(setq enable-dir-local-variables nil)
;;; Variables
(defvar doom-auto-accept (getenv "YES")
"If non-nil, Doom will auto-accept any confirmation prompts during batch
commands like `doom-cli-packages-install', `doom-cli-packages-update' and
(defvar doom-auto-discard (getenv "FORCE")
"If non-nil, discard all local changes while updating.")
(defvar doom-cli-file "cli"
"The basename of CLI config files for modules.
These are loaded when a Doom's CLI starts up. There users and modules can define
additional CLI commands, or reconfigure existing ones to better suit their
(defvar doom-cli-log-file (concat doom-local-dir "doom.log")
"File to write the extended output to.")
(defvar doom-cli-log-error-file (concat doom-local-dir "doom.error.log")
"File to write the last backtrace to.")
(defvar doom--cli-commands (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(defvar doom--cli-groups (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(defvar doom--cli-group nil)
(define-error 'doom-cli-error "There was an unexpected error" 'doom-error)
(define-error 'doom-cli-command-not-found-error "Could not find that command" 'doom-cli-error)
(define-error 'doom-cli-wrong-number-of-arguments-error "Wrong number of CLI arguments" 'doom-cli-error)
(define-error 'doom-cli-unrecognized-option-error "Not a recognized option" 'doom-cli-error)
(define-error 'doom-cli-deprecated-error "Command is deprecated" 'doom-cli-error)
;;; CLI library
(:constructor nil)
(name &key desc aliases optlist arglist plist fn
(cl-loop for (symbol options desc) in optlist
for ((_ . options) (_ . params))
= (seq-group-by #'stringp options)
(make-doom-cli-option :symbol symbol
:flags options
:args params
:desc desc))))))
(name nil :read-only t)
(desc "TODO")
(fn (lambda (_) (print! "But nobody came!"))))
(cl-defstruct doom-cli-option
(flags ())
(args ())
(desc "TODO"))
(defun doom--cli-get-option (cli flag)
(cl-find-if (doom-partial #'member flag)
(doom-cli-optlist cli)
:key #'doom-cli-option-flags))
(defun doom--cli-process (cli args)
(let* ((args (copy-sequence args))
(arglist (copy-sequence (doom-cli-arglist cli)))
(or (cl-position-if (doom-rpartial #'memq cl--lambda-list-keywords)
(length arglist)))
(got 0)
(catch 'done
(while args
(let ((arg (pop args)))
(cond ((eq (car arglist) '&rest)
(setq restvar (cadr arglist)
rest (cons arg args))
(throw 'done t))
((string-match "^\\(--\\([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-_]*\\)\\)\\(?:=\\(.+\\)\\)?$" arg)
(let* ((fullflag (match-string 1 arg))
(opt (doom--cli-get-option cli fullflag)))
(unless opt
(user-error "Unrecognized switch %S" (concat "--" (match-string 2 arg))))
(setf (alist-get (doom-cli-option-symbol opt) alist)
(or (if (doom-cli-option-args opt)
(or (match-string 3 arg)
(pop args)
(user-error "%S expected an argument, but got none"
(if (match-string 3 arg)
(user-error "%S was not expecting an argument, but got %S"
fullflag (match-string 3 arg))
((string-match "^\\(-\\([a-zA-Z0-9]+\\)\\)$" arg)
(let ((fullflag (match-string 1 arg))
(flag (match-string 2 arg)))
(dolist (switch (split-string flag "" t))
(if-let (opt (doom--cli-get-option cli (concat "-" switch)))
(setf (alist-get (doom-cli-option-symbol opt) alist)
(if (doom-cli-option-args opt)
(or (pop args)
(user-error "%S expected an argument, but got none"
(user-error "Unrecognized switch %S" (concat "-" switch))))))
(cl-incf got)
(let ((spec (pop arglist)))
(when (eq spec '&optional)
(setq spec (pop arglist)))
(setf (alist-get spec alist) arg))
(when (null arglist)
(throw 'done t)))
(push arg args)
(throw 'done t))))))
(when (< got expected)
(error "Expected %d arguments, got %d" expected got))
(when rest
(setf (alist-get restvar alist) rest))
(defun doom-cli-get (command)
"Return a CLI object associated by COMMAND name (string)."
(cond ((null command) nil)
((doom-cli-p command) command)
(gethash (cond ((symbolp command) command)
((stringp command) (intern command))
(defun doom-cli-internal-p (cli)
"Return non-nil if CLI is an internal (non-public) command."
(string-prefix-p ":" (doom-cli-name cli)))
(defun doom-cli-execute (command &rest args)
"Execute COMMAND (string) with ARGS (list of strings).
Executes a cli defined with `defcli!' with the name or alias specified by
COMMAND, and passes ARGS to it."
(if-let (cli (doom-cli-get command))
(funcall (doom-cli-fn cli)
(doom--cli-process cli (remq nil args)))
(user-error "Couldn't find any %S command" command)))
(defmacro defcli! (name speclist &optional docstring &rest body)
"Defines a CLI command.
COMMAND is a symbol or a list of symbols representing the aliases for this
command. DOCSTRING is a string description; its first line should be short
(under 60 characters), as it will be used as a summary for 'doom help'.
SPECLIST is a specification for options and arguments, which can be a list
specification for an option/switch in the following format:
Otherwise, SPECLIST accepts the same argument specifiers as `defun'.
BODY will be run when this dispatcher is called."
(declare (indent 2) (doc-string 3))
(unless (stringp docstring)
(push docstring body)
(setq docstring "TODO"))
(let ((names (doom-enlist name))
(optlist (cl-remove-if-not #'listp speclist))
(arglist (cl-remove-if #'listp speclist))
(plist (cl-loop for (key val) on body by #'cddr
if (keywordp key)
nconc (list key val) into plist
else return plist)))
`(let ((name ',(car names))
(aliases ',(cdr names))
(plist ',plist))
(when doom--cli-group
(setq plist (plist-put plist :group doom--cli-group)))
(make-doom-cli (symbol-name name)
:desc ,docstring
:aliases (mapcar #'symbol-name aliases)
:arglist ',arglist
:optlist ',optlist
:plist plist
(lambda (--alist--)
(ignore --alist--)
(let ,(cl-loop for opt in speclist
for optsym = (if (listp opt) (car opt) opt)
unless (memq optsym cl--lambda-list-keywords)
collect (list optsym `(cdr (assq ',optsym --alist--))))
(when aliases
(mapc (doom-rpartial #'puthash name doom--cli-commands)
(defmacro defcligroup! (name docstring &rest body)
"Declare all enclosed cli commands are part of the NAME group."
(declare (indent defun) (doc-string 2))
`(let ((doom--cli-group ,name))
(puthash doom--cli-group ,docstring doom--cli-groups)
;;; Debugger
(cl-defun doom-cli--debugger (error data)
(cl-incf num-nonmacro-input-events)
(cl-destructuring-bind (backtrace &optional type data . _)
(cons (doom-cli--backtrace) data)
((and (bound-and-true-p straight-process-buffer)
(stringp data)
(string-match-p (regexp-quote straight-process-buffer)
(print! (error "There was an unexpected package error"))
(print! "%s" (string-trim-right (straight--process-get-output)))))
((print! (error "There was an unexpected error"))
(print! "%s %s" (bold "Message:") (get type 'error-message))
(print! "%s %S" (bold "Data:") (cons type data))
(when backtrace
(print! (bold "Backtrace:"))
(dolist (frame (seq-take backtrace 10))
"%0.74s" (replace-regexp-in-string
"[\n\r]" "\\\\n" (format "%S" frame)))))))))
(when backtrace
(with-temp-file doom-cli-log-error-file
(insert "# -*- lisp-interaction -*-\n")
(insert "# vim: set ft=lisp:\n")
(let ((standard-output (current-buffer))
(print-quoted t)
(print-escape-newlines t)
(print-escape-control-characters t)
(print-level nil)
(print-circle nil))
(mapc #'print (cons (list type data) backtrace)))
(print! (warn "Extended backtrace logged to %s")
(relpath doom-cli-log-error-file)))))
(throw 'exit 255))
(defun doom-cli--backtrace ()
(let* ((n 0)
(frame (backtrace-frame n))
(frame-list nil)
(in-program-stack nil))
(while frame
(when in-program-stack
(push (cdr frame) frame-list))
(when (eq (elt frame 1) 'doom-cli--debugger)
(setq in-program-stack t))
(when (and (eq (elt frame 1) 'doom-cli-execute)
(eq (elt frame 2) :doom))
(setq in-program-stack nil))
(setq n (1+ n)
frame (backtrace-frame n)))
(reverse frame-list)))
;;; straight.el hacks
;; Straight was designed primarily for interactive use, in an interactive Emacs
;; session, but Doom does its package management in the terminal. Some things
;; must be modified get straight to behave and improve its UX for our users.
(defvar doom--straight-discard-options
'(("has diverged from"
. "^Reset [^ ]+ to branch")
("but recipe specifies a URL of"
. "Delete remote \"[^\"]+\", re-create it with correct URL")
("has a merge conflict:"
. "^Abort merge$")
("has a dirty worktree:"
. "^Discard changes$")
("^In repository "
. "^Reset branch \\|^Delete remote [^,]+, re-create it with correct URL"))
"A list of regexps, mapped to regexps.
Their CAR is tested against the prompt, and CDR is tested against the presented
option, and is used by `straight-vc-git--popup-raw' to select which option to
It may not be obvious to users what they should do for some straight prompts,
so Doom will recommend the one that reverts a package back to its (or target)
original state.")
;; HACK Remove dired & magit options from prompt, since they're inaccessible in
;; noninteractive sessions.
(advice-add #'straight-vc-git--popup-raw :override #'straight--popup-raw)
;; HACK Replace GUI popup prompts (which hang indefinitely in tty Emacs) with
;; simple prompts.
(defadvice! doom--straight-fallback-to-y-or-n-prompt-a (orig-fn &optional prompt)
:around #'straight-are-you-sure
(or doom-auto-accept
(if doom-interactive-p
(funcall orig-fn prompt)
(y-or-n-p (format! "%s" (or prompt ""))))))
(defun doom--straight-recommended-option-p (prompt option)
(cl-loop for (prompt-re . opt-re) in doom--straight-discard-options
if (string-match-p prompt-re prompt)
return (string-match-p opt-re option)))
(defadvice! doom--straight-fallback-to-tty-prompt-a (orig-fn prompt actions)
"Modifies straight to prompt on the terminal when in noninteractive sessions."
:around #'straight--popup-raw
(if doom-interactive-p
(funcall orig-fn prompt actions)
(let ((doom--straight-discard-options doom--straight-discard-options))
;; We can't intercept C-g, so no point displaying any options for this key
;; when C-c is the proper way to abort batch Emacs.
(delq! "C-g" actions 'assoc)
;; HACK These are associated with opening dired or magit, which isn't
;; possible in tty Emacs, so...
(delq! "e" actions 'assoc)
(delq! "g" actions 'assoc)
(if doom-auto-discard
(cl-loop with doom-auto-accept = t
for (_key desc func) in actions
when desc
when (doom--straight-recommended-option-p prompt desc)
return (funcall func))
(print! (start "%s") (red prompt))
(let (options)
(print! " 1) Abort")
(cl-loop for (_key desc func) in actions
when desc
do (push func options)
and do
(print! "%2s) %s" (1+ (length options))
(if (doom--straight-recommended-option-p prompt desc)
(setq doom--straight-discard-options nil)
(green (concat desc " (Recommended)")))
(let* ((options
(cons (lambda ()
(let ((doom-output-indent 0))
(print! (warn "Aborted")))
(kill-emacs 1))
(nreverse options)))
(format! "How to proceed? (%s) "
(mapconcat #'number-to-string
(number-sequence 1 (length options))
", ")))
answer fn)
(while (null (nth (setq answer (1- (read-number prompt)))
(print! (warn "%s is not a valid answer, try again.")
(funcall (nth answer options)))))))))
(defadvice! doom--straight-respect-print-indent-a (args)
"Indent straight progress messages to respect `doom-output-indent', so we
don't have to pass whitespace to `straight-use-package's fourth argument
everywhere we use it (and internally)."
:filter-args #'straight-use-package
(melpa-style-recipe &optional no-clone no-build cause interactive)
(list melpa-style-recipe no-clone no-build
(if (and (not cause)
(boundp 'doom-output-indent)
(> doom-output-indent 0))
(make-string (1- (or doom-output-indent 1)) 32)
;;; Entry point
(defcli! :doom
((help-p ["-h" "--help"] "Same as help command")
(auto-accept-p ["-y" "--yes"] "Auto-accept all confirmation prompts")
(debug-p ["-d" "--debug"] "Enables on verbose output")
(doomdir ["--doomdir" dir] "Use the private module at DIR (e.g. ~/.doom.d)")
(localdir ["--localdir" dir] "Use DIR as your local storage directory")
&optional command
&rest args)
"A command line interface for managing Doom Emacs.
Includes package management, diagnostics, unit tests, and byte-compilation.
This tool also makes it trivial to launch Emacs out of a different folder or
with a different private module.
Environment variables:
EMACSDIR Where to find the Doom Emacs repo (normally ~/.emacs.d)
DOOMDIR Where to find your private Doom config (normally ~/.doom.d)
DOOMLOCALDIR Where to store local files (normally ~/.emacs.d/.local)"
(condition-case e
(with-output-to! doom-cli-log-file
(catch 'exit
(when (and (not (getenv "__DOOMRESTART"))
(or doomdir
(when doomdir
(setenv "DOOMDIR" (file-name-as-directory doomdir))
(print! (info "DOOMDIR=%s") localdir))
(when localdir
(setenv "DOOMLOCALDIR" (file-name-as-directory localdir))
(print! (info "DOOMLOCALDIR=%s") localdir))
(when debug-p
(setenv "DEBUG" "1")
(print! (info "DEBUG=1")))
(when auto-accept-p
(setenv "YES" auto-accept-p)
(print! (info "Confirmations auto-accept enabled")))
(throw 'exit "__DOOMRESTART=1 $@"))
;; TODO Rotate logs out, instead of overwriting them?
(delete-file doom-cli-log-file)
(delete-file doom-cli-log-error-file)
(when help-p
(when command
(push command args))
(setq command "help"))
(if (null command)
(doom-cli-execute "help")
(let ((start-time (current-time)))
(run-hooks 'doom-cli-pre-hook)
(when (apply #'doom-cli-execute command args)
(run-hooks 'doom-cli-post-hook)
(print! (success "Finished in %.4fs")
(float-time (time-subtract (current-time) start-time))))))))
;; TODO Not implemented yet
(print! (error "Command 'doom %s' not recognized") (string-join (cdr e) " "))
(print! "\nDid you mean one of these commands?")
(apply #'doom-cli-execute "help" "--similar" (string-join (cdr e) " "))
;; TODO Not implemented yet
(cl-destructuring-bind (route opt arg n d) (cdr e)
(print! (error "doom %s: %S requires %d arguments, but %d given\n")
(mapconcat #'symbol-name route " ") arg n d)
(apply #'doom-cli-execute "help" (mapcar #'symbol-name route))))
;; TODO Not implemented yet
(let ((option (cadr e)))
(print! (error "Unrecognized option: %S") option)
(when (string-match "^--[^=]+=\\(.+\\)$" option)
(print! "The %S syntax isn't supported. Use '%s %s' instead."
option (car (split-string option "="))
(match-string 1 option))))
;; TODO Not implemented yet
(cl-destructuring-bind (route . commands) (cdr e)
(print! (warn "The 'doom %s' command was removed and replaced with:\n")
(mapconcat #'symbol-name route " "))
(dolist (command commands)
(print! (info "%s") command))))
(print! (warn "%s") (cadr e))
;;; CLI Commands
(load! "cli/help")
(load! "cli/install")
(load! "cli/sync")
(load! "cli/env")
(load! "cli/upgrade")
(load! "cli/packages")
(load! "cli/autoloads")
(defcligroup! "Diagnostics"
"For troubleshooting and diagnostics"
(load! "cli/doctor")
(load! "cli/debug")
;; Our tests are broken at the moment. Working on fixing them, but for now we
;; disable them:
;; (load! "cli/test")
(defcligroup! "Compilation"
"For compiling Doom and your config"
(load! "cli/byte-compile"))
(defcligroup! "Utilities"
"Conveniences for interacting with Doom externally"
(defcli! run (&rest args)
"Run Doom Emacs from bin/doom's parent directory.
All arguments are passed on to Emacs.
doom run
doom run -nw init.el
WARNING: this command exists for convenience and testing. Doom will suffer
additional overhead by being started this way. For the best performance, it is
best to run Doom out of ~/.emacs.d and ~/.doom.d."
(throw 'exit (cons invocation-name args))))
;;; Bootstrap
(doom-log "Initializing Doom CLI")
(load! doom-module-init-file doom-private-dir t)
(maphash (doom-module-loader doom-cli-file) doom-modules)
(load! doom-cli-file doom-private-dir t)
(provide 'core-cli)
;;; core-cli.el ends here

View File

@ -0,0 +1,602 @@
;;; core-editor.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defvar doom-detect-indentation-excluded-modes '(fundamental-mode so-long-mode)
"A list of major modes in which indentation should be automatically
(defvar-local doom-inhibit-indent-detection nil
"A buffer-local flag that indicates whether `dtrt-indent' should try to detect
indentation settings or not. This should be set by editorconfig if it
successfully sets indent_style/indent_size.")
(defvar doom-inhibit-large-file-detection nil
"If non-nil, inhibit large/long file detection when opening files.")
(defvar doom-large-file-p nil)
(put 'doom-large-file-p 'permanent-local t)
(defvar doom-large-file-size-alist '(("." . 1.0))
"An alist mapping regexps (like `auto-mode-alist') to filesize thresholds.
If a file is opened and discovered to be larger than the threshold, Doom
performs emergency optimizations to prevent Emacs from hanging, crashing or
becoming unusably slow.
These thresholds are in MB, and is used by `doom--optimize-for-large-files-a'.")
(defvar doom-large-file-excluded-modes
'(so-long-mode special-mode archive-mode tar-mode jka-compr
git-commit-mode image-mode doc-view-mode doc-view-mode-maybe
ebrowse-tree-mode pdf-view-mode tags-table-mode)
"Major modes that `doom-check-large-file-h' will ignore.")
;;; File handling
(defadvice! doom--prepare-for-large-files-a (size _ filename &rest _)
"Sets `doom-large-file-p' if the file is considered large.
Uses `doom-large-file-size-alist' to determine when a file is too large. When
`doom-large-file-p' is set, other plugins can detect this and reduce their
runtime costs (or disable themselves) to ensure the buffer is as fast as
:before #'abort-if-file-too-large
(and (numberp size)
(null doom-inhibit-large-file-detection)
(> size
(* 1024 1024
(assoc-default filename doom-large-file-size-alist
(setq-local doom-large-file-p size)))
(add-hook! 'find-file-hook
(defun doom-optimize-for-large-files-h ()
"Trigger `so-long-minor-mode' if the file is large."
(when (and doom-large-file-p buffer-file-name)
(if (or doom-inhibit-large-file-detection
(memq major-mode doom-large-file-excluded-modes))
(kill-local-variable 'doom-large-file-p)
(when (fboundp 'so-long-minor-mode) ; in case the user disabled it
(so-long-minor-mode +1))
(message "Large file detected! Cutting a few corners to improve performance...")))))
;; Resolve symlinks when opening files, so that any operations are conducted
;; from the file's true directory (like `find-file').
(setq find-file-visit-truename t
vc-follow-symlinks t)
;; Disable the warning "X and Y are the same file". It's fine to ignore this
;; warning as it will redirect you to the existing buffer anyway.
(setq find-file-suppress-same-file-warnings t)
;; Create missing directories when we open a file that doesn't exist under a
;; directory tree that may not exist.
(add-hook! 'find-file-not-found-functions
(defun doom-create-missing-directories-h ()
"Automatically create missing directories when creating new files."
(unless (file-remote-p buffer-file-name)
(let ((parent-directory (file-name-directory buffer-file-name)))
(and (not (file-directory-p parent-directory))
(y-or-n-p (format "Directory `%s' does not exist! Create it?"
(progn (make-directory parent-directory 'parents)
;; Don't generate backups or lockfiles. While auto-save maintains a copy so long
;; as a buffer is unsaved, backups create copies once, when the file is first
;; written, and never again until it is killed and reopened. This is better
;; suited to version control, and I don't want world-readable copies of
;; potentially sensitive material floating around our filesystem.
(setq create-lockfiles nil
make-backup-files nil
;; But in case the user does enable it, some sensible defaults:
version-control t ; number each backup file
backup-by-copying t ; instead of renaming current file (clobbers links)
delete-old-versions t ; clean up after itself
kept-old-versions 5
kept-new-versions 5
backup-directory-alist (list (cons "." (concat doom-cache-dir "backup/")))
tramp-backup-directory-alist backup-directory-alist)
;; But turn on auto-save, so we have a fallback in case of crashes or lost data.
;; Use `recover-file' or `recover-session' to recover them.
(setq auto-save-default t
;; Don't auto-disable auto-save after deleting big chunks. This defeats
;; the purpose of a failsafe. This adds the risk of losing the data we
;; just deleted, but I believe that's VCS's jurisdiction, not ours.
auto-save-include-big-deletions t
;; Keep it out of `doom-emacs-dir' or the local directory.
auto-save-list-file-prefix (concat doom-cache-dir "autosave/")
tramp-auto-save-directory (concat doom-cache-dir "tramp-autosave/")
(list (list "\\`/[^/]*:\\([^/]*/\\)*\\([^/]*\\)\\'"
;; Prefix tramp autosaves to prevent conflicts with local ones
(concat auto-save-list-file-prefix "tramp-\\2") t)
(list ".*" auto-save-list-file-prefix t)))
(add-hook! 'after-save-hook
(defun doom-guess-mode-h ()
"Guess major mode when saving a file in `fundamental-mode'."
(when (eq major-mode 'fundamental-mode)
(let ((buffer (or (buffer-base-buffer) (current-buffer))))
(and (buffer-file-name buffer)
(eq buffer (window-buffer (selected-window))) ; only visible buffers
;;; Formatting
;; Favor spaces over tabs. Pls dun h8, but I think spaces (and 4 of them) is a
;; more consistent default than 8-space tabs. It can be changed on a per-mode
;; basis anyway (and is, where tabs are the canonical style, like go-mode).
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil
tab-width 4)
;; Only indent the line when at BOL or in a line's indentation. Anywhere else,
;; insert literal indentation.
(setq-default tab-always-indent nil)
;; Make `tabify' and `untabify' only affect indentation. Not tabs/spaces in the
;; middle of a line.
(setq tabify-regexp "^\t* [ \t]+")
;; An archaic default in the age of widescreen 4k displays? I disagree. We still
;; frequently split our terminals and editor frames, or have them side-by-side,
;; using up more of that newly available horizontal real-estate.
(setq-default fill-column 80)
;; Continue wrapped words at whitespace, rather than in the middle of a word.
(setq-default word-wrap t)
;; ...but don't do any wrapping by default. It's expensive. Enable
;; `visual-line-mode' if you want soft line-wrapping. `auto-fill-mode' for hard
;; line-wrapping.
(setq-default truncate-lines t)
;; If enabled (and `truncate-lines' was disabled), soft wrapping no longer
;; occurs when that window is less than `truncate-partial-width-windows'
;; characters wide. We don't need this, and it's extra work for Emacs otherwise,
;; so off it goes.
(setq truncate-partial-width-windows nil)
;; This was a widespread practice in the days of typewriters. I actually prefer
;; it when writing prose with monospace fonts, but it is obsolete otherwise.
(setq sentence-end-double-space nil)
;; The POSIX standard defines a line is "a sequence of zero or more non-newline
;; characters followed by a terminating newline", so files should end in a
;; newline. Windows doesn't respect this (because it's Windows), but we should,
;; since programmers' tools tend to be POSIX compliant.
(setq require-final-newline t)
;; Default to soft line-wrapping in text modes. It is more sensibile for text
;; modes, even if hard wrapping is more performant.
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook #'visual-line-mode)
;;; Clipboard / kill-ring
;; Cull duplicates in the kill ring to reduce bloat and make the kill ring
;; easier to peruse (with `counsel-yank-pop' or `helm-show-kill-ring'.
(setq kill-do-not-save-duplicates t)
;; Allow UTF or composed text from the clipboard, even in the terminal or on
;; non-X systems (like Windows or macOS), where only `STRING' is used.
(setq x-select-request-type '(UTF8_STRING COMPOUND_TEXT TEXT STRING))
;;; Extra file extensions to support
'(("/LICENSE\\'" . text-mode)
("\\.log\\'" . text-mode)
("rc\\'" . conf-mode)
("\\.\\(?:hex\\|nes\\)\\'" . hexl-mode)))
;;; Built-in plugins
(use-package! autorevert
;; revert buffers when their files/state have changed
:hook (focus-in . doom-auto-revert-buffers-h)
:hook (after-save . doom-auto-revert-buffers-h)
:hook (doom-switch-buffer . doom-auto-revert-buffer-h)
:hook (doom-switch-window . doom-auto-revert-buffer-h)
(setq auto-revert-verbose t ; let us know when it happens
auto-revert-use-notify nil
auto-revert-stop-on-user-input nil
;; Only prompts for confirmation when buffer is unsaved.
revert-without-query (list "."))
;; `auto-revert-mode' and `global-auto-revert-mode' would, normally, abuse the
;; heck out of inotify handles _or_ aggresively poll your buffer list every X
;; seconds. Too many inotify handles can grind Emacs to a halt if you preform
;; expensive or batch processes on files outside of Emacs (e.g. their mtime
;; changes), and polling your buffer list is terribly inefficient as your
;; buffer list grows into the tens or hundreds.
;; So Doom uses a different strategy: we lazily auto revert buffers when the
;; user a) saves a file, b) switches to a buffer (or its window), or c) you
;; focus Emacs (after using another program). This way, Emacs only ever has to
;; operate on, at minimum, a single buffer and, at maximum, X buffers, where X
;; is the number of open windows (which is rarely, if ever, over 10).
(defun doom-auto-revert-buffer-h ()
"Auto revert current buffer, if necessary."
(unless (or auto-revert-mode (active-minibuffer-window))
(let ((auto-revert-mode t))
(defun doom-auto-revert-buffers-h ()
"Auto revert stale buffers in visible windows, if necessary."
(dolist (buf (doom-visible-buffers))
(with-current-buffer buf
(use-package! recentf
;; Keep track of recently opened files
:defer-incrementally easymenu tree-widget timer
:hook (doom-first-file . recentf-mode)
:commands recentf-open-files
(defun doom--recent-file-truename (file)
(if (or (file-remote-p file nil t)
(not (file-remote-p file)))
(file-truename file)
(setq recentf-filename-handlers
'(;; Text properties inflate the size of recentf's files, and there is
;; no purpose in persisting them, so we strip them out.
;; Resolve symlinks of local files. Otherwise we get duplicate
;; entries opening symlinks.
;; Replace $HOME with ~, which is more portable, and reduces how much
;; horizontal space the recentf listing uses to list recent files.
recentf-save-file (concat doom-cache-dir "recentf")
recentf-auto-cleanup 'never
recentf-max-menu-items 0
recentf-max-saved-items 200)
(add-hook! '(doom-switch-window-hook write-file-functions)
(defun doom--recentf-touch-buffer-h ()
"Bump file in recent file list when it is switched or written to."
(when buffer-file-name
(recentf-add-file buffer-file-name))
;; Return nil for `write-file-functions'
(add-hook! 'dired-mode-hook
(defun doom--recentf-add-dired-directory-h ()
"Add dired directory to recentf file list."
(recentf-add-file default-directory)))
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'recentf-cleanup)
(advice-add #'recentf-load-list :around #'doom-shut-up-a))
(use-package! savehist
;; persist variables across sessions
:defer-incrementally custom
:hook (doom-first-input . savehist-mode)
(setq savehist-file (concat doom-cache-dir "savehist"))
(setq savehist-save-minibuffer-history t
savehist-autosave-interval nil ; save on kill only
'(kill-ring ; persist clipboard
mark-ring global-mark-ring ; persist marks
search-ring regexp-search-ring)) ; persist searches
(add-hook! 'savehist-save-hook
(defun doom-unpropertize-kill-ring-h ()
"Remove text properties from `kill-ring' for a smaller savehist file."
(setq kill-ring (cl-loop for item in kill-ring
if (stringp item)
collect (substring-no-properties item)
else if item collect it)))))
(use-package! saveplace
;; persistent point location in buffers
:hook (doom-first-file . save-place-mode)
(setq save-place-file (concat doom-cache-dir "saveplace")
save-place-limit 100)
(defadvice! doom--recenter-on-load-saveplace-a (&rest _)
"Recenter on cursor when loading a saved place."
:after-while #'save-place-find-file-hook
(if buffer-file-name (ignore-errors (recenter))))
(defadvice! doom--inhibit-saveplace-in-long-files-a (orig-fn &rest args)
:around #'save-place-to-alist
(unless doom-large-file-p
(apply orig-fn args)))
(defadvice! doom--dont-prettify-saveplace-cache-a (orig-fn)
"`save-place-alist-to-file' uses `pp' to prettify the contents of its cache.
`pp' can be expensive for longer lists, and there's no reason to prettify cache
files, so we replace calls to `pp' with the much faster `prin1'."
:around #'save-place-alist-to-file
(letf! ((#'pp #'prin1)) (funcall orig-fn))))
(use-package! server
:when (display-graphic-p)
:after-call pre-command-hook after-find-file focus-out-hook
:defer 1
(when-let (name (getenv "EMACS_SERVER_NAME"))
(setq server-name name))
(setq server-auth-dir (concat doom-emacs-dir "server/"))
(unless (server-running-p)
;;; Packages
(use-package! better-jumper
:hook (doom-first-input . better-jumper-mode)
:commands doom-set-jump-a doom-set-jump-maybe-a doom-set-jump-h
;; REVIEW Suppress byte-compiler warning spawning a *Compile-Log* buffer at
;; startup. This can be removed once gilbertw1/better-jumper#2 is merged.
(defvar better-jumper-local-mode nil)
(global-set-key [remap evil-jump-forward] #'better-jumper-jump-forward)
(global-set-key [remap evil-jump-backward] #'better-jumper-jump-backward)
(global-set-key [remap xref-pop-marker-stack] #'better-jumper-jump-backward)
(defun doom-set-jump-a (orig-fn &rest args)
"Set a jump point and ensure ORIG-FN doesn't set any new jump points."
(better-jumper-set-jump (if (markerp (car args)) (car args)))
(let ((evil--jumps-jumping t)
(better-jumper--jumping t))
(apply orig-fn args)))
(defun doom-set-jump-maybe-a (orig-fn &rest args)
"Set a jump point if ORIG-FN returns non-nil."
(let ((origin (point-marker))
(let* ((evil--jumps-jumping t)
(better-jumper--jumping t))
(apply orig-fn args))))
(unless result
(with-current-buffer (marker-buffer origin)
(if (markerp (car args))
(car args)
(defun doom-set-jump-h ()
"Run `better-jumper-set-jump' but return nil, for short-circuiting hooks."
;; Creates a jump point before killing a buffer. This allows you to undo
;; killing a buffer easily (only works with file buffers though; it's not
;; possible to resurrect special buffers).
(advice-add #'kill-current-buffer :around #'doom-set-jump-a)
;; Create a jump point before jumping with imenu.
(advice-add #'imenu :around #'doom-set-jump-a))
(use-package! dtrt-indent
;; Automatic detection of indent settings
:when doom-interactive-p
:hook ((change-major-mode-after-body read-only-mode) . doom-detect-indentation-h)
(defun doom-detect-indentation-h ()
(unless (or (not after-init-time)
(memq major-mode doom-detect-indentation-excluded-modes)
(member (substring (buffer-name) 0 1) '(" " "*")))
;; Don't display messages in the echo area, but still log them
(let ((inhibit-message (not doom-debug-p)))
(dtrt-indent-mode +1))))
;; Enable dtrt-indent even in smie modes so that it can update `tab-width',
;; `standard-indent' and `evil-shift-width' there as well.
(setq dtrt-indent-run-after-smie t)
;; Reduced from the default of 5000 for slightly faster analysis
(setq dtrt-indent-max-lines 2000)
;; always keep tab-width up-to-date
(push '(t tab-width) dtrt-indent-hook-generic-mapping-list)
(defvar dtrt-indent-run-after-smie)
(defadvice! doom--fix-broken-smie-modes-a (orig-fn arg)
"Some smie modes throw errors when trying to guess their indentation, like
`nim-mode'. This prevents them from leaving Emacs in a broken state."
:around #'dtrt-indent-mode
(let ((dtrt-indent-run-after-smie dtrt-indent-run-after-smie))
(letf! ((defun symbol-config--guess (beg end)
(funcall symbol-config--guess beg (min end 10000)))
(defun smie-config-guess ()
(condition-case e (funcall smie-config-guess)
(error (setq dtrt-indent-run-after-smie t)
(message "[WARNING] Indent detection: %s"
(error-message-string e))
(message ""))))) ; warn silently
(funcall orig-fn arg)))))
(use-package! helpful
;; a better *help* buffer
:commands helpful--read-symbol
;; Make `apropos' et co search more extensively. They're more useful this way.
(setq apropos-do-all t)
(global-set-key [remap describe-function] #'helpful-callable)
(global-set-key [remap describe-command] #'helpful-command)
(global-set-key [remap describe-variable] #'helpful-variable)
(global-set-key [remap describe-key] #'helpful-key)
(global-set-key [remap describe-symbol] #'helpful-symbol)
(defun doom-use-helpful-a (orig-fn &rest args)
"Force ORIG-FN to use helpful instead of the old describe-* commands."
(letf! ((#'describe-function #'helpful-function)
(#'describe-variable #'helpful-variable))
(apply orig-fn args)))
(after! apropos
;; patch apropos buttons to call helpful instead of help
(dolist (fun-bt '(apropos-function apropos-macro apropos-command))
fun-bt 'action
(lambda (button)
(helpful-callable (button-get button 'apropos-symbol)))))
(dolist (var-bt '(apropos-variable apropos-user-option))
var-bt 'action
(lambda (button)
(helpful-variable (button-get button 'apropos-symbol)))))))
;;;###package imenu
(add-hook 'imenu-after-jump-hook #'recenter)
(use-package! smartparens
;; Auto-close delimiters and blocks as you type. It's more powerful than that,
;; but that is all Doom uses it for.
:hook (doom-first-buffer . smartparens-global-mode)
:commands sp-pair sp-local-pair sp-with-modes sp-point-in-comment sp-point-in-string
;; smartparens recognizes `slime-mrepl-mode', but not `sly-mrepl-mode', so...
(add-to-list 'sp-lisp-modes 'sly-mrepl-mode)
;; Load default smartparens rules for various languages
(require 'smartparens-config)
;; Overlays are too distracting and not terribly helpful. show-parens does
;; this for us already (and is faster), so...
(setq sp-highlight-pair-overlay nil
sp-highlight-wrap-overlay nil
sp-highlight-wrap-tag-overlay nil)
(with-eval-after-load 'evil
;; But if someone does want overlays enabled, evil users will be stricken
;; with an off-by-one issue where smartparens assumes you're outside the
;; pair when you're really at the last character in insert mode. We must
;; correct this vile injustice.
(setq sp-show-pair-from-inside t)
;; ...and stay highlighted until we've truly escaped the pair!
(setq sp-cancel-autoskip-on-backward-movement nil)
;; Smartparens conditional binds a key to C-g when sp overlays are active
;; (even if they're invisible). This disruptively changes the behavior of
;; C-g in insert mode, requiring two presses of the key to exit insert mode.
;; I don't see the point of this keybind, so...
(setq sp-pair-overlay-keymap (make-sparse-keymap)))
;; The default is 100, because smartparen's scans are relatively expensive
;; (especially with large pair lists for some modes), we reduce it, as a
;; better compromise between performance and accuracy.
(setq sp-max-prefix-length 25)
;; No pair has any business being longer than 4 characters; if they must, set
;; it buffer-locally. It's less work for smartparens.
(setq sp-max-pair-length 4)
;; Silence some harmless but annoying echo-area spam
(dolist (key '(:unmatched-expression :no-matching-tag))
(setf (alist-get key sp-message-alist) nil))
(add-hook! 'eval-expression-minibuffer-setup-hook
(defun doom-init-smartparens-in-eval-expression-h ()
"Enable `smartparens-mode' in the minibuffer for `eval-expression'.
This includes everything that calls `read--expression', e.g.
`edebug-eval-expression' Only enable it if
`smartparens-global-mode' is on."
(when smartparens-global-mode (smartparens-mode +1))))
(add-hook! 'minibuffer-setup-hook
(defun doom-init-smartparens-in-minibuffer-maybe-h ()
"Enable `smartparens' for non-`eval-expression' commands.
Only enable `smartparens-mode' if `smartparens-global-mode' is
(when (and smartparens-global-mode (memq this-command '(evil-ex)))
(smartparens-mode +1))))
;; You're likely writing lisp in the minibuffer, therefore, disable these
;; quote pairs, which lisps doesn't use for strings:
(sp-local-pair 'minibuffer-inactive-mode "'" nil :actions nil)
(sp-local-pair 'minibuffer-inactive-mode "`" nil :actions nil)
;; Smartparens breaks evil-mode's replace state
(defvar doom-buffer-smartparens-mode nil)
(add-hook! 'evil-replace-state-exit-hook
(defun doom-enable-smartparens-mode-maybe-h ()
(when doom-buffer-smartparens-mode
(kill-local-variable 'doom-buffer-smartparens-mode))))
(add-hook! 'evil-replace-state-entry-hook
(defun doom-disable-smartparens-mode-maybe-h ()
(when smartparens-mode
(setq-local doom-buffer-smartparens-mode t)
(use-package! so-long
:hook (doom-first-file . global-so-long-mode)
(setq so-long-threshold 400) ; reduce false positives w/ larger threshold
;; Don't disable syntax highlighting and line numbers, or make the buffer
;; read-only, in `so-long-minor-mode', so we can have a basic editing
;; experience in them, at least. It will remain off in `so-long-mode',
;; however, because long files have a far bigger impact on Emacs performance.
(delq! 'font-lock-mode so-long-minor-modes)
(delq! 'display-line-numbers-mode so-long-minor-modes)
(delq! 'buffer-read-only so-long-variable-overrides 'assq)
;; ...but at least reduce the level of syntax highlighting
(add-to-list 'so-long-variable-overrides '(font-lock-maximum-decoration . 1))
;; ...and insist that save-place not operate in large/long files
(add-to-list 'so-long-variable-overrides '(save-place-alist . nil))
;; But disable everything else that may be unnecessary/expensive for large or
;; wide buffers.
(appendq! so-long-minor-modes
(defun doom-buffer-has-long-lines-p ()
(unless (bound-and-true-p visual-line-mode)
(let ((so-long-skip-leading-comments
;; HACK Fix #2183: `so-long-detected-long-line-p' tries to parse
;; comment syntax, but comment state may not be initialized,
;; leading to a wrong-type-argument: stringp error.
(bound-and-true-p comment-use-syntax)))
(setq so-long-predicate #'doom-buffer-has-long-lines-p))
(use-package! ws-butler
;; a less intrusive `delete-trailing-whitespaces' on save
:hook (doom-first-buffer . ws-butler-global-mode)
;; ws-butler normally preserves whitespace in the buffer (but strips it from
;; the written file). While sometimes convenient, this behavior is not
;; intuitive. To the average user it looks like whitespace cleanup is failing,
;; which causes folks to redundantly install their own.
(setq ws-butler-keep-whitespace-before-point nil))
(provide 'core-editor)
;;; core-editor.el ends here

View File

@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
;;; core-keybinds.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; A centralized keybinds system, integrated with `which-key' to preview
;; available keybindings. All built into one powerful macro: `map!'. If evil is
;; never loaded, then evil bindings set with `map!' are ignored (i.e. omitted
;; entirely for performance reasons).
(defvar doom-leader-key "SPC"
"The leader prefix key for Evil users.")
(defvar doom-leader-alt-key "M-SPC"
"An alternative leader prefix key, used for Insert and Emacs states, and for
non-evil users.")
(defvar doom-localleader-key "SPC m"
"The localleader prefix key, for major-mode specific commands.")
(defvar doom-localleader-alt-key "M-SPC m"
"The localleader prefix key, for major-mode specific commands. Used for Insert
and Emacs states, and for non-evil users.")
(defvar doom-leader-map (make-sparse-keymap)
"An overriding keymap for <leader> keys.")
;;; Keybind settings
(setq mac-command-modifier 'super
ns-command-modifier 'super
mac-option-modifier 'meta
ns-option-modifier 'meta
;; Free up the right option for character composition
mac-right-option-modifier 'none
ns-right-option-modifier 'none))
(setq w32-lwindow-modifier 'super
w32-rwindow-modifier 'super)))
;; HACK Fixes Emacs' disturbing inability to distinguish C-i from TAB.
(define-key key-translation-map [?\C-i]
(cmd! (if (let ((keys (this-single-command-raw-keys)))
(and keys
(not (cl-position 'tab keys))
(not (cl-position 'kp-tab keys))
;; Fall back if no <C-i> keybind can be found, otherwise
;; we've broken all pre-existing C-i keybinds.
(let ((key
(vconcat (cl-subseq keys 0 -1) [C-i]))))
(not (or (numberp key) (null key))))))
[C-i] [?\C-i])))
;;; Universal, non-nuclear escape
;; `keyboard-quit' is too much of a nuclear option. I wanted an ESC/C-g to
;; do-what-I-mean. It serves four purposes (in order):
;; 1. Quit active states; e.g. highlights, searches, snippets, iedit,
;; multiple-cursors, recording macros, etc.
;; 2. Close popup windows remotely (if it is allowed to)
;; 3. Refresh buffer indicators, like git-gutter and flycheck
;; 4. Or fall back to `keyboard-quit'
;; And it should do these things incrementally, rather than all at once. And it
;; shouldn't interfere with recording macros or the minibuffer. This may require
;; you press ESC/C-g two or three times on some occasions to reach
;; `keyboard-quit', but this is much more intuitive.
(defvar doom-escape-hook nil
"A hook run when C-g is pressed (or ESC in normal mode, for evil users).
More specifically, when `doom/escape' is pressed. If any hook returns non-nil,
all hooks after it are ignored.")
(defun doom/escape (&optional interactive)
"Run `doom-escape-hook'."
(interactive (list 'interactive))
(cond ((minibuffer-window-active-p (minibuffer-window))
;; quit the minibuffer if open.
(when interactive
(setq this-command 'abort-recursive-edit))
;; Run all escape hooks. If any returns non-nil, then stop there.
((run-hook-with-args-until-success 'doom-escape-hook))
;; don't abort macros
((or defining-kbd-macro executing-kbd-macro) nil)
;; Back to the default
((unwind-protect (keyboard-quit)
(when interactive
(setq this-command 'keyboard-quit))))))
(global-set-key [remap keyboard-quit] #'doom/escape)
(with-eval-after-load 'eldoc
(eldoc-add-command 'doom/escape))
;;; General + leader/localleader keys
(use-package general
;; Convenience aliases
(defalias 'define-key! #'general-def)
(defalias 'undefine-key! #'general-unbind))
;; HACK `map!' uses this instead of `define-leader-key!' because it consumes
;; 20-30% more startup time, so we reimplement it ourselves.
(defmacro doom--define-leader-key (&rest keys)
(let (prefix forms wkforms)
(while keys
(let ((key (pop keys))
(def (pop keys)))
(if (keywordp key)
(when (memq key '(:prefix :infix))
(setq prefix def))
(when prefix
(setq key `(general--concat t ,prefix ,key)))
(let* ((udef (cdr-safe (doom-unquote def)))
(bdef (if (general--extended-def-p udef)
(general--extract-def (general--normalize-extended-def udef))
(unless (eq bdef :ignore)
(push `(define-key doom-leader-map (general--kbd ,key)
(when-let (desc (cadr (memq :which-key udef)))
wkforms `((which-key-add-key-based-replacements
(general--concat t doom-leader-alt-key ,key)
(general--concat t doom-leader-key ,key)
(append (and wkforms `((after! which-key ,@(nreverse wkforms))))
(nreverse forms)))))
(defmacro define-leader-key! (&rest args)
"Define <leader> keys.
Uses `general-define-key' under the hood, but does not support :states,
:wk-full-keys or :keymaps. Use `map!' for a more convenient interface.
See `doom-leader-key' and `doom-leader-alt-key' to change the leader prefix."
:states nil
:wk-full-keys nil
:keymaps 'doom-leader-map
(defmacro define-localleader-key! (&rest args)
"Define <localleader> key.
Uses `general-define-key' under the hood, but does not support :major-modes,
:states, :prefix or :non-normal-prefix. Use `map!' for a more convenient
See `doom-localleader-key' and `doom-localleader-alt-key' to change the
localleader prefix."
(if (featurep 'evil)
;; :non-normal-prefix doesn't apply to non-evil sessions (only evil's
;; emacs state)
:states '(normal visual motion emacs insert)
:major-modes t
:prefix doom-localleader-key
:non-normal-prefix doom-localleader-alt-key
:major-modes t
:prefix doom-localleader-alt-key
;; We use a prefix commands instead of general's :prefix/:non-normal-prefix
;; properties because general is incredibly slow binding keys en mass with them
;; in conjunction with :states -- an effective doubling of Doom's startup time!
(define-prefix-command 'doom/leader 'doom-leader-map)
(define-key doom-leader-map [override-state] 'all)
;; Bind `doom-leader-key' and `doom-leader-alt-key' as late as possible to give
;; the user a chance to modify them.
(add-hook! 'doom-after-init-modules-hook
(defun doom-init-leader-keys-h ()
"Bind `doom-leader-key' and `doom-leader-alt-key'."
(let ((map general-override-mode-map))
(if (not (featurep 'evil))
(cond ((equal doom-leader-alt-key "C-c")
(set-keymap-parent doom-leader-map mode-specific-map))
((equal doom-leader-alt-key "C-x")
(set-keymap-parent doom-leader-map ctl-x-map)))
(define-key map (kbd doom-leader-alt-key) 'doom/leader))
(evil-define-key* '(normal visual motion) map (kbd doom-leader-key) 'doom/leader)
(evil-define-key* '(emacs insert) map (kbd doom-leader-alt-key) 'doom/leader))
(general-override-mode +1))))
;;; Packages
(use-package! which-key
:hook (doom-first-input . which-key-mode)
(setq which-key-sort-order #'which-key-key-order-alpha
which-key-sort-uppercase-first nil
which-key-add-column-padding 1
which-key-max-display-columns nil
which-key-min-display-lines 6
which-key-side-window-slot -10)
(defvar doom--initial-which-key-replacement-alist which-key-replacement-alist)
(add-hook! 'doom-before-reload-hook
(defun doom-reset-which-key-replacements-h ()
(setq which-key-replacement-alist doom--initial-which-key-replacement-alist)))
;; general improvements to which-key readability
(setq-hook! 'which-key-init-buffer-hook line-spacing 3)
(which-key-add-key-based-replacements doom-leader-key "<leader>")
(which-key-add-key-based-replacements doom-localleader-key "<localleader>"))
;;; `map!' macro
(defvar doom-evil-state-alist
'((?n . normal)
(?v . visual)
(?i . insert)
(?e . emacs)
(?o . operator)
(?m . motion)
(?r . replace)
(?g . global))
"A list of cons cells that map a letter to a evil state symbol.")
(defun doom--map-keyword-to-states (keyword)
"Convert a KEYWORD into a list of evil state symbols.
For example, :nvi will map to (list 'normal 'visual 'insert). See
`doom-evil-state-alist' to customize this."
(cl-loop for l across (doom-keyword-name keyword)
if (assq l doom-evil-state-alist) collect (cdr it)
else do (error "not a valid state: %s" l)))
;; specials
(defvar doom--map-forms nil)
(defvar doom--map-fn nil)
(defvar doom--map-batch-forms nil)
(defvar doom--map-state '(:dummy t))
(defvar doom--map-parent-state nil)
(defvar doom--map-evil-p nil)
(after! evil (setq doom--map-evil-p t))
(defun doom--map-process (rest)
(let ((doom--map-fn doom--map-fn)
(while rest
(let ((key (pop rest)))
(cond ((listp key)
(doom--map-nested nil key))
((keywordp key)
(pcase key
(setq doom--map-fn 'doom--define-leader-key))
(setq doom--map-fn 'define-localleader-key!))
(doom--map-nested (list 'after! (pop rest)) rest)
(setq rest nil))
(setq desc (pop rest)))
(doom--map-set :keymaps `(quote ,(doom-enlist (pop rest)))))
(push (cl-loop for m in (doom-enlist (pop rest))
collect (intern (concat (symbol-name m) "-map")))
(push :map rest))
((or :when :unless)
(doom--map-nested (list (intern (doom-keyword-name key)) (pop rest)) rest)
(setq rest nil))
(cl-destructuring-bind (prefix . desc)
(doom-enlist (pop rest))
(let ((keymap (intern (format "doom-leader-%s-map" desc))))
(setq rest
(append (list :desc desc prefix keymap
:prefix prefix)
(push `(defvar ,keymap (make-sparse-keymap))
(cl-destructuring-bind (prefix . desc)
(doom-enlist (pop rest))
(doom--map-set (if doom--map-fn :infix :prefix)
(when (stringp desc)
(setq rest (append (list :desc desc "" nil) rest)))))
(let* ((key (pop rest))
(inner (pop rest))
(outer (pop rest)))
(push `(map! (:map evil-inner-text-objects-map ,key ,inner)
(:map evil-outer-text-objects-map ,key ,outer))
(condition-case _
(doom--map-def (pop rest) (pop rest)
(doom--map-keyword-to-states key)
(error "Not a valid `map!' property: %s" key)))
(setq desc nil))))
((doom--map-def key (pop rest) nil desc)
(setq desc nil)))))
(macroexp-progn (nreverse (delq nil doom--map-forms)))))
(defun doom--map-append-keys (prop)
(let ((a (plist-get doom--map-parent-state prop))
(b (plist-get doom--map-state prop)))
(if (and a b)
`(general--concat t ,a ,b)
(or a b))))
(defun doom--map-nested (wrapper rest)
(let ((doom--map-parent-state (doom--map-state)))
(push (if wrapper
(append wrapper (list (doom--map-process rest)))
(doom--map-process rest))
(defun doom--map-set (prop &optional value)
(unless (equal (plist-get doom--map-state prop) value)
(setq doom--map-state (plist-put doom--map-state prop value)))
(defun doom--map-def (key def &optional states desc)
(when (or (memq 'global states)
(null states))
(setq states (cons 'nil (delq 'global states))))
(when desc
(let (unquoted)
(cond ((and (listp def)
(keywordp (car-safe (setq unquoted (doom-unquote def)))))
(setq def (list 'quote (plist-put unquoted :which-key desc))))
((setq def (cons 'list
(if (and (equal key "")
(null def))
`(:ignore t :which-key ,desc)
(plist-put (general--normalize-extended-def def)
:which-key desc))))))))
(dolist (state states)
(push (list key def)
(alist-get state doom--map-batch-forms)))
(defun doom--map-commit ()
(when doom--map-batch-forms
(cl-loop with attrs = (doom--map-state)
for (state . defs) in doom--map-batch-forms
if (or doom--map-evil-p (not state))
collect `(,(or doom--map-fn 'general-define-key)
,@(if state `(:states ',state)) ,@attrs
,@(mapcan #'identity (nreverse defs)))
into forms
finally do (push (macroexp-progn forms) doom--map-forms))
(setq doom--map-batch-forms nil)))
(defun doom--map-state ()
(let ((plist
(append (list :prefix (doom--map-append-keys :prefix)
:infix (doom--map-append-keys :infix)
(append (plist-get doom--map-parent-state :keymaps)
(plist-get doom--map-state :keymaps)))
(while plist
(let ((key (pop plist))
(val (pop plist)))
(when (and val (not (plist-member newplist key)))
(push val newplist)
(push key newplist))))
(defmacro map! (&rest rest)
"A convenience macro for defining keybinds, powered by `general'.
If evil isn't loaded, evil-specific bindings are ignored.
:leader [...] an alias for (:prefix doom-leader-key ...)
:localleader [...] bind to localleader; requires a keymap
:mode [MODE(s)] [...] inner keybinds are applied to major MODE(s)
:map [KEYMAP(s)] [...] inner keybinds are applied to KEYMAP(S)
:prefix [PREFIX] [...] set keybind prefix for following keys. PREFIX
can be a cons cell: (PREFIX . DESCRIPTION)
:prefix-map [PREFIX] [...] same as :prefix, but defines a prefix keymap
where the following keys will be bound. DO NOT
:after [FEATURE] [...] apply keybinds when [FEATURE] loads
:textobj KEY INNER-FN OUTER-FN define a text object keybind pair
:when [CONDITION] [...]
:unless [CONDITION] [...]
Any of the above properties may be nested, so that they only apply to a
certain group of keybinds.
:n normal
:v visual
:i insert
:e emacs
:o operator
:m motion
:r replace
:g global (binds the key without evil `current-global-map')
These can be combined in any order, e.g. :nvi will apply to normal, visual and
insert mode. The state resets after the following key=>def pair. If states are
omitted the keybind will be global (no emacs state; this is different from
evil's Emacs state and will work in the absence of `evil-mode').
These must be placed right before the key string.
(map! :leader :desc \"Description\" :n \"C-c\" #'dosomething)
(map! :n :leader :desc \"Description\" \"C-c\" #'dosomething)
(map! :leader :n :desc \"Description\" \"C-c\" #'dosomething)"
(doom--map-process rest))
(provide 'core-keybinds)
;;; core-keybinds.el ends here

View File

@ -0,0 +1,688 @@
;;; core-lib.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;;; Helpers
(defun doom--resolve-hook-forms (hooks)
"Converts a list of modes into a list of hook symbols.
If a mode is quoted, it is left as is. If the entire HOOKS list is quoted, the
list is returned as-is."
(declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t))
(let ((hook-list (doom-enlist (doom-unquote hooks))))
(if (eq (car-safe hooks) 'quote)
(cl-loop for hook in hook-list
if (eq (car-safe hook) 'quote)
collect (cadr hook)
else collect (intern (format "%s-hook" (symbol-name hook)))))))
(defun doom--setq-hook-fns (hooks rest &optional singles)
(unless (or singles (= 0 (% (length rest) 2)))
(signal 'wrong-number-of-arguments (list #'evenp (length rest))))
(cl-loop with vars = (let ((args rest)
(while args
(push (if singles
(list (pop args))
(cons (pop args) (pop args)))
(nreverse vars))
for hook in (doom--resolve-hook-forms hooks)
for mode = (string-remove-suffix "-hook" (symbol-name hook))
(cl-loop for (var . val) in vars
(list var val hook
(intern (format "doom--setq-%s-for-%s-h"
var mode))))))
;;; Public library
(defun doom-unquote (exp)
"Return EXP unquoted."
(declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t))
(while (memq (car-safe exp) '(quote function))
(setq exp (cadr exp)))
(defun doom-enlist (exp)
"Return EXP wrapped in a list, or as-is if already a list."
(declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t))
(if (listp exp) exp (list exp)))
(defun doom-keyword-intern (str)
"Converts STR (a string) into a keyword (`keywordp')."
(declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t))
(cl-check-type str string)
(intern (concat ":" str)))
(defun doom-keyword-name (keyword)
"Returns the string name of KEYWORD (`keywordp') minus the leading colon."
(declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t))
(cl-check-type keyword keyword)
(substring (symbol-name keyword) 1))
(defmacro doom-log (format-string &rest args)
"Log to *Messages* if `doom-debug-p' is on.
Does not display text in echo area, but still logs to *Messages*. Accepts the
same arguments as `message'."
`(when doom-debug-p
(let ((inhibit-message (active-minibuffer-window)))
,(concat (propertize "DOOM " 'face 'font-lock-comment-face)
(when (bound-and-true-p doom--current-module)
(format "[%s/%s] "
(doom-keyword-name (car doom--current-module))
(cdr doom--current-module))
'face 'warning))
(defalias 'doom-partial #'apply-partially)
(defun doom-rpartial (fn &rest args)
"Return a partial application of FUN to right-hand ARGS.
ARGS is a list of the last N arguments to pass to FUN. The result is a new
function which does the same as FUN, except that the last N arguments are fixed
at the values with which this function was called."
(declare (side-effect-free t))
(lambda (&rest pre-args)
(apply fn (append pre-args args))))
(defun doom-lookup-key (keys &optional keymap)
"Like `lookup-key', but search active keymaps if KEYMAP is omitted."
(if keymap
(lookup-key keymap keys)
(cl-loop for keymap
in (append (cl-loop for alist in emulation-mode-map-alists
append (mapcar #'cdr
(if (symbolp alist)
(if (boundp alist) (symbol-value alist))
(list (current-local-map))
(mapcar #'cdr minor-mode-overriding-map-alist)
(mapcar #'cdr minor-mode-map-alist)
(list (current-global-map)))
if (keymapp keymap)
if (lookup-key keymap keys)
return it)))
;;; Sugars
(defun dir! ()
"Returns the directory of the emacs lisp file this macro is called from."
(when-let (path (file!))
(directory-file-name (file-name-directory path))))
(defun file! ()
"Return the emacs lisp file this macro is called from."
(cond ((bound-and-true-p byte-compile-current-file))
((stringp (car-safe current-load-list))
(car current-load-list))
((error "Cannot get this file-path"))))
(defmacro letenv! (envvars &rest body)
"Lexically bind ENVVARS in BODY, like `let' but for `process-environment'."
(declare (indent 1))
`(let ((process-environment (copy-sequence process-environment)))
(dolist (var (list ,@(cl-loop for (var val) in envvars
collect `(cons ,var ,val))))
(setenv (car var) (cdr var)))
(defmacro letf! (bindings &rest body)
"Temporarily rebind function and macros in BODY.
Intended as a simpler version of `cl-letf' and `cl-macrolet'.
BINDINGS is either a) a list of, or a single, `defun' or `defmacro'-ish form, or
b) a list of (PLACE VALUE) bindings as `cl-letf*' would accept.
TYPE is either `defun' or `defmacro'. NAME is the name of the function. If an
original definition for NAME exists, it can be accessed as a lexical variable by
the same name, for use with `funcall' or `apply'. ARGLIST and BODY are as in
\(fn ((TYPE NAME ARGLIST &rest BODY) ...) BODY...)"
(declare (indent defun))
(setq body (macroexp-progn body))
(when (memq (car bindings) '(defun defmacro))
(setq bindings (list bindings)))
(dolist (binding (reverse bindings) (macroexpand body))
(let ((type (car binding))
(rest (cdr binding)))
body (pcase type
(`defmacro `(cl-macrolet ((,@rest)) ,body))
(`defun `(cl-letf* ((,(car rest) (symbol-function #',(car rest)))
((symbol-function #',(car rest))
(lambda ,(cadr rest) ,@(cddr rest))))
(ignore ,(car rest))
(when (eq (car-safe type) 'function)
(setq type (list 'symbol-function type)))
(list 'cl-letf (list (cons type rest)) body)))))))
(defmacro quiet! (&rest forms)
"Run FORMS without generating any output.
This silences calls to `message', `load', `write-region' and anything that
writes to `standard-output'. In interactive sessions this won't suppress writing
to *Messages*, only inhibit output in the echo area."
`(if doom-debug-p
(progn ,@forms)
,(if doom-interactive-p
`(let ((inhibit-message t)
(save-silently t))
(prog1 ,@forms (message "")))
`(letf! ((standard-output (lambda (&rest _)))
(defun message (&rest _))
(defun load (file &optional noerror nomessage nosuffix must-suffix)
(funcall load file noerror t nosuffix must-suffix))
(defun write-region (start end filename &optional append visit lockname mustbenew)
(unless visit (setq visit 'no-message))
(funcall write-region start end filename append visit lockname mustbenew)))
(defmacro eval-if! (cond then &rest body)
"Expands to THEN if COND is non-nil, to BODY otherwise.
COND is checked at compile/expansion time, allowing BODY to be omitted entirely
when the elisp is byte-compiled. Use this for forms that contain expensive
macros that could safely be removed at compile time."
(declare (indent 2))
(if (eval cond)
(macroexp-progn body)))
(defmacro eval-when! (cond &rest body)
"Expands to BODY if CONDITION is non-nil at compile/expansion time.
See `eval-if!' for details on this macro's purpose."
(declare (indent 1))
(when (eval cond)
(macroexp-progn body)))
;;; Closure factories
(defmacro fn! (arglist &rest body)
"Returns (cl-function (lambda ARGLIST BODY...))
The closure is wrapped in `cl-function', meaning ARGLIST will accept anything
`cl-defun' will. "
(declare (indent defun) (doc-string 1) (pure t) (side-effect-free t))
`(cl-function (lambda ,arglist ,@body)))
(defmacro cmd! (&rest body)
"Returns (lambda () (interactive) ,@body)
A factory for quickly producing interaction commands, particularly for keybinds
or aliases."
(declare (doc-string 1) (pure t) (side-effect-free t))
`(lambda (&rest _) (interactive) ,@body))
(defmacro cmd!! (command &optional prefix-arg &rest args)
"Returns a closure that interactively calls COMMAND with ARGS and PREFIX-ARG.
Like `cmd!', but allows you to change `current-prefix-arg' or pass arguments to
COMMAND. This macro is meant to be used as a target for keybinds (e.g. with
`define-key' or `map!')."
(declare (doc-string 1) (pure t) (side-effect-free t))
`(lambda (arg &rest _) (interactive "P")
(let ((current-prefix-arg (or ,prefix-arg arg)))
(,(if args
,command ,@args))))
(defmacro cmds! (&rest branches)
"Returns a dispatcher that runs the a command in BRANCHES.
Meant to be used as a target for keybinds (e.g. with `define-key' or `map!').
BRANCHES is a flat list of CONDITION COMMAND pairs. CONDITION is a lisp form
that is evaluated when (and each time) the dispatcher is invoked. If it returns
non-nil, COMMAND is invoked, otherwise it falls through to the next pair.
The last element of BRANCHES can be a COMMANd with no CONDITION. This acts as
the fallback if all other conditions fail.
Otherwise, Emacs will fall through the keybind and search the next keymap for a
keybind (as if this keybind never existed).
See `general-key-dispatch' for what other arguments it accepts in BRANCHES."
(declare (doc-string 1))
(let ((docstring (if (stringp (car branches)) (pop branches) ""))
(when (cl-oddp (length branches))
(setq fallback (car (last branches))
branches (butlast branches)))
`(general-predicate-dispatch ,fallback
:docstring ,docstring
(defalias 'kbd! 'general-simulate-key)
;; For backwards compatibility
(defalias 'λ! 'cmd!)
(defalias 'λ!! 'cmd!!)
;; DEPRECATED These have been superseded by `cmd!' and `cmd!!'
(define-obsolete-function-alias 'lambda! 'cmd! "3.0.0")
(define-obsolete-function-alias 'lambda!! 'cmd!! "3.0.0")
;;; Mutation
(defmacro appendq! (sym &rest lists)
"Append LISTS to SYM in place."
`(setq ,sym (append ,sym ,@lists)))
(defmacro setq! (&rest settings)
"A stripped-down `customize-set-variable' with the syntax of `setq'.
This can be used as a drop-in replacement for `setq'. Particularly when you know
a variable has a custom setter (a :set property in its `defcustom' declaration).
This triggers setters. `setq' does not."
(cl-loop for (var val) on settings by 'cddr
collect `(funcall (or (get ',var 'custom-set) #'set)
',var ,val))))
(defmacro delq! (elt list &optional fetcher)
"`delq' ELT from LIST in-place.
If FETCHER is a function, ELT is used as the key in LIST (an alist)."
`(setq ,list
(delq ,(if fetcher
`(funcall ,fetcher ,elt ,list)
(defmacro pushnew! (place &rest values)
"Push VALUES sequentially into PLACE, if they aren't already present.
This is a variadic `cl-pushnew'."
(let ((var (make-symbol "result")))
`(dolist (,var (list ,@values) (with-no-warnings ,place))
(cl-pushnew ,var ,place :test #'equal))))
(defmacro prependq! (sym &rest lists)
"Prepend LISTS to SYM in place."
`(setq ,sym (append ,@lists ,sym)))
;;; Loading
(defmacro add-load-path! (&rest dirs)
"Add DIRS to `load-path', relative to the current file.
The current file is the file from which `add-to-load-path!' is used."
`(let ((default-directory ,(dir!))
(dolist (dir (list ,@dirs))
(cl-pushnew (expand-file-name dir) load-path :test #'string=))))
(defmacro after! (package &rest body)
"Evaluate BODY after PACKAGE have loaded.
PACKAGE is a symbol or list of them. These are package names, not modes,
functions or variables. It can be:
- An unquoted package symbol (the name of a package)
(after! helm BODY...)
- An unquoted list of package symbols (i.e. BODY is evaluated once both magit
and git-gutter have loaded)
(after! (magit git-gutter) BODY...)
- An unquoted, nested list of compound package lists, using any combination of
:or/:any and :and/:all
(after! (:or package-a package-b ...) BODY...)
(after! (:and package-a package-b ...) BODY...)
(after! (:and package-a (:or package-b package-c) ...) BODY...)
Without :or/:any/:and/:all, :and/:all are implied.
This is a wrapper around `eval-after-load' that:
1. Suppresses warnings for disabled packages at compile-time
2. No-ops for package that are disabled by the user (via `package!')
3. Supports compound package statements (see below)
4. Prevents eager expansion pulling in autoloaded macros all at once"
(declare (indent defun) (debug t))
(if (symbolp package)
(unless (memq package (bound-and-true-p doom-disabled-packages))
(list (if (or (not (bound-and-true-p byte-compile-current-file))
(require package nil 'noerror))
(let ((body (macroexp-progn body)))
`(if (featurep ',package)
;; We intentionally avoid `with-eval-after-load' to prevent
;; eager macro expansion from pulling (or failing to pull) in
;; autoloaded macros/packages.
(eval-after-load ',package ',body)))))
(let ((p (car package)))
(cond ((not (keywordp p))
`(after! (:and ,@package) ,@body))
((memq p '(:or :any))
(cl-loop for next in (cdr package)
collect `(after! ,next ,@body))))
((memq p '(:and :all))
(dolist (next (cdr package))
(setq body `((after! ,next ,@body))))
(car body))))))
(defun doom--handle-load-error (e target path)
(let* ((source (file-name-sans-extension target))
(err (cond ((not (featurep 'core))
(cons 'error (file-name-directory path)))
((file-in-directory-p source doom-core-dir)
(cons 'doom-error doom-core-dir))
((file-in-directory-p source doom-private-dir)
(cons 'doom-private-error doom-private-dir))
((cons 'doom-module-error doom-emacs-dir)))))
(signal (car err)
(list (file-relative-name
(concat source ".el")
(cdr err))
(defmacro load! (filename &optional path noerror)
"Load a file relative to the current executing file (`load-file-name').
FILENAME is either a file path string or a form that should evaluate to such a
string at run time. PATH is where to look for the file (a string representing a
directory path). If omitted, the lookup is relative to either `load-file-name',
`byte-compile-current-file' or `buffer-file-name' (checked in that order).
If NOERROR is non-nil, don't throw an error if the file doesn't exist."
(let* ((path (or path
(error "Could not detect path to look for '%s' in"
(file (if path
`(expand-file-name ,filename ,path)
`(condition-case-unless-debug e
(let (file-name-handler-alist)
(load ,file ,noerror 'nomessage))
(doom-error (signal (car e) (cdr e)))
(error (doom--handle-load-error e ,file ,path)))))
(defmacro defer-until! (condition &rest body)
"Run BODY when CONDITION is true (checks on `after-load-functions'). Meant to
serve as a predicated alternative to `after!'."
(declare (indent defun) (debug t))
`(if ,condition
(progn ,@body)
,(let ((fn (intern (format "doom--delay-form-%s-h" (sxhash (cons condition body))))))
(fset ',fn (lambda (&rest args)
(when ,(or condition t)
(remove-hook 'after-load-functions #',fn)
(unintern ',fn nil)
(ignore args)
(put ',fn 'permanent-local-hook t)
(add-hook 'after-load-functions #',fn)))))
(defmacro defer-feature! (feature &rest fns)
"Pretend FEATURE hasn't been loaded yet, until FEATURE-hook or FN runs.
Some packages (like `elisp-mode' and `lisp-mode') are loaded immediately at
startup, which will prematurely trigger `after!' (and `with-eval-after-load')
blocks. To get around this we make Emacs believe FEATURE hasn't been loaded yet,
then wait until FEATURE-hook (or MODE-hook, if FN is provided) is triggered to
reverse this and trigger `after!' blocks at a more reasonable time."
(let ((advice-fn (intern (format "doom--defer-feature-%s-a" feature))))
(delq! ',feature features)
(defadvice! ,advice-fn (&rest _)
:before ',fns
;; Some plugins (like yasnippet) will invoke a fn early to parse
;; code, which would prematurely trigger this. In those cases, well
;; behaved plugins will use `delay-mode-hooks', which we can check for:
(unless delay-mode-hooks
;; ...Otherwise, announce to the world this package has been loaded,
;; so `after!' handlers can react.
(provide ',feature)
(dolist (fn ',fns)
(advice-remove fn #',advice-fn)))))))
;;; Hooks
(defvar doom--transient-counter 0)
(defmacro add-transient-hook! (hook-or-function &rest forms)
"Attaches a self-removing function to HOOK-OR-FUNCTION.
FORMS are evaluated once, when that function/hook is first invoked, then never
HOOK-OR-FUNCTION can be a quoted hook or a sharp-quoted function (which will be
(declare (indent 1))
(let ((append (if (eq (car forms) :after) (pop forms)))
;; Avoid `make-symbol' and `gensym' here because an interned symbol is
;; easier to debug in backtraces (and is visible to `describe-function')
(fn (intern (format "doom--transient-%d-h" (cl-incf doom--transient-counter)))))
`(let ((sym ,hook-or-function))
(defun ,fn (&rest _)
,(format "Transient hook for %S" (doom-unquote hook-or-function))
(let ((sym ,hook-or-function))
(cond ((functionp sym) (advice-remove sym #',fn))
((symbolp sym) (remove-hook sym #',fn))))
(unintern ',fn nil))
(cond ((functionp sym)
(advice-add ,hook-or-function ,(if append :after :before) #',fn))
((symbolp sym)
(put ',fn 'permanent-local-hook t)
(add-hook sym #',fn ,append))))))
(defmacro add-hook! (hooks &rest rest)
"A convenience macro for adding N functions to M hooks.
This macro accepts, in order:
1. The mode(s) or hook(s) to add to. This is either an unquoted mode, an
unquoted list of modes, a quoted hook variable or a quoted list of hook
2. Optional properties :local and/or :append, which will make the hook
buffer-local or append to the list of hooks (respectively),
3. The function(s) to be added: this can be one function, a quoted list
thereof, a list of `defun's, or body forms (implicitly wrapped in a
\(fn HOOKS [:append :local] FUNCTIONS)"
(declare (indent (lambda (indent-point state)
(goto-char indent-point)
(when (looking-at-p "\\s-*(")
(lisp-indent-defform state indent-point))))
(debug t))
(let* ((hook-forms (doom--resolve-hook-forms hooks))
(func-forms ())
(defn-forms ())
(while (keywordp (car rest))
(pcase (pop rest)
(:append (setq append-p t))
(:local (setq local-p t))
(:remove (setq remove-p t))))
(let ((first (car-safe (car rest))))
(cond ((null first)
(setq func-forms rest))
((eq first 'defun)
(setq func-forms (mapcar #'cadr rest)
defn-forms rest))
((memq first '(quote function))
(setq func-forms
(if (cdr rest)
(mapcar #'doom-unquote rest)
(doom-enlist (doom-unquote (car rest))))))
((setq func-forms (list `(lambda (&rest _) ,@rest)))))
(dolist (hook hook-forms)
(dolist (func func-forms)
(push (if remove-p
`(remove-hook ',hook #',func ,local-p)
`(add-hook ',hook #',func ,append-p ,local-p))
(append defn-forms
(if append-p
(nreverse forms)
(defmacro remove-hook! (hooks &rest rest)
"A convenience macro for removing N functions from M hooks.
Takes the same arguments as `add-hook!'.
If N and M = 1, there's no benefit to using this macro over `remove-hook'.
\(fn HOOKS [:append :local] FUNCTIONS)"
(declare (indent defun) (debug t))
`(add-hook! ,hooks :remove ,@rest))
(defmacro setq-hook! (hooks &rest var-vals)
"Sets buffer-local variables on HOOKS.
\(fn HOOKS &rest [SYM VAL]...)"
(declare (indent 1))
(cl-loop for (var val hook fn) in (doom--setq-hook-fns hooks var-vals)
collect `(defun ,fn (&rest _)
,(format "%s = %s" var (pp-to-string val))
(setq-local ,var ,val))
collect `(remove-hook ',hook #',fn) ; ensure set order
collect `(add-hook ',hook #',fn))))
(defmacro unsetq-hook! (hooks &rest vars)
"Unbind setq hooks on HOOKS for VARS.
\(fn HOOKS &rest [SYM VAL]...)"
(declare (indent 1))
(cl-loop for (_var _val hook fn)
in (doom--setq-hook-fns hooks vars 'singles)
collect `(remove-hook ',hook #',fn))))
;;; Definers
(defmacro defadvice! (symbol arglist &optional docstring &rest body)
"Define an advice called SYMBOL and add it to PLACES.
ARGLIST is as in `defun'. WHERE is a keyword as passed to `advice-add', and
PLACE is the function to which to add the advice, like in `advice-add'.
DOCSTRING and BODY are as in `defun'.
(declare (doc-string 3) (indent defun))
(unless (stringp docstring)
(push docstring body)
(setq docstring nil))
(let (where-alist)
(while (keywordp (car body))
(push `(cons ,(pop body) (doom-enlist ,(pop body)))
(defun ,symbol ,arglist ,docstring ,@body)
(dolist (targets (list ,@(nreverse where-alist)))
(dolist (target (cdr targets))
(advice-add target (car targets) #',symbol))))))
(defmacro undefadvice! (symbol _arglist &optional docstring &rest body)
"Undefine an advice called SYMBOL.
This has the same signature as `defadvice!' an exists as an easy undefiner when
testing advice (when combined with `rotate-text').
(declare (doc-string 3) (indent defun))
(let (where-alist)
(unless (stringp docstring)
(push docstring body))
(while (keywordp (car body))
(push `(cons ,(pop body) (doom-enlist ,(pop body)))
`(dolist (targets (list ,@(nreverse where-alist)))
(dolist (target (cdr targets))
(advice-remove target #',symbol)))))
;;; Backports
(eval-when! (version< emacs-version "27.0.90")
;; DEPRECATED Backported from Emacs 27
(defmacro setq-local (&rest pairs)
"Make variables in PAIRS buffer-local and assign them the corresponding values.
PAIRS is a list of variable/value pairs. For each variable, make
it buffer-local and assign it the corresponding value. The
variables are literal symbols and should not be quoted.
The second VALUE is not computed until after the first VARIABLE
is set, and so on; each VALUE can use the new value of variables
set earlier in the setq-local. The return value of the
setq-local form is the value of the last VALUE.
\(fn [VARIABLE VALUE]...)"
(declare (debug setq))
(unless (zerop (mod (length pairs) 2))
(error "PAIRS must have an even number of variable/value members"))
(let ((expr nil))
(while pairs
(unless (symbolp (car pairs))
(error "Attempting to set a non-symbol: %s" (car pairs)))
;; Can't use backquote here, it's too early in the bootstrap.
(setq expr
(list 'set
(list 'make-local-variable (list 'quote (car pairs)))
(car (cdr pairs)))
(setq pairs (cdr (cdr pairs))))
(macroexp-progn (nreverse expr)))))
(eval-when! (version< emacs-version "27.1")
;; DEPRECATED Backported from Emacs 27; earlier verisons don't have REMOTE arg
(defun executable-find (command &optional remote)
"Search for COMMAND in `exec-path' and return the absolute file name.
Return nil if COMMAND is not found anywhere in `exec-path'. If
REMOTE is non-nil, search on the remote host indicated by
`default-directory' instead."
(if (and remote (file-remote-p default-directory))
(let ((res (locate-file
(lambda (x) (concat (file-remote-p default-directory) x))
exec-suffixes 'file-executable-p)))
(when (stringp res) (file-local-name res)))
;; Use 1 rather than file-executable-p to better match the
;; behavior of call-process.
(let ((default-directory
(let (file-name-handler-alist)
(file-name-quote default-directory))))
(locate-file command exec-path exec-suffixes 1)))))
(unless (fboundp 'exec-path)
;; DEPRECATED Backported from Emacs 27.1
(defun exec-path ()
"Return list of directories to search programs to run in remote subprocesses.
The remote host is identified by `default-directory'. For remote
hosts that do not support subprocesses, this returns `nil'.
If `default-directory' is a local directory, this function returns
the value of the variable `exec-path'."
(let ((handler (find-file-name-handler default-directory 'exec-path)))
(if handler
(funcall handler 'exec-path)
(provide 'core-lib)
;;; core-lib.el ends here

View File

@ -0,0 +1,570 @@
;;; core-modules.el --- module & package management system -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defvar doom-init-modules-p nil
"Non-nil if `doom-initialize-modules' has run.")
(defvar doom-modules (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
"A hash table of enabled modules. Set by `doom-initialize-modules'.")
(defvar doom-modules-dirs
(list (expand-file-name "modules/" doom-private-dir)
"A list of module root directories. Order determines priority.")
(defvar doom-module-init-file "init"
"The basename of init files for modules.
Init files are loaded early, just after Doom core, and before modules' config
files. They are always loaded, even in non-interactive sessions, and before
`doom-before-init-modules-hook'. Related to `doom-module-config-file'.")
(defvar doom-module-config-file "config"
"The basename of config files for modules.
Config files are loaded later, and almost always in interactive sessions. These
run before `doom-init-modules-hook'. Relevant to `doom-module-init-file'.")
(defconst doom-obsolete-modules
'((:feature (version-control (:emacs vc) (:ui vc-gutter))
(spellcheck (:checkers spell))
(syntax-checker (:checkers syntax))
(evil (:editor evil))
(snippets (:editor snippets))
(file-templates (:editor file-templates))
(workspaces (:ui workspaces))
(eval (:tools eval))
(lookup (:tools lookup))
(debugger (:tools debugger)))
(:tools (rotate-text (:editor rotate-text))
(vterm (:term vterm))
(password-store (:tools pass))
(flycheck (:checkers syntax))
(flyspell (:checkers spell))
(macos (:os macos)))
(:emacs (electric-indent (:emacs electric))
(hideshow (:editor fold))
(eshell (:term eshell))
(term (:term term)))
(:ui (doom-modeline (:ui modeline))
(fci (:ui fill-column))
(evil-goggles (:ui ophints))
(tabbar (:ui tabs))
(pretty-code (:ui ligatures)))
(:app (email (:email mu4e))
(notmuch (:email notmuch)))
(:lang (perl (:lang raku))))
"A tree alist that maps deprecated modules to their replacement(s).
Each entry is a three-level tree. For example:
(:feature (version-control (:emacs vc) (:ui vc-gutter))
(spellcheck (:checkers spell))
(syntax-checker (:tools flycheck)))
This marks :feature version-control, :feature spellcheck and :feature
syntax-checker modules obsolete. e.g. If :feature version-control is found in
your `doom!' block, a warning is emitted before replacing it with :emacs vc and
:ui vc-gutter.")
(defvar doom-inhibit-module-warnings doom-interactive-p
"If non-nil, don't emit deprecated or missing module warnings at startup.")
;;; Custom hooks
(defvar doom-before-init-modules-hook nil
"A list of hooks to run before Doom's modules' config.el files are loaded, but
after their init.el files are loaded.")
(defvar doom-init-modules-hook nil
"A list of hooks to run after Doom's modules' config.el files have loaded, but
before the user's private module.")
(defvaralias 'doom-after-init-modules-hook 'after-init-hook)
(defvar doom--current-module nil)
(defvar doom--current-flags nil)
;;; Bootstrap API
(defun doom-initialize-core-modules ()
"Load Doom's core files for an interactive session."
(require 'core-keybinds)
(require 'core-ui)
(require 'core-projects)
(require 'core-editor))
(defun doom-module-loader (file)
"Return a closure that loads FILE from a module.
This closure takes two arguments: a cons cell containing (CATEGORY . MODULE)
symbols, and that module's plist."
(declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t))
(lambda (module plist)
(let ((doom--current-module module)
(doom--current-flags (plist-get plist :flags)))
(load! file (plist-get plist :path) t))))
(defun doom-initialize-modules (&optional force-p no-config-p)
"Loads the init.el in `doom-private-dir' and sets up hooks for a healthy
session of Dooming. Will noop if used more than once, unless FORCE-P is
(when (or force-p (not doom-init-modules-p))
(setq doom-init-modules-p t)
(unless no-config-p
(doom-log "Initializing core modules")
(when-let (init-p (load! doom-module-init-file doom-private-dir t))
(doom-log "Initializing user config")
(maphash (doom-module-loader doom-module-init-file) doom-modules)
(run-hook-wrapped 'doom-before-init-modules-hook #'doom-try-run-hook)
(unless no-config-p
(maphash (doom-module-loader doom-module-config-file) doom-modules)
(run-hook-wrapped 'doom-init-modules-hook #'doom-try-run-hook)
(load! "config" doom-private-dir t)
(load custom-file 'noerror (not doom-debug-mode))))))
;;; Module API
(defun doom-module-p (category module &optional flag)
"Returns t if CATEGORY MODULE is enabled (ie. present in `doom-modules')."
(declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t))
(when-let (plist (gethash (cons category module) doom-modules))
(or (null flag)
(and (memq flag (plist-get plist :flags))
(defun doom-module-get (category module &optional property)
"Returns the plist for CATEGORY MODULE. Gets PROPERTY, specifically, if set."
(declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t))
(when-let (plist (gethash (cons category module) doom-modules))
(if property
(plist-get plist property)
(defun doom-module-put (category module &rest plist)
"Set a PROPERTY for CATEGORY MODULE to VALUE. PLIST should be additional pairs
(puthash (cons category module)
(if-let (old-plist (doom-module-get category module))
(if (null plist)
(when (cl-oddp (length plist))
(signal 'wrong-number-of-arguments (list (length plist))))
(while plist
(plist-put old-plist (pop plist) (pop plist)))
(defun doom-module-set (category module &rest plist)
"Enables a module by adding it to `doom-modules'.
CATEGORY is a keyword, module is a symbol, PLIST is a plist that accepts the
following properties:
:flags [SYMBOL LIST] list of enabled category flags
:path [STRING] path to category root directory
(doom-module-set :lang 'haskell :flags '(+dante))"
(puthash (cons category module) plist doom-modules))
(defun doom-module-path (category module &optional file)
"Like `expand-file-name', but expands FILE relative to CATEGORY (keywordp) and
MODULE (symbol).
If the category isn't enabled this will always return nil. For finding disabled
modules use `doom-module-locate-path'."
(let ((path (doom-module-get category module :path)))
(if file
(let (file-name-handler-alist)
(expand-file-name file path))
(defun doom-module-locate-path (category &optional module file)
"Searches `doom-modules-dirs' to find the path to a module.
CATEGORY is a keyword (e.g. :lang) and MODULE is a symbol (e.g. 'python). FILE
is a string that will be appended to the resulting path. If no path exists, this
returns nil, otherwise an absolute path.
This doesn't require modules to be enabled. For enabled modules us
(when (keywordp category)
(setq category (doom-keyword-name category)))
(when (and module (symbolp module))
(setq module (symbol-name module)))
(cl-loop with file-name-handler-alist = nil
for default-directory in doom-modules-dirs
for path = (concat category "/" module "/" file)
if (file-exists-p path)
return (expand-file-name path)))
(defun doom-module-from-path (&optional path enabled-only)
"Returns a cons cell (CATEGORY . MODULE) derived from PATH (a file path).
If ENABLED-ONLY, return nil if the containing module isn't enabled."
(if (null path)
(if doom--current-module
(if enabled-only
(and (doom-module-p (car doom--current-module)
(cdr doom--current-module))
(doom-module-from-path (file!))))
(let* ((file-name-handler-alist nil)
(path (expand-file-name (or path (file!)))))
(cond ((string-match "/modules/\\([^/]+\\)/\\([^/]+\\)\\(?:/.*\\)?$" path)
(when-let* ((category (doom-keyword-intern (match-string 1 path)))
(module (intern (match-string 2 path))))
(and (or (null enabled-only)
(doom-module-p category module))
(cons category module))))
((or (string-match-p (concat "^" (regexp-quote doom-core-dir)) path)
(file-in-directory-p path doom-core-dir))
(cons :core (intern (file-name-base path))))
((or (string-match-p (concat "^" (regexp-quote doom-private-dir)) path)
(file-in-directory-p path doom-private-dir))
(cons :private (intern (file-name-base path)))))))))
(defun doom-module-load-path (&optional module-dirs)
"Return a list of file paths to activated modules.
The list is in no particular order and its file paths are absolute. If
MODULE-DIRS is non-nil, include all modules (even disabled ones) available in
those directories. The first returned path is always `doom-private-dir'."
(declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t))
(append (list doom-private-dir)
(if module-dirs
(mapcar (lambda (m) (doom-module-locate-path (car m) (cdr m)))
(doom-files-in (if (listp module-dirs)
:map #'doom-module-from-path
:type 'dirs
:mindepth 1
:depth 1)))
nil (cl-loop for plist being the hash-values of doom-modules
collect (plist-get plist :path)) ))
(defun doom-module-mplist-map (fn mplist)
"Apply FN to each module in MPLIST."
(let ((mplist (copy-sequence mplist))
(inhibit-message doom-inhibit-module-warnings)
category m)
(while mplist
(setq m (pop mplist))
(cond ((keywordp m)
(setq category m
obsolete (assq m doom-obsolete-modules)))
((null category)
(error "No module category specified for %s" m))
((and (listp m) (keywordp (car m)))
(pcase (car m)
(cl-loop for (cond . mods) in (cdr m)
if (eval cond t)
return (prependq! mplist mods)))
(:if (if (eval (cadr m) t)
(push (caddr m) mplist)
(prependq! mplist (cdddr m))))
(test (if (or (eval (cadr m) t)
(eq test :unless))
(prependq! mplist (cddr m))))))
((catch 'doom-modules
(let* ((module (if (listp m) (car m) m))
(flags (if (listp m) (cdr m))))
(when-let (new (assq module obsolete))
(let ((newkeys (cdr new)))
(if (null newkeys)
(message "WARNING %s module was removed" key)
(if (cdr newkeys)
(message "WARNING %s module was removed and split into the %s modules"
(list category module) (mapconcat #'prin1-to-string newkeys ", "))
(message "WARNING %s module was moved to %s"
(list category module) (car newkeys)))
(push category mplist)
(dolist (key newkeys)
(push (if flags
(nconc (cdr key) flags)
(cdr key))
(push (car key) mplist))
(throw 'doom-modules t))))
(push (funcall fn category module
:flags (if (listp m) (cdr m))
:path (doom-module-locate-path category module))
(unless doom-interactive-p
(setq doom-inhibit-module-warnings t))
(nreverse results)))
(defun doom-module-list (&optional all-p)
"Minimally initialize `doom-modules' (a hash table) and return it.
This value is cached. If REFRESH-P, then don't use the cached value."
(if all-p
(cl-loop for path in (cdr (doom-module-load-path 'all))
collect (doom-module-from-path path))
;;; Use-package modifications
(defvar doom--deferred-packages-alist '(t))
(autoload 'use-package "use-package-core" nil nil t)
(setq use-package-compute-statistics doom-debug-p
use-package-verbose doom-debug-p
use-package-minimum-reported-time (if doom-debug-p 0 0.1)
use-package-expand-minimally doom-interactive-p)
;; A common mistake for new users is that they inadvertantly install their
;; packages with package.el, by copying over old `use-package' declarations with
;; an :ensure t property. Doom doesn't use package.el, so this will throw an
;; error that will confuse beginners, so we disable `:ensure'.
(setq use-package-ensure-function
(lambda (name &rest _)
(message "Ignoring ':ensure t' in '%s' config" name)))
;; ...On the other hand, if the user has loaded `package', then we should assume
;; they know what they're doing and restore the old behavior:
(add-transient-hook! 'package-initialize
(when (eq use-package-ensure-function #'ignore)
(setq use-package-ensure-function #'use-package-ensure-elpa)))
(with-eval-after-load 'use-package-core
;; `use-package' adds syntax highlighting for the `use-package' macro, but
;; Emacs 26+ already highlights macros, so it's redundant.
(font-lock-remove-keywords 'emacs-lisp-mode use-package-font-lock-keywords)
;; We define :minor and :magic-minor from the `auto-minor-mode' package here
;; so we don't have to load `auto-minor-mode' so early.
(dolist (keyword '(:minor :magic-minor))
(setq use-package-keywords
(use-package-list-insert keyword use-package-keywords :commands)))
(defalias 'use-package-normalize/:minor #'use-package-normalize-mode)
(defun use-package-handler/:minor (name _ arg rest state)
(use-package-handle-mode name 'auto-minor-mode-alist arg rest state))
(defalias 'use-package-normalize/:magic-minor #'use-package-normalize-mode)
(defun use-package-handler/:magic-minor (name _ arg rest state)
(use-package-handle-mode name 'auto-minor-mode-magic-alist arg rest state))
;; HACK Fix `:load-path' so it resolves relative paths to the containing file,
;; rather than `user-emacs-directory'. This is a done as a convenience
;; for users, wanting to specify a local directory.
(defadvice! doom--resolve-load-path-from-containg-file-a (orig-fn label arg &optional recursed)
"Resolve :load-path from the current directory."
:around #'use-package-normalize-paths
;; `use-package-normalize-paths' resolves paths relative to
;; `user-emacs-directory', so we change that.
(let ((user-emacs-directory (if (stringp arg) (dir!))))
(funcall orig-fn label arg recursed)))
;; Adds two keywords to `use-package' to expand its lazy-loading capabilities:
;; :after-call SYMBOL|LIST
;; :defer-incrementally SYMBOL|LIST|t
;; Check out `use-package!'s documentation for more about these two.
(dolist (keyword '(:defer-incrementally :after-call))
(push keyword use-package-deferring-keywords)
(setq use-package-keywords
(use-package-list-insert keyword use-package-keywords :after)))
(defalias 'use-package-normalize/:defer-incrementally #'use-package-normalize-symlist)
(defun use-package-handler/:defer-incrementally (name _keyword targets rest state)
',(if (equal targets '(t))
(list name)
(append targets (list name)))))
(use-package-process-keywords name rest state)))
(defalias 'use-package-normalize/:after-call #'use-package-normalize-symlist)
(defun use-package-handler/:after-call (name _keyword hooks rest state)
(if (plist-get state :demand)
(use-package-process-keywords name rest state)
(let ((fn (make-symbol (format "doom--after-call-%s-h" name))))
`((fset ',fn
(lambda (&rest _)
(doom-log "Loading deferred package %s from %s" ',name ',fn)
(condition-case e
;; If `default-directory' is a directory that doesn't
;; exist or is unreadable, Emacs throws up file-missing
;; errors, so we set it to a directory we know exists and
;; is readable.
(let ((default-directory doom-emacs-dir))
(require ',name))
((debug error)
(message "Failed to load deferred package %s: %s" ',name e)))
(when-let (deferral-list (assq ',name doom--deferred-packages-alist))
(dolist (hook (cdr deferral-list))
(advice-remove hook #',fn)
(remove-hook hook #',fn))
(delq! deferral-list doom--deferred-packages-alist)
(unintern ',fn nil)))))
(let (forms)
(dolist (hook hooks forms)
(push (if (string-match-p "-\\(?:functions\\|hook\\)$" (symbol-name hook))
`(add-hook ',hook #',fn)
`(advice-add #',hook :before #',fn))
`((unless (assq ',name doom--deferred-packages-alist)
(push '(,name) doom--deferred-packages-alist))
(nconc (assq ',name doom--deferred-packages-alist)
(use-package-process-keywords name rest state))))))
;;; Module config macros
(put :if 'lisp-indent-function 2)
(put :when 'lisp-indent-function 'defun)
(put :unless 'lisp-indent-function 'defun)
(defmacro doom! (&rest modules)
"Bootstraps DOOM Emacs and its modules.
If the first item in MODULES doesn't satisfy `keywordp', MODULES is evaluated,
otherwise, MODULES is a multiple-property list (a plist where each key can have
multiple, linear values).
The bootstrap process involves making sure the essential directories exist, core
packages are installed, `doom-autoloads-file' is loaded, `doom-packages-file'
cache exists (and is loaded) and, finally, loads your private init.el (which
should contain your `doom!' block).
The overall load order of Doom is as follows:
Module load order is determined by your `doom!' block. See `doom-modules-dirs'
for a list of all recognized module trees. Order defines precedence (from most
to least)."
`(unless doom-interactive-p
(lambda (category module &rest plist)
(if (plist-member plist :path)
(apply #'doom-module-set category module plist)
(message "WARNING Couldn't find the %s %s module" category module)))
,@(if (keywordp (car modules))
(list (list 'quote modules))
(defvar doom-disabled-packages)
(defmacro use-package! (name &rest plist)
"Declares and configures a package.
This is a thin wrapper around `use-package', and is ignored if the NAME package
is disabled by the user (with `package!').
See `use-package' to see what properties can be provided. Doom adds support for
two extra properties:
:after-call SYMBOL|LIST
Takes a symbol or list of symbols representing functions or hook variables.
The first time any of these functions or hooks are executed, the package is
:defer-incrementally SYMBOL|LIST|t
Takes a symbol or list of symbols representing packages that will be loaded
incrementally at startup before this one. This is helpful for large packages
like magit or org, which load a lot of dependencies on first load. This lets
you load them piece-meal during idle periods, so that when you finally do need
the package, it'll load quicker.
NAME is implicitly added if this property is present and non-nil. No need to
specify it. A value of `t' implies NAME."
(declare (indent 1))
(unless (or (memq name doom-disabled-packages)
;; At compile-time, use-package will forcibly load packages to
;; prevent compile-time errors. However, if a Doom user has
;; disabled packages you get file-missing package errors, so it's
;; necessary to check for packages at compile time:
(and (bound-and-true-p byte-compile-current-file)
(not (locate-library (symbol-name name)))))
`(use-package ,name ,@plist)))
(defmacro use-package-hook! (package when &rest body)
"Reconfigures a package's `use-package!' block.
This macro must be used *before* PACKAGE's `use-package!' block. Often, this
means using it from your DOOMDIR/init.el.
Under the hood, this uses use-package's `use-package-inject-hooks'.
PACKAGE is a symbol; the package's name.
WHEN should be one of the following:
:pre-init :post-init :pre-config :post-config
- The use of this macro is more often than not a code smell. Use it as last
resort. There is almost always a better alternative.
- If you are using this solely for :post-config, stop! `after!' is much better.
- If :pre-init or :pre-config hooks return nil, the original `use-package!''s
:init/:config block (respectively) is overwritten, so remember to have them
return non-nil (or exploit that to overwrite Doom's config)."
(declare (indent defun))
(unless (memq when '(:pre-init :post-init :pre-config :post-config))
(error "'%s' isn't a valid hook for use-package-hook!" when))
(setq use-package-inject-hooks t)
(add-hook ',(intern (format "use-package--%s--%s-hook"
(substring (symbol-name when) 1)))
(lambda () ,@body)
(defmacro featurep! (category &optional module flag)
"Returns t if CATEGORY MODULE is enabled.
If FLAG is provided, returns t if CATEGORY MODULE has FLAG enabled.
(featurep! :config default)
Module FLAGs are set in your config's `doom!' block, typically in
~/.doom.d/init.el. Like so:
:config (default +flag1 -flag2)
CATEGORY and MODULE can be omitted When this macro is used from inside a module
(except your DOOMDIR, which is a special module). e.g. (featurep! +flag)"
(and (cond (flag (memq flag (doom-module-get category module :flags)))
(module (doom-module-p category module))
(doom--current-flags (memq category doom--current-flags))
((if-let (module (doom-module-from-path))
(memq category (doom-module-get (car module) (cdr module) :flags))
(error "(featurep! %s %s %s) couldn't figure out what module it was called from (in %s)"
category module flag (file!)))))
(provide 'core-modules)
;;; core-modules.el ends here

View File

@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
;;; core/core-packages.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Emacs package management is opinionated, and so is Doom. Doom uses `straight'
;; to create a declarative, lazy-loaded and (nominally) reproducible package
;; management system. We use `straight' over `package' because the latter is
;; tempermental. ELPA sources suffer downtime occasionally and often fail to
;; build packages when GNU Tar is unavailable (e.g. MacOS users start with BSD
;; tar). Known gnutls errors plague the current stable release of Emacs (26.x)
;; which bork TLS handshakes with ELPA repos (mainly See
;; What's worse, you can only get the latest version of packages through ELPA.
;; In an ecosystem that is constantly changing, this is more frustrating than
;; convenient. Straight (and Doom) can do rolling release, but it is opt-in.
;; Interacting with this package management system is done through Doom's
;; bin/doom script. Find out more about it by running 'doom help' (I highly
;; recommend you add the script to your PATH). Here are some highlights:
;; + `bin/doom install`: a wizard that guides you through setting up Doom and
;; your private config for the first time.
;; + `bin/doom sync`: your go-to command for making sure Doom is in optimal
;; condition. It ensures all unneeded packages are removed, all needed ones
;; are installed, and all metadata associated with them is generated.
;; + `bin/doom upgrade`: upgrades Doom Emacs and your packages to the latest
;; versions. There's also 'bin/doom update' for updating only your packages.
;; How this works is: the system reads packages.el files located in each
;; activated module, your private directory (`doom-private-dir'), and one in
;; `doom-core-dir'. These contain `package!' declarations that tell DOOM what
;; plugins to install and where from.
;; All that said, you can still use package.el's commands, but 'bin/doom sync'
;; will purge ELPA packages.
(defvar doom-packages ()
"A list of enabled packages. Each element is a sublist, whose CAR is the
package's name as a symbol, and whose CDR is the plist supplied to its
`package!' declaration. Set by `doom-initialize-packages'.")
(defvar doom-disabled-packages ()
"A list of packages that should be ignored by `use-package!' and `after!'.")
(defvar doom-packages-file "packages"
"The basename of packages file for modules.
Package files are read whenever Doom's package manager wants a manifest of all
desired packages. They are rarely read in interactive sessions (unless the user
uses a straight or package.el command directly).")
;;; package.el
;; Ensure that, if we do need package.el, it is configured correctly. You really
;; shouldn't be using it, but it may be convenient for quick package testing.
(setq package-enable-at-startup nil
package-user-dir (concat doom-local-dir "elpa/")
package-gnupghome-dir (expand-file-name "gpg" package-user-dir)
;; I omit Marmalade because its packages are manually submitted rather
;; than pulled, so packages are often out of date with upstream.
(let ((proto (if gnutls-verify-error "https" "http")))
(list (cons "gnu" (concat proto "://"))
(cons "melpa" (concat proto "://"))
(cons "org" (concat proto "://")))))
;; package.el has no business modifying the user's init.el
(advice-add #'package--ensure-init-file :override #'ignore)
;; Refresh package.el the first time you call `package-install', so it can still
;; be used (e.g. to temporarily test packages). Remember to run 'doom sync' to
;; purge them; they can conflict with packages installed via straight!
(add-transient-hook! 'package-install (package-refresh-contents))
;;; Straight
(setq straight-base-dir doom-local-dir
straight-repository-branch "develop"
;; Since byte-code is rarely compatible across different versions of
;; Emacs, it's best we build them in separate directories, per emacs
;; version.
straight-build-dir (format "build-%s" emacs-version)
straight-cache-autoloads nil ; we already do this, and better.
;; Doom doesn't encourage you to modify packages in place. Disabling this
;; makes 'doom sync' instant (once everything set up), which is much nicer
;; UX than the several seconds modification checks.
straight-check-for-modifications nil
;; We handle package.el ourselves (and a little more comprehensively)
straight-enable-package-integration nil
;; Before switching to straight, `doom-local-dir' would average out at
;; around 100mb with half Doom's modules at ~230 packages. Afterwards, at
;; around 1gb. With shallow cloning, that is reduced to ~400mb. This has
;; no affect on packages that are pinned, however (run 'doom purge' to
;; compact those after-the-fact). Some packages break when shallow cloned
;; (like magit and org), but we'll deal with that elsewhere.
straight-vc-git-default-clone-depth 1
;; Prefix declarations are unneeded bulk added to our autoloads file. Best
;; we don't have to deal with them at all.
autoload-compute-prefixes nil)
(with-eval-after-load 'straight
;; `let-alist' is built into Emacs 26 and onwards
(add-to-list 'straight-built-in-pseudo-packages 'let-alist))
(defadvice! doom--read-pinned-packages-a (orig-fn &rest args)
"Read `:pin's in `doom-packages' on top of straight's lockfiles."
:around #'straight--lockfile-read-all
(append (apply orig-fn args) ; lockfiles still take priority
;;; Bootstrappers
(defun doom--ensure-straight (recipe pin)
(let ((repo-dir (doom-path straight-base-dir "straight/repos/straight.el"))
(repo-url (concat "http" (if gnutls-verify-error "s")
(or (plist-get recipe :repo) "raxod502/straight.el")))
(branch (or (plist-get recipe :branch) straight-repository-branch))
(call (if doom-debug-p #'doom-exec-process #'doom-call-process)))
(unless (file-directory-p repo-dir)
(message "Installing straight...")
((eq straight-vc-git-default-clone-depth 'full)
(funcall call "git" "clone" "--origin" "origin" repo-url repo-dir))
((null pin)
(funcall call "git" "clone" "--origin" "origin" repo-url repo-dir
"--depth" (number-to-string straight-vc-git-default-clone-depth)
"--branch" straight-repository-branch
"--single-branch" "--no-tags"))
((integerp straight-vc-git-default-clone-depth)
(make-directory repo-dir t)
(let ((default-directory repo-dir))
(funcall call "git" "init")
(funcall call "git" "checkout" "-b" straight-repository-branch)
(funcall call "git" "remote" "add" "origin" repo-url)
(funcall call "git" "fetch" "origin" pin
"--depth" (number-to-string straight-vc-git-default-clone-depth)
(funcall call "git" "checkout" "--detach" pin)))))
(require 'straight (concat repo-dir "/straight.el"))
(doom-log "Initializing recipes")
(insert-file-contents (doom-path repo-dir "bootstrap.el"))
;; Don't install straight for us -- we've already done that -- only set
;; up its recipe repos for us.
(eval-region (search-forward "(require 'straight)")
(defun doom--ensure-core-packages (packages)
(doom-log "Installing core packages")
(dolist (package packages)
(let ((name (car package)))
(when-let (recipe (plist-get (cdr package) :recipe))
(straight-override-recipe (cons name recipe)))
(straight-use-package name))))
(defun doom-initialize-core-packages (&optional force-p)
"Ensure `straight' is installed and was compiled with this version of Emacs."
(when (or force-p (null (bound-and-true-p straight-recipe-repositories)))
(doom-log "Initializing straight")
(let ((packages (doom-package-list nil 'core)))
(cl-destructuring-bind (&key recipe pin &allow-other-keys)
(alist-get 'straight packages)
(doom--ensure-straight recipe pin))
(doom--ensure-core-packages packages))))
(defun doom-initialize-packages (&optional force-p)
"Process all packages, essential and otherwise, if they haven't already been.
If FORCE-P is non-nil, do it anyway.
This ensures `doom-packages' is populated and `straight' recipes are properly
(doom-initialize-core-packages force-p)
(when (or force-p (not (bound-and-true-p package--initialized)))
(doom-log "Initializing package.el")
(require 'package)
(unless package--initialized
(error "Failed to initialize package.el")))
(when (or force-p (null doom-packages))
(doom-log "Initializing straight.el")
(setq doom-disabled-packages nil
doom-packages (doom-package-list))
(let (packages)
(dolist (package doom-packages)
(name &key recipe disable ignore shadow &allow-other-keys) package
(if ignore
(straight-override-recipe (cons name '(:type built-in)))
(if disable
(cl-pushnew name doom-disabled-packages)
(when shadow
(straight-override-recipe (cons shadow '(:local-repo nil)))
(let ((site-load-path (copy-sequence doom--initial-load-path))
(while (setq
lib (locate-library (concat (symbol-name shadow) ".el")
nil site-load-path))
(let ((lib (directory-file-name (file-name-directory lib))))
(setq site-load-path (delete lib site-load-path)
load-path (delete lib load-path))))))
(when recipe
(straight-override-recipe (cons name recipe)))
(appendq! packages (cons name (straight--get-dependencies name)))))))
(dolist (package (cl-delete-duplicates packages :test #'equal))
(straight-register-package package)
(let ((name (symbol-name package)))
(add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name (straight--build-dir name)))
(straight--load-package-autoloads name))))))
;;; Package management API
(defun doom-package-get (package &optional prop nil-value)
"Returns PACKAGE's `package!' recipe from `doom-packages'."
(let ((plist (cdr (assq package doom-packages))))
(if prop
(if (plist-member plist prop)
(plist-get plist prop)
(defun doom-package-set (package prop value)
"Set PROPERTY in PACKAGE's recipe to VALUE."
(setf (alist-get package doom-packages)
(plist-put (alist-get package doom-packages)
prop value)))
(defun doom-package-recipe (package &optional prop nil-value)
"Returns the `straight' recipe PACKAGE was registered with."
(let* ((recipe (straight-recipes-retrieve package))
(plist (doom-plist-merge
(plist-get (alist-get package doom-packages) :recipe)
(cdr (if (memq (car recipe) '(quote \`))
(eval recipe t)
(if prop
(if (plist-member plist prop)
(plist-get plist prop)
(defun doom-package-recipe-repo (package)
"Resolve and return PACKAGE's (symbol) local-repo property."
(if-let* ((recipe (copy-sequence (doom-package-recipe package)))
(recipe (if (and (not (plist-member recipe :type))
(memq (plist-get recipe :host) '(github gitlab bitbucket)))
(plist-put recipe :type 'git)
(repo (if-let (local-repo (plist-get recipe :local-repo))
(file-name-nondirectory (directory-file-name local-repo))
(ignore-errors (straight-vc-local-repo-name recipe)))))
(symbol-name package)))
(defun doom-package-build-recipe (package &optional prop nil-value)
"Returns the `straight' recipe PACKAGE was installed with."
(let ((plist (nth 2 (gethash (symbol-name package) straight--build-cache))))
(if prop
(if (plist-member plist prop)
(plist-get plist prop)
(defun doom-package-dependencies (package &optional recursive _noerror)
"Return a list of dependencies for a package."
(let ((deps (nth 1 (gethash (symbol-name package) straight--build-cache))))
(if recursive
(append deps (mapcan (lambda (dep) (doom-package-dependencies dep t t))
(copy-sequence deps)))
(copy-sequence deps))))
(defun doom-package-depending-on (package &optional noerror)
"Return a list of packages that depend on the package named NAME."
(cl-check-type name symbol)
;; can't get dependencies for built-in packages
(unless (or (doom-package-build-recipe name)
(error "Couldn't find %s, is it installed?" name))
(cl-loop for pkg in (hash-table-keys straight--build-cache)
for deps = (doom-package-dependencies pkg)
if (memq package deps)
collect pkg
and append (doom-package-depending-on pkg t)))
;;; Predicate functions
(defun doom-package-built-in-p (package)
"Return non-nil if PACKAGE (a symbol) is built-in."
(eq (doom-package-build-recipe package :type)
(defun doom-package-installed-p (package)
"Return non-nil if PACKAGE (a symbol) is installed."
(file-directory-p (straight--build-dir (symbol-name package))))
(defun doom-package-is-type-p (package type)
(memq type (doom-enlist (doom-package-get package :type))))
(defun doom-package-in-module-p (package category &optional module)
"Return non-nil if PACKAGE was installed by the user's private config."
(when-let (modules (doom-package-get package :modules))
(or (and (not module) (assq :private modules))
(member (cons category module) modules))))
(defun doom-package-backend (package)
"Return 'straight, 'builtin, 'elpa or 'other, depending on how PACKAGE is
(cond ((gethash (symbol-name package) straight--build-cache)
((or (doom-package-built-in-p package)
(assq package package--builtins))
((assq package package-alist)
((locate-library (symbol-name package))
;;; Package getters
(defun doom--read-packages (file &optional noeval noerror)
(condition-case-unless-debug e
(with-temp-buffer ; prevent buffer-local state from propagating
(if (not noeval)
(load file noerror 'nomessage 'nosuffix)
(when (file-exists-p file)
(insert-file-contents file)
(let (emacs-lisp-mode) (emacs-lisp-mode))
;; Scrape `package!' blocks from FILE for a comprehensive listing of
;; packages used by this module.
(while (search-forward "(package!" nil t)
(let ((ppss (save-excursion (syntax-ppss))))
;; Don't collect packages in comments or strings
(unless (or (nth 3 ppss)
(nth 4 ppss))
(goto-char (match-beginning 0))
(cl-destructuring-bind (_ name . plist)
(read (current-buffer))
(push (cons
name (plist-put
plist :modules
(list (doom-module-from-path file))))
(signal 'doom-package-error
(list (doom-module-from-path file)
file e)))))
(defun doom-package-list (&optional all-p core-only-p)
"Retrieve a list of explicitly declared packages from enabled modules.
If ALL-P, gather packages unconditionally across all modules, including disabled
(let ((packages-file (concat doom-packages-file ".el"))
(doom-path doom-core-dir packages-file) all-p 'noerror)
(unless core-only-p
(let ((private-packages (doom-path doom-private-dir packages-file))
(doom-modules (doom-module-list)))
(if all-p
(mapc #'doom--read-packages
(doom-files-in doom-modules-dir
:depth 2
:match "/packages\\.el$"))
;; We load the private packages file twice to populate
;; `doom-disabled-packages' disabled packages are seen ASAP, and a
;; second time to ensure privately overridden packages are properly
;; overwritten.
(let (doom-packages)
(doom--read-packages private-packages nil 'noerror))
(cl-loop for key being the hash-keys of doom-modules
for path = (doom-module-path (car key) (cdr key) packages-file)
for doom--current-module = key
do (doom--read-packages path nil 'noerror)))
(doom--read-packages private-packages all-p 'noerror)))
(if core-only-p
(lambda (pkg) (eq (plist-get (cdr pkg) :type) 'core))
(nreverse doom-packages))))
(defun doom-package-pinned-list ()
"Return an alist mapping package names (strings) to pinned commits (strings)."
(let (alist)
(dolist (package doom-packages alist)
(cl-destructuring-bind (name &key disable ignore pin unpin &allow-other-keys)
(when (and (not ignore)
(not disable)
(or pin unpin))
(setf (alist-get (doom-package-recipe-repo name) alist
nil 'remove #'equal)
(unless unpin pin)))))))
(defun doom-package-recipe-list ()
"Return straight recipes for non-builtin packages with a local-repo."
(let (recipes)
(dolist (recipe (hash-table-values straight--recipe-cache))
(cl-destructuring-bind (&key local-repo type &allow-other-keys)
(unless (or (null local-repo)
(eq type 'built-in))
(push recipe recipes))))
(nreverse recipes)))
;;; Module package macros
(cl-defmacro package!
(name &rest plist &key built-in recipe ignore _type _pin _disable _shadow)
"Declares a package and how to install it (if applicable).
This macro is declarative and does not load nor install packages. It is used to
populate `doom-packages' with metadata about the packages Doom needs to keep
track of.
Only use this macro in a module's packages.el file.
Accepts the following properties:
:type core|local|built-in|virtual
Specifies what kind of package this is. Can be a symbol or a list thereof.
`core' = this is a protected package and cannot be disabled!
`local' = this package is being modified in-place. This package's repo is
unshallowed and will be skipped when you update packages.
`built-in' = this package is already built-in (otherwise, will be
`virtual' = this package is not tracked by Doom's package manager. It won't
be installed or uninstalled. Use this to pin 2nd order dependencies.
:recipe RECIPE
Specifies a straight.el recipe to allow you to acquire packages from external
sources. See for
details on this recipe.
:disable BOOL
Do not install or update this package AND disable all of its `use-package!'
and `after!' blocks.
:ignore FORM
Do not install this package.
:pin STR|nil
Pin this package to commit hash STR. Setting this to nil will unpin this
package if previously pinned.
:built-in BOOL|'prefer
Same as :ignore if the package is a built-in Emacs package. This is more to
inform help commands like `doom/help-packages' that this is a built-in
package. If set to 'prefer, the package will not be installed if it is
already provided by Emacs.
:shadow PACKAGE
Informs Doom that this package is shadowing a built-in PACKAGE; the original
package will be removed from `load-path' to mitigate conflicts, and this new
package will satisfy any dependencies on PACKAGE in the future.
Returns t if package is successfully registered, and nil if it was disabled
(declare (indent defun))
(when (and recipe (keywordp (car-safe recipe)))
(plist-put! plist :recipe `(quote ,recipe)))
;; :built-in t is basically an alias for :ignore (locate-library NAME)
(when built-in
(when (and (not ignore)
(equal built-in '(quote prefer)))
(setq built-in `(locate-library ,(symbol-name name) nil doom--initial-load-path)))
(plist-delete! plist :built-in)
(plist-put! plist :ignore built-in))
`(let* ((name ',name)
(plist (cdr (assq name doom-packages))))
;; Record what module this declaration was found in
(let ((module-list (plist-get plist :modules))
(module ',(doom-module-from-path)))
(unless (member module module-list)
(plist-put! plist :modules
(append module-list
(list module)
(when (file-in-directory-p ,(dir!) doom-private-dir)
'((:private . modules)))
;; Merge given plist with pre-existing one
(doplist! ((prop val) (list ,@plist) plist)
(unless (null val)
(plist-put! plist prop val)))
;; Some basic key validation; throws an error on invalid properties
(condition-case e
(when-let (recipe (plist-get plist :recipe))
(&key local-repo _files _flavor
_build _pre-build _post-build _no-byte-compile
_no-native-compile _no-autoloads _type _repo _host _branch
_remote _nonrecursive _fork _depth)
;; Expand :local-repo from current directory
(when local-repo
plist :recipe
(plist-put recipe :local-repo
(let ((local-path (expand-file-name local-repo ,(dir!))))
(if (file-directory-p local-path)
(signal 'doom-package-error
(cons ,(symbol-name name)
(error-message-string e)))))
;; These are the only side-effects of this macro!
(setf (alist-get name doom-packages) plist)
(if (plist-get plist :disable)
(add-to-list 'doom-disabled-packages name)
(cons name plist)))))
(defmacro disable-packages! (&rest packages)
"A convenience macro for disabling packages in bulk.
Only use this macro in a module's (or your private) packages.el file."
(mapcar (lambda (p) `(package! ,p :disable t))
(defmacro unpin! (&rest targets)
"Unpin packages in TARGETS.
This unpins packages, so that 'doom upgrade' downloads their latest version. It
can be used one of five ways:
+ To disable pinning wholesale: (unpin! t)
+ To unpin individual packages: (unpin! packageA packageB ...)
+ To unpin all packages in a group of modules: (unpin! :lang :tools ...)
+ To unpin packages in individual modules:
(unpin! (:lang python javascript) (:tools docker))
Or any combination of the above.
This macro should only be used from the user's private packages.el. No module
should use it!"
(if (memq t targets)
`(mapc (doom-rpartial #'doom-package-set :unpin t)
(mapcar #'car doom-packages))
(lambda (target)
(when target
`(doom-package-set ',target :unpin t)))
(cl-loop for target in targets
if (or (keywordp target) (listp target))
(cl-loop with (category . modules) = (doom-enlist target)
for (name . plist) in doom-packages
for pkg-modules = (plist-get plist :modules)
if (and (assq category pkg-modules)
(or (null modules)
(cl-loop for module in modules
if (member (cons category module) pkg-modules)
return t))
collect it)
else if (symbolp target)
collect target)))))
(provide 'core-packages)
;;; core-packages.el ends here

View File

@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
;;; core-projects.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defvar doom-projectile-cache-limit 10000
"If any project cache surpasses this many files it is purged when quitting
(defvar doom-projectile-cache-blacklist '("~" "/tmp" "/")
"Directories that should never be cached.")
(defvar doom-projectile-cache-purge-non-projects nil
"If non-nil, non-projects are purged from the cache on `kill-emacs-hook'.")
(defvar doom-projectile-fd-binary
(cl-find-if #'executable-find (list "fdfind" "fd"))
"The filename of the `fd' executable. On some distros it's 'fdfind' (ubuntu,
debian, and derivatives). On most it's 'fd'.")
;;; Packages
(use-package! projectile
:commands (projectile-project-root
(setq projectile-cache-file (concat doom-cache-dir "projectile.cache")
;; Auto-discovery is slow to do by default. Better to update the list
;; when you need to (`projectile-discover-projects-in-search-path').
projectile-auto-discover nil
projectile-enable-caching doom-interactive-p
projectile-globally-ignored-files '(".DS_Store" "TAGS")
projectile-globally-ignored-file-suffixes '(".elc" ".pyc" ".o")
projectile-kill-buffers-filter 'kill-only-files
projectile-known-projects-file (concat doom-cache-dir "projectile.projects")
projectile-ignored-projects '("~/" "/tmp"))
(global-set-key [remap evil-jump-to-tag] #'projectile-find-tag)
(global-set-key [remap find-tag] #'projectile-find-tag)
(projectile-mode +1)
;; Auto-discovery on `projectile-mode' is slow and premature. Let's defer it
;; until it's actually needed. Also clean up non-existing projects too!
(add-transient-hook! 'projectile-relevant-known-projects
;; Projectile runs four functions to determine the root (in this order):
;; + `projectile-root-local' -> checks the `projectile-project-root' variable
;; for an explicit path.
;; + `projectile-root-bottom-up' -> searches from / to your current directory
;; for the paths listed in `projectile-project-root-files-bottom-up'. This
;; includes .git and .project
;; + `projectile-root-top-down' -> searches from the current directory down to
;; / the paths listed in `projectile-root-files', like package.json,
;;, or Cargo.toml
;; + `projectile-root-top-down-recurring' -> searches from the current
;; directory down to / for a directory that has one of
;; `projectile-project-root-files-top-down-recurring' but doesn't have a
;; parent directory with the same file.
;; In the interest of performance, we reduce the number of project root marker
;; files/directories projectile searches for when resolving the project root.
(setq projectile-project-root-files-bottom-up
(append '(".projectile" ; projectile's root marker
".project" ; doom project marker
".git") ; Git VCS root dir
(when (executable-find "hg")
'(".hg")) ; Mercurial VCS root dir
(when (executable-find "bzr")
'(".bzr"))) ; Bazaar VCS root dir
;; This will be filled by other modules. We build this list manually so
;; projectile doesn't perform so many file checks every time it resolves
;; a project's root -- particularly when a file has no project.
projectile-project-root-files '()
projectile-project-root-files-top-down-recurring '("Makefile"))
(push (abbreviate-file-name doom-local-dir) projectile-globally-ignored-directories)
;; Per-project compilation buffers
(setq compilation-buffer-name-function #'projectile-compilation-buffer-name
compilation-save-buffers-predicate #'projectile-current-project-buffer-p)
;; Override projectile's dirconfig file '.projectile' with doom's project marker '.project'.
(defadvice! doom--projectile-dirconfig-file-a ()
:override #'projectile-dirconfig-file
;; Prefers '.projectile' to maintain compatibility with existing projects.
((file-exists-p! (or ".projectile" ".project") (projectile-project-root)))
((expand-file-name ".project" (projectile-project-root)))))
;; Disable commands that won't work, as is, and that Doom already provides a
;; better alternative for.
(put 'projectile-ag 'disabled "Use +{ivy,helm}/project-search instead")
(put 'projectile-ripgrep 'disabled "Use +{ivy,helm}/project-search instead")
(put 'projectile-grep 'disabled "Use +{ivy,helm}/project-search instead")
;; Treat current directory in dired as a "file in a project" and track it
(add-hook 'dired-before-readin-hook #'projectile-track-known-projects-find-file-hook)
;; Accidentally indexing big directories like $HOME or / will massively bloat
;; projectile's cache (into the hundreds of MBs). This purges those entries
;; when exiting Emacs to prevent slowdowns/freezing when cache files are
;; loaded or written to.
(add-hook! 'kill-emacs-hook
(defun doom-cleanup-project-cache-h ()
"Purge projectile cache entries that:
a) have too many files (see `doom-projectile-cache-limit'),
b) represent blacklisted directories that are too big, change too often or are
private. (see `doom-projectile-cache-blacklist'),
c) are not valid projectile projects."
(when (and (bound-and-true-p projectile-projects-cache)
(cl-loop with blacklist = (mapcar #'file-truename doom-projectile-cache-blacklist)
for proot in (hash-table-keys projectile-projects-cache)
if (or (not (stringp proot))
(>= (length (gethash proot projectile-projects-cache))
(member (substring proot 0 -1) blacklist)
(and doom-projectile-cache-purge-non-projects
(not (doom-project-p proot))))
do (doom-log "Removed %S from projectile cache" proot)
and do (remhash proot projectile-projects-cache)
and do (remhash proot projectile-projects-cache-time)
and do (remhash proot projectile-project-type-cache))
;; It breaks projectile's project root resolution if HOME is a project (e.g.
;; it's a git repo). In that case, we disable bottom-up root searching to
;; prevent issues. This makes project resolution a little slower and less
;; accurate in some cases.
(let ((default-directory "~"))
(when (cl-find-if #'projectile-file-exists-p
(doom-log "HOME appears to be a project. Disabling bottom-up root search.")
(setq projectile-project-root-files
(append projectile-project-root-files-bottom-up
projectile-project-root-files-bottom-up nil)))
;; Some utilities have issues with windows-style paths in MSYS, so emit
;; unix-style paths instead.
(setenv "MSYS_NO_PATHCONV" "1"))
;; HACK Don't rely on VCS-specific commands to generate our file lists. That's
;; 7 commands to maintain, versus the more generic, reliable and
;; performant `fd' or `ripgrep'.
(defadvice! doom--only-use-generic-command-a (vcs)
"Only use `projectile-generic-command' for indexing project files.
And if it's a function, evaluate it."
:override #'projectile-get-ext-command
(if (functionp projectile-generic-command)
(funcall projectile-generic-command vcs)
;; `projectile-generic-command' doesn't typically support a function, but my
;; `doom--only-use-generic-command-a' advice allows this. I do it this way so
;; that projectile can adapt to remote systems (over TRAMP), rather then look
;; for fd/ripgrep on the remote system simply because it exists on the host.
;; It's faster too.
(setq projectile-git-submodule-command nil
projectile-indexing-method 'hybrid
(lambda (_)
;; If fd exists, use it for git and generic projects. fd is a rust
;; program that is significantly faster than git ls-files or find, and
;; it respects .gitignore. This is recommended in the projectile docs.
(bin (if (ignore-errors (file-remote-p default-directory nil t))
(cl-find-if (doom-rpartial #'executable-find t)
(list "fdfind" "fd"))
(concat (format "%s . -0 -H --color=never --type file --type symlink --follow --exclude .git"
(if IS-WINDOWS " --path-separator=/"))))
;; Otherwise, resort to ripgrep, which is also faster than find
((executable-find "rg" t)
(concat "rg -0 --files --follow --color=never --hidden -g!.git"
(if IS-WINDOWS " --path-separator /")))
("find . -type f -print0"))))
(defadvice! doom--projectile-default-generic-command-a (orig-fn &rest args)
"If projectile can't tell what kind of project you're in, it issues an error
when using many of projectile's command, e.g. `projectile-compile-command',
`projectile-run-project', `projectile-test-project', and
`projectile-configure-project', for instance.
This suppresses the error so these commands will still run, but prompt you for
the command instead."
:around #'projectile-default-generic-command
(ignore-errors (apply orig-fn args))))
;;; Project-based minor modes
(defvar doom-project-hook nil
"Hook run when a project is enabled. The name of the project's mode and its
state are passed in.")
(cl-defmacro def-project-mode! (name &key
"Define a project minor mode named NAME and where/how it is activated.
Project modes allow you to configure 'sub-modes' for major-modes that are
specific to a folder, project structure, framework or whatever arbitrary context
you define. These project modes can have their own settings, keymaps, hooks,
snippets, etc.
This creates NAME-hook and NAME-map as well.
PLIST may contain any of these properties, which are all checked to see if NAME
should be activated. If they are *all* true, NAME is activated.
:modes MODES -- if buffers are derived from MODES (one or a list of symbols).
:files FILES -- if project contains FILES; takes a string or a form comprised
of nested (and ...) and/or (or ...) forms. Each path is relative to the
project root, however, if prefixed with a '.' or '..', it is relative to the
current buffer.
:match REGEXP -- if file name matches REGEXP
:when PREDICATE -- if PREDICATE returns true (can be a form or the symbol of a
:add-hooks HOOKS -- HOOKS is a list of hooks to add this mode's hook.
:on-load FORM -- FORM to run the first time this project mode is enabled.
:on-enter FORM -- FORM is run each time the mode is activated.
:on-exit FORM -- FORM is run each time the mode is disabled.
Relevant: `doom-project-hook'."
(declare (indent 1))
(let ((init-var (intern (format "%s-init" name))))
(when on-load
`((defvar ,init-var nil)))
`((define-minor-mode ,name
"A project minor mode generated by `def-project-mode!'."
:init-value nil
:lighter ""
:keymap (make-sparse-keymap)
(if (not ,name)
(run-hook-with-args 'doom-project-hook ',name ,name)
,(when on-load
`(unless ,init-var
(setq ,init-var t)))
(dolist (hook ,add-hooks)
(add-hook ',(intern (format "%s-hook" name)) hook)))
(cond ((or files modes when)
(cl-check-type files (or null list string))
(let ((fn
`(lambda ()
(and (not (bound-and-true-p ,name))
(and buffer-file-name (not (file-remote-p buffer-file-name nil t)))
,(or (null match)
`(if buffer-file-name (string-match-p ,match buffer-file-name)))
,(or (null files)
;; Wrap this in `eval' to prevent eager expansion
;; of `project-file-exists-p!' from pulling in
;; autoloaded files prematurely.
,(if (stringp (car files)) (cons 'and files) files))))
,(or when t)
(,name 1)))))
(if modes
`((dolist (mode ,modes)
(let ((hook-name
(intern (format "doom--enable-%s%s-h" ',name
(if (eq mode t) "" (format "-in-%s" mode))))))
(fset hook-name #',fn)
(if (eq mode t)
(add-to-list 'auto-minor-mode-magic-alist (cons hook-name #',name))
(add-hook (intern (format "%s-hook" mode)) hook-name)))))
`((add-hook 'change-major-mode-after-body-hook #',fn)))))
`((add-to-list 'auto-minor-mode-alist (cons ,match #',name)))))))))
(provide 'core-projects)
;;; core-projects.el ends here

View File

@ -0,0 +1,741 @@
;;; core-ui.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;;; Variables
(defvar doom-init-theme-p nil
"If non-nil, a theme has been loaded.")
(defvar doom-theme nil
"A symbol representing the Emacs theme to load at startup.
Set to `default' to load no theme at all. This is changed by `load-theme'.")
(defvar doom-font nil
"The default font to use.
Must be a `font-spec', a font object, an XFT font string, or an XLFD string.
This affects the `default' and `fixed-pitch' faces.
(setq doom-font (font-spec :family \"Fira Mono\" :size 12))
(setq doom-font \"Terminus (TTF):pixelsize=12:antialias=off\")")
(defvar doom-variable-pitch-font nil
"The default font to use for variable-pitch text.
Must be a `font-spec', a font object, an XFT font string, or an XLFD string. See
`doom-font' for examples.
An omitted font size means to inherit `doom-font''s size.")
(defvar doom-serif-font nil
"The default font to use for the `fixed-pitch-serif' face.
Must be a `font-spec', a font object, an XFT font string, or an XLFD string. See
`doom-font' for examples.
An omitted font size means to inherit `doom-font''s size.")
(defvar doom-unicode-font
(if IS-MAC
(font-spec :family "Apple Color Emoji")
(font-spec :family "Symbola"))
"Fallback font for Unicode glyphs.
Must be a `font-spec', a font object, an XFT font string, or an XLFD string. See
`doom-font' for examples.
The defaults on macOS and Linux are Apple Color Emoji and Symbola, respectively.
An omitted font size means to inherit `doom-font''s size.")
(defvar doom-unicode-extra-fonts nil
"Fonts to inject into the Unicode charset before `doom-unicode-font'.")
;;; Custom hooks
(defvar doom-init-ui-hook nil
"List of hooks to run when the UI has been initialized.")
(defvar doom-load-theme-hook nil
"Hook run after the theme is loaded with `load-theme' or reloaded with
(defvar doom-switch-buffer-hook nil
"A list of hooks run after changing the current buffer.")
(defvar doom-switch-window-hook nil
"A list of hooks run after changing the focused windows.")
(defvar doom-switch-frame-hook nil
"A list of hooks run after changing the focused frame.")
(defvar doom-inhibit-switch-buffer-hooks nil
"Letvar for inhibiting `doom-switch-buffer-hook'. Do not set this directly.")
(defvar doom-inhibit-switch-window-hooks nil
"Letvar for inhibiting `doom-switch-window-hook'. Do not set this directly.")
(defvar doom-inhibit-switch-frame-hooks nil
"Letvar for inhibiting `doom-switch-frame-hook'. Do not set this directly.")
(defvar doom--last-window nil)
(defvar doom--last-frame nil)
(defun doom-run-switch-window-hooks-h ()
(unless (or doom-inhibit-switch-window-hooks
(eq doom--last-window (selected-window))
(let ((gc-cons-threshold most-positive-fixnum)
(doom-inhibit-switch-window-hooks t)
(inhibit-redisplay t))
(run-hooks 'doom-switch-window-hook)
(setq doom--last-window (selected-window)))))
(defun doom-run-switch-frame-hooks-h (&rest _)
(unless (or doom-inhibit-switch-frame-hooks
(eq doom--last-frame (selected-frame))
(frame-parameter nil 'parent-frame))
(let ((gc-cons-threshold most-positive-fixnum)
(doom-inhibit-switch-frame-hooks t))
(run-hooks 'doom-switch-frame-hook)
(setq doom--last-frame (selected-frame)))))
(defun doom-run-switch-buffer-hooks-a (orig-fn buffer-or-name &rest args)
(if (or doom-inhibit-switch-buffer-hooks
(and buffer-or-name
(eq (current-buffer)
(get-buffer buffer-or-name)))
(and (eq orig-fn #'switch-to-buffer) (car args)))
(apply orig-fn buffer-or-name args)
(let ((gc-cons-threshold most-positive-fixnum)
(doom-inhibit-switch-buffer-hooks t)
(inhibit-redisplay t))
(when-let (buffer (apply orig-fn buffer-or-name args))
(with-current-buffer (if (windowp buffer)
(window-buffer buffer)
(run-hooks 'doom-switch-buffer-hook))
(defun doom-run-switch-to-next-prev-buffer-hooks-a (orig-fn &rest args)
(if doom-inhibit-switch-buffer-hooks
(apply orig-fn args)
(let ((gc-cons-threshold most-positive-fixnum)
(doom-inhibit-switch-buffer-hooks t)
(inhibit-redisplay t))
(when-let (buffer (apply orig-fn args))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(run-hooks 'doom-switch-buffer-hook))
(defun doom-protect-fallback-buffer-h ()
"Don't kill the scratch buffer. Meant for `kill-buffer-query-functions'."
(not (eq (current-buffer) (doom-fallback-buffer))))
(defun doom-highlight-non-default-indentation-h ()
"Highlight whitespace at odds with `indent-tabs-mode'.
That is, highlight tabs if `indent-tabs-mode' is `nil', and highlight spaces at
the beginnings of lines if `indent-tabs-mode' is `t'. The purpose is to make
incorrect indentation in the current buffer obvious to you.
Does nothing if `whitespace-mode' or `global-whitespace-mode' is already active
or if the current buffer is read-only or not file-visiting."
(unless (or (eq major-mode 'fundamental-mode)
(bound-and-true-p global-whitespace-mode)
(null buffer-file-name))
(require 'whitespace)
(set (make-local-variable 'whitespace-style)
(cl-union (if indent-tabs-mode
'(tabs tab-mark))
(when whitespace-mode
(remq 'face whitespace-active-style))))
(cl-pushnew 'face whitespace-style) ; must be first
(whitespace-mode +1)))
;;; General UX
;; Simpler confirmation prompt when killing Emacs
(setq confirm-kill-emacs #'doom-quit-p)
;; Don't prompt for confirmation when we create a new file or buffer (assume the
;; user knows what they're doing).
(setq confirm-nonexistent-file-or-buffer nil)
(setq uniquify-buffer-name-style 'forward
;; no beeping or blinking please
ring-bell-function #'ignore
visible-bell nil)
;; middle-click paste at point, not at click
(setq mouse-yank-at-point t)
;; Larger column width for function name in profiler reports
(after! profiler
(setf (caar profiler-report-cpu-line-format) 80
(caar profiler-report-memory-line-format) 80))
;;; Scrolling
(setq hscroll-margin 2
hscroll-step 1
;; Emacs spends too much effort recentering the screen if you scroll the
;; cursor more than N lines past window edges (where N is the settings of
;; `scroll-conservatively'). This is especially slow in larger files
;; during large-scale scrolling commands. If kept over 100, the window is
;; never automatically recentered.
scroll-conservatively 101
scroll-margin 0
scroll-preserve-screen-position t
;; Reduce cursor lag by a tiny bit by not auto-adjusting `window-vscroll'
;; for tall lines.
auto-window-vscroll nil
;; mouse
mouse-wheel-scroll-amount '(5 ((shift) . 2))
mouse-wheel-progressive-speed nil) ; don't accelerate scrolling
;; Remove hscroll-margin in shells, otherwise it causes jumpiness
(setq-hook! '(eshell-mode-hook term-mode-hook) hscroll-margin 0)
;;; Cursor
;; The blinking cursor is distracting, but also interferes with cursor settings
;; in some minor modes that try to change it buffer-locally (like treemacs) and
;; can cause freezing for folks (esp on macOS) with customized & color cursors.
(blink-cursor-mode -1)
;; Don't blink the paren matching the one at point, it's too distracting.
(setq blink-matching-paren nil)
;; Don't stretch the cursor to fit wide characters, it is disorienting,
;; especially for tabs.
(setq x-stretch-cursor nil)
;;; Buffers
;; Make `next-buffer', `other-buffer', etc. ignore unreal buffers.
(push '(buffer-predicate . doom-buffer-frame-predicate) default-frame-alist)
(defadvice! doom--switch-to-fallback-buffer-maybe-a (&rest _)
"Switch to `doom-fallback-buffer' if on last real buffer.
Advice for `kill-current-buffer'. If in a dedicated window, delete it. If there
are no real buffers left OR if all remaining buffers are visible in other
windows, switch to `doom-fallback-buffer'. Otherwise, delegate to original
:before-until #'kill-current-buffer
(let ((buf (current-buffer)))
(cond ((window-dedicated-p)
((eq buf (doom-fallback-buffer))
(message "Can't kill the fallback buffer.")
((doom-real-buffer-p buf)
(let ((visible-p (delq (selected-window) (get-buffer-window-list buf nil t)))
(doom-inhibit-switch-buffer-hooks t)
(inhibit-redisplay t)
(unless visible-p
(when (and (buffer-modified-p buf)
(not (y-or-n-p
(format "Buffer %s is modified; kill anyway?"
(user-error "Aborted")))
(when (or ;; if there aren't more real buffers than visible buffers,
;; then there are no real, non-visible buffers left.
(not (cl-set-difference (doom-real-buffer-list)
;; if we end up back where we start (or previous-buffer
;; returns nil), we have nowhere left to go
(memq (switch-to-prev-buffer nil t) (list buf 'nil)))
(switch-to-buffer (doom-fallback-buffer)))
(unless visible-p
(with-current-buffer buf
(restore-buffer-modified-p nil))
(kill-buffer buf))
(run-hooks 'buffer-list-update-hook)
;;; Fringes
;; Reduce the clutter in the fringes; we'd like to reserve that space for more
;; useful information, like git-gutter and flycheck.
(setq indicate-buffer-boundaries nil
indicate-empty-lines nil)
;;; Windows/frames
;; A simple frame title
(setq frame-title-format '("%b Doom Emacs")
icon-title-format frame-title-format)
;; Don't resize the frames in steps; it looks weird, especially in tiling window
;; managers, where it can leave unseemly gaps.
(setq frame-resize-pixelwise t)
;; But do not resize windows pixelwise, this can cause crashes in some cases
;; where we resize windows too quickly.
(setq window-resize-pixelwise nil)
;; Disable tool, menu, and scrollbars. Doom is designed to be keyboard-centric,
;; so these are just clutter (the scrollbar also impacts performance). Whats
;; more, the menu bar exposes functionality that Doom doesn't endorse.
(push '(menu-bar-lines . 0) default-frame-alist)
(push '(tool-bar-lines . 0) default-frame-alist)
(push '(vertical-scroll-bars) default-frame-alist)
;; These are disabled directly through their frame parameters to avoid the extra
;; work their minor modes do, but their variables must be unset too, otherwise
;; users will have to cycle them twice to re-enable them.
(setq menu-bar-mode nil
tool-bar-mode nil
scroll-bar-mode nil)
;; The native border "consumes" a pixel of the fringe on righter-most splits,
;; `window-divider' does not. Available since Emacs 25.1.
(setq window-divider-default-places t
window-divider-default-bottom-width 1
window-divider-default-right-width 1)
(add-hook 'doom-init-ui-hook #'window-divider-mode)
;; Prompt for confirmation when deleting a non-empty frame; a last line of
;; defense against accidental loss of work.
(global-set-key [remap delete-frame] #'doom/delete-frame-with-prompt)
;; always avoid GUI
(setq use-dialog-box nil)
;; Don't display floating tooltips; display their contents in the echo-area,
;; because native tooltips are ugly.
(when (bound-and-true-p tooltip-mode)
(tooltip-mode -1))
;; ...especially on linux
(when IS-LINUX
(setq x-gtk-use-system-tooltips nil))
;; Favor vertical splits over horizontal ones. Screens are usually wide.
(setq split-width-threshold 160
split-height-threshold nil)
;;; Minibuffer
;; Allow for minibuffer-ception. Sometimes we need another minibuffer command
;; while we're in the minibuffer.
(setq enable-recursive-minibuffers t)
;; Show current key-sequence in minibuffer ala 'set showcmd' in vim. Any
;; feedback after typing is better UX than no feedback at all.
(setq echo-keystrokes 0.02)
;; Expand the minibuffer to fit multi-line text displayed in the echo-area. This
;; doesn't look too great with direnv, however...
(setq resize-mini-windows 'grow-only)
;; Typing yes/no is obnoxious when y/n will do
(fset #'yes-or-no-p #'y-or-n-p)
;; Try really hard to keep the cursor from getting stuck in the read-only prompt
;; portion of the minibuffer.
(setq minibuffer-prompt-properties '(read-only t intangible t cursor-intangible t face minibuffer-prompt))
(add-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook #'cursor-intangible-mode)
;;; Built-in packages
;;;###package ansi-color
(setq ansi-color-for-comint-mode t)
(after! comint
(setq comint-prompt-read-only t))
(after! compile
(setq compilation-always-kill t ; kill compilation process before starting another
compilation-ask-about-save nil ; save all buffers on `compile'
compilation-scroll-output 'first-error)
;; Handle ansi codes in compilation buffer
(add-hook 'compilation-filter-hook #'doom-apply-ansi-color-to-compilation-buffer-h))
(after! ediff
(setq ediff-diff-options "-w" ; turn off whitespace checking
ediff-split-window-function #'split-window-horizontally
ediff-window-setup-function #'ediff-setup-windows-plain)
(defvar doom--ediff-saved-wconf nil)
;; Restore window config after quitting ediff
(add-hook! 'ediff-before-setup-hook
(defun doom-ediff-save-wconf-h ()
(setq doom--ediff-saved-wconf (current-window-configuration))))
(add-hook! '(ediff-quit-hook ediff-suspend-hook) :append
(defun doom-ediff-restore-wconf-h ()
(when (window-configuration-p doom--ediff-saved-wconf)
(set-window-configuration doom--ediff-saved-wconf)))))
(use-package! hl-line
;; Highlights the current line
:hook (doom-first-buffer . global-hl-line-mode)
(defvar global-hl-line-modes '(prog-mode text-mode conf-mode special-mode)
"What modes to enable `hl-line-mode' in.")
;; HACK I reimplement `global-hl-line-mode' so we can white/blacklist modes in
;; `global-hl-line-modes' _and_ so we can use `global-hl-line-mode',
;; which users expect to control hl-line in Emacs.
(define-globalized-minor-mode global-hl-line-mode hl-line-mode
(lambda ()
(and (not hl-line-mode)
(cond ((null global-hl-line-modes) nil)
((eq global-hl-line-modes t))
((eq (car global-hl-line-modes) 'not)
(not (derived-mode-p global-hl-line-modes)))
((apply #'derived-mode-p global-hl-line-modes)))
(hl-line-mode +1))))
;; Not having to render the hl-line overlay in multiple buffers offers a tiny
;; performance boost. I also don't need to see it in other buffers.
(setq hl-line-sticky-flag nil
global-hl-line-sticky-flag nil)
;; Temporarily disable `hl-line' when selection is active, since it doesn't
;; serve much purpose when the selection is so much more visible.
(defvar doom--hl-line-mode nil)
(add-hook! 'hl-line-mode-hook
(defun doom-truly-disable-hl-line-h ()
(unless hl-line-mode
(setq-local doom--hl-line-mode nil))))
(add-hook! '(evil-visual-state-entry-hook activate-mark-hook)
(defun doom-disable-hl-line-h ()
(when hl-line-mode
(hl-line-mode -1)
(setq-local doom--hl-line-mode t))))
(add-hook! '(evil-visual-state-exit-hook deactivate-mark-hook)
(defun doom-enable-hl-line-maybe-h ()
(when doom--hl-line-mode
(hl-line-mode +1)))))
(use-package! winner
;; undo/redo changes to Emacs' window layout
:preface (defvar winner-dont-bind-my-keys t) ; I'll bind keys myself
:hook (doom-first-buffer . winner-mode)
(appendq! winner-boring-buffers
'("*Compile-Log*" "*inferior-lisp*" "*Fuzzy Completions*"
"*Apropos*" "*Help*" "*cvs*" "*Buffer List*" "*Ibuffer*"
"*esh command on file*")))
(use-package! paren
;; highlight matching delimiters
:hook (doom-first-buffer . show-paren-mode)
(setq show-paren-delay 0.1
show-paren-highlight-openparen t
show-paren-when-point-inside-paren t
show-paren-when-point-in-periphery t))
;;;###package whitespace
(setq whitespace-line-column nil
'(face indentation tabs tab-mark spaces space-mark newline newline-mark
trailing lines-tail)
'((tab-mark ?\t [? ?\t])
(newline-mark ?\n [ ?\n])
(space-mark ?\ [] [?.])))
;;; Third party packages
(use-package! all-the-icons
:commands (all-the-icons-octicon
(setq doom-unicode-extra-fonts
(list "Weather Icons"
"Material Icons"))
(cond ((daemonp)
(defadvice! doom--disable-all-the-icons-in-tty-a (orig-fn &rest args)
"Return a blank string in tty Emacs, which doesn't support multiple fonts."
:around '(all-the-icons-octicon all-the-icons-material
all-the-icons-faicon all-the-icons-fileicon
all-the-icons-wicon all-the-icons-alltheicon)
(if (or (not after-init-time) (display-multi-font-p))
(apply orig-fn args)
((not (display-graphic-p))
(defadvice! doom--disable-all-the-icons-in-tty-a (&rest _)
"Return a blank string for tty users."
:override '(all-the-icons-octicon all-the-icons-material
all-the-icons-faicon all-the-icons-fileicon
all-the-icons-wicon all-the-icons-alltheicon)
;;;###package hide-mode-line-mode
(add-hook! '(completion-list-mode-hook Man-mode-hook)
;; Many major modes do no highlighting of number literals, so we do it for them
(use-package! highlight-numbers
:hook ((prog-mode conf-mode) . highlight-numbers-mode)
:config (setq highlight-numbers-generic-regexp "\\_<[[:digit:]]+\\(?:\\.[0-9]*\\)?\\_>"))
;;;###package image
(setq image-animate-loop t)
;;;###package rainbow-delimiters
;; Helps us distinguish stacked delimiter pairs, especially in parentheses-drunk
;; languages like Lisp.
(setq rainbow-delimiters-max-face-count 3)
;;; Line numbers
;; Explicitly define a width to reduce computation
(setq-default display-line-numbers-width 3)
;; Show absolute line numbers for narrowed regions makes it easier to tell the
;; buffer is narrowed, and where you are, exactly.
(setq-default display-line-numbers-widen t)
;; Enable line numbers in most text-editing modes. We avoid
;; `global-display-line-numbers-mode' because there are many special and
;; temporary modes where we don't need/want them.
(add-hook! '(prog-mode-hook text-mode-hook conf-mode-hook)
;; Fix #2742: cursor is off by 4 characters in `artist-mode'
;; REVIEW Reported upstream
;; DEPRECATED Fixed in Emacs 28; remove when we drop 27 support
(unless EMACS28+
(add-hook 'artist-mode-hook #'doom-disable-line-numbers-h))
;;; Theme & font
;; User themes should live in ~/.doom.d/themes, not ~/.emacs.d
(setq custom-theme-directory (concat doom-private-dir "themes/"))
;; Always prioritize the user's themes above the built-in/packaged ones.
(setq custom-theme-load-path
(cons 'custom-theme-directory
(remq 'custom-theme-directory custom-theme-load-path)))
;; Underline looks a bit better when drawn lower
(setq x-underline-at-descent-line t)
;; DEPRECATED In Emacs 27
(defvar doom--prefer-theme-elc nil
"If non-nil, `load-theme' will prefer the compiled theme (unlike its default
behavior). Do not set this directly, this is let-bound in `doom-init-theme-h'.")
(defun doom-init-fonts-h ()
"Loads `doom-font'."
;; Avoiding `set-frame-font' because it does a lot of extra, expensive
;; work we can avoid by setting the font frame parameter instead.
(cons 'font
(cond ((stringp doom-font) doom-font)
((fontp doom-font) (font-xlfd-name doom-font))
((signal 'wrong-type-argument (list '(fontp stringp)
:key #'car :test #'eq))
;; We try our best to record your system font, so `doom-big-font-mode'
;; can still use it to compute a larger font size with.
(setq font-use-system-font t
doom-font (face-attribute 'default :font)))))
(defun doom-init-extra-fonts-h (&optional frame)
"Loads `doom-variable-pitch-font',`doom-serif-font' and `doom-unicode-font'."
(condition-case e
(with-selected-frame (or frame (selected-frame))
(when doom-font
(set-face-attribute 'fixed-pitch nil :font doom-font))
(when doom-serif-font
(set-face-attribute 'fixed-pitch-serif nil :font doom-serif-font))
(when doom-variable-pitch-font
(set-face-attribute 'variable-pitch nil :font doom-variable-pitch-font))
(when (fboundp 'set-fontset-font)
(dolist (font (cons doom-unicode-font doom-unicode-extra-fonts))
(set-fontset-font t 'unicode font nil 'prepend)))
(run-hooks 'after-setting-font-hook))
((debug error)
(if (string-prefix-p "Font not available: " (error-message-string e))
(lwarn 'doom-ui :warning
"Could not find the '%s' font on your system, falling back to system font"
(font-get (caddr e) :family))
(signal 'doom-error e)))))
(defun doom-init-theme-h (&optional frame)
"Load the theme specified by `doom-theme' in FRAME."
(when (and doom-theme
(not (eq doom-theme 'default))
(not (memq doom-theme custom-enabled-themes)))
(with-selected-frame (or frame (selected-frame))
(let ((doom--prefer-theme-elc t)) ; DEPRECATED in Emacs 27
(load-theme doom-theme t)))))
(defadvice! doom--load-theme-a (orig-fn theme &optional no-confirm no-enable)
"Run `doom-load-theme-hook' on `load-theme' and fix its issues.
1. Disable previously enabled themes.
2. Don't let face-remapping screw up loading the new theme
3. Record the current theme in `doom-theme'."
:around #'load-theme
;; HACK Run `load-theme' from an estranged buffer, where we can be assured
;; that buffer-local face remaps (by `mixed-pitch-mode', for instance)
;; won't interfere with changing themes.
(when-let (result (funcall orig-fn theme no-confirm no-enable))
(unless no-enable
(setq doom-theme theme
doom-init-theme-p t)
;; `load-theme' doesn't disable previously enabled themes, which seems
;; like what you'd want. You could always use `enable-theme' to activate
;; multiple themes instead.
(mapc #'disable-theme (remq theme (remq 'use-package custom-enabled-themes)))
(run-hooks 'doom-load-theme-hook))
(eval-when! (not EMACS27+)
;; DEPRECATED `doom--load-theme-a' handles this for us after the theme is
;; loaded, but this only works on Emacs 27+. Disabling old themes
;; must be done *before* the theme is loaded in Emacs 26.
(defadvice! doom--disable-previous-themes-a (theme &optional _no-confirm no-enable)
"Disable other themes when loading a new one."
:before #'load-theme
(unless no-enable
(mapc #'disable-theme (remq 'use-package custom-enabled-themes))))
;; DEPRECATED Not needed in Emacs 27
(defadvice! doom--prefer-compiled-theme-a (orig-fn &rest args)
"Have `load-theme' prioritize the byte-compiled theme.
This offers a moderate boost in startup (or theme switch) time, so long as
`doom--prefer-theme-elc' is non-nil."
:around #'load-theme
(if (or (null after-init-time)
(letf! (defun locate-file (filename path &optional _suffixes predicate)
(funcall locate-file filename path '("c" "") predicate))
(apply orig-fn args))
(apply orig-fn args))))
;;; Bootstrap
(defun doom-init-ui-h ()
"Initialize Doom's user interface by applying all its advice and hooks."
(run-hook-wrapped 'doom-init-ui-hook #'doom-try-run-hook)
(add-hook 'kill-buffer-query-functions #'doom-protect-fallback-buffer-h)
(add-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook #'doom-highlight-non-default-indentation-h 'append)
;; Initialize custom switch-{buffer,window,frame} hooks:
;; + `doom-switch-buffer-hook'
;; + `doom-switch-window-hook'
;; + `doom-switch-frame-hook'
;; These should be done as late as possible, as not to prematurely trigger
;; hooks during startup.
(add-hook 'buffer-list-update-hook #'doom-run-switch-window-hooks-h)
(add-hook 'focus-in-hook #'doom-run-switch-frame-hooks-h)
(dolist (fn '(switch-to-next-buffer switch-to-prev-buffer))
(advice-add fn :around #'doom-run-switch-to-next-prev-buffer-hooks-a))
(dolist (fn '(switch-to-buffer display-buffer))
(advice-add fn :around #'doom-run-switch-buffer-hooks-a)))
;; Apply `doom-font' et co
(add-hook 'doom-after-init-modules-hook #'doom-init-fonts-h)
(add-hook 'doom-load-theme-hook #'doom-init-extra-fonts-h)
;; Apply `doom-theme'
(add-hook (if (daemonp)
(add-hook 'window-setup-hook #'doom-init-ui-h)
;;; Fixes/hacks
;; Doom doesn't support `customize' and it never will. It's a clumsy interface
;; that sets variables at a time where it can be easily and unpredictably
;; overwritten. Configure things from your $DOOMDIR instead.
(dolist (sym '(customize-option customize-browse customize-group customize-face
customize-rogue customize-saved customize-apropos
customize-changed customize-unsaved customize-variable
customize-set-value customize-customized customize-set-variable
customize-apropos-faces customize-save-variable
customize-apropos-groups customize-apropos-options
customize-changed-options customize-save-customized))
(put sym 'disabled "Doom doesn't support `customize', configure Emacs from $DOOMDIR/config.el instead"))
(put 'customize-themes 'disabled "Set `doom-theme' or use `load-theme' in $DOOMDIR/config.el instead")
;; Doesn't exist in terminal Emacs, so we define it to prevent void-function
;; errors emitted from packages that blindly try to use it.
(unless (fboundp 'define-fringe-bitmap)
(fset 'define-fringe-bitmap #'ignore))
(after! whitespace
(defun doom-disable-whitespace-mode-in-childframes-a (orig-fn)
"`whitespace-mode' inundates child frames with whitespace markers, so
disable it to fix all that visual noise."
(unless (frame-parameter nil 'parent-frame)
(funcall orig-fn)))
(add-function :around whitespace-enable-predicate #'doom-disable-whitespace-mode-in-childframes-a))
;; Don't display messages in the minibuffer when using the minibuffer
(defmacro doom-silence-motion-key (command key)
(let ((key-command (intern (format "doom/silent-%s" command))))
(defun ,key-command ()
(ignore-errors (call-interactively ',command)))
(define-key minibuffer-local-map (kbd ,key) #',key-command))))
(doom-silence-motion-key backward-delete-char "<backspace>")
(doom-silence-motion-key delete-char "<delete>")
(provide 'core-ui)
;;; core-ui.el ends here

View File

@ -0,0 +1,635 @@
;;; core.el --- the heart of the beast -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;;; Initialize internal state
(defconst doom-version "2.0.9"
"Current version of Doom Emacs.")
(defvar doom-init-p nil
"Non-nil if Doom has been initialized.")
(defvar doom-init-time nil
"The time it took, in seconds, for Doom Emacs to initialize.")
(defvar doom-debug-p (or (getenv-internal "DEBUG") init-file-debug)
"If non-nil, Doom will log more.
Use `doom-debug-mode' to toggle it. The --debug-init flag and setting the DEBUG
envvar will enable this at startup.")
(defconst doom-interactive-p (not noninteractive)
"If non-nil, Emacs is in interactive mode.")
(defconst EMACS27+ (> emacs-major-version 26))
(defconst EMACS28+ (> emacs-major-version 27))
(defconst IS-MAC (eq system-type 'darwin))
(defconst IS-LINUX (eq system-type 'gnu/linux))
(defconst IS-WINDOWS (memq system-type '(cygwin windows-nt ms-dos)))
(defconst IS-BSD (or IS-MAC (eq system-type 'berkeley-unix)))
;; Unix tools look for HOME, but this is normally not defined on Windows.
(when (and IS-WINDOWS (null (getenv-internal "HOME")))
(setenv "HOME" (getenv "USERPROFILE"))
(setq abbreviated-home-dir nil))
;; Contrary to what many Emacs users have in their configs, you really don't
;; need more than this to make UTF-8 the default coding system:
(when (fboundp 'set-charset-priority)
(set-charset-priority 'unicode)) ; pretty
(prefer-coding-system 'utf-8) ; pretty
(setq locale-coding-system 'utf-8) ; please
;; The clipboard's on Windows could be in a wider (or thinner) encoding than
;; utf-8 (likely UTF-16), so let Emacs/the OS decide what encoding to use there.
(unless IS-WINDOWS
(setq selection-coding-system 'utf-8)) ; with sugar on top
;;; Custom error types
(define-error 'doom-error "Error in Doom Emacs core")
(define-error 'doom-hook-error "Error in a Doom startup hook" 'doom-error)
(define-error 'doom-autoload-error "Error in Doom's autoloads file" 'doom-error)
(define-error 'doom-module-error "Error in a Doom module" 'doom-error)
(define-error 'doom-private-error "Error in private config" 'doom-error)
(define-error 'doom-package-error "Error with packages" 'doom-error)
;;; Directory variables
(defconst doom-emacs-dir user-emacs-directory
"The path to the currently loaded .emacs.d directory. Must end with a slash.")
(defconst doom-core-dir (concat doom-emacs-dir "core/")
"The root directory of Doom's core files. Must end with a slash.")
(defconst doom-modules-dir (concat doom-emacs-dir "modules/")
"The root directory for Doom's modules. Must end with a slash.")
(defconst doom-local-dir
(let ((localdir (getenv-internal "DOOMLOCALDIR")))
(if localdir
(expand-file-name (file-name-as-directory localdir))
(concat doom-emacs-dir ".local/")))
"Root directory for local storage.
Use this as a storage location for this system's installation of Doom Emacs.
These files should not be shared across systems. By default, it is used by
`doom-etc-dir' and `doom-cache-dir'. Must end with a slash.")
(defconst doom-etc-dir (concat doom-local-dir "etc/")
"Directory for non-volatile local storage.
Use this for files that don't change much, like server binaries, external
dependencies or long-term shared data. Must end with a slash.")
(defconst doom-cache-dir (concat doom-local-dir "cache/")
"Directory for volatile local storage.
Use this for files that change often, like cache files. Must end with a slash.")
(defconst doom-docs-dir (concat doom-emacs-dir "docs/")
"Where Doom's documentation files are stored. Must end with a slash.")
(defconst doom-private-dir
(let ((doomdir (getenv-internal "DOOMDIR")))
(if doomdir
(expand-file-name (file-name-as-directory doomdir))
(or (let ((xdgdir
(expand-file-name "doom/"
(or (getenv-internal "XDG_CONFIG_HOME")
(if (file-directory-p xdgdir) xdgdir))
"Where your private configuration is placed.
Defaults to ~/.config/doom, ~/.doom.d or the value of the DOOMDIR envvar;
whichever is found first. Must end in a slash.")
(defconst doom-autoloads-file
(concat doom-local-dir "autoloads." emacs-version ".el")
"Where `doom-reload-core-autoloads' stores its core autoloads.
This file is responsible for informing Emacs where to find all of Doom's
autoloaded core functions (in core/autoload/*.el).")
(defconst doom-env-file (concat doom-local-dir "env")
"The location of your envvar file, generated by `doom env`.
This file contains environment variables scraped from your shell environment,
which is loaded at startup (if it exists). This is helpful if Emacs can't
\(easily) be launched from the correct shell session (particularly for MacOS
;;; Custom hooks
(defvar doom-first-input-hook nil
"Transient hooks run before the first user input.")
(defvar doom-first-file-hook nil
"Transient hooks run before the first interactively opened file.")
(defvar doom-first-buffer-hook nil
"Transient hooks run before the first interactively opened buffer.")
(defvar doom-after-reload-hook nil
"A list of hooks to run before `doom/reload' has reloaded Doom.")
(defvar doom-before-reload-hook nil
"A list of hooks to run after `doom/reload' has reloaded Doom.")
;;; Native Compilation support (
;; Prevent unwanted runtime builds in gccemacs (native-comp); packages are
;; compiled ahead-of-time when they are installed and site files are compiled
;; when gccemacs is installed.
(setq comp-deferred-compilation nil)
;; Don't store eln files in ~/.emacs.d/eln-cache (they are likely to be purged
;; when upgrading Doom).
(when (boundp 'comp-eln-load-path)
(add-to-list 'comp-eln-load-path (concat doom-cache-dir "eln/")))
(with-eval-after-load 'comp
;; HACK Disable native-compilation for some troublesome packages
(mapc (doom-partial #'add-to-list 'comp-deferred-compilation-deny-list)
(let ((local-dir-re (concat "\\`" (regexp-quote doom-local-dir))))
(list (concat "\\`" (regexp-quote doom-autoloads-file) "\\'")
(concat local-dir-re ".*/evil-collection-vterm\\.el\\'")
(concat local-dir-re ".*/with-editor\\.el\\'")
(concat local-dir-re ".*/jupyter-channel\\.el\\'"))))
;; Default to using all cores, rather than half of them, since we compile
;; things ahead-of-time in a non-interactive session.
(defadvice! doom--comp-use-all-cores-a ()
:override #'comp-effective-async-max-jobs
(if (zerop comp-async-jobs-number)
(setq comp-num-cpus (doom-num-cpus))
;;; Core libraries
;; Ensure Doom's core libraries are visible for loading
(add-to-list 'load-path doom-core-dir)
;; Just the... bear necessities~
(require 'subr-x)
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'core-lib)
;;; A quieter startup
;; Disable warnings from legacy advice system. They aren't useful, and what can
;; we do about them, besides changing packages upstream?
(setq ad-redefinition-action 'accept)
;; Reduce debug output, well, unless we've asked for it.
(setq debug-on-error doom-debug-p
jka-compr-verbose doom-debug-p)
;; Get rid of "For information about GNU Emacs..." message at startup, unless
;; we're in a daemon session where it'll say "Starting Emacs daemon." instead,
;; which isn't so bad.
(unless (daemonp)
(advice-add #'display-startup-echo-area-message :override #'ignore))
;; Reduce *Message* noise at startup. An empty scratch buffer (or the dashboard)
;; is more than enough.
(setq inhibit-startup-message t
inhibit-startup-echo-area-message user-login-name
inhibit-default-init t
;; Shave seconds off startup time by starting the scratch buffer in
;; `fundamental-mode', rather than, say, `org-mode' or `text-mode', which
;; pull in a ton of packages.
initial-major-mode 'fundamental-mode
initial-scratch-message nil)
;;; Don't litter `doom-emacs-dir'
;; We avoid `no-littering' because it's a mote too opinionated for our needs.
(setq async-byte-compile-log-file (concat doom-etc-dir "async-bytecomp.log")
custom-file (concat doom-private-dir "custom.el")
desktop-dirname (concat doom-etc-dir "desktop")
desktop-base-file-name "autosave"
desktop-base-lock-name "autosave-lock"
pcache-directory (concat doom-cache-dir "pcache/")
request-storage-directory (concat doom-cache-dir "request")
shared-game-score-directory (concat doom-etc-dir "shared-game-score/"))
(defadvice! doom--write-to-etc-dir-a (orig-fn &rest args)
"Resolve Emacs storage directory to `doom-etc-dir', to keep local files from
polluting `doom-emacs-dir'."
:around #'locate-user-emacs-file
(let ((user-emacs-directory doom-etc-dir))
(apply orig-fn args)))
(defadvice! doom--write-enabled-commands-to-doomdir-a (orig-fn &rest args)
"When enabling a disabled command, the `put' call is written to
~/.emacs.d/init.el, which causes issues for Doom, so write it to the user's
config.el instead."
:around #'en/disable-command
(let ((user-init-file custom-file))
(apply orig-fn args)))
;;; Optimizations
;; A second, case-insensitive pass over `auto-mode-alist' is time wasted, and
;; indicates misconfiguration (or that the user needs to stop relying on case
;; insensitivity).
(setq auto-mode-case-fold nil)
;; Disable bidirectional text rendering for a modest performance boost. I've set
;; this to `nil' in the past, but the `bidi-display-reordering's docs say that
;; is an undefined state and suggest this to be just as good:
(setq-default bidi-display-reordering 'left-to-right
bidi-paragraph-direction 'left-to-right)
;; Disabling the BPA makes redisplay faster, but might produce incorrect display
;; reordering of bidirectional text with embedded parentheses and other bracket
;; characters whose 'paired-bracket' Unicode property is non-nil.
(setq bidi-inhibit-bpa t) ; Emacs 27 only
;; Reduce rendering/line scan work for Emacs by not rendering cursors or regions
;; in non-focused windows.
(setq-default cursor-in-non-selected-windows nil)
(setq highlight-nonselected-windows nil)
;; More performant rapid scrolling over unfontified regions. May cause brief
;; spells of inaccurate syntax highlighting right after scrolling, which should
;; quickly self-correct.
(setq fast-but-imprecise-scrolling t)
;; Don't ping things that look like domain names.
(setq ffap-machine-p-known 'reject)
;; Resizing the Emacs frame can be a terribly expensive part of changing the
;; font. By inhibiting this, we halve startup times, particularly when we use
;; fonts that are larger than the system default (which would resize the frame).
(setq frame-inhibit-implied-resize t)
;; Adopt a sneaky garbage collection strategy of waiting until idle time to
;; collect; staving off the collector while the user is working.
(setq gcmh-idle-delay 5
gcmh-high-cons-threshold (* 16 1024 1024) ; 16mb
gcmh-verbose doom-debug-p)
;; Emacs "updates" its ui more often than it needs to, so we slow it down
;; slightly from 0.5s:
(setq idle-update-delay 1.0)
;; Font compacting can be terribly expensive, especially for rendering icon
;; fonts on Windows. Whether disabling it has a notable affect on Linux and Mac
;; hasn't been determined, but we inhibit it there anyway. This increases memory
;; usage, however!
(setq inhibit-compacting-font-caches t)
;; Introduced in Emacs HEAD (b2f8c9f), this inhibits fontification while
;; receiving input, which should help with performance while scrolling.
(setq redisplay-skip-fontification-on-input t)
;; Performance on Windows is considerably worse than elsewhere. We'll need
;; everything we can get.
(setq w32-get-true-file-attributes nil ; decrease file IO workload
w32-pipe-read-delay 0 ; faster ipc
w32-pipe-buffer-size (* 64 1024))) ; read more at a time (was 4K)
;; Remove command line options that aren't relevant to our current OS; means
;; slightly less to process at startup.
(unless IS-MAC (setq command-line-ns-option-alist nil))
(unless IS-LINUX (setq command-line-x-option-alist nil))
;; HACK `tty-run-terminal-initialization' is *tremendously* slow for some
;; reason; inexplicably doubling startup time for terminal Emacs. Keeping
;; it disabled will have nasty side-effects, so we simply delay it until
;; later in the startup process and, for some reason, it runs much faster
;; when it does.
(unless (daemonp)
(advice-add #'tty-run-terminal-initialization :override #'ignore)
(add-hook! 'window-setup-hook
(defun doom-init-tty-h ()
(advice-remove #'tty-run-terminal-initialization #'ignore)
(tty-run-terminal-initialization (selected-frame) nil t))))
;;; Security
;; Emacs is essentially one huge security vulnerability, what with all the
;; dependencies it pulls in from all corners of the globe. Let's try to be at
;; least a little more discerning.
(setq gnutls-verify-error (not (getenv-internal "INSECURE"))
(when (boundp 'libgnutls-version)
(concat "SECURE128:+SECURE192:-VERS-ALL"
(if (and (not IS-WINDOWS)
(not (version< emacs-version "26.3"))
(>= libgnutls-version 30605))
;; `gnutls-min-prime-bits' is set based on recommendations from
gnutls-min-prime-bits 3072
tls-checktrust gnutls-verify-error
;; Emacs is built with `gnutls' by default, so `tls-program' would not be
;; used in that case. Otherwise, people have reasons to not go with
;; `gnutls', we use `openssl' instead. For more details, see
tls-program '("openssl s_client -connect %h:%p -CAfile %t -nbio -no_ssl3 -no_tls1 -no_tls1_1 -ign_eof"
"gnutls-cli -p %p --dh-bits=3072 --ocsp --x509cafile=%t \
--strict-tofu --priority='SECURE192:+SECURE128:-VERS-ALL:+VERS-TLS1.2:+VERS-TLS1.3' %h"
;; compatibility fallbacks
"gnutls-cli -p %p %h"))
;; Emacs stores `authinfo' in $HOME and in plain-text. Let's not do that, mkay?
;; This file stores usernames, passwords, and other such treasures for the
;; aspiring malicious third party.
(setq auth-sources (list (concat doom-etc-dir "authinfo.gpg")
;;; MODE-local-vars-hook
;; File+dir local variables are initialized after the major mode and its hooks
;; have run. If you want hook functions to be aware of these customizations, add
;; them to MODE-local-vars-hook instead.
(defvar doom-inhibit-local-var-hooks nil)
(defun doom-run-local-var-hooks-h ()
"Run MODE-local-vars-hook after local variables are initialized."
(unless doom-inhibit-local-var-hooks
(setq-local doom-inhibit-local-var-hooks t)
(run-hook-wrapped (intern-soft (format "%s-local-vars-hook" major-mode))
;;; Incremental lazy-loading
(defvar doom-incremental-packages '(t)
"A list of packages to load incrementally after startup. Any large packages
here may cause noticable pauses, so it's recommended you break them up into
sub-packages. For example, `org' is comprised of many packages, and can be
broken up into:
'(calendar find-func format-spec org-macs org-compat
org-faces org-entities org-list org-pcomplete org-src
org-footnote org-macro ob org org-clock org-agenda
This is already done by the lang/org module, however.
If you want to disable incremental loading altogether, either remove
`doom-load-packages-incrementally-h' from `emacs-startup-hook' or set
`doom-incremental-first-idle-timer' to nil. Incremental loading does not occur
in daemon sessions (they are loaded immediately at startup).")
(defvar doom-incremental-first-idle-timer 2.0
"How long (in idle seconds) until incremental loading starts.
Set this to nil to disable incremental loading.")
(defvar doom-incremental-idle-timer 0.75
"How long (in idle seconds) in between incrementally loading packages.")
(defvar doom-incremental-load-immediately (daemonp)
"If non-nil, load all incrementally deferred packages immediately at startup.")
(defun doom-load-packages-incrementally (packages &optional now)
"Registers PACKAGES to be loaded incrementally.
If NOW is non-nil, load PACKAGES incrementally, in `doom-incremental-idle-timer'
(if (not now)
(appendq! doom-incremental-packages packages)
(while packages
(let ((req (pop packages)))
(unless (featurep req)
(doom-log "Incrementally loading %s" req)
(condition-case e
(or (while-no-input
;; If `default-directory' is a directory that doesn't exist
;; or is unreadable, Emacs throws up file-missing errors, so
;; we set it to a directory we know exists and is readable.
(let ((default-directory doom-emacs-dir)
(gc-cons-threshold most-positive-fixnum)
(require req nil t))
(push req packages))
((error debug)
(message "Failed to load %S package incrementally, because: %s"
req e)))
(if (not packages)
(doom-log "Finished incremental loading")
(run-with-idle-timer doom-incremental-idle-timer
nil #'doom-load-packages-incrementally
packages t)
(setq packages nil)))))))
(defun doom-load-packages-incrementally-h ()
"Begin incrementally loading packages in `doom-incremental-packages'.
If this is a daemon session, load them all immediately instead."
(if doom-incremental-load-immediately
(mapc #'require (cdr doom-incremental-packages))
(when (numberp doom-incremental-first-idle-timer)
(run-with-idle-timer doom-incremental-first-idle-timer
nil #'doom-load-packages-incrementally
(cdr doom-incremental-packages) t))))
;;; Bootstrap helpers
(defun doom-display-benchmark-h (&optional return-p)
"Display a benchmark including number of packages and modules loaded.
If RETURN-P, return the message as a string instead of displaying it."
(funcall (if return-p #'format #'message)
"Doom loaded %d packages across %d modules in %.03fs"
(- (length load-path) (length doom--initial-load-path))
(if doom-modules (hash-table-count doom-modules) 0)
(or doom-init-time
(setq doom-init-time
(float-time (time-subtract (current-time) before-init-time))))))
(defun doom-load-envvars-file (file &optional noerror)
"Read and set envvars from FILE.
If NOERROR is non-nil, don't throw an error if the file doesn't exist or is
unreadable. Returns the names of envvars that were changed."
(if (null (file-exists-p file))
(unless noerror
(signal 'file-error (list "No envvar file exists" file)))
(setq-local coding-system-for-read 'utf-8)
(insert "\0\n") ; to prevent off-by-one
(insert-file-contents file))
(when (re-search-forward "\0\n *\\([^#= \n]*\\)=" nil t)
env (split-string (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1) (point-max))
(append (nreverse env)
(default-value 'process-environment))
(append (split-string (getenv "PATH") path-separator t)
(list exec-directory))
(or (getenv "SHELL")
(default-value 'shell-file-name)))
(defun doom-try-run-hook (hook)
"Run HOOK (a hook function) with better error handling.
Meant to be used with `run-hook-wrapped'."
(doom-log "Running doom hook: %s" hook)
(condition-case e
(funcall hook)
((debug error)
(signal 'doom-hook-error (list hook e))))
;; return nil so `run-hook-wrapped' won't short circuit
(defun doom-run-hook-on (hook-var triggers)
"Configure HOOK-VAR to be invoked exactly once after init whenever any of the
TRIGGERS are invoked. Once HOOK-VAR gets triggered, it resets to nil.
HOOK-VAR is a quoted hook.
TRIGGERS is a list of quoted hooks and/or sharp-quoted functions."
(let ((fn (intern (format "%s-h" hook-var))))
fn (lambda (&rest _)
(when after-init-time
(run-hook-wrapped hook-var #'doom-try-run-hook)
(set hook-var nil))))
(put hook-var 'permanent-local t)
(dolist (on triggers)
(if (functionp on)
(advice-add on :before fn)
(add-hook on fn)))))
;;; Bootstrapper
(defvar doom--initial-exec-path exec-path)
(defvar doom--initial-load-path load-path)
(defvar doom--initial-process-environment process-environment)
(defun doom-initialize (&optional force-p)
"Bootstrap Doom, if it hasn't already (or if FORCE-P is non-nil).
The bootstrap process ensures that everything Doom needs to run is set up;
essential directories exist, core packages are installed, `doom-autoloads-file'
is loaded (failing if it isn't), that all the needed hooks are in place, and
that `core-packages' will load when `package' or `straight' is used.
The overall load order of Doom is as follows:
Module init.el files
Module config.el files
`doom-after-init-modules-hook' (alias for `after-init-hook')
Module load order is determined by your `doom!' block. See `doom-modules-dirs'
for a list of all recognized module trees. Order defines precedence (from most
to least)."
(when (or force-p (not doom-init-p))
(setq doom-init-p t)
(doom-log "Initializing Doom")
;; Reset as much state as possible, so `doom-initialize' can be treated like
;; a reset function. e.g. when reloading the config.
(setq-default exec-path doom--initial-exec-path
load-path doom--initial-load-path
process-environment doom--initial-process-environment)
;; Doom caches a lot of information in `doom-autoloads-file'. Module and
;; package autoloads, autodefs like `set-company-backend!', and variables
;; like `doom-modules', `doom-disabled-packages', `load-path',
;; `auto-mode-alist', and `Info-directory-list'. etc. Compiling them into
;; one place is a big reduction in startup time.
(condition-case e
;; Avoid `file-name-sans-extension' for premature optimization reasons.
;; `string-remove-suffix' is cheaper because it performs no file sanity
;; checks; just plain ol' string manipulation.
(load (string-remove-suffix ".el" doom-autoloads-file)
nil 'nomessage)
;; If the autoloads file fails to load then the user forgot to sync, or
;; aborted a doom command midway!
(if (locate-file doom-autoloads-file load-path)
;; Something inside the autoloads file is triggering this error;
;; forward it to the caller!
(signal 'doom-autoload-error e)
(signal 'doom-error
(list "Doom is in an incomplete state"
"run 'doom sync' on the command line to repair it")))))
;; Load shell environment, optionally generated from 'doom env'. No need
;; to do so if we're in terminal Emacs, where Emacs correctly inherits
;; your shell environment.
(if (or (display-graphic-p)
(doom-load-envvars-file doom-env-file 'noerror))
;; Loads `use-package' and all the helper macros modules (and users) can use
;; to configure their packages.
(require 'core-modules)
;; There's a chance the user will later use package.el or straight in this
;; interactive session. If they do, make sure they're properly initialized
;; when they do.
(autoload 'doom-initialize-packages "core-packages")
(eval-after-load 'package '(require 'core-packages))
(eval-after-load 'straight '(doom-initialize-packages))
;; Bootstrap our GC manager
(add-hook 'doom-first-buffer-hook #'gcmh-mode)
;; Bootstrap the interactive session
(add-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook #'doom-run-local-var-hooks-h)
(add-hook 'emacs-startup-hook #'doom-load-packages-incrementally-h)
(add-hook 'window-setup-hook #'doom-display-benchmark-h)
(doom-run-hook-on 'doom-first-buffer-hook '(after-find-file doom-switch-buffer-hook))
(doom-run-hook-on 'doom-first-file-hook '(after-find-file dired-initial-position-hook))
(doom-run-hook-on 'doom-first-input-hook '(pre-command-hook))
(if doom-debug-p (doom-debug-mode +1))
;; Load core/core-*.el, the user's private init.el, then their config.el
(doom-initialize-modules force-p))
(provide 'core)
;;; core.el ends here

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-
;;; core/packages.el
;; core.el
(package! auto-minor-mode :pin "17cfa1b54800fdef2975c0c0531dad34846a5065")
(package! gcmh :pin "0089f9c3a6d4e9a310d0791cf6fa8f35642ecfd9")
(package! explain-pause-mode
:recipe (:host github
:repo "lastquestion/explain-pause-mode")
:pin "2356c8c3639cbeeb9751744dbe737267849b4b51")
;; core-packages.el
(package! straight
:type 'core
:recipe `(:host github
:repo "raxod502/straight.el"
:branch ,straight-repository-branch
:local-repo "straight.el"
:files ("straight*.el"))
:pin "a32c97cb427b7f14dfd066f36a58d1740e20ed69")
;; core-modules.el
(package! use-package
:type 'core
:pin "365c73d2618dd0040a32c2601c5456ab5495b812")
;; core-ui.el
(package! all-the-icons :pin "9aa16ae198073fe839a0abfa9a7d3a9dc85ef5f9")
(package! hide-mode-line :pin "88888825b5b27b300683e662fa3be88d954b1cea")
(package! highlight-numbers :pin "8b4744c7f46c72b1d3d599d4fb75ef8183dee307")
(package! rainbow-delimiters :pin "f43d48a24602be3ec899345a3326ed0247b960c6")
(package! restart-emacs :pin "1607da2bc657fe05ae01f7fdf26f716eafead02c")
;; core-editor.el
(package! better-jumper :pin "5ef53fcee4e74f397c8d275679e5596b52582b57")
(package! dtrt-indent :pin "854b9a1ce93d9926018a0eb18e6e552769c5407d")
(package! helpful :pin "584ecc887bb92133119f93a6716cdf7af0b51dca")
(package! pcre2el :pin "0b5b2a2c173aab3fd14aac6cf5e90ad3bf58fa7d")
(package! smartparens :pin "63695c64233d215a92bf08e762f643cdb595bdd9")
(package! so-long
:built-in 'prefer ; included in Emacs 27+
;; REVIEW so-long is slated to be published to ELPA eventually, but until then
;; I've created my own mirror for it because runs
;; on a potato.
:recipe (:host github :repo "hlissner/emacs-so-long")
:pin "ed666b0716f60e8988c455804de24b55919e71ca")
(package! ws-butler
;; Use my fork of ws-butler, which has a few choice improvements and
;; optimizations (the original has been abandoned).
:recipe (:host github :repo "hlissner/ws-butler")
:pin "2bb49d3ee7d2cba133bc7e9cdac416cd1c5e4fe0")
;; core-projects.el
(package! projectile :pin "c31bd41c0b9d6fba8837ebfd3a31dec0b3cd73c6")
;; core-keybinds.el
(package! general :pin "a0b17d207badf462311b2eef7c065b884462cb7c")
(package! which-key :pin "428aedfce0157920814fbb2ae5d00b4aea89df88")

View File

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
Please read through the following before you submit your issue.
+ [ ] Running `make` (then restarting Emacs) did not fix my issue
+ [ ] If I have byte-compiled, I've tried recompiling with `make compile`
+ [ ] If I changed the version of Emacs installed, I've recompiled by plugins
with `make compile-elpa`
+ [ ] I ran `make doctor` and it produced no leads
+ [ ] My issue cannot be found [on the wiki](/docs/
+ [ ] I filled out the four fields in the template below
### Observed behavior
<!-- What happened -->
### Expected behavior
<!-- What *should* have happened -->
### Steps to reproduce
<!-- Tell us how to reproduce the issue in steps -->
### Extra details
<!-- Include backtraces & screenshots if possible -->

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
But before you doom yourself, here are some things you should know:
1. Don't forget to run 'doom sync', then restart Emacs, after modifying
~/.doom.d/init.el or ~/.doom.d/packages.el.
This command ensures needed packages are installed, orphaned packages are
removed, and your autoloads/cache files are up to date. When in doubt, run
'doom sync'!
2. If something goes wrong, run `doom doctor`. It diagnoses common issues with
your environment and setup, and may offer clues about what is wrong.
3. Use 'doom upgrade' to update Doom. Doing it any other way will require
additional steps. Run 'doom help upgrade' to understand those extra steps.
4. Access Doom's documentation from within Emacs via 'SPC h d h' or 'C-h d h'
(or 'M-x doom/help')
Have fun!

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
;; Welcome to the sandbox!
;; This is a test bed for running Emacs Lisp in another instance of Emacs that
;; has varying amounts of Doom loaded:
;; - vanilla Emacs (nothing loaded) \[doom--run-vanilla-emacs]
;; - vanilla Doom (only Doom core) \[doom--run-vanilla-doom]
;; - Doom + modules - your private config \[doom--run-vanilla-doom+]
;; - Doom + modules + your private config \[doom--run-full-doom]
;; This is done without sacrificing access to installed packages. Use the sandbox
;; to reproduce bugs and determine if Doom is to blame.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
;;; $DOOMDIR/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Place your private configuration here! Remember, you do not need to run 'doom
;; sync' after modifying this file!
;; Some functionality uses this to identify you, e.g. GPG configuration, email
;; clients, file templates and snippets.
(setq user-full-name "John Doe"
user-mail-address "")
;; Doom exposes five (optional) variables for controlling fonts in Doom. Here
;; are the three important ones:
;; + `doom-font'
;; + `doom-variable-pitch-font'
;; + `doom-big-font' -- used for `doom-big-font-mode'; use this for
;; presentations or streaming.
;; They all accept either a font-spec, font string ("Input Mono-12"), or xlfd
;; font string. You generally only need these two:
;; (setq doom-font (font-spec :family "monospace" :size 12 :weight 'semi-light)
;; doom-variable-pitch-font (font-spec :family "sans" :size 13))
;; There are two ways to load a theme. Both assume the theme is installed and
;; available. You can either set `doom-theme' or manually load a theme with the
;; `load-theme' function. This is the default:
(setq doom-theme 'doom-one)
;; If you use `org' and don't want your org files in the default location below,
;; change `org-directory'. It must be set before org loads!
(setq org-directory "~/org/")
;; This determines the style of line numbers in effect. If set to `nil', line
;; numbers are disabled. For relative line numbers, set this to `relative'.
(setq display-line-numbers-type t)
;; Here are some additional functions/macros that could help you configure Doom:
;; - `load!' for loading external *.el files relative to this one
;; - `use-package!' for configuring packages
;; - `after!' for running code after a package has loaded
;; - `add-load-path!' for adding directories to the `load-path', relative to
;; this file. Emacs searches the `load-path' when you load packages with
;; `require' or `use-package'.
;; - `map!' for binding new keys
;; To get information about any of these functions/macros, move the cursor over
;; the highlighted symbol at press 'K' (non-evil users must press 'C-c c k').
;; This will open documentation for it, including demos of how they are used.
;; You can also try 'gd' (or 'C-c c d') to jump to their definition and see how
;; they are implemented.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-
;;; $DOOMDIR/packages.el
;; To install a package with Doom you must declare them here and run 'doom sync'
;; on the command line, then restart Emacs for the changes to take effect -- or
;; use 'M-x doom/reload'.
;; To install SOME-PACKAGE from MELPA, ELPA or emacsmirror:
;(package! some-package)
;; To install a package directly from a remote git repo, you must specify a
;; `:recipe'. You'll find documentation on what `:recipe' accepts here:
;(package! another-package
; :recipe (:host github :repo "username/repo"))
;; If the package you are trying to install does not contain a PACKAGENAME.el
;; file, or is located in a subdirectory of the repo, you'll need to specify
;; `:files' in the `:recipe':
;(package! this-package
; :recipe (:host github :repo "username/repo"
; :files ("some-file.el" "src/lisp/*.el")))
;; If you'd like to disable a package included with Doom, you can do so here
;; with the `:disable' property:
;(package! builtin-package :disable t)
;; You can override the recipe of a built in package without having to specify
;; all the properties for `:recipe'. These will inherit the rest of its recipe
;; from Doom or MELPA/ELPA/Emacsmirror:
;(package! builtin-package :recipe (:nonrecursive t))
;(package! builtin-package-2 :recipe (:repo "myfork/package"))
;; Specify a `:branch' to install a package from a particular branch or tag.
;; This is required for some packages whose default branch isn't 'master' (which
;; our package manager can't deal with; see raxod502/straight.el#279)
;(package! builtin-package :recipe (:branch "develop"))
;; Use `:pin' to specify a particular commit to install.
;(package! builtin-package :pin "1a2b3c4d5e")
;; Doom's packages are pinned to a specific commit and updated from release to
;; release. The `unpin!' macro allows you to unpin single packages...
;(unpin! pinned-package)
;; ...or multiple packages
;(unpin! pinned-package another-pinned-package)
;; ...Or *all* packages (NOT RECOMMENDED; will likely break things)
;(unpin! t)

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@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-
;;; core/test/test-autoload-buffers.el
(describe "core/autoload/buffers"
:var (a b c d)
(require 'core-projects)
(load! "autoload/buffers" doom-core-dir)
(setq a (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "a"))
b (get-buffer-create "b")
c (get-buffer-create "c")
d (get-buffer-create "d")))
(kill-buffer a)
(kill-buffer b)
(kill-buffer c)
(kill-buffer d))
(describe "buffer lists"
(describe "doom-buffer-list"
(it "should only see four buffers"
(expect (doom-buffer-list) :to-contain-items (list a b c d)))))
;; TODO predicate tests
(xdescribe "predicate functions"
(describe "doom-dired-buffer-p")
(describe "doom-special-buffer-p")
(describe "doom-temp-buffer-p")
(describe "doom-visible-buffer-p")
(describe "doom-buried-buffer-p")
(describe "doom-non-file-visiting-buffer-p")
(describe "doom-dired-buffer-p")
(describe "doom-buffer-frame-predicate"))
(describe "doom-project-buffer-list"
:var (projectile-projects-cache-time projectile-projects-cache)
(before-all (require 'projectile))
(after-all (unload-feature 'projectile t))
(with-current-buffer a (setq default-directory doom-emacs-dir))
(with-current-buffer b (setq default-directory doom-core-dir))
(with-current-buffer c (setq default-directory "/tmp/"))
(with-current-buffer d (setq default-directory "~"))
(projectile-mode +1))
(projectile-mode -1))
(it "returns buffers in the same project"
(with-current-buffer a
(expect (doom-project-buffer-list)
:to-contain-items (list a b))))
(it "returns all buffers if not in a project"
(with-current-buffer c
(expect (doom-project-buffer-list)
:to-have-same-items-as (buffer-list)))))
(describe "doom-fallback-buffer"
(it "returns a live buffer"
(expect (buffer-live-p (doom-fallback-buffer))))
(it "returns the scratch buffer"
(expect (doom-fallback-buffer) :to-equal (get-buffer "*scratch*"))))
(describe "real buffers"
(with-current-buffer b (setq buffer-file-name "x"))
(with-current-buffer c (rename-buffer "*C*")))
(describe "doom-mark-buffer-as-real-h"
(with-current-buffer a
(expect (buffer-local-value 'doom-real-buffer-p a))))
(describe "doom-set-buffer-real"
(it "sets `doom-real-buffer-p' buffer-locally"
(doom-set-buffer-real a t)
(expect (buffer-local-value 'doom-real-buffer-p a))))
(describe "doom-real-buffer-p"
(it "returns t for buffers manually marked real"
(doom-set-buffer-real a t)
(expect (doom-real-buffer-p a)))
(it "returns t for file-visiting buffers"
(expect (doom-real-buffer-p b)))
(it "returns nil for temporary buffers"
(expect (doom-real-buffer-p c) :to-be nil)
(expect (doom-real-buffer-p d) :to-be nil)))
(describe "doom-unreal-buffer-p"
(it "returns t for unreal buffers"
(expect (doom-unreal-buffer-p c))
(expect (doom-unreal-buffer-p d)))
(it "returns nil for real buffers"
(doom-set-buffer-real a t)
(expect (not (doom-unreal-buffer-p a)))
(expect (not (doom-unreal-buffer-p b)))))
(describe "doom-real-buffer-list"
(it "returns only real buffers"
(expect (doom-real-buffer-list) :to-contain-items (list a b)))))
(describe "buffer/window management"
(describe "buffer search methods"
(with-current-buffer a (lisp-mode))
(with-current-buffer b (text-mode))
(with-current-buffer c (text-mode))
(switch-to-buffer b))
(describe "doom-matching-buffers"
(it "can match buffers by regexp"
(expect (doom-matching-buffers "^[ac]$") :to-have-same-items-as (list a c))))
(describe "doom-buffers-in-mode"
(it "can match buffers by major-mode"
(expect (doom-buffers-in-mode 'text-mode) :to-have-same-items-as (list b c))))
(describe "doom-buried-buffers"
(it "can find all buried buffers"
(expect (doom-buried-buffers) :to-contain-items (list c d))))
(describe "doom-visible-buffers"
(it "can find all visible buffers"
(expect (doom-visible-buffers)
:to-have-same-items-as (list a b))))
(describe "doom-visible-windows"
(it "can find all visible windows"
(expect (doom-visible-windows)
(mapcar #'get-buffer-window (list a b))))))
(describe "killing buffers/windows"
(describe "doom-kill-buffer-and-windows"
(split-window) (switch-to-buffer b)
(split-window) (switch-to-buffer a))
(it "kills the selected buffers and all its windows"
(doom-kill-buffer-and-windows a)
(expect (buffer-live-p a) :to-be nil)
(expect (length (doom-visible-windows)) :to-be 1)))
(xdescribe "doom-fixup-windows")
(xdescribe "doom-kill-buffer-fixup-windows")
(xdescribe "doom-kill-buffers-fixup-windows"))
(xdescribe "commands"
(describe "doom/kill-all-buffers")
(describe "doom/kill-other-buffers")
(describe "doom/kill-matching-buffers")
(describe "doom/kill-buried-buffers")
(describe "doom/kill-project-buffers"))))

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@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-
;;; core/test/test-autoload-files.el
(describe "core/autoload/files"
(load! "autoload/files" doom-core-dir)
(describe "library"
(describe "file-exists-p!"
(it "is a (quasi) drop-in replacement for `file-exists-p'"
(let ((default-directory doom-emacs-dir)
(init-file "init.el"))
(expect (file-exists-p "init.el"))
(expect (and (file-exists-p! "init.el")
(file-exists-p "init.el")))
(expect (and (file-exists-p! init-file)
(file-exists-p init-file)))
(expect (and (file-exists-p! doom-emacs-dir)
(file-exists-p doom-emacs-dir)))
(expect (and (not (file-exists-p! "/cant/possibly/exist/please/dont/exist"))
(not (file-exists-p "/cant/possibly/exist/please/dont/exist"))))))
(it "returns the file path if it exists"
(expect (file-exists-p! "init.example.el"
:to-equal (expand-file-name "init.example.el" doom-emacs-dir)))
(it "understands compound statements"
(let ((default-directory doom-emacs-dir))
(expect (file-exists-p! (and "init.el" "init.example.el")))
(expect (file-exists-p! (or "doesnotexist" "init.example.el")))
(expect (not (file-exists-p! (or "doesnotexist" "DOESNOTEXIST")))))
(expect (file-exists-p! (and "init.el" "init.example.el")
(expect (file-exists-p! (and "init.el" "init.example.el")
(expect (file-exists-p! (or "doesnotexist" "init.example.el")
(expect (not (file-exists-p! (or "doesnotexist" "DOESNOTEXIST")
(it "understands nested compound statements"
(expect (file-exists-p! (and "init.el" "init.example.el"
(or "doesnotexist" "LICENSE"))
(expect (file-exists-p! (and "init.el" "init.example.el"
(and "LICENSE" ""
(or "doesnotexist"
(expect (file-exists-p! (and "init.el" "init.example.el"
(or "edoesnotexist" "DOESNOTEXIST"
(and "idontexist"
:to-be nil))
(it "returns the last form if a compound file check succeeds"
(expect (file-exists-p! (and "init.el" "init.example.el"
(or "doesnotexist" "LICENSE"))
:to-equal (expand-file-name "LICENSE" doom-emacs-dir))
(expect (file-exists-p! (and "init.el" "init.example.el"
(or (or "doesnotexist" "DOESNOTEXIST")
(or "cantexist" "LICENSE")))
:to-equal (expand-file-name "LICENSE" doom-emacs-dir)))
(it "disregards the directory argument if given absolute path"
(expect (file-exists-p! "/tmp" "/directory/that/doesnt/exist"))
(expect (file-exists-p! doom-core-dir "/directory/that/doesnt/exist"))
(expect (file-exists-p! (and "/tmp" doom-core-dir) "/directory/that/doesnt/exist"))
(expect (file-exists-p! (or "/tmp" doom-core-dir) "/directory/that/doesnt/exist")))
(it "interpolates variables"
(let ((file-1 "init.el")
(file-2 "init.example.el")
(file-3 "LICENSE")
(file-404 "doesnotexistlikenoreally"))
(expect (file-exists-p! file-1 doom-emacs-dir))
(expect (file-exists-p! (and file-1 file-2) doom-emacs-dir))
(expect (file-exists-p! (and file-1 (or file-404 file-2)) doom-emacs-dir))
(expect (file-exists-p! (or (and file-404 file-2) (and file-3 file-1))
(it "interpolates forms"
(cl-letf (((symbol-function 'getfilename)
(lambda () "init.example.el")))
(expect (file-exists-p! (and (or (if nil "init.el" "doesnotexist")
:to-equal (expand-file-name "LICENSE" doom-emacs-dir)))))
(xdescribe "doom-glob")
(xdescribe "doom-path")
(xdescribe "doom-dir")
(xdescribe "doom-files-in")
(xdescribe "doom-file-size")
(xdescribe "doom-directory-size")
(xdescribe "doom-file-cookie-p"))
(describe "interactive file operations"
:var (src dest projectile-projects-cache-time projectile-projects-cache)
(require 'core-projects)
(require 'projectile)
(setq src (make-temp-file "test-src")
existing (make-temp-file "test-existing")
dest (expand-file-name "test-dest" temporary-file-directory))
(quiet! (find-file-literally src))
(spy-on 'y-or-n-p :and-return-value nil)
(projectile-mode +1))
(projectile-mode -1)
(switch-to-buffer (doom-fallback-buffer))
(ignore-errors (delete-file src))
(ignore-errors (delete-file existing))
(ignore-errors (delete-file dest)))
(describe "move-this-file"
(it "won't move to itself"
(expect (quiet! (doom/move-this-file src)) :to-throw))
(it "will move to another file"
(expect (quiet! (doom/move-this-file dest t)))
(expect (file-exists-p dest))
(expect (file-exists-p src) :to-be nil))
(it "will prompt if overwriting a file"
(quiet! (doom/move-this-file existing))
(expect 'y-or-n-p :to-have-been-called-times 1)
(expect (file-exists-p src))))
(describe "copy-this-file"
(it "refuses to copy to itself"
(expect (quiet! (doom/copy-this-file src)) :to-throw))
(it "copies to another file"
(expect (quiet! (doom/copy-this-file dest t)))
(expect (file-exists-p! src dest)))
(it "prompts if overwriting a file"
(quiet! (doom/copy-this-file existing))
(expect 'y-or-n-p :to-have-been-called-times 1)))
(describe "delete-this-file"
(it "fails gracefully on non-existent files"
(expect (quiet! (doom/delete-this-file dest)) :to-throw))
(it "deletes existing files"
(quiet! (doom/delete-this-file existing t))
(expect (file-exists-p existing) :to-be nil))
(it "prompts to delete any existing file"
(quiet! (doom/delete-this-file existing))
(expect 'y-or-n-p :to-have-been-called-times 1))))
(xdescribe "sudo {this,find} file"
(spy-on 'find-file :and-return-value nil)
(spy-on 'find-alternate-file :and-return-value nil))
(describe "doom/sudo-find-file")
(describe "doom/sudo-this-file")))

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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-
;;; core/test/test-autoload-message.el
(describe "core/autoload/format"
(describe "format!"
:var (doom-output-backend)
(setq doom-output-backend 'ansi))
(it "should be a drop-in replacement for `format'"
(expect (format! "Hello %s" "World")
:to-equal "Hello World"))
(it "supports ansi coloring in noninteractive sessions"
(expect (format! (red "Hello %s") "World")
:to-equal "Hello World"))
(it "supports text properties in interactive sessions"
(let ((doom-output-backend 'text-properties))
(expect (get-text-property 0 'face (format! (red "Hello %s") "World"))
:to-equal (list :foreground (face-foreground 'term-color-red)))))
(it "supports nested color specs"
(expect (format! (bold (red "Hello %s")) "World")
:to-equal (format "\e[%dm%s\e[0m" 1
(format "\e[%dm%s\e[0m" 31 "Hello World")))
(expect (format! (on-red (bold "Hello %s")) "World")
:to-equal (format "\e[%dm%s\e[0m" 41
(format "\e[%dm%s\e[0m" 1 "Hello World")))
(expect (format! (dark (white "Hello %s")) "World")
:to-equal (format "\e[%dm%s\e[0m" 2
(format "\e[%dm%s\e[0m" 37 "Hello World"))))
(it "supports dynamic color apply syntax"
(expect (format! (color 'red "Hello %s") "World")
:to-equal (format! (red "Hello %s") "World"))
(expect (format! (color (if nil 'red 'blue) "Hello %s") "World")
:to-equal (format! (blue "Hello %s") "World"))))
(xdescribe "insert!")
(xdescribe "print!")
(xdescribe "print-group!")
(xdescribe "error!")
(xdescribe "user-error!"))

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-
;;; core/test/test-autoload-package.el
;;;###if nil
(xdescribe "core/autoload/packages")

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@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-
;;; core/test/test-core-keybinds.el
(describe "core/keybinds"
(require 'core-keybinds)
;; FIXME test against their side effects rather than their implementation
(describe "map!"
:var (doom--map-evil-p states-alist)
(setq doom--map-evil-p t
states-alist '((:n . normal)
(:v . visual)
(:i . insert)
(:e . emacs)
(:o . operator)
(:m . motion)
(:r . replace))))
(describe "Single keybinds"
(it "binds a global key"
(expect '(map! "C-." #'a)
:to-expand-into '(general-define-key "C-." #'a)))
(it "binds a key in one evil state"
(dolist (state states-alist)
(expect `(map! ,(car state) "C-." #'a)
`(general-define-key :states ',(cdr state) "C-." #'a))))
(it "binds a key in multiple evil states"
(expect '(map! :nvi "C-." #'a)
'(progn (general-define-key :states 'insert "C-." #'a)
(general-define-key :states 'visual "C-." #'a)
(general-define-key :states 'normal "C-." #'a))))
(it "binds evil keybinds together with global keybinds"
(expect '(map! :ng "C-." #'a)
(general-define-key :states 'normal "C-." #'a)
(general-define-key "C-." #'a)))))
(describe "Multiple keybinds"
(it "binds global keys and preserves order"
(expect '(map! "C-." #'a "C-," #'b "C-/" #'c)
'(general-define-key "C-." #'a "C-," #'b "C-/" #'c)))
(it "binds multiple keybinds in an evil state and preserve order"
(dolist (state states-alist)
(expect `(map! ,(car state) "a" #'a
,(car state) "b" #'b
,(car state) "c" #'c)
`(general-define-key :states ',(cdr state)
"a" #'a
"b" #'b
"c" #'c))))
(it "binds multiple keybinds in different evil states"
(expect `(map! :n "a" #'a
:n "b" #'b
:n "e" #'e
:v "c" #'c
:i "d" #'d)
`(progn (general-define-key :states 'insert "d" #'d)
(general-define-key :states 'visual "c" #'c)
(general-define-key :states 'normal "a" #'a "b" #'b "e" #'e))))
(it "groups multi-state keybinds while preserving same-group key order"
(expect `(map! :n "a" #'a
:v "c" #'c
:n "b" #'b
:i "d" #'d
:n "e" #'e)
`(progn (general-define-key :states 'insert "d" #'d)
(general-define-key :states 'visual "c" #'c)
(general-define-key :states 'normal "a" #'a "b" #'b "e" #'e))))
(it "binds multiple keybinds in multiple evil states"
(expect `(map! :nvi "a" #'a
:nvi "b" #'b
:nvi "c" #'c)
'(progn (general-define-key :states 'insert "a" #'a "b" #'b "c" #'c)
(general-define-key :states 'visual "a" #'a "b" #'b "c" #'c)
(general-define-key :states 'normal "a" #'a "b" #'b "c" #'c)))))
(describe "Nested keybinds"
(it "binds global keys"
(expect '(map! "C-." #'a
("C-a" #'b)
("C-x" #'c))
'(progn (general-define-key "C-." #'a)
(general-define-key "C-a" #'b)
(general-define-key "C-x" #'c))))
(it "binds nested evil keybinds"
(expect '(map! :n "C-." #'a
(:n "C-a" #'b)
(:n "C-x" #'c))
'(progn (general-define-key :states 'normal "C-." #'a)
(general-define-key :states 'normal "C-a" #'b)
(general-define-key :states 'normal "C-x" #'c))))
(it "binds global keybinds in between evil keybinds"
(expect '(map! :n "a" #'a
"b" #'b
:n "c" #'c)
'(progn (general-define-key "b" #'b)
(general-define-key :states 'normal "a" #'a "c" #'c)))))
(describe "Properties"
(describe ":after"
(it "wraps `general-define-key' in a `after!' block"
(dolist (form '((map! :after helm "a" #'a "b" #'b)
(map! (:after helm "a" #'a "b" #'b))))
(expect form :to-expand-into '(after! helm (general-define-key "a" #'a "b" #'b))))
(expect '(map! "a" #'a (:after helm "b" #'b "c" #'c))
(general-define-key "a" #'a)
(after! helm
(general-define-key "b" #'b "c" #'c))))
(expect '(map! (:after helm "b" #'b "c" #'c) "a" #'a)
(after! helm
(general-define-key "b" #'b "c" #'c))
(general-define-key "a" #'a))))
(it "nests `after!' blocks"
(expect '(map! :after x "a" #'a
(:after y "b" #'b
(:after z "c" #'c)))
'(after! x
(general-define-key "a" #'a)
(after! y
(general-define-key "b" #'b)
(after! z
(general-define-key "c" #'c))))))))
(it "nests `after!' blocks in other nested blocks"
(expect '(map! :after x "a" #'a
(:when t "b" #'b
(:after z "c" #'c)))
'(after! x
(general-define-key "a" #'a)
(when t
(general-define-key "b" #'b)
(after! z (general-define-key "c" #'c)))))))))
(describe ":desc"
(it "add a :which-key property to a keybind's DEF"
(expect '(map! :desc "A" "a" #'a)
`(general-define-key "a" (list :def #'a :which-key "A")))))
(describe ":when/:unless"
(it "wraps keys in a conditional block"
(dolist (prop '(:when :unless))
(let ((prop-fn (intern (doom-keyword-name prop))))
(expect `(map! ,prop t "a" #'a "b" #'b)
`(,prop-fn t (general-define-key "a" #'a "b" #'b)))
(expect `(map! (,prop t "a" #'a "b" #'b))
`(,prop-fn t (general-define-key "a" #'a "b" #'b))))))
(it "nests conditional blocks"
(expect '(map! (:when t "a" #'a (:when t "b" #'b)))
'(when t
(progn (general-define-key "a" #'a)
(when t (general-define-key "b" #'b)))))))
(describe ":leader"
(it "uses leader definer"
(expect '(map! :leader "a" #'a "b" #'b)
'(doom--define-leader-key "a" #'a "b" #'b)))
(it "it persists for nested keys"
(expect '(map! :leader "a" #'a ("b" #'b))
'(progn (doom--define-leader-key "a" #'a)
(doom--define-leader-key "b" #'b)))))
(describe ":localleader"
(it "uses localleader definer"
(expect '(map! :localleader "a" #'a "b" #'b)
'(define-localleader-key! "a" #'a "b" #'b)))
(it "it persists for nested keys"
(expect '(map! :localleader "a" #'a ("b" #'b))
'(progn (define-localleader-key! "a" #'a)
(define-localleader-key! "b" #'b)))))
(describe ":map/:keymap"
(it "specifies a single keymap for keys"
(expect '(map! :map emacs-lisp-mode-map "a" #'a)
'(general-define-key :keymaps '(emacs-lisp-mode-map) "a" #'a)))
(it "specifies multiple keymap for keys"
(expect '(map! :map (lisp-mode-map emacs-lisp-mode-map) "a" #'a)
'(general-define-key :keymaps '(lisp-mode-map emacs-lisp-mode-map) "a" #'a))))
(describe ":mode"
(it "appends -map to MODE"
(expect '(map! :mode emacs-lisp-mode "a" #'a)
'(general-define-key :keymaps '(emacs-lisp-mode-map) "a" #'a))))
(describe ":prefix"
(it "specifies a prefix for all keys"
(expect '(map! :prefix "a" "x" #'x "y" #'y "z" #'z)
'(general-define-key :prefix "a" "x" #'x "y" #'y "z" #'z)))
(it "overwrites previous inline :prefix properties"
(expect '(map! :prefix "a" "x" #'x "y" #'y :prefix "b" "z" #'z)
'(progn (general-define-key :prefix "a" "x" #'x "y" #'y)
(general-define-key :prefix "b" "z" #'z))))
(it "accumulates keys when nested"
(expect '(map! (:prefix "a" "x" #'x (:prefix "b" "x" #'x)))
`(progn (general-define-key :prefix "a" "x" #'x)
(general-define-key :prefix (general--concat nil "a" "b")
"x" #'x)))))
(describe ":textobj"
(it "defines keys in evil-{inner,outer}-text-objects-map"
(expect '(map! :textobj "a" #'inner #'outer)
'(map! (:map evil-inner-text-objects-map "a" #'inner)
(:map evil-outer-text-objects-map "a" #'outer))))))))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-
;;; core/test/test-core-lib.el
(describe "core-lib"
(require 'core-lib))
;; --- Helpers ----------------------------
(describe "doom-unquote"
(it "unquotes a quoted form"
(expect (doom-unquote '(quote hello)) :to-be 'hello))
(it "unquotes nested quoted forms"
(expect (doom-unquote '(quote (quote (a b c)))) :to-equal '(a b c)))
(it "unquotes function-quoted forms"
(expect (doom-unquote '(function a)) :to-be 'a))
(it "does nothing to unquoted forms"
(expect (doom-unquote 'hello) :to-be 'hello)
(expect (doom-unquote 5) :to-be 5)
(expect (doom-unquote t) :to-be t)))
(describe "doom-enlist"
(it "returns nil if given nil"
(expect (doom-enlist nil) :to-be nil))
(it "creates a list out of non-lists"
(expect (doom-enlist 'a) :to-equal '(a)))
(it "returns lists as-is"
(expect (doom-enlist '(a)) :to-equal '(a))))
(describe "doom-keyword-intern"
(it "returns a keyword"
(expect (doom-keyword-intern "test") :to-equal :test))
(it "errors if given anything but a string"
(expect (doom-keyword-intern t) :to-throw 'wrong-type-argument)))
(describe "doom-keyword-name"
(it "returns the string name of a keyword"
(expect (doom-keyword-name :test) :to-equal "test"))
(it "errors if given anything but a keyword"
(expect (doom-keyword-name "test") :to-throw 'wrong-type-argument)))
(describe "doom-partial"
(it "returns a closure"
(expect (functionp (doom-partial #'+ 1))))
(it "returns a partial closure"
(expect (funcall (doom-partial #'+ 1) 2) :to-be 3)))
(describe "doom-rpartial"
(it "returns a closure"
(expect (functionp (doom-rpartial #'+ 1))))
(it "returns a partial closure with right-aligned arguments"
(expect (funcall (doom-rpartial #'/ 2) 10) :to-be 5)))
;; --- Sugars -----------------------------
(describe "lambda!"
(it "returns an interactive function"
(expect (commandp (lambda!)))
(expect (funcall (lambda! 5)) :to-equal 5)))
(describe "lambda!!"
(it "returns an interactive function with a prefix argument"
(expect (commandp (lambda! #'ignore t)))
(expect (funcall (lambda!! (lambda (arg)
(interactive "P")
:to-equal 5)))
(describe "file!"
(it "returns the executing file"
(expect (eval-and-compile (file!))
(eval-and-compile load-file-name))))
(describe "dir!"
(it "returns the executing directory"
(expect (eval-and-compile (dir!))
(directory-file-name (file-name-directory load-file-name))))))
(describe "pushnew!"
(it "pushes values onto a list symbol, in order"
(let ((a '(1 2 3)))
(expect (pushnew! a 9 8 7)
:to-equal '(7 8 9 1 2 3))))
(it "only adds values that aren't already in the list"
(let ((a '(1 symbol 3.14 "test")))
(expect (pushnew! a "test" 'symbol 3.14 1)
:to-equal '(1 symbol 3.14 "test")))))
(describe "prependq!"
(it "prepends a list to a list symbol"
(let ((list '(a b c)))
(expect (prependq! list '(d e f))
:to-equal '(d e f a b c)))))
(describe "append!"
(it "appends a list to a list symbol"
(let ((list '(a b c)))
(expect (appendq! list '(d e f))
:to-equal '(a b c d e f)))))
(describe "delq!"
(it "delete's a symbol from a list"
(let ((list '(a b c)))
(delq! 'b list)
(expect list :to-equal '(a c))))
(it "delete's an element from an alist by key"
(let ((alist '((a 1) (b 2) (c 3))))
(delq! 'b alist 'assq)
(expect alist :to-equal '((a 1) (c 3))))))
(describe "hooks"
(describe "add-hook!"
:var (fake-mode-hook other-mode-hook some-mode-hook)
(setq fake-mode-hook '(first-hook)
other-mode-hook nil
some-mode-hook '(first-hook second-hook)))
(it "resolves quoted hooks literally"
(expect '(add-hook! 'fake-mode-hook #'ignore) :to-expand-into
`(add-hook 'fake-mode-hook #'ignore nil nil)))
(it "resolves unquoted modes to their hook variables"
(expect '(add-hook! fake-mode #'ignore) :to-expand-into
`(add-hook 'fake-mode-hook #'ignore nil nil)))
(it "adds one-to-one hook"
(add-hook! fake-mode #'hook-2)
(add-hook! 'fake-mode-hook #'hook-1)
(expect fake-mode-hook :to-equal '(hook-1 hook-2 first-hook)))
(it "adds one-to-many hook"
(add-hook! (fake-mode other-mode some-mode) #'hook-2)
(add-hook! '(fake-mode-hook other-mode-hook some-mode-hook) #'hook-1)
(add-hook! (fake-mode other-mode some-mode) :append #'last-hook)
(expect fake-mode-hook :to-equal '(hook-1 hook-2 first-hook last-hook))
(expect other-mode-hook :to-equal '(hook-1 hook-2 last-hook))
(expect some-mode-hook :to-equal '(hook-1 hook-2 first-hook second-hook last-hook)))
(it "adds many-to-many hooks and preserve provided order"
(add-hook! (fake-mode other-mode some-mode) #'(hook-3 hook-4))
(add-hook! '(fake-mode-hook other-mode-hook some-mode-hook) #'(hook-1 hook-2))
(add-hook! '(fake-mode-hook other-mode-hook some-mode-hook) :append #'(last-hook-1 last-hook-2))
(expect fake-mode-hook :to-equal '(hook-1 hook-2 hook-3 hook-4 first-hook last-hook-1 last-hook-2))
(expect other-mode-hook :to-equal '(hook-1 hook-2 hook-3 hook-4 last-hook-1 last-hook-2))
(expect some-mode-hook :to-equal '(hook-1 hook-2 hook-3 hook-4 first-hook second-hook last-hook-1 last-hook-2)))
(it "adds implicit lambda to one hook"
(add-hook! fake-mode (progn))
(add-hook! 'other-mode-hook (ignore))
(add-hook! 'some-mode-hook :append (ignore))
(expect (caar fake-mode-hook) :to-be 'lambda)
(expect (caar other-mode-hook) :to-be 'lambda)
(expect (caar (last other-mode-hook)) :to-be 'lambda))
(it "handles inline defuns as hook symbols"
(add-hook! fake-mode (defun hook-a ()))
(add-hook! 'other-mode-hook
(defun hook-b ())
(defun hook-c ()))
(expect (car fake-mode-hook) :to-be 'hook-a)
(expect other-mode-hook :to-equal '(hook-b hook-c))))
(describe "remove-hook!"
:var (fake-mode-hook)
(setq fake-mode-hook '(first-hook second-hook third-hook fourth-hook)))
(it "removes one hook"
(remove-hook! fake-mode #'third-hook)
(remove-hook! 'fake-mode-hook #'second-hook)
(expect fake-mode-hook :to-equal '(first-hook fourth-hook)))
(it "removes multiple hooks"
(remove-hook! fake-mode #'(first-hook third-hook))
(remove-hook! 'fake-mode-hook #'(second-hook fourth-hook))
(expect fake-mode-hook :to-be nil)))
(describe "add-transient-hook!"
(it "adds a transient function to hooks"
(let (hooks value)
(add-transient-hook! 'hooks (setq value t))
(run-hooks 'hooks)
(expect value)
(expect hooks :to-be nil)))
(it "advises a function with a transient advisor"
(let (value)
(add-transient-hook! #'ignore (setq value (not value)))
(ignore t)
(expect value)
;; repeat to ensure it was only run once
(ignore t)
(expect value))))
(describe "(un)setq-hook!"
:var (fake-hook x y z)
(setq x 10 y 20 z 30))
(it "sets variables buffer-locally"
(setq-hook! 'fake-hook x 1)
(run-hooks 'fake-hook)
(expect (local-variable-p 'x))
(expect (= x 1)))
(expect (= x 10)))
(it "overwrites earlier hooks"
(setq-hook! 'fake-hook x 1 y 0)
(setq-hook! 'fake-hook x 5 y -1)
(run-hooks 'fake-hook)
(expect (= x 5))
(expect (= y -1))))
(it "unset setq hooks"
(setq-hook! 'fake-hook x 1 y 0)
(unsetq-hook! 'fake-hook y)
(run-hooks 'fake-hook)
(expect (local-variable-p 'x))
(expect (= x 1))
(expect (not (local-variable-p 'y)))
(expect (= y 20))))))
(describe "load!"
(spy-on 'load :and-return-value t))
(it "loads a file relative to the current directory"
(load! "path")
(expect 'load :to-have-been-called)
(expect 'load :to-have-been-called-with
(expand-file-name "path" (eval-when-compile (dir!))) nil 'nomessage))
(it "loads a file relative to a specified directory"
(load! "path" doom-etc-dir)
(expect 'load :to-have-been-called-with
(expand-file-name "path" doom-etc-dir) nil 'nomessage)))
(describe "quiet!"
:var (doom-debug-mode)
(setq doom-debug-mode nil))
(it "suppresses output from message"
(expect (message "hello world") :to-output "hello world\n")
(expect (message "hello world") :to-output)
(let (doom-interactive-mode)
(expect (quiet! (message "hello world")) :not :to-output))
(let ((doom-interactive-mode t))
(expect (quiet! inhibit-message))
(expect (quiet! save-silently))))
(it "suppresses load messages from `load' & `load-file'"
(let ((tmpfile (make-temp-file "test" nil ".el")))
(with-temp-file tmpfile)
(let (doom-interactive-mode)
(expect (load-file tmpfile) :to-output (format "Loading %s (source)...\n" tmpfile))
(expect (quiet! (load-file tmpfile)) :not :to-output))
(delete-file tmpfile)))
(it "won't suppress output in debug mode"
(let ((doom-debug-mode t)
(tmpfile (make-temp-file "test" nil ".el")))
(dolist (doom-interactive-mode (list t nil))
(expect (quiet! (message "hello world"))
:to-output "hello world\n")
(with-temp-file tmpfile)
(expect (quiet! (load-file tmpfile))
:to-output (format "Loading %s (source)...\n" tmpfile)))))))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-
;;; core/test/test-core-modules.el
(xdescribe "core-modules"
(require 'core-modules)
(describe "doom!")
(describe "doom-modules")
(describe "doom-module-p")
(describe "doom-module-get")
(describe "doom-module-put")
(describe "doom-module-set")
(describe "doom-module-path")
(describe "doom-module-locate-path")
(describe "doom-module-from-path")
(describe "doom-module-load-path")
(describe "require!")
(describe "featurep!")
(describe "after!")
(describe "use-package!")
(describe "use-package-hook!"))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-
;;; core/test/test-core-packages.el
;;;###if nil
(xdescribe "core-packages")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-
;;; core/test/test-core-projects.el
(describe "core/projects"
:var (projectile-enable-caching)
(require 'core-projects)
(require 'projectile)
(setq projectile-enable-caching nil)
(projectile-mode +1))
(projectile-mode -1))
(describe "project-p"
(it "Should detect when in a valid project"
(expect (doom-project-p doom-emacs-dir)))
(it "Should detect when not in a valid project"
(expect (doom-project-p (expand-file-name "~")) :to-be nil)))
(describe "project-root"
(it "should resolve to the project's root"
(expect (doom-project-root doom-core-dir) :to-equal-file doom-emacs-dir))
(it "should return nil if not in a project"
(expect (doom-project-root (expand-file-name "~")) :to-be nil)))
(describe "project-expand"
(it "expands to a path relative to the project root"
(expect (doom-project-expand "init.el" doom-core-dir) :to-equal-file
(expand-file-name "init.el" (doom-project-root doom-core-dir)))))
(describe "project-file-exists-p!"
(let ((default-directory doom-core-dir))
;; Resolve from project root
(expect (project-file-exists-p! "init.el"))
;; Chained file checks
(expect (project-file-exists-p! (and "init.el" "LICENSE")))
(expect (project-file-exists-p! (or "init.el" "does-not-exist")))
(expect (project-file-exists-p! (and "init.el" (or "LICENSE" "does-not-exist")))))))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-
;;; ../core/test/test-core-ui.el
(describe "core/ui"
(with-demoted-errors "Import error: %s"
(require 'core-ui)))
(describe "doom-protect-fallback-buffer-h"
:var (kill-buffer-query-functions)
(setq kill-buffer-query-functions '(doom-protect-fallback-buffer-h)))
(it "should kill other buffers"
(expect (kill-buffer (get-buffer-create "a"))))
(it "shouldn't kill the fallback buffer"
(expect (not (kill-buffer (doom-fallback-buffer))))))
(describe "custom hooks"
(describe "switch hooks"
:var (before-hook after-hook a b)
(setq a (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "a"))
b (get-buffer-create "b"))
(spy-on 'hook)
(add-hook 'buffer-list-update-hook #'doom-run-switch-window-hooks-h)
(add-hook 'focus-in-hook #'doom-run-switch-frame-hooks-h)
(dolist (fn '(switch-to-buffer display-buffer))
(advice-add fn :around #'doom-run-switch-buffer-hooks-a)))
(remove-hook 'buffer-list-update-hook #'doom-run-switch-window-hooks-h)
(remove-hook 'focus-in-hook #'doom-run-switch-frame-hooks-h)
(dolist (fn '(switch-to-buffer display-buffer))
(advice-remove fn #'doom-run-switch-buffer-hooks-a))
(kill-buffer a)
(kill-buffer b))
(describe "switch-buffer"
:var (doom-switch-buffer-hook)
(setq doom-switch-buffer-hook '(hook)))
(setq doom-switch-buffer-hook nil))
(it "should trigger when switching buffers"
(switch-to-buffer b)
(switch-to-buffer a)
(switch-to-buffer b)
(expect 'hook :to-have-been-called-times 3))
(it "should trigger only once on the same buffer"
(switch-to-buffer b)
(switch-to-buffer b)
(switch-to-buffer a)
(expect 'hook :to-have-been-called-times 2)))
(describe "switch-window"
:var (doom-switch-window-hook x y)
(setq x (get-buffer-window a)
y (save-selected-window (split-window)))
(with-selected-window y
(switch-to-buffer b))
(select-window x)
(spy-calls-reset 'hook)
(setq doom-switch-window-hook '(hook)))
(it "should trigger when switching windows"
(select-window y)
(select-window x)
(select-window y)
(expect 'hook :to-have-been-called-times 3))
(it "should trigger only once on the same window"
(select-window y)
(select-window y)
(select-window x)
(expect 'hook :to-have-been-called-times 2)))
(xdescribe "switch-frame"
:var (doom-switch-frame-hook x y)
(setq x (get-buffer-window a)
y (save-selected-window (split-window)))
(with-selected-window y
(switch-to-buffer b))
(select-window x)
(spy-calls-reset 'hook)
(setq doom-switch-window-hook '(hook)))
(it "should trigger when switching windows"
(select-window y)
(select-window x)
(select-window y)
(expect 'hook :to-have-been-called-times 3))
(it "should trigger only once on the same window"
(select-window y)
(select-window y)
(select-window x)
(expect 'hook :to-have-been-called-times 2))))))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-
;;; core/test/test-core.el
(describe "core"
:var (doom-interactive-p)
(setq doom-interactive-p nil))
(describe "initialization"
(describe "doom-initialize"
:var (doom-init-p)
(setq doom-init-p nil))
(it "initializes once"
(expect (doom-initialize nil 'noerror))
(expect (not (doom-initialize nil 'noerror)))
(expect (not (doom-initialize nil 'noerror)))
(expect doom-init-p))
(it "initializes multiple times, if forced"
(expect (doom-initialize nil 'noerror))
(expect (not (doom-initialize nil 'noerror)))
(expect (doom-initialize 'force 'noerror)))
(describe "package initialization"
(spy-on 'doom-initialize-packages :and-return-value t))
(it "initializes packages if core autoload file doesn't exist"
(let ((doom-autoloads-file "doesnotexist"))
(expect (doom-initialize nil 'noerror))
(expect 'doom-initialize-packages :to-have-been-called))
(it "doesn't initialize packages if core autoload file was loaded"
(let ((doom-interactive-p t))
(spy-on 'doom-load-autoloads-file :and-return-value t)
(doom-initialize nil 'noerror)
(expect 'doom-load-autoloads-file :to-have-been-called-with doom-package-autoload-file)
(expect 'doom-initialize-packages :to-have-been-called)))
(it "initializes packages when forced"
(doom-initialize 'force 'noerror)
(expect 'doom-initialize-packages :to-have-been-called)))
(describe "autoloads files"
(spy-on 'doom-load-autoloads-file)
(spy-on 'warn :and-return-value t))
(it "loads autoloads files"
(ignore-errors (doom-initialize nil 'noerror))
(expect 'doom-load-autoloads-file
:to-have-been-called-with doom-autoloads-file)
(expect 'doom-load-autoloads-file
:to-have-been-called-with doom-package-autoload-file))
(it "throws doom-autoload-error when autoload files don't exist"
(let ((doom-autoloads-file "doesnotexist")
(doom-package-autoload-file "doesnotexist"))
(expect (doom-initialize) :to-throw 'doom-autoload-error)))))
(describe "doom-initialize-core"
(spy-on 'require))
(it "loads all doom core libraries"
(expect 'require :to-have-been-called-with 'core-keybinds)
(expect 'require :to-have-been-called-with 'core-ui)
(expect 'require :to-have-been-called-with 'core-projects)
(expect 'require :to-have-been-called-with 'core-editor))))
(describe "doom-load-autoloads-file"
:var (doom-autoloads-file doom-alt-autoload-file result)
(setq doom-autoloads-file (make-temp-file "doom-autoload" nil ".el"))
(with-temp-file doom-autoloads-file)
(byte-compile-file doom-autoloads-file))
(delete-file doom-autoloads-file)
(delete-file (byte-compile-dest-file doom-autoloads-file)))
(it "loads the byte-compiled autoloads file if available"
(doom-load-autoloads-file doom-autoloads-file)
(expect (caar load-history) :to-equal-file
(byte-compile-dest-file doom-autoloads-file))
(delete-file (byte-compile-dest-file doom-autoloads-file))
(doom-load-autoloads-file doom-autoloads-file)
(expect (caar load-history) :to-equal-file doom-autoloads-file))
(it "returns non-nil if successful"
(expect (doom-load-autoloads-file doom-autoloads-file)))
(it "returns nil on failure or error, non-fatally"
(expect (doom-load-autoloads-file "/does/not/exist") :to-be nil)))
(describe "doom-load-envvars-file"
:var (doom-env-file process-environment)
(setq process-environment nil
doom-env-file (make-temp-file "doom-env"))
(with-temp-file doom-env-file
(insert "A=1\nB=2\nC=3\n")))
(delete-file doom-env-file))
(it "throws a file-error if file doesn't exist"
(expect (doom-load-envvars-file "/tmp/envvardoesnotexist")
:to-throw 'file-error))
(it "to fail silently if NOERROR is non-nil"
(expect (doom-load-envvars-file "/tmp/envvardoesnotexist" 'noerror)
:not :to-throw))
(it "returns the new value for `process-environment'"
(expect (doom-load-envvars-file doom-env-file)
:to-have-same-items-as '("A" "B" "C")))
(it "alters environment variables"
(dolist (key '("A" "B" "C"))
(expect (getenv key) :not :to-be-truthy))
(expect (doom-load-envvars-file doom-env-file))
(expect (getenv "A") :to-equal "1")
(expect (getenv "B") :to-equal "2")
(expect (getenv "C") :to-equal "3"))))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
#+TITLE: Contributing
#+STARTUP: nofold
Doom Emacs is an active and ongoing project, maintained mostly by a single
person, but includes the efforts of 200 contributors and growing. There is no
shortage of things that need doing; bugs that need stomping, features that need
implementing, and documentation that needs documenting. If Doom's been useful to
you, convert some caffiene into code; it'd be a huge help!
You are welcome to [[][join us on our Discord server]], otherwise read on to learn how
to contribute to our fine corner of the interwebs.
* Table of Contents :TOC_3:
- [[#where-can-i-help][Where can I help?]]
- [[#reporting-issues][Reporting issues]]
- [[#acquire-a-backtrace-from-errors][Acquire a backtrace from errors]]
- [[#create-a-step-by-step-reproduction-guide][Create a step-by-step reproduction guide]]
- [[#include-information-about-your-doom-install][Include information about your Doom install]]
- [[#debugging-crashes-with-gdb][Debugging crashes with gdb]]
- [[#suggesting-features-keybinds-andor-enhancements][Suggesting features, keybinds and/or enhancements]]
- [[#contributing-code][Contributing code]]
- [[#conventions][Conventions]]
- [[#code-style][Code style]]
- [[#naming-conventions][Naming conventions]]
- [[#commits--prs][Commits & PRs]]
- [[#keybind-conventions][Keybind conventions]]
- [[#your-first-code-contribution][Your first code contribution]]
- [[#submitting-pull-requests][Submitting pull requests]]
- [[#contributing-to-doom-core][Contributing to Doom core]]
- [[#contributing-to-an-existing-module][Contributing to an existing module]]
- [[#contributing-a-new-module][Contributing a new module]]
- [[#contributing-documentation][Contributing documentation]]
- [[#contributing-to-dooms-manual][Contributing to Doom's manual]]
- [[#contributing-module-documentation][Contributing module documentation]]
- [[#help-keep-packages-up-to-date][Help keep packages up-to-date!]]
- [[#other-ways-to-support-doom-emacs][Other ways to support Doom Emacs]]
- [[#special-thanks][Special thanks]]
* Where can I help?
+ Our [[][issue tracker]] has many issues. If you find one that you have an answer to,
it would be a huge help!
+ Look for issues tagged [[][good first issue]]. These were judged to have a low
barrier of entry.
+ Look for issues tagged [[][help wanted]]. These tend to be a little (or a lot)
harder, and are issues outside my own expertise.
+ If you've encountered a bug, [[][file a bug report]].
+ The [[][development roadmap board]] is a rough timeline of what is being worked on
and when. It will give you an idea of what will change and where you can
redirect your efforts.
+ The [[][plugins under review board]] lists third party plugins being considered (or
rejected) for inclusion in Doom Emacs. Approved and unclaimed packages are
open for you to implement yourself.
+ The [[][upstream bugs board]] lists known issues that have external causes, but
affect Doom. If you're feeling adventurous (or are better acquainted with the
cause) perhaps you can address them at the source.
* TODO Reporting issues
You've found a problem and you're ready to fire off that bug report. Hold up!
Before you do that, [[*Troubleshoot][have a look at our Troubleshooting guide]]. If none of these
suggestions pan out, /then/ it is time to file a bug report.
An effective bug report is informative. Please try to provide:
+ A backtrace of all mentioned errors.
+ A step-by-step reproduction of the issue.
+ Information about your Doom config and system environment.
+ Screenshots/casts of the issue (if possible).
This section will show you how to collect this information.
** Acquire a backtrace from errors
See "[[*How to extract a backtrace from an error][How to extract a backtrace from an error]]" in the [[][Getting Started]] guide.
** TODO Create a step-by-step reproduction guide
** TODO Include information about your Doom install
** TODO Debugging crashes with gdb
* TODO Suggesting features, keybinds and/or enhancements
* TODO Contributing code
There's much to be done around here! We need bugfixes, new features, and
documentation. If you'd like to convert some caffeine into Emacs Lisp, here are
a few considerations before starting that PR:
** TODO Conventions
*** TODO Code style
Doom conforms to [[][@bbatsov's emacs-lisp style guide]] with the following
+ Use ~mapc~ instead of ~seq-do~.
+ No hanging parentheses
+ We use =DEPRECATED= to indicate code that will eventually be removed.
*** Naming conventions
Doom has a number of naming conventions that it uses in addition to the standard
lisp conventions. Third party packages may use their own conventions as well.
**** Lisp Naming Conventions
The lisp conventions are simple. Symbols follow ~NAMESPACE-SYMBOLNAME~ for
public variables/functions (e.g. ~bookmark-default-file~ or
~electric-indent-mode~) and ~NAMESPACE--SYMBOLNAME~ for private ones (e.g.
~byte-compile--lexical-environment~ and ~yas--tables~).
~NAMESPACE~ is usually the name of the containing file or package. E.g. the
~company~ plugin prefixes all its variables/functions with ~company-~.
**** Doom Naming Conventions
+ ~doom/NAME~ or ~+MODULE/NAME~ :: Denotes a public command designed to be used
interactively, via =M-x= or a keybinding. e.g. ~doom/info~, ~+popup/other~,
+ ~doom:NAME~ :: A public evil operator, motion or command. e.g. ~+evil:align~,
+ ~doom-[-]NAME-h~ or ~+MODULE-[-]NAME-h~ :: A non-interactive function meant to
be used (exclusively) as a hook. e.g. ~+cc-fontify-constants-h~,
+ ~doom-[-]NAME-a~ or ~+MODULE-[-]NAME-a~ :: Functions designed to be used as
advice for other functions. e.g. ~doom-set-jump-a~,
~doom--fix-broken-smie-modes-a~, ~+org--babel-lazy-load-library-a~
+ ~doom-[-]NAME-fn~ or ~+MODULE-[-]NAME-fn~ :: Indicates an [[][strategy]] function. A
good rule of thumb for what makes a strategy function is: is it
interchangeable? Can it be replaced with another function with a matching
signature? e.g. ~+lookup-dumb-jump-backend-fn~, ~+magit-display-buffer-fn~,
+ ~abc!~ :: A public Doom "autodef" function or macro. An autodef should always
be defined, even if its containing module is disabled (i.e. they will not
throw a void-function error). The purpose of this is to avoid peppering module
configs with conditionals or `after!` blocks before using their APIs. They
should noop if their module is disabled, and should be zero-cost in the case
their module is disabled.
Autodefs usually serve to configure Doom or a module. e.g. ~after!~,
~set-company-backends!~, ~set-evil-initial-state!~
*** TODO Commits & PRs
+ Target =develop= instead of =master=. The only exception are hotfixes!
*** TODO Keybind conventions
** TODO Your first code contribution
** TODO Submitting pull requests
** TODO Contributing to Doom core
** TODO Contributing to an existing module
** TODO Contributing a new module
* TODO Contributing documentation
Doom Emacs' documentation is an ongoing effort. If you have suggestions,
improvements, tutorials and/or articles to submit, don't hesitate to get in
contact via our [[][Discord server]] or [[][email]]. I appreciate any help I can get!
** TODO Contributing to Doom's manual
** TODO Contributing module documentation
* TODO Help keep packages up-to-date!
Doom pins all its packages to reduce the likelihood of upstream breakage leaking
into Doom Emacs. However, we may miss when a package releases hotfixes for
critical issues. Let us know or PR a bump to our pinned packages.
* TODO Other ways to support Doom Emacs
* TODO Special thanks

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
#+TITLE: Doom Emacs Documentation
#+STARTUP: nofold
Doom is a configuration framework for [[][GNU Emacs 26.3+]] tailored for Emacs
bankruptcy veterans who want less framework in their frameworks and the
performance of a hand rolled config (or better). It can be a foundation for your
own config or a resource for Emacs enthusiasts to learn more about our favorite
Doom is an opinionated collection of reasonable (and optional) defaults with a
focus on performance (both runtime and startup) and on abstraction-light,
readable code design, so that there is less between you and Emacs.
The documentation is designed to be viewed within Doom Emacs. Access it by
pressing =SPC h d h= (or =C-h d h= for non-evil users), or search it with =SPC h
d s= (or =C-h d s=).
* Table of Contents :TOC:
- [[#release-notes][Release Notes]]
- [[#documentation][Documentation]]
- [[#getting-started][Getting Started]]
- [[#frequently-asked-questions][Frequently Asked Questions]]
- [[#contributing][Contributing]]
- [[#workflow-tips-tricks--tutorials][Workflow Tips, Tricks & Tutorials]]
- [[#module-appendix][Module Appendix]]
- [[#community-resources][Community Resources]]
- [[#asking-for-help][Asking for help]]
- [[#project-roadmap][Project roadmap]]
- [[#tutorials--guides][Tutorials & guides]]
- [[#projects-that-supportcomplement-doom][Projects that support/complement Doom]]
- [[#similar-projects][Similar projects]]
* TODO Release Notes
* Documentation
** [[][Getting Started]]
- [[*Install][Install]]
- [[*Update & Rollback][Update & Rollback]]
- [[*Configure][Configure]]
- [[*Migrate][Migrate]]
- [[*Troubleshoot][Troubleshoot]]
** [[][Frequently Asked Questions]]
- [[*General][General]]
- [[*Configuration][Configuration]]
- [[*Package Management][Package Management]]
- [[*Defaults][Defaults]]
- [[ Issues][Common Issues]]
- [[][Contributing]]
** TODO [[][Contributing]]
- [[*Where can I help?][Where to get help?]]
- Reporting issues
- Suggesting features, keybinds and enhancements
- Contributing code or documentation
- Other ways to support Doom Emacs
- Special thanks
** TODO [[][Workflow Tips, Tricks & Tutorials]]
** [[][Module Appendix]]
* Community Resources
** Asking for help
- [[][Our Discord server]]
- [[][Our issue tracker]]
** Project roadmap
- [[][Development roadmap]] - A timeline outlining what's being worked on and when it
is expected to be done.
- [[][Plugins under review]] - A sitrep on third party plugins that we've considered,
rejected, or awaiting integration into Doom.
- [[][Upstream bugs]] - Tracks issues originating from plugins and external programs
that Doom relies on.
** Tutorials & guides
+ *Doom Emacs*
- (videos) [[][Doom Emacs Tutorials]] by [[][DistroTube]]
- (videos) [[][DoomCasts]] by @zaiste
- [[][Noel's crash course on Doom Emacs]]
- [[][Getting Started with Doom Emacs -- a great transition from Vim to Emacs]]
- [[][The Niceties of evil in Doom Emacs]]
- (video) [[][Org-mode, literate programming in (Doom) Emacs]]
+ *Emacs & Emacs Lisp*
- [[][The Official Emacs manual]]
- A variety of Emacs resources -
- Quick crash courses on Emacs Lisp's syntax for programmers:
- Workflows for customizing Emacs and its packages (and its C/C++ modes):
- *Tools in Emacs*
- [[][How to use M-x calc]]
+ *Vim & Evil*
- [[][A crash course on modal editing and Ex commands]]
** Projects that support/complement Doom
+ [[][plexus/chemacs]]
+ [[][r-darwish/topgrade]]
** Similar projects
+ [[][purcell/emacs.d]]
+ [[][seagle0128/.emacs.d]]
+ [[][syl20bnr/spacemacs]]

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@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
#+TITLE: Module Appendix
#+STARTUP: nofold
Functionality in Doom is divided into collections of code called modules (à la
Spacemacs' layers). A module is a bundle of packages, configuration and
commands, organized into a unit that can be enabled or disabled by adding or
removing them from your ~doom!~ block in =$DOOMDIR/init.el=.
* Table of Contents :TOC:
- [[#app][:app]]
- [[#checkers][:checkers]]
- [[#completion][:completion]]
- [[#config][:config]]
- [[#editor][:editor]]
- [[#emacs][:emacs]]
- [[#email][:email]]
- [[#input][:input]]
- [[#lang][:lang]]
- [[#os][:os]]
- [[#term][:term]]
- [[#tools][:tools]]
- [[#ui][:ui]]
* :app
Application modules are complex and opinionated modules that transform Emacs
toward a specific purpose. They may have additional dependencies and *should be
loaded last*, before =:config= modules.
+ [[file:../modules/app/calendar/][calendar]] - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/app/irc/][irc]] - how neckbeards socialize
+ rss =+org= - an RSS client in Emacs
+ [[file:../modules/app/twitter/][twitter]] - A twitter client for Emacs
* :checkers
+ syntax =+childframe= - Live error/warning highlights
+ spell =+everywhere +aspell +hunspell +enchant= - Spell checking
+ grammar - TODO
* :completion
Modules that provide new interfaces or frameworks for completion, including code
+ [[file:../modules/completion/company/][company]] =+childframe +tng= - The ultimate code completion backend
+ helm =+fuzzy +childframe= - *Another* search engine for love and life
+ ido - The /other/ *other* search engine for love and life
+ [[file:../modules/completion/ivy/][ivy]] =+fuzzy +prescient +childframe +icons= - /The/ search engine for love and life
* :config
Modules that configure Emacs one way or another, or focus on making it easier
for you to customize it yourself. It is best to load these last.
+ literate - For users with literate configs. This will tangle+compile a in your ~doom-private-dir~ when it changes.
+ [[file:../modules/config/default/][default]] =+bindings +smartparens= - The default module sets reasonable defaults
for Emacs. It also provides a Spacemacs-inspired keybinding scheme and a
smartparens config. Use it as a reference for your own modules.
* :editor
Modules that affect and augment your ability to manipulate or insert text.
+ [[file:../modules/editor/evil/][evil]] =+everywhere= - transforms Emacs into Vim
+ [[file:../modules/editor/file-templates/][file-templates]] - Auto-inserted templates in blank new files
+ [[file:../modules/editor/fold/][fold]] - universal code folding
+ format =+onsave= - TODO
+ god - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/editor/lispy/][lispy]] - TODO
+ multiple-cursors - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/editor/objed/][objed]] =+manual= - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/editor/parinfer/][parinfer]] - TODO
+ rotate-text - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/editor/snippets/][snippets]] - Snippet expansion for lazy typists
+ [[file:../modules/editor/word-wrap/][word-wrap]] - soft wrapping with language-aware indent
* :emacs
Modules that reconfigure or augment packages or features built into Emacs.
+ [[file:../modules/emacs/dired/][dired]] =+ranger +icons= - TODO
+ electric - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/emacs/ibuffer/][ibuffer]] =+icons= - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/emacs/undo/][undo]] =+tree= - A smarter, more intuitive & persistent undo history
+ vc - TODO
* :email
+ [[file:../modules/email/mu4e/][mu4e]] =+gmail= - TODO
+ notmuch - TODO
+ wanderlust =+gmail= - TODO
* :input
+ [[file:../modules/input/chinese/][chinese]] - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/input/japanese/][japanese]] - TODO
* :lang
Modules that bring support for a language or group of languages to Emacs.
+ [[file:../modules/lang/agda/][agda]] =+local= - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/cc/][cc]] =+lsp= - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/clojure/][clojure]] =+lsp= - TODO
+ common-lisp - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/coq/][coq]] - TODO
+ crystal - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/csharp/][csharp]] =+lsp +unity= - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/dart/][dart]] =+lsp +flutter=
+ data - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/elixir/][elixir]] =+lsp= - TODO
+ elm =+lsp= - TODO
+ emacs-lisp - TODO
+ erlang =+lsp= - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/ess/][ess]] =+lsp= - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/factor/][factor]] - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/faust/][faust]] - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/fsharp/][fsharp]] =+lsp= - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/fstar/][fstar]] - F* support
+ [[file:../modules/lang/gdscript/][gdscript]] =+lsp= - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/go/][go]] =+lsp= - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/haskell/][haskell]] =+dante +ghcide +lsp= - TODO
+ hy - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/idris/][idris]] - TODO
+ java =+meghanada +eclim +lsp= - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/javascript/][javascript]] =+lsp= - JavaScript, TypeScript, and CoffeeScript support
+ [[file:../modules/lang/json/][json]] =+lsp= - TODO
+ julia =+lsp= - TODO
+ kotlin =+lsp+= - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/latex/][latex]] =+latexmk +cdlatex +fold +lsp= - TODO
+ lean - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/ledger/][ledger]] - TODO
+ lua =+fennel +moonscript= - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/markdown/][markdown]] =+grip= - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/nim/][nim]] - TODO
+ nix - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/ocaml/][ocaml]] =+lsp= - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/org/][org]] =+brain +dragndrop +gnuplot +hugo +ipython +journal +jupyter +noter +pandoc +pomodoro +present +pretty +roam= - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/php/][php]] =+hack +lsp= - TODO
+ plantuml - TODO
+ purescript =+lsp= - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/python/][python]] =+cython +lsp +pyright +pyenv +conda +poetry= - TODO
+ qt - TODO
+ racket - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/raku/][raku]] - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/rest/][rest]] - TODO
+ rst - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/ruby/][ruby]] =+lsp +rvm +rbenv +rails +chruby=
+ [[file:../modules/lang/rust/][rust]] =+lsp= - TODO
+ scala =+lsp= - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/scheme/][scheme]] - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/sh/][sh]] =+fish +lsp +powershell= - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/sml/][sml]] - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/lang/solidity/][solidity]] - TODO
+ swift =+lsp= - TODO
+ terra - TODO
+ web =+lsp= - HTML and CSS (SCSS/SASS/LESS/Stylus) support.
+ [[file:../modules/lang/yaml/][yaml]] =+lsp= - TODO
* :os
Modules to improve integration into your OS, system, or devices.
+ [[file:../modules/os/macos/][macos]] - Improve Emacs' compatibility with macOS
+ tty =+osc= - Improves the terminal Emacs experience.
* :term
Modules that offer terminal emulation.
+ eshell - TODO
+ shell - TODO
+ term - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/term/vterm/][vterm]] - TODO
* :tools
Small modules that give Emacs access to external tools & services.
+ ansible - TODO
+ debugger =+lsp= - A (nigh-)universal debugger in Emacs
+ [[file:../modules/tools/direnv/][direnv]] - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/tools/docker/][docker]] =+lsp= - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/tools/editorconfig/][editorconfig]] - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/tools/ein/][ein]] - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/tools/eval/][eval]] =+overlay= - REPL & code evaluation support for a variety of languages
+ gist - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/tools/lookup/][lookup]] =+dictionary +docsets +offline= - Universal jump-to & documentation lookup
+ [[file:../modules/tools/lsp/][lsp]] =+peek +eglot= - Installation and configuration of language server protocol client (lsp-mode or eglot)
+ [[file:../modules/tools/magit/][magit]] =+forge= - TODO
+ make - TODO
+ pass =+auth= - TODO
+ pdf - TODO
+ prodigy - TODO
+ rgb - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/tools/taskrunner/][taskrunner]] - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/tools/terraform/][terraform]] - TODO
+ tmux - TODO
+ upload - TODO
* :ui
Aesthetic modules that affect the Emacs interface or user experience.
+ [[file:../modules/ui/deft/][deft]] - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/ui/doom/][doom]] - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/ui/doom-dashboard/][doom-dashboard]] - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/ui/doom-quit/][doom-quit]] - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/ui/emoji/][emoji]] =+ascii +github +unicode= - Adds emoji support to Emacs
+ fill-column - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/ui/hl-todo/][hl-todo]] - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/ui/hydra/][hydra]] - TODO
+ indent-guides - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/ui/ligatures/][ligatures]] =+extra +fira +hasklig +iosevka +pragmata-pro= - Ligature support for Emacs
+ [[file:../modules/ui/minimap/][minimap]] - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/ui/modeline/][modeline]] =+light= - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/ui/nav-flash/][nav-flash]] - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/ui/neotree/][neotree]] - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/ui/ophints/][ophints]] - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/ui/popup/][popup]] =+all +defaults= - Makes temporary/disposable windows less intrusive
+ [[file:../modules/ui/tabs/][tabs]] - TODO
+ treemacs - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/ui/unicode/][unicode]] - TODO
+ vc-gutter - TODO
+ vi-tilde-fringe - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/ui/window-select/][window-select]] =+switch-window +numbers= - TODO
+ [[file:../modules/ui/workspaces/][workspaces]] - Isolated workspaces
+ [[file:../modules/ui/zen/][zen]] - Distraction-free coding (or writing)

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@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
#+TITLE: Getting to know Doom Emacs
#+STARTUP: nofold
Once you've installed Doom and launched it, the next step of your masochistic
journey is to master it. This guide will walk you through many Doom-centric
workflows you'll commonly find in a text editor (and beyond). It isn't
exhaustive because I don't have enough lives to make it so.
If you feel like we've missed something, don't hesitate to let us know! You're
welcome to [[][join us on our Discord server]].
* Table of Contents :TOC:
- [[#day-1-in-doom-emacs][Day 1 in Doom Emacs]]
- [[#an-introduction-to-modal-editing-with-evil][An introduction to modal editing with Evil]]
- [[#an-introduction-to-vim][An introduction to Vim]]
- [[#getting-around-the-buffer][Getting around the buffer]]
- [[#operating-with-operators][Operating with operators]]
- [[#get-what-you-want-with-text-objects][Get what you want with text objects]]
- [[#ways-to-edit-multiple-places-at-once][Ways to edit multiple places at once]]
- [[#pipe-text-through-ex-commands-and-programs][Pipe text through ex commands and programs]]
- [[#transposingswapping-text][Transposing/swapping text]]
- [[#managing-your-projects][Managing your projects]]
- [[#reconfiguring-emacs-on-a-per-project-basis][Reconfiguring Emacs on a per-project basis]]
- [[#search--replace][Search & replace]]
- [[#project-wide-text-search][Project-wide text search]]
- [[#search--replace-1][Search & replace]]
- [[#how-to-get-around-your-projects][How to get around your projects]]
- [[#looking-up-definitionreferences][Looking up definition/references]]
- [[#looking-up-documentation][Looking up documentation]]
- [[#projectfile-navigation-getting-around-quickly][Project/file navigation; getting around quickly]]
- [[#getting-around-slowly][Getting around slowly]]
- [[#alternating-files-eg-scss-css-h-c][Alternating files (e.g. .scss<->.css, .h<->.c)]]
- [[#looking-things-up-online-or-in-documentation][Looking things up online or in documentation]]
- [[#creating-and-using-snippets][Creating and using snippets]]
- [[#how-to-use-workspaces][How to use workspaces]]
- [[#version-control-with-magit-forge--git-gutter][Version control with Magit, Forge & git-gutter]]
- [[#how-to-write--debug-emacs-lisp][How to write & debug Emacs Lisp]]
- [[#on-the-fly-code-evaluation--repls][On-the-fly code evaluation & REPLs]]
- [[#using-emacs-for][Using Emacs for...]]
- [[#writing-fiction][Writing fiction]]
- [[#writing-papers][Writing papers]]
- [[#note-keeping][Note-keeping]]
- [[#a-personal-organizer][A Personal Organizer]]
- [[#composing-music][Composing music]]
- [[#game-development][Game development]]
- [[#web-development][Web development]]
- [[#machine-learning][Machine learning]]
- [[#as-an-x-client-twitter-email-rss-reader-etc][As an X client (twitter, email, RSS reader, etc)]]
* TODO Day 1 in Doom Emacs
* TODO An introduction to modal editing with Evil
** TODO An introduction to Vim
** TODO Getting around the buffer
** TODO Operating with operators
** TODO Get what you want with text objects
** TODO Ways to edit multiple places at once
** TODO Pipe text through ex commands and programs
** TODO Transposing/swapping text
* TODO Managing your projects
** TODO Reconfiguring Emacs on a per-project basis
*** TODO .dir-locals.el
*** TODO editorconfig
* TODO Search & replace
** TODO Project-wide text search
** TODO Search & replace
* TODO How to get around your projects
** TODO Looking up definition/references
** TODO Looking up documentation
** TODO Project/file navigation; getting around quickly
** TODO Getting around slowly
** TODO Alternating files (e.g. .scss<->.css, .h<->.c)
* TODO Looking things up online or in documentation
* TODO Creating and using snippets
* TODO How to use workspaces
* TODO Version control with Magit, Forge & git-gutter
* TODO How to write & debug Emacs Lisp
* TODO On-the-fly code evaluation & REPLs
* TODO Using Emacs for...
** TODO Writing fiction
** TODO Writing papers
** TODO Note-keeping
** TODO A Personal Organizer
** TODO Composing music
** TODO Game development
** TODO Web development
** TODO Machine learning
** TODO As an X client (twitter, email, RSS reader, etc)

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
#+TITLE: app/calendar
#+DATE: January 13, 2018
#+SINCE: v2.1
#+STARTUP: inlineimages
* Table of Contents :TOC:
- [[#description][Description]]
- [[#module-flags][Module Flags]]
- [[#packages][Packages]]
- [[#configuration][Configuration]]
- [[#changing-calendar-sources][Changing calendar sources]]
- [[#synchronizing-org-and-google-calendar][Synchronizing Org and Google Calendar]]
* Description
This module adds a calendar view for Emacs, with org and google calendar sync
** Module Flags
This module provides no flags.
** Packages
+ [[][calfw]]
+ [[][calfw-org]]
+ [[][org-gcal]]
* Configuration
** Changing calendar sources
By defining your own calendar commands, you can control what sources to pull
calendar data from:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun my-open-calendar ()
(cfw:org-create-source "Green") ; org-agenda source
(cfw:org-create-file-source "cal" "/path/to/" "Cyan") ; other org source
(cfw:howm-create-source "Blue") ; howm source
(cfw:cal-create-source "Orange") ; diary source
(cfw:ical-create-source "Moon" "~/moon.ics" "Gray") ; ICS source1
(cfw:ical-create-source "gcal" "https://..../basic.ics" "IndianRed") ; google calendar ICS
The [[][kiwanami/emacs-calfw]] project readme contains more examples.
** Synchronizing Org and Google Calendar
The [[][kidd/org-gcal.el]] project README contains more detailed instructions on how
to link your calendar with Google calendars.

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@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
;;; app/calendar/autoload.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defvar +calendar--wconf nil)
(defun +calendar--init ()
(if-let (win (cl-find-if (lambda (b) (string-match-p "^\\*cfw:" (buffer-name b)))
:key #'window-buffer))
(select-window win)
(call-interactively +calendar-open-function)))
(defun =calendar ()
"Activate (or switch to) `calendar' in its workspace."
(if (featurep! :ui workspaces)
(+workspace-switch "Calendar" t)
(setq +calendar--wconf (current-window-configuration))
(switch-to-buffer (doom-fallback-buffer))
(defun +calendar/quit ()
(if (featurep! :ui workspaces)
(+workspace/delete "Calendar")
(doom-kill-matching-buffers "^\\*cfw:")
(when (window-configuration-p +calendar--wconf)
(set-window-configuration +calendar--wconf))
(setq +calendar--wconf nil)))
(defun +calendar/open-calendar ()
;; :custom-map cfw:my-cal-map
(cfw:org-create-source (face-foreground 'default)) ; orgmode source
(defun +calendar-cfw:render-button-a (title command &optional state)
(let ((text (concat " " title " "))
(keymap (make-sparse-keymap)))
(cfw:rt text (if state 'cfw:face-toolbar-button-on
(define-key keymap [mouse-1] command)
(cfw:tp text 'keymap keymap)
(cfw:tp text 'mouse-face 'highlight)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
;;; app/calendar/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defvar +calendar-open-function #'+calendar/open-calendar
;; Packages
(use-package! calfw
:commands cfw:open-calendar-buffer
;; better frame for calendar
(setq cfw:face-item-separator-color nil
cfw:render-line-breaker 'cfw:render-line-breaker-none
cfw:fchar-junction ?╋
cfw:fchar-vertical-line ?┃
cfw:fchar-horizontal-line ?━
cfw:fchar-left-junction ?┣
cfw:fchar-right-junction ?┫
cfw:fchar-top-junction ?┯
cfw:fchar-top-left-corner ?┏
cfw:fchar-top-right-corner ?┓)
(define-key cfw:calendar-mode-map "q" #'+calendar/quit)
(add-hook 'cfw:calendar-mode-hook #'doom-mark-buffer-as-real-h)
(add-hook 'cfw:calendar-mode-hook 'hide-mode-line-mode)
(advice-add #'cfw:render-button :override #'+calendar-cfw:render-button-a))
(use-package! calfw-org
:commands (cfw:open-org-calendar
(use-package! calfw-cal
:commands (cfw:cal-create-source))
(use-package! calfw-ical
:commands (cfw:ical-create-source))
(use-package! org-gcal
:commands (org-gcal-sync
(defvar org-gcal-dir (concat doom-cache-dir "org-gcal/"))
(defvar org-gcal-token-file (concat org-gcal-dir "token.gpg"))
;; hack to avoid the deferred.el error
(defun org-gcal--notify (title mes)
(message "org-gcal::%s - %s" title mes)))

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-
;;; app/calendar/packages.el
(package! calfw :pin "03abce97620a4a7f7ec5f911e669da9031ab9088")
(package! calfw-org :pin "03abce97620a4a7f7ec5f911e669da9031ab9088")
(package! calfw-cal :pin "03abce97620a4a7f7ec5f911e669da9031ab9088")
(package! calfw-ical :pin "03abce97620a4a7f7ec5f911e669da9031ab9088")
(package! org-gcal :pin "2cad2d8c175975dea42903cd4e3fd8bec423c01a")

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@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
#+TITLE: app/irc
#+DATE: June 11, 2017
#+SINCE: v2.0.3
#+STARTUP: inlineimages
* Table of Contents :TOC:
- [[#description][Description]]
- [[#module-flags][Module Flags]]
- [[#plugins][Plugins]]
- [[#prerequisites][Prerequisites]]
- [[#macos][macOS]]
- [[#debian--ubuntu][Debian / Ubuntu]]
- [[#arch-linux][Arch Linux]]
- [[#nixos][NixOS]]
- [[#features][Features]]
- [[#an-irc-client-in-emacs][An IRC Client in Emacs]]
- [[#configuration][Configuration]]
- [[#pass-the-unix-password-manager][Pass: the unix password manager]]
- [[#emacs-auth-source-api][Emacs' auth-source API]]
- [[#troubleshooting][Troubleshooting]]
* Description
This module turns Emacs into an IRC client, capable of OS notifications.
** Module Flags
This module provides no flags.
** Plugins
+ [[][circe]]
+ [[][circe-notifications]]
* Prerequisites
This module requires =gnutls= for secure IRC connections to work.
** macOS
brew install gnutls
** Debian / Ubuntu
apt install gnutls-bin
** Arch Linux
pacman -S gnutls
** NixOS
environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.gnutls ];
* Features
** An IRC Client in Emacs
To connect to IRC you can invoke the ~=irc~ function using =M-x= or your own
custom keybinding.
| command | description |
| ~=irc~ | Connect to IRC and all configured servers |
When in a circe buffer these keybindings will be available.
| command | key | description |
| ~+irc/tracking-next-buffer~ | =SPC m a= | Switch to the next active buffer |
| ~circe-command-JOIN~ | =SPC m j= | Join a channel |
| ~+irc/send-message~ | =SPC m m= | Send a private message |
| ~circe-command-NAMES~ | =SPC m n= | List the names of the current channel |
| ~circe-command-PART~ | =SPC m p= | Part the current channel |
| ~+irc/quit~ | =SPC m Q= | Kill the current circe session and workgroup |
| ~circe-reconnect~ | =SPC m R= | Reconnect the current server |
* Configuration
Use ~set-irc-server! SERVER PLIST~ to configure IRC servers. Its second argument (a plist)
takes the same arguments as ~circe-network-options~.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :tangle no
;; if you omit =:host=, ~SERVER~ will be used instead.
(after! circe
(set-irc-server! ""
`(:tls t
:port 6697
:nick "doom"
:sasl-username "myusername"
:sasl-password "mypassword"
:channels ("#emacs"))))
However, *it is a obviously a bad idea to store your password in plaintext,* so
here are ways to avoid that:
** Pass: the unix password manager
[[][Pass]] is my tool of choice. I use it to manage my passwords. If you activate the
[[../../../modules/tools/pass/][:tools pass]] module you get an elisp API through which to access your
password store.
~set-irc-server!~ accepts a plist can use functions instead of strings.
~+pass-get-user~ and ~+pass-get-secret~ can help here:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :tangle no
(set-irc-server! ""
`(:tls t
:port 6697
:nick "doom"
:sasl-username ,(+pass-get-user "irc/")
:sasl-password ,(+pass-get-secret "irc/")
:channels ("#emacs")))
But wait, there's more! This stores your password in a public variable which
could be accessed or appear in backtraces. Not good! So we go a step further:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :tangle no
(set-irc-server! ""
`(:tls t
:port 6697
:nick "doom"
:sasl-username ,(+pass-get-user "irc/")
:sasl-password (lambda (&rest _) (+pass-get-secret "irc/"))
:channels ("#emacs")))
And you're good to go!
Note that =+pass-get-user= tries to find your username by looking for the fields
listed in =+pass-user-fields= (by default =login=, =user==, =username== and
=email=)=). An example configuration looks like
username: myusername
** Emacs' auth-source API
~auth-source~ is built into Emacs. As suggested [[][in the circe wiki]], you can store
(and retrieve) encrypted passwords with it.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :tangle no
(setq auth-sources '("~/.authinfo.gpg"))
(defun my-fetch-password (&rest params)
(require 'auth-source)
(let ((match (car (apply #'auth-source-search params))))
(if match
(let ((secret (plist-get match :secret)))
(if (functionp secret)
(funcall secret)
(error "Password not found for %S" params))))
(defun my-nickserv-password (server)
(my-fetch-password :user "forcer" :host ""))
(set-irc-server! ""
'(:tls t
:port 6697
:nick "doom"
:sasl-password my-nickserver-password
:channels ("#emacs")))
* TODO Troubleshooting

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@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
;;; app/irc/autoload/email.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defvar +irc--workspace-name "*IRC*")
(defun +irc-setup-wconf (&optional inhibit-workspace)
(when (and (featurep! :ui workspaces)
(not inhibit-workspace))
(+workspace-switch +irc--workspace-name 'auto-create))
(let ((buffers (doom-buffers-in-mode 'circe-mode nil t)))
(if (not (member (window-buffer) buffers))
(if buffers
(ignore (switch-to-buffer (car buffers)))
(require 'circe)
(switch-to-buffer (doom-fallback-buffer))
(user-error "IRC buffer is already active and selected"))))
(defun =irc (&optional inhibit-workspace)
"Connect to IRC and auto-connect to all registered networks.
If INHIBIT-WORKSPACE (the universal argument) is non-nil, don't spawn a new
workspace for it."
(interactive "P")
(+irc-setup-wconf inhibit-workspace)
(cond ((doom-buffers-in-mode 'circe-mode (doom-buffer-list) t)
(message "Circe buffers are already open"))
(mapc #'circe (mapcar #'car circe-network-options)))
((call-interactively #'circe))))
(defun +irc/connect (&optional inhibit-workspace)
"Connect to a specific registered server.
If INHIBIT-WORKSPACE (the universal argument) is non-nil, don't spawn a new
workspace for it."
(interactive "P")
(and (+irc-setup-wconf inhibit-workspace)
(call-interactively #'circe)))
(defun +irc/send-message (who what)
"Send WHO a message containing WHAT."
(interactive "sWho: \nsWhat: ")
(circe-command-MSG who what))
(defun +irc/quit ()
"Kill current circe session and workgroup."
(unless (y-or-n-p "Really kill IRC session?")
(user-error "Aborted"))
(let (circe-channel-killed-confirmation
(when +irc--defer-timer
(cancel-timer +irc--defer-timer))
(mapc #'kill-buffer (doom-buffers-in-mode 'circe-mode (buffer-list) t))
(when (featurep! :ui workspaces)
(when (equal (+workspace-current-name) +irc--workspace-name)
(+workspace/delete +irc--workspace-name)))))
(defun +irc/ivy-jump-to-channel (&optional this-server)
"Jump to an open channel or server buffer with ivy. If THIS-SERVER (universal
argument) is non-nil only show channels in current server."
(interactive "P")
(if (not (circe-server-buffers))
(message "No circe buffers available")
(when (and this-server (not circe-server-buffer))
(setq this-server nil))
(ivy-read (format "Jump to%s: " (if this-server (format " (%s)" (buffer-name circe-server-buffer)) ""))
(cl-loop with servers = (if this-server (list circe-server-buffer) (circe-server-buffers))
with current-buffer = (current-buffer)
for server in servers
collect (buffer-name server)
(with-current-buffer server
(cl-loop for buf in (circe-server-chat-buffers)
unless (eq buf current-buffer)
collect (format " %s" (buffer-name buf)))))
:action #'+irc--ivy-switch-to-buffer-action
:preselect (buffer-name (current-buffer))
:keymap ivy-switch-buffer-map
:caller '+irc/ivy-jump-to-channel)))
(defun +irc--ivy-switch-to-buffer-action (buffer)
(when (stringp buffer)
(ivy--switch-buffer-action (string-trim-left buffer))))
(defun +irc/tracking-next-buffer ()
"Disables switching to an unread buffer unless in the irc workspace."
(when (derived-mode-p 'circe-mode)
;;; Hooks/fns
(defun +circe-buffer-p (buf)
"Return non-nil if BUF is a `circe-mode' buffer."
(with-current-buffer buf
(derived-mode-p 'circe-mode)))
(defun +irc--add-circe-buffer-to-persp-h ()
(when (and (bound-and-true-p persp-mode)
(+workspace-exists-p +irc--workspace-name))
(let ((persp (get-current-persp))
(buf (current-buffer)))
;; Add a new circe buffer to irc workspace when we're in another workspace
(unless (eq (safe-persp-name persp) +irc--workspace-name)
;; Add new circe buffers to the persp containing circe buffers
(persp-add-buffer buf (persp-get-by-name +irc--workspace-name))
;; Remove new buffer from accidental workspace
(persp-remove-buffer buf persp)))))

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
;;; app/irc/autoload/settings.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defun set-irc-server! (server plist)
"Registers an irc SERVER for circe.
SERVER can either be a name for the network (in which case you must specify a
:host), or it may be the hostname itself, in which case it will be used as the
See `circe-network-options' for details."
(after! circe
(unless (plist-member plist :host)
(plist-put! plist :host server))
(setf (alist-get server circe-network-options
nil nil #'equal)

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@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
;;; app/irc/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defvar +irc-left-padding 13
"By how much spaces the left hand side of the line should be padded.
Below a value of 12 this may result in uneven alignment between the various
types of messages.")
(defvar +irc-truncate-nick-char ?…
"Character to displayed when nick > `+irc-left-padding' in length.")
(defvar +irc-scroll-to-bottom-on-commands
'(self-insert-command yank hilit-yank)
"If these commands are called pre prompt the buffer will scroll to `point-max'.")
(defvar +irc-disconnect-hook nil
"Runs each hook when circe noticies the connection has been disconnected.
Useful for scenarios where an instant reconnect will not be successful.")
(defvar +irc-bot-list '("fsbot" "rudybot")
"Nicks listed have `circe-fool-face' applied and will not be tracked.")
(defvar +irc-time-stamp-format "%H:%M"
"The format of time stamps.
See `format-time-string' for a full description of available
formatting directives. ")
(defvar +irc-notifications-watch-strings nil
"A list of strings which can trigger a notification. You don't need to put
your nick here.
See `circe-notifications-watch-strings'.")
(defvar +irc-defer-notifications nil
"How long to defer enabling notifications, in seconds (e.g. 5min = 300).
Useful for ZNC users who want to avoid the deluge of notifications during buffer
(defvar +irc--defer-timer nil)
(defsubst +irc--pad (left right)
(format (format "%%%ds | %%s" +irc-left-padding)
(concat "*** " left) right))
;; Packages
(use-package! circe
:commands circe circe-server-buffers
(setq circe-default-quit-message nil
circe-default-part-message nil
circe-use-cycle-completion t
circe-reduce-lurker-spam t
circe-format-say (format "{nick:+%ss} │ {body}" +irc-left-padding)
circe-format-self-say circe-format-say
circe-format-action (format "{nick:+%ss} * {body}" +irc-left-padding)
circe-format-self-action circe-format-action
(let ((left "-Server-")) (concat (make-string (- +irc-left-padding (length left)) ? )
(concat left " _ {body}")))
circe-format-notice (format "{nick:%ss} _ {body}" +irc-left-padding)
(+irc--pad "Topic" "{userhost}: {topic-diff}")
(+irc--pad "Join" "{nick} ({userinfo}) joined {channel}")
(+irc--pad "Join" "{nick} ({userinfo})")
(+irc--pad "Part" "{nick} ({userhost}) left {channel}: {reason}")
(+irc--pad "Quit" "{nick} ({userhost}) left IRC: {reason}]")
(+irc--pad "Quit" "{nick} ({userhost}) left {channel}: {reason}]")
(+irc--pad "Re-join" "{nick} ({userhost}), left {departuredelta} ago")
(+irc--pad "Netmerge" "{split}, split {ago} ago (Use /WL to see who's still missing)")
(+irc--pad "Nick" "{old-nick} ({userhost}) is now known as {new-nick}")
(+irc--pad "Nick" "You are now known as {new-nick} ({old-nick})")
(+irc--pad "Nick" "{old-nick} ({userhost}) is now known as {new-nick}")
(+irc--pad "Mode" "{change} on {target} by {setter} ({userhost})")
(+irc--pad "Lurk" "{nick} joined {joindelta} ago"))
(add-hook 'doom-real-buffer-functions #'+circe-buffer-p)
(add-hook 'circe-channel-mode-hook #'turn-on-visual-line-mode)
(add-hook 'circe-mode-hook #'+irc--add-circe-buffer-to-persp-h)
(add-hook 'circe-mode-hook #'turn-off-smartparens-mode)
;; HACK Fix #1862: circe hangs on TLS connections when using OpenSSL versions
;; > 1.1.0, where tls.el does not correctly determine the end of the info
;; block. This fixes proposed in jorgenschaefer/circe#340
(setq-hook! 'circe-mode-hook
(concat "\\("
;; `openssl s_client' regexp. See ssl/ssl_txt.c lines 219-220.
;; According to apps/s_client.c line 1515 `---' is always the last
;; line that is printed by s_client before the real data.
"^ Verify return code: .+\n\\(\\|^ Extended master secret: .+\n\\)\\(\\|^ Max Early Data: .+\n\\)---\n\\|"
;; `gnutls' regexp. See src/cli.c lines 721-.
"^- Simple Client Mode:\n"
"\\(\n\\|" ; ignore blank lines
;; According to GnuTLS v2.1.5 src/cli.c lines 640-650 and 705-715 in
;; `main' the handshake will start after this message. If the
;; handshake fails, the programs will abort.
"^\\*\\*\\* Starting TLS handshake\n\\)*"
(defadvice! +irc--circe-run-disconnect-hook-a (&rest _)
"Runs `+irc-disconnect-hook' after circe disconnects."
:after #'circe--irc-conn-disconnected
(run-hooks '+irc-disconnect-hook))
(add-hook! 'lui-pre-output-hook
(defun +irc-circe-truncate-nicks-h ()
"Truncate long nicknames in chat output non-destructively."
(when-let (beg (text-property-any (point-min) (point-max) 'lui-format-argument 'nick))
(goto-char beg)
(let ((end (next-single-property-change beg 'lui-format-argument))
(nick (plist-get (plist-get (text-properties-at beg) 'lui-keywords)
(when (> (length nick) +irc-left-padding)
(compose-region (+ beg +irc-left-padding -1) end
(add-hook! 'circe-message-option-functions
(defun +irc-circe-message-option-bot-h (nick &rest ignored)
"Fontify known bots and mark them to not be tracked."
(when (member nick +irc-bot-list)
'((text-properties . (face circe-fool-face lui-do-not-track t))))))
;; Let `+irc/quit' and `circe' handle buffer cleanup
(define-key circe-mode-map [remap kill-buffer] #'bury-buffer)
;; Fail gracefully if not in a circe buffer
(global-set-key [remap tracking-next-buffer] #'+irc/tracking-next-buffer)
(map! :localleader
(:map circe-mode-map
"a" #'tracking-next-buffer
"j" #'circe-command-JOIN
"m" #'+irc/send-message
"p" #'circe-command-PART
"Q" #'+irc/quit
"R" #'circe-reconnect
(:when (featurep! :completion ivy)
"c" #'+irc/ivy-jump-to-channel))
(:map circe-channel-mode-map
"n" #'circe-command-NAMES)))
(use-package! circe-color-nicks
:hook (circe-channel-mode . enable-circe-color-nicks)
(setq circe-color-nicks-min-constrast-ratio 4.5
circe-color-nicks-everywhere t))
(use-package! circe-new-day-notifier
:after circe
(setq circe-new-day-notifier-format-message
(+irc--pad "Day" "Date changed [{day}]")))
(use-package! circe-notifications
:commands enable-circe-notifications
(add-hook! 'circe-server-connected-hook
(defun +irc-init-circe-notifications-h ()
(if (numberp +irc-defer-notifications)
(setq +irc--defer-timer
(run-at-time +irc-defer-notifications nil
(setq circe-notifications-watch-strings +irc-notifications-watch-strings
circe-notifications-emacs-focused nil
(cond (IS-MAC 'osx-notifier)
(IS-LINUX 'libnotify)
(use-package! lui
:commands lui-mode
(define-key lui-mode-map "\C-u" #'lui-kill-to-beginning-of-line)
(setq lui-fill-type nil)
(when (featurep! :checkers spell)
(setq lui-flyspell-p t))
(after! evil
(defun +irc-evil-insert-h ()
"Ensure entering insert mode will put us at the prompt, unless editing
after prompt marker."
(when (> (marker-position lui-input-marker) (point))
(goto-char (point-max))))
(add-hook! 'lui-mode-hook
(add-hook 'evil-insert-state-entry-hook #'+irc-evil-insert-h
nil 'local))
(mapc (lambda (cmd) (push cmd +irc-scroll-to-bottom-on-commands))
'(evil-paste-after evil-paste-before evil-open-above evil-open-below)))
(defun +irc-preinput-scroll-to-bottom-h ()
"Go to the end of the buffer in all windows showing it.
Courtesy of esh-mode.el"
(when (memq this-command +irc-scroll-to-bottom-on-commands)
(let* ((selected (selected-window))
(current (current-buffer)))
(when (> (marker-position lui-input-marker) (point))
(lambda (window)
(when (eq (window-buffer window) current)
(select-window window)
(goto-char (point-max))
(select-window selected))))
nil t)))))
(add-hook! 'lui-mode-hook
(add-hook 'pre-command-hook #'+irc-preinput-scroll-to-bottom-h nil t))
;; enable a horizontal line marking the last read message
(add-hook 'lui-mode-hook #'enable-lui-track-bar)
(add-hook! 'lui-mode-hook
(defun +irc-init-lui-margins-h ()
(setq lui-time-stamp-position 'right-margin
lui-time-stamp-format +irc-time-stamp-format
right-margin-width (length (format-time-string lui-time-stamp-format))))
(defun +irc-init-lui-wrapping-a ()
(setq fringes-outside-margins t
word-wrap t
wrap-prefix (make-string (+ +irc-left-padding 3) ? )))))
(use-package! lui-logging
:after lui
:config (enable-lui-logging))
(use-package! lui-autopaste
:hook (circe-channel-mode . enable-lui-autopaste))

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-
;;; app/irc/packages.el
(package! circe :pin "d98986ce933c380b47d727beea8bad81bda65dc9")
(package! circe-notifications :pin "291149ac12877bbd062da993479d3533a26862b0")

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@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
#+TITLE: app/rss
#+DATE: May 12, 2020
#+SINCE: v2.0.9
#+STARTUP: inlineimages nofold
* Table of Contents :TOC_3:noexport:
- [[#description][Description]]
- [[#maintainers][Maintainers]]
- [[#module-flags][Module Flags]]
- [[#plugins][Plugins]]
- [[#hacks][Hacks]]
- [[#prerequisites][Prerequisites]]
- [[#features][Features]]
- [[#configuration][Configuration]]
- [[#without-org][Without +org]]
- [[#with-org][With +org]]
- [[#keybindings][Keybindings]]
- [[#news-filtering][News filtering]]
- [[#automatically-updating-feed-when-opening-elfeed][Automatically updating feed when opening elfeed]]
- [[#troubleshooting][Troubleshooting]]
* Description
+ Read RSS feeds in the comfort of DOOM (Emacs)
** Maintainers
This module has no dedicated maintainers.
** Module Flags
+ =+org= to enable ~elfeed-org~ to use ~org-directory/
** Plugins
+ [[][elfeed]]
+ =+org=
+ [[][elfeed-org]]
** Hacks
+ By default ~elfeed-search-filter~ is set to ~@2-weeks-ago~ and makes the last 2 weeks of entries visible. This needs to be set after elfeed has loaded like so in your ~config.el~
#+begin_src elisp
(after! elfeed
(setq elfeed-search-filter "@1-month-ago +unread"))
* Prerequisites
This module has no prerequisites.
* Features
+ As there isn't currently binding for ~elfeed-update~ you can run it with ~M-x elfeed-update~
* Configuration
** Without +org
When you don't want to use org mode to manage your elfeed feeds you can put your subscriptions to personal ~config.el~ file, ex:
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(setq elfeed-feeds
** With +org
When using ~+org~ flag then configuration is easier. You can use ~org-mode~ to configure feeds to follow.
,* root :elfeed:
,** Programming :programming:
,*** [[][This Week in Rust]] :rust:
,** News :news:
,*** Top news :tops:
+ Root of ~elfeed-org~ needs to have ~:elfeed:~ tag. This is where ~elfeed-org~ starts to read.
+ You can have subheaders as in example ~:programming:~, and ~elfeed-org~ applies that tag to all subheader feeds, in example it adds it to ~This Week in Rust~.
+ You can "name" feeds as you please with ~org-mode~ ~org-insert-link~ (~C-c C-l~) and put name as you want into ~description~.
+ If you don't want to use ~org-directory/ file you can specify it with ~(setq rmh-elfeed-org-files ("path/to/your/elfeed/
** Keybindings
+ General
| Key | Mode | Description |
| =S-RET= | Elfeed-search-mode | Open link into browser |
| =RET= | Elfeed-search-mode | Open item |
| =s= | Elfeed-search-mode | Filter |
| =C-j= | Elfeed-show-mode | Move to next item |
| =C-k= | Elfeed-show-mode | Move to previous item |
+ If ~:editor evil +everywhere~
| Key | Description |
| q | elfeed-kill-buffer |
| r | elfeed-search-update--force |
** News filtering
+ Time filtering
+ ~@2-days-ago~ Past two days
+ ~@2-weeks-ago~ Past two weeks
+ ~@2-years-ago~ Past two years
+ ~@2020-06-19~ To show specific day
+ ~@2020-06-19--2020-03-10~ Span of time
+ Tag filtering
+ Include ~+news~
+ Exclude ~-rust~
+ Both ~+news -rust~
+ String filtering, this is case insensitive
+ Include
+ ~DOOM~
+ ~Linu[sx]~ Search for both ~Linus~ and ~Linux~
+ Exclude ~!something~
** Automatically updating feed when opening elfeed
Hook ~elfeed-update~ to ~elfeed-search-mode-hook~
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(add-hook! 'elfeed-search-mode-hook 'elfeed-update)
* TODO Troubleshooting

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@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
;;; app/rss/autoload.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defalias '=rss #'elfeed
"Activate (or switch to) `elfeed' in its workspace.")
(defun +rss/delete-pane ()
"Delete the *elfeed-entry* split pane."
(let* ((buf (get-buffer "*elfeed-entry*"))
(window (get-buffer-window buf)))
(delete-window window)
(when (buffer-live-p buf)
(kill-buffer buf))))
(defun +rss/open (entry)
"Display the currently selected item in a buffer."
(interactive (list (elfeed-search-selected :ignore-region)))
(when (elfeed-entry-p entry)
(elfeed-untag entry 'unread)
(elfeed-search-update-entry entry)
(elfeed-show-entry entry)))
(defun +rss/next ()
"Show the next item in the elfeed-search buffer."
(funcall elfeed-show-entry-delete)
(with-current-buffer (elfeed-search-buffer)
(call-interactively '+rss/open)))
(defun +rss/previous ()
"Show the previous item in the elfeed-search buffer."
(funcall elfeed-show-entry-delete)
(with-current-buffer (elfeed-search-buffer)
(forward-line -1)
(call-interactively '+rss/open)))
;; Hooks
(defun +rss-elfeed-wrap-h ()
"Enhances an elfeed entry's readability by wrapping it to a width of
(let ((inhibit-read-only t)
(inhibit-modification-hooks t))
(setq-local truncate-lines nil)
(setq-local shr-use-fonts nil)
(setq-local shr-width 85)
(set-buffer-modified-p nil)))
(defun +rss-cleanup-h ()
"Clean up after an elfeed session. Kills all elfeed and elfeed-org files."
;; `delete-file-projectile-remove-from-cache' slows down `elfeed-db-compact'
;; tremendously, so we disable the projectile cache:
(let (projectile-enable-caching)
(let ((buf (previous-buffer)))
(when (or (null buf) (not (doom-real-buffer-p buf)))
(switch-to-buffer (doom-fallback-buffer))))
(let ((search-buffers (doom-buffers-in-mode 'elfeed-search-mode))
(show-buffers (doom-buffers-in-mode 'elfeed-show-mode))
(dolist (file (bound-and-true-p rmh-elfeed-org-files))
(when-let (buf (get-file-buffer (expand-file-name file org-directory)))
(kill-buffer buf)))
(dolist (b search-buffers)
(with-current-buffer b
(remove-hook 'kill-buffer-hook #'+rss-cleanup-h :local)
(kill-buffer b)))
(mapc #'kill-buffer show-buffers)))
;; Functions
(defun +rss-dead-feeds (&optional years)
"Return a list of feeds that haven't posted anything in YEARS."
(let* ((years (or years 1.0))
(living-feeds (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(seconds (* years 365.0 24 60 60))
(threshold (- (float-time) seconds)))
(with-elfeed-db-visit (entry feed)
(let ((date (elfeed-entry-date entry)))
(when (> date threshold)
(setf (gethash (elfeed-feed-url feed) living-feeds) t))))
(cl-loop for url in (elfeed-feed-list)
unless (gethash url living-feeds)
collect url)))
(defun +rss-put-sliced-image-fn (spec alt &optional flags)
(letf! (defun insert-image (image &optional alt _area _slice)
(let ((height (cdr (image-size image t))))
(insert-sliced-image image alt nil (max 1 (/ height 20.0)) 1)))
(shr-put-image spec alt flags)))
(defun +rss-render-image-tag-without-underline-fn (dom &optional url)
(let ((start (point)))
(shr-tag-img dom url)
;; And remove underlines in case images are links, otherwise we get an
;; underline beneath every slice.
(put-text-property start (point) 'face '(:underline nil))))

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@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
;;; app/rss/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; This is an opinionated workflow that turns Emacs into an RSS reader, inspired
;; by apps Reeder and Readkit. It can be invoked via `=rss'. Otherwise, if you
;; don't care for the UI you can invoke elfeed directly with `elfeed'.
(defvar +rss-split-direction 'below
"What direction to pop up the entry buffer in elfeed.")
(defvar +rss-enable-sliced-images t
"Automatically slice images shown in elfeed-show-mode buffers, making them
easier to scroll through.")
;; Packages
(use-package! elfeed
:commands elfeed
(setq elfeed-db-directory (concat doom-local-dir "elfeed/db/")
elfeed-enclosure-default-dir (concat doom-local-dir "elfeed/enclosures/"))
(setq elfeed-search-filter "@2-week-ago "
elfeed-show-entry-switch #'pop-to-buffer
elfeed-show-entry-delete #'+rss/delete-pane
shr-max-image-proportion 0.8)
(set-popup-rule! "^\\*elfeed-entry"
:size 0.75 :actions '(display-buffer-below-selected)
:select t :quit nil :ttl t)
(make-directory elfeed-db-directory t)
;; Ensure elfeed buffers are treated as real
(add-hook! 'doom-real-buffer-functions
(defun +rss-buffer-p (buf)
(string-match-p "^\\*elfeed" (buffer-name buf))))
;; Enhance readability of a post
(add-hook 'elfeed-show-mode-hook #'+rss-elfeed-wrap-h)
(add-hook! 'elfeed-search-mode-hook
(add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook #'+rss-cleanup-h nil 'local))
;; Large images are annoying to scroll through, because scrolling follows the
;; cursor, so we force shr to insert images in slices.
(when +rss-enable-sliced-images
(setq-hook! 'elfeed-show-mode-hook
shr-put-image-function #'+rss-put-sliced-image-fn
shr-external-rendering-functions '((img . +rss-render-image-tag-without-underline-fn))))
;; Keybindings
(after! elfeed-show
(define-key! elfeed-show-mode-map
[remap next-buffer] #'+rss/next
[remap previous-buffer] #'+rss/previous))
(when (featurep! :editor evil +everywhere)
(evil-define-key 'normal elfeed-search-mode-map
"q" #'elfeed-kill-buffer
"r" #'elfeed-search-update--force
(kbd "M-RET") #'elfeed-search-browse-url)))
(use-package! elfeed-org
:when (featurep! +org)
:after elfeed
(setq rmh-elfeed-org-files (list "/home/dorian/.config/doom/"))
(and (let ((default-directory org-directory))
(setq rmh-elfeed-org-files
#'file-exists-p (mapcar #'expand-file-name rmh-elfeed-org-files))))

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-
;;; app/rss/packages.el
(package! elfeed :pin "7b2b6fadaa498fef2ba212a50da4a8afa2a5d305")
(package! elfeed-org :pin "77b6bbf222487809813de260447d31c4c59902c9")

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@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
#+TITLE: app/twitter
#+DATE: October 11, 2019
#+SINCE: v2.0
#+STARTUP: inlineimages
* Table of Contents :TOC_3:noexport:
- [[#description][Description]]
- [[#module-flags][Module Flags]]
- [[#plugins][Plugins]]
- [[#hacks][Hacks]]
- [[#prerequisites][Prerequisites]]
- [[#features][Features]]
- [[#configuration][Configuration]]
- [[#troubleshooting][Troubleshooting]]
- [[#appendix][Appendix]]
- [[#commands--keybindings][Commands & Keybindings]]
* Description
Enjoy twitter from emacs.
+ View various timelines side by side, e.g. user's timeline, home, etc.
+ Post new tweets
+ Send direct messages
+ Retweet
+ Follow and un-follow users
+ Favorite tweets
** Module Flags
This module provides no flags.
** Plugins
+ [[][twittering-mode]]
+ [[][avy]]
** TODO Hacks
{A list of internal modifications to included packages}
* Prerequisites
+ For SSL connection (required by Twitter's API), one of the followings is required:
+ [[][cURL]]
+ [[][GNU Wget]]
+ [[][OpenSSL]]
+ [[][GnuTLS]]
+ [[][GnuPG]] is required for keeping the OAuth token encrypted in local storage.
+ ~twittering-icon-mode~ converts retrieved icons into XPM by default. To
achieve this and for displaying icons in formats that are not supported by
Emacs as well as for resizing icon images, [[][ImageMagick]] is required.
To build emacs with ImageMagick support the ~--with-imagemagick~ flag needs to
be passed to the ~configure~ script, e.g. ~./configure --with-imagemagick~.
For detailed instruction on how to build Emacs from source please refer to
[[][INSTALL]] in Emacs' savannah repository.
+ For keeping retrieved icons in local storage, [[][gzip]] is required.
* TODO Features
An in-depth list of features, how to use them, and their dependencies.
* TODO Configuration
How to configure this module, including common problems and how to address them.
* Troubleshooting
Currently ~twittering-mode~ binds =SPC=, breaking its functionality as a leader
key. To work around this issue you may use =M-SPC= instead when in
* Appendix
** Commands & Keybindings
Here is a list of available commands and their default keybindings (defined in
| command | key / ex command | description |
| ~+twitter/quit~ | =q= | Close current window |
| ~+twitter/quit-all~ | =Q= | Close all twitter windows and buffers, and delete workspace |
And when ~:editor evil +everywhere~ is active:
| command | key / ex command | description |
| ~twittering-favorite~ | =f= | Favorite/Like a tweet |
| ~twittering-unfavorite~ | =F= | Un-favorite/Un-like a tweet |
| ~twittering-follow~ | =C-f= | Follow user |
| ~twittering-unfollow~ | =C-F= | Un-follow user |
| ~twittering-delete-status~ | =d= | Delete a tweet |
| ~twittering-retweet~ | =r= | Retweet |
| ~twittering-toggle-or-retrieve-replied-statuses~ | =R= | Toggle or retrieve replies |
| ~twittering-update-status-interactive~ | =o= | Update tweets |
| ~+twitter/ace-link~ | =O= | Open some visible link from a ~twittering-mode~ buffer using ace |
| ~twittering-search~ | =/= | Search |
| ~twittering-goto-next-status~ | =J= | Go to next tweet |
| ~twittering-goto-previous-status~ | =K= | Go to previous tweet |
| ~twittering-goto-first-status~ | =gg= | Go to first tweet |
| ~twittering-goto-last-status~ | =G= | Go to last tweet |
| ~twittering-goto-next-status-of-user~ | =gj= | Go to next tweet of user |
| ~twittering-goto-previous-status-of-user)))~ | =gk= | Go to previous tweet of user |

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@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
;;; app/twitter/autoload.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defvar +twitter-workspace-name "*Twitter*"
"The name to use for the twitter workspace.")
(defun +twitter-display-buffer-fn (buf)
"A replacement display-buffer command for `twittering-pop-to-buffer-function'
that works with the feature/popup module."
(let ((win (selected-window)))
(display-buffer buf)
;; This is required because the new window generated by `pop-to-buffer'
;; may hide the region following the current position.
(twittering-ensure-whole-of-status-is-visible win)))
(defun +twitter-buffer-p (buf)
"Return non-nil if BUF is a `twittering-mode' buffer."
(eq 'twittering-mode (buffer-local-value 'major-mode buf)))
;; Commands
(defvar +twitter--old-wconf nil)
(defun =twitter (arg)
"Opens a workspace dedicated to `twittering-mode'."
(interactive "P")
(condition-case _
(if (and (not arg) (featurep! :ui workspaces))
(+workspace/new +twitter-workspace-name)
(setq +twitter--old-wconf (current-window-configuration))
(switch-to-buffer (doom-fallback-buffer)))
(call-interactively #'twit)
(unless (get-buffer (car twittering-initial-timeline-spec-string))
(error "Failed to open twitter"))
(switch-to-buffer (car twittering-initial-timeline-spec-string))
(dolist (name (cdr twittering-initial-timeline-spec-string))
(switch-to-buffer name))
(call-interactively #'+twitter/rerender-all))
('error (+twitter/quit-all))))
(defun +twitter/quit ()
"Close the current `twitter-mode' buffer."
(when (eq major-mode 'twittering-mode)
(cond ((one-window-p) (+twitter/quit-all))
((featurep! :ui workspaces)
(defun +twitter/quit-all ()
"Close all open `twitter-mode' buffers and the associated workspace, if any."
(when (featurep! :ui workspaces)
(+workspace/delete +twitter-workspace-name))
(when +twitter--old-wconf
(set-window-configuration +twitter--old-wconf)
(setq +twitter--old-wconf nil))
(dolist (buf (doom-buffers-in-mode 'twittering-mode (buffer-list) t))
(twittering-kill-buffer buf)))
(defun +twitter/rerender-all ()
"Rerender all `twittering-mode' buffers."
(dolist (buf (doom-buffers-in-mode 'twittering-mode (buffer-list) t))
(with-current-buffer buf
(twittering-rerender-timeline-all buf)
(setq-local line-spacing 0.2)
(goto-char (point-min)))))
(defun +twitter/ace-link ()
"Open a visible link, username or hashtag in a `twittering-mode' buffer."
(require 'avy)
;; REVIEW Is this necessary anymore with `link-hint'
(let ((pt (avy-with +twitter/ace-link
(avy--style-fn avy-style)))))
(when (number-or-marker-p pt)
(goto-char pt)
(let ((uri (get-text-property (point) 'uri)))
(if uri (browse-url uri))))))
(defun +twitter--collect-links ()
(let ((end (window-end))
(goto-char (window-start))
(while (and (< (point) end)
(ignore-errors (twittering-goto-next-thing) t))
(push (point) points))
(nreverse points))))

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@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
;;; app/twitter/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(use-package! twittering-mode
:commands twit
(setq twittering-private-info-file
(expand-file-name "twittering-mode.gpg" doom-etc-dir)
twittering-use-master-password t
twittering-request-confirmation-on-posting t
;; twittering-icon-mode t
;; twittering-use-icon-storage t
;; twittering-icon-storage-file (concat doom-cache-dir "twittering-mode-icons.gz")
;; twittering-convert-fix-size 12
twittering-timeline-header ""
twittering-timeline-footer ""
twittering-edit-skeleton 'inherit-any
twittering-status-format "%FACE[font-lock-function-name-face]{ @%s} %FACE[italic]{%@} %FACE[error]{%FIELD-IF-NONZERO[❤ %d]{favorite_count}} %FACE[warning]{%FIELD-IF-NONZERO[↺ %d]{retweet_count}}
%FOLD[ ]{%FILL{%t}%QT{
%FOLD[ ]{%FACE[font-lock-function-name-face]{@%s}\t%FACE[shadow]{%@}
%FOLD[ ]{%FILL{%t}}
%FACE[twitter-divider]{ }
;; twittering-timeline-spec-alias '()
'(":home" ":mentions" ":direct_messages"))
(set-popup-rule! "^\\*twittering-edit" :size 15 :ttl nil :quit nil :select t)
(defface twitter-divider
'((((background dark)) (:underline (:color "#141519")))
(((background light)) (:underline (:color "#d3d3d3"))))
"The vertical divider between tweets."
:group 'twittering-mode)
(add-hook 'doom-real-buffer-functions #'+twitter-buffer-p)
(when (featurep! :ui popup)
(setq twittering-pop-to-buffer-function #'+twitter-display-buffer-fn))
(after! solaire-mode
(add-hook 'twittering-mode-hook #'solaire-mode))
;; Custom header-line for twitter buffers
(add-hook! 'twittering-mode-hook
(defun +twitter-switch-mode-and-header-line-h ()
(setq header-line-format mode-line-format
mode-line-format nil)))
;; `epa--decode-coding-string' isn't defined in later versions of Emacs 27
(unless (fboundp 'epa--decode-coding-string)
(defalias 'epa--decode-coding-string #'decode-coding-string))
(define-key! twittering-mode-map
"q" #'+twitter/quit
"Q" #'+twitter/quit-all
[remap twittering-kill-buffer] #'+twitter/quit
[remap delete-window] #'+twitter/quit
[remap +workspace/close-window-or-workspace] #'+twitter/quit)
(when (featurep! :editor evil +everywhere)
(define-key! twittering-mode-map
[remap evil-window-delete] #'+twitter/quit
"f" #'twittering-favorite
"F" #'twittering-unfavorite
"\C-f" #'twittering-follow
"\C-F" #'twittering-unfollow
"d" #'twittering-delete-status
"r" #'twittering-retweet
"R" #'twittering-toggle-or-retrieve-replied-statuses
"o" #'twittering-update-status-interactive
"O" #'+twitter/ace-link
"/" #'twittering-search
"J" #'twittering-goto-next-status
"K" #'twittering-goto-previous-status
"g" nil
"gg" #'twittering-goto-first-status
"G" #'twittering-goto-last-status
"gj" #'twittering-goto-next-status-of-user
"gk" #'twittering-goto-previous-status-of-user)))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-
;;; app/twitter/packages.el
(package! twittering-mode :pin "114891e8fdb4f06b1326a6cf795e49c205cf9e29")
(package! avy :pin "bbf1e7339eba06784dfe86643bb0fbddf5bb0342")

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@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
#+TITLE: checkers/grammar
#+DATE: January 9, 2020
#+SINCE: v3.0.0
#+STARTUP: inlineimages nofold
* Table of Contents :TOC_3:noexport:
- [[#description][Description]]
- [[#maintainers][Maintainers]]
- [[#module-flags][Module Flags]]
- [[#plugins][Plugins]]
- [[#prerequisites][Prerequisites]]
- [[#features][Features]]
- [[#language-tool][Language Tool]]
- [[#commands][Commands]]
- [[#writegood-mode][writegood-mode]]
- [[#configuration][Configuration]]
- [[#troubleshooting][Troubleshooting]]
* Description
This module adds grammar checking to Emacs to aid your writing by combining
=lang-tool= and =writegood-mode=.
** Maintainers
This module has no dedicated maintainers.
** Module Flags
This module provides no flags.
** Plugins
+ [[][langtool]]
+ [[][writegood-mode]]
* Prerequisites
This module requires langtool (which requires =Java 1.8+=).
It can be acquired either from or your OS's package
+ macOS: ~brew install languagetool~
+ Arch Linux: ~pacman -S languagetool~
This module tries to guess the location of languagetool-commandline.jar. If you
get a warning that Doom =couldn't find languagetool-commandline.jar=, you will
need to set ~langtool-language-tool-jar~ to its location.
* Features
An in-depth list of features, how to use them, and their dependencies.
** Language Tool
[[][Language Tool]] is a polyglot proofreader service that checks for grammar and
stylistic issues in your writing. This requires Java 1.8+.
This requires Java 1.8+
*** Commands
- ~langtool-check~
- ~langtool-correct-buffer~
** writegood-mode
This minor mode highlights weasel words, duplication and passive voice.
* Configuration
How to configure this module, including common problems and how to address them.
* Troubleshooting
Common issues and their solution, or places to look for help.

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
;;; checkers/grammar/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(use-package! langtool
:commands (langtool-check
:init (setq langtool-default-language "en-US")
(unless (or langtool-bin
(cond (IS-MAC
;; is user using home brew?
((file-directory-p "/usr/local/Cellar/languagetool")
(setq langtool-language-tool-jar
(locate-file "libexec/languagetool-commandline.jar"
(doom-files-in "/usr/local/Cellar/languagetool"
:type 'dirs
:depth 2))))
;; macports compatibility
((file-directory-p "/opt/local/share/java/LanguageTool")
(setq langtool-java-classpath "/opt/local/share/java/LanguageTool/*"))))
(setq langtool-java-classpath "/usr/share/languagetool:/usr/share/java/languagetool/*")))))
;; Detects weasel words, passive voice and duplicates. Proselint would be a
;; better choice.
(use-package! writegood-mode
:hook (org-mode markdown-mode rst-mode asciidoc-mode latex-mode)
(map! :localleader
:map writegood-mode-map
"g" #'writegood-grade-level
"r" #'writegood-reading-ease))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-
;;; checkers/grammar/packages.el
(package! langtool :pin "8276eccc5587bc12fd205ee58a7a982f0a136e41")
(package! writegood-mode :pin "b71757ec337e226909fb0422f0224e31acc71733")

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@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
#+TITLE: checkers/spell
#+DATE: January 9, 2020
#+SINCE: v3.0.0
#+STARTUP: inlineimages nofold
* Table of Contents :TOC_3:noexport:
- [[#description][Description]]
- [[#maintainers][Maintainers]]
- [[#module-flags][Module Flags]]
- [[#plugins][Plugins]]
- [[#prerequisites][Prerequisites]]
- [[#aspell][Aspell]]
- [[#hunspell][Hunspell]]
- [[#enchant][Enchant]]
- [[#features][Features]]
- [[#configuration][Configuration]]
- [[#changing-how-quickly-spell-fu-spellchecks-after-changes][Changing how quickly spell-fu spellchecks after changes]]
- [[#spell-fu-users][Spell-fu users]]
- [[#flyspell-users][Flyspell users]]
- [[#reducing-false-positives-by-disabling-spelling-on-certain-faces][Reducing false positives by disabling spelling on certain faces]]
- [[#spell-fu-users-1][Spell-fu users]]
- [[#flyspell-users-1][Flyspell users]]
- [[#adding-or-removing-words-to-your-personal-dictionary][Adding or removing words to your personal dictionary]]
- [[#troubleshooting][Troubleshooting]]
* Description
This modules provides spellchecking powered by =aspell=, =hunspell= or =enchant=.
Spellcheck is automatically loaded in many ~text-mode~ derivatives, which
includes ~org-mode~, ~markdown-mode~, the Git Commit buffer (from magit),
~mu4e-compose-mode~, and others.
** Maintainers
This module has no dedicated maintainers.
** Module Flags
+ =+flyspell= Use =flyspell= instead of =spell-fu=. It's significantly slower,
but supports multiple languages and dictionaries.
+ =+aspell= Use =aspell= as a backend for correcting words.
+ =+hunspell= Use =hunspell= as a backend for correcting words.
+ =+enchant= Use =enchant-2= as a backend for correcting words.
+ =+everywhere= Spell check in programming modes as well (in comments).
** Plugins
+ if =+flyspell=
+ [[][flyspell-correct]]
+ [[][flyspell-correct-ivy]] (=completion/ivy=)
+ [[][flyspell-correct-helm]] (=completion/helm=)
+ [[][flyspell-correct-popup]] (if *neither* =completion/ivy= or =completion/helm=)
+ [[][flyspell-lazy]]
+ else
+ [[][spell-fu]]
* Prerequisites
This module requires one of =aspell=, =hunspell= or =enchant-2=
installed on your system and in your ~PATH~.
They also need dictionaries for your language(s).
If you *are not* using =+flyspell=, you will need aspell (and a dictionary)
installed whether or not you have =+hunspell= or =+enchant= enabled.
This is because =spell-fu= does not support generating the word list
with anything other than =aspell= yet.
** Aspell
+ Ubuntu: ~apt-get install aspell aspell-en~
+ macOS: ~brew install aspell~
+ Arch Linux: ~pacman -S aspell aspell-en~
+ NixOS:
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
(aspellWithDicts (dicts: with dicts; [ en en-computers en-science ]))
** Hunspell
+ Ubuntu: ~apt-get install hunspell~
+ macOS: ~brew install hunspell~
+ Arch Linux: ~pacman -S hunspell~
+ NixOS:
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
** Enchant
+ Ubuntu: ~apt-get install enchant-2~
+ macOS: ~brew install enchant~
+ Arch Linux: ~pacman -S enchant~
+ NixOS:
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
Enchant is just a wrapper for other spelling libraries
and you will need to have at least one of the supported backends installed as well.
* Features
+ Spell checking and correction using =aspell=, =hunspell= or =enchant=.
+ Ignores source code inside org or markdown files.
+ Lazily spellchecking recent changes only when idle.
+ Choosing suggestions using completion interfaces (=ivy= or =helm=).
When using =+everywhere=, spell checking is performed for as many major modes as
possible, and not only ~text-mode~ derivatives. e.g. in comments for programming
major modes.
* Configuration
Dictionary is set by =ispell-dictionary= variable. Can be changed locally with
the function =ispell-change-dictionary=.
** Changing how quickly spell-fu spellchecks after changes
*** Spell-fu users
Adjust ~spell-fu-idle-delay~ to change how long Emacs waits to spellcheck after
recent changes.
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(after! spell-fu
(setq spell-fu-idle-delay 0.5)) ; default is 0.25
*** Flyspell users
Lazy spellcheck is provided by =flyspell-lazy= package.
=flyspell-lazy-idle-seconds= sets how many idle seconds until spellchecking
recent changes (default as 1), while =flyspell-lazy-window-idle-seconds= sets
how many seconds until the whole window is spellchecked (default as 3).
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(after! flyspell
(setq flyspell-lazy-idle-seconds 2))
** Reducing false positives by disabling spelling on certain faces
*** Spell-fu users
Users can exclude what faces to preform spellchecking on by adjusting
~+spell-excluded-faces-alist~ in a buffer-local hook:
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(setf (alist-get 'markdown-mode +spell-excluded-faces-alist)
*** Flyspell users
Flyspell will run a series of predicate functions to determine if a word should be spell checked. You can add your own with ~set-flyspell-predicate!~:
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(set-flyspell-predicate! '(markdown-mode gfm-mode)
Flyspell predicates take no arguments and must return a boolean to determine if
the word at point should be spell checked. For example:
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defun +markdown-flyspell-word-p ()
"Return t if point is on a word that should be spell checked.
Return nil if on a link url, markup, html, or references."
(let ((faces (doom-enlist (get-text-property (point) 'face))))
(or (and (memq 'font-lock-comment-face faces)
(memq 'markdown-code-face faces))
(not (cl-loop with unsafe-faces = '(markdown-reference-face
for face in faces
if (memq face unsafe-faces)
return t)))))
** Adding or removing words to your personal dictionary
Use ~M-x +spell/add-word~ and ~M-x +spell/remove-word~ to whitelist words that
you know are not misspellings. For evil users these are bound to =zg= and =zw=,
respectively. =+flyspell= users can also add/remove words from the
~flyspell-correct~ popup interface (there will be extra options on the list of
corrections for "save word to dictionary").
* TODO Troubleshooting

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@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
;;; checkers/spell/autoload/+flyspell.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;;;###if (featurep! +flyspell)
(defalias 'flyspell-mode! #'flyspell-mode)
(defvar +spell--flyspell-predicate-alist nil
(defun set-flyspell-predicate! (modes predicate)
(declare (indent defun))
(dolist (mode (doom-enlist modes) +spell--flyspell-predicate-alist)
(add-to-list '+spell--flyspell-predicate-alist (cons mode predicate))))
(defun +spell-init-flyspell-predicate-h ()
(when-let (pred (assq major-mode +spell--flyspell-predicate-alist))
(setq-local flyspell-generic-check-word-predicate (cdr pred))))
(defun +spell-correction-at-point-p (&optional point)
(cl-loop for ov in (overlays-at (or point (point)))
if (overlay-get ov 'flyspell-overlay)
return t))
(defun +spell/add-word (word &optional scope)
"Add WORD to your personal dictionary, within SCOPE.
SCOPE can be `buffer' or `session' to exclude words only from the current buffer
or session. Otherwise, the addition is permanent."
(list (progn (require 'flyspell)
(car (flyspell-get-word)))
(cond ((equal current-prefix-arg '(16))
((equal current-prefix-arg '(4))
(require 'flyspell)
((null scope)
(ispell-send-string (concat "*" word "\n"))
(ispell-send-string "#\n")
(flyspell-unhighlight-at (point))
(setq ispell-pdict-modified-p '(t)))
((memq scope '(buffer session))
(ispell-send-string (concat "@" word "\n"))
(add-to-list 'ispell-buffer-session-localwords word)
(or ispell-buffer-local-name ; session localwords might conflict
(setq ispell-buffer-local-name (buffer-name)))
(flyspell-unhighlight-at (point))
(if (null ispell-pdict-modified-p)
(setq ispell-pdict-modified-p
(list ispell-pdict-modified-p)))
(if (eq replace 'buffer)
(ispell-add-per-file-word-list word))))
(ispell-pdict-save t))
(defun +spell/remove-word (word &optional _scope)
"Remove WORD from your personal dictionary."
(user-error "Not supported yet with +flyspell"))
(defun +spell/next-error ()
"Jump to next flyspell error."
(if (featurep 'evil)
(defun +spell/previous-error ()
"Jump to previous flyspell error."
(if (featurep 'evil)
;; TODO Implement this
(user-error "Not supported"))))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
;;; checkers/spell/autoload/+spell-fu.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;;;###if (not (featurep! +flyspell))
(defun +spell--correct (replace poss word orig-pt start end)
(cond ((eq replace 'ignore)
(goto-char orig-pt)
((eq replace 'save)
(goto-char orig-pt)
(ispell-send-string (concat "*" word "\n"))
(ispell-send-string "#\n")
(setq ispell-pdict-modified-p '(t)))
((or (eq replace 'buffer) (eq replace 'session))
(ispell-send-string (concat "@" word "\n"))
(add-to-list 'ispell-buffer-session-localwords word)
(or ispell-buffer-local-name ; session localwords might conflict
(setq ispell-buffer-local-name (buffer-name)))
(if (null ispell-pdict-modified-p)
(setq ispell-pdict-modified-p
(list ispell-pdict-modified-p)))
(goto-char orig-pt)
(if (eq replace 'buffer)
(ispell-add-per-file-word-list word)))
(let ((new-word (if (atom replace)
(car replace)))
(orig-pt (+ (- (length word) (- end start))
(unless (equal new-word (car poss))
(delete-region start end)
(goto-char start)
(insert new-word))))
((goto-char orig-pt)
(defun +spell-correct-ivy-fn (candidates word)
(ivy-read (format "Corrections for %S: " word) candidates))
(defun +spell-correct-helm-fn (candidates word)
(helm :sources (helm-build-sync-source
:candidates candidates)
:prompt (format "Corrections for %S: " word)))
(defun +spell-correct-generic-fn (candidates word)
(completing-read (format "Corrections for %S: " word) candidates))
(defun +spell/correct ()
"Correct spelling of word at point."
;; spell-fu fails to initialize correctly if it can't find aspell or a similar
;; program. We want to signal the error, not tell the user that every word is
;; spelled correctly.
(unless (;; This is what spell-fu uses to check for the aspell executable
or (and ispell-really-aspell ispell-program-name)
(executable-find "aspell"))
(user-error "Aspell is required for spell checking"))
(if (not (or (featurep! :completion ivy)
(featurep! :completion helm)))
(call-interactively #'ispell-word)
(cl-destructuring-bind (start . end)
(or (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'word)
(user-error "No word at point"))
(let ((word (thing-at-point 'word t))
(orig-pt (point))
poss ispell-filter)
(ispell-send-string "%\n")
(ispell-send-string (concat "^" word "\n"))
(while (progn (accept-process-output ispell-process)
(not (string= "" (car ispell-filter)))))
;; Remove leading empty element
(setq ispell-filter (cdr ispell-filter))
;; ispell process should return something after word is sent. Tag word as
;; valid (i.e., skip) otherwise
(unless ispell-filter
(setq ispell-filter '(*)))
(when (consp ispell-filter)
(setq poss (ispell-parse-output (car ispell-filter))))
((or (eq poss t) (stringp poss))
;; don't correct word
(message "%s is correct" (funcall ispell-format-word-function word))
((null poss)
;; ispell error
(error "Ispell: error in Ispell process"))
;; The word is incorrect, we have to propose a replacement.
(setq res (funcall +spell-correct-interface (nth 2 poss) word))
;; Some interfaces actually eat 'C-g' so it's impossible to stop rapid
;; mode. So when interface returns nil we treat it as a stop.
(unless res (setq res (cons 'break word)))
((stringp res)
(+spell--correct res poss word orig-pt start end))
((let ((cmd (car res))
(wrd (cdr res)))
(unless (or (eq cmd 'skip)
(eq cmd 'break)
(eq cmd 'stop))
(+spell--correct cmd poss wrd orig-pt start end)
(unless (string-equal wrd word)
(+spell--correct wrd poss word orig-pt start end))))))
(ispell-pdict-save t)))))))
;;;###autoload (defalias '+spell/add-word #'spell-fu-word-add)
;;;###autoload (defalias '+spell/remove-word #'spell-fu-word-remove)
;;;###autoload (defalias '+spell/next-error #'spell-fu-goto-next-error)
;;;###autoload (defalias '+spell/previous-error #'spell-fu-goto-previous-error)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
;;; checkers/spell/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;;; Ispell
;; `elisp-mode' is loaded at startup. In order to lazy load its config we need
;; to pretend it isn't loaded
(delq! 'ispell features)
(global-set-key [remap ispell-word] #'+spell/correct)
(after! ispell
;; Don't spellcheck org blocks
(pushnew! ispell-skip-region-alist
'(":\\(PROPERTIES\\|LOGBOOK\\):" . ":END:")
'("#\\+BEGIN_SRC" . "#\\+END_SRC")
;; Enable either aspell, hunspell or enchant.
;; If no module flags are given, enable either aspell, hunspell or enchant
;; if their binary is found.
;; If one of the flags `+aspell', `+hunspell' or `+enchant' is given,
;; only enable that spell checker.
(pcase (cond ((featurep! +aspell) 'aspell)
((featurep! +hunspell) 'hunspell)
((featurep! +enchant) 'enchant)
((executable-find "aspell") 'aspell)
((executable-find "hunspell") 'hunspell)
((executable-find "enchant-2") 'enchant))
(setq ispell-program-name "aspell"
ispell-extra-args '("--sug-mode=ultra"
(unless ispell-aspell-dict-dir
(setq ispell-aspell-dict-dir
(ispell-get-aspell-config-value "dict-dir")))
(unless ispell-aspell-data-dir
(setq ispell-aspell-data-dir
(ispell-get-aspell-config-value "data-dir")))
(unless ispell-personal-dictionary
(setq ispell-personal-dictionary
(expand-file-name (concat "ispell/" ispell-dictionary ".pws")
(add-hook! 'text-mode-hook
(defun +spell-remove-run-together-switch-for-aspell-h ()
(setq-local ispell-extra-args (remove "--run-together" ispell-extra-args))))
(defun +spell-init-ispell-extra-args-a (orig-fun &rest args)
:around '(ispell-word flyspell-auto-correct-word)
(let ((ispell-extra-args (remove "--run-together" ispell-extra-args)))
(ispell-kill-ispell t)
(apply orig-fun args)
(ispell-kill-ispell t))))
(setq ispell-program-name "hunspell"))
(setq ispell-program-name "enchant-2"))
(_ (doom-log "Spell checker not found. Either install `aspell', `hunspell' or `enchant'"))))
;;; Implementations
(eval-if! (not (featurep! +flyspell))
(use-package! spell-fu
:when (executable-find "aspell")
:hook (text-mode . spell-fu-mode)
:general ([remap ispell-word] #'+spell/correct)
(defvar +spell-correct-interface
(cond ((featurep! :completion ivy)
((featurep! :completion helm)
"Function to use to display corrections.")
(defvar +spell-excluded-faces-alist
. (markdown-code-face
. (org-block
. (font-latex-math-face
"Faces in certain major modes that spell-fu will not spellcheck.")
(setq spell-fu-directory (concat doom-etc-dir "spell-fu"))
(when (featurep! +everywhere)
(add-hook! '(yaml-mode-hook
(map! :after spell-fu
:map override
:n [return]
(cmds! (memq 'spell-fu-incorrect-face (face-at-point nil t))
(defadvice! +spell--create-word-dict-a (_word words-file _action)
:before #'spell-fu--word-add-or-remove
(unless (file-exists-p words-file)
(make-directory (file-name-directory words-file) t)
(with-temp-file words-file
(insert (format "personal_ws-1.1 %s 0\n" ispell-dictionary)))))
(add-hook! 'spell-fu-mode-hook
(defun +spell-init-excluded-faces-h ()
"Set `spell-fu-faces-exclude' according to `+spell-excluded-faces-alist'."
(when-let (excluded (cdr (cl-find-if #'derived-mode-p +spell-excluded-faces-alist :key #'car)))
(setq-local spell-fu-faces-exclude excluded))))
;; TODO custom `spell-fu-check-range' function to reduce false positives
;; more intelligently, or modify `spell-fu-word-regexp' to include
;; non-latin charactersets.
(use-package! flyspell ; built-in
:defer t
;; `flyspell' is loaded at startup. In order to lazy load its config we need
;; to pretend it isn't loaded.
(defer-feature! flyspell flyspell-mode flyspell-prog-mode)
(add-hook! '(org-mode-hook
(when (featurep! +everywhere)
(add-hook! '(yaml-mode-hook
(provide 'ispell) ; forcibly load ispell configs
(setq flyspell-issue-welcome-flag nil
;; Significantly speeds up flyspell, which would otherwise print
;; messages for every word when checking the entire buffer
flyspell-issue-message-flag nil)
(add-hook! 'flyspell-mode-hook
(defun +spell-inhibit-duplicate-detection-maybe-h ()
"Don't mark duplicates when style/grammar linters are present.
e.g. proselint and langtool."
(and (or (and (bound-and-true-p flycheck-mode)
(executable-find "proselint"))
(featurep 'langtool))
(setq-local flyspell-mark-duplications-flag nil))))
;; Ensure mode-local predicates declared with `set-flyspell-predicate!' are
;; used in their respective major modes.
(add-hook 'flyspell-mode-hook #'+spell-init-flyspell-predicate-h)
(let ((flyspell-correct
(cmds! (and (not mark-active)
(not (and (bound-and-true-p evil-local-mode)
(or (evil-insert-state-p)
(memq 'flyspell-incorrect (face-at-point nil t)))
(map! :map flyspell-mouse-map
"RET" flyspell-correct
[return] flyspell-correct
[mouse-1] #'flyspell-correct-at-point)))
(use-package! flyspell-correct
:commands flyspell-correct-previous
:general ([remap ispell-word] #'flyspell-correct-at-point)
(cond ((and (featurep! :completion helm)
(require 'flyspell-correct-helm nil t)))
((and (featurep! :completion ivy)
(require 'flyspell-correct-ivy nil t)))
((require 'flyspell-correct-popup nil t)
(setq flyspell-popup-correct-delay 0.8)
(define-key popup-menu-keymap [escape] #'keyboard-quit))))
(use-package! flyspell-lazy
:after flyspell
(setq flyspell-lazy-idle-seconds 1
flyspell-lazy-window-idle-seconds 3)
(flyspell-lazy-mode +1)))

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
;;; checkers/spell/doctor.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(when (or (not (featurep! +flyspell))
(featurep! +aspell))
(unless (executable-find "aspell")
(warn! "Couldn't find aspell executable; spell checker will not work")))
(when (featurep! +hunspell)
(unless (executable-find "hunspell")
(warn! "Couldn't find hunspell executable; spell checker will not work")))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-
;;; checkers/spell/packages.el
(if (not (featurep! +flyspell))
(package! spell-fu :pin "a7db58747131dca2eee0e0757c3d254d391ddd1c")
(package! flyspell-correct :pin "6d603a1dc51918f7f8aaf99dd5443f74a0afc794")
(cond ((featurep! :completion ivy)
(package! flyspell-correct-ivy))
((featurep! :completion helm)
(package! flyspell-correct-helm))
((package! flyspell-correct-popup)))
(package! flyspell-lazy :pin "3ebf68cc9eb10c972a2de8d7861cbabbbce69570"))

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
;;; checkers/syntax/autoload.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defun set-next-checker! (mode checker next &optional append)
(let ((fn (intern (format "+syntax--init-checkers-for-%s-h" mode))))
(fset fn
(lambda ()
(if (not (bound-and-true-p flycheck-mode))
(add-hook 'flycheck-mode-hook fn 'append 'local)
(flycheck-add-next-checker checker next append)
(remove-hook 'flycheck-mode-hook fn 'local))))
(add-hook (intern (format "%s-hook" mode)) fn)))
(defun +syntax-init-popups-h ()
"Activate `flycheck-posframe-mode' if available and in GUI Emacs.
Activate `flycheck-popup-tip-mode' otherwise.
Do nothing if `lsp-ui-mode' is active and `lsp-ui-sideline-enable' is non-nil."
(unless (and (bound-and-true-p lsp-ui-mode)
(if (and (fboundp 'flycheck-posframe-mode)
(flycheck-posframe-mode +1)
(flycheck-popup-tip-mode +1))))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
;;; checkers/syntax/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;;; Flycheck
(use-package! flycheck
:commands flycheck-list-errors flycheck-buffer
:hook (doom-first-buffer . global-flycheck-mode)
(setq flycheck-emacs-lisp-load-path 'inherit)
;; Rerunning checks on every newline is a mote excessive.
(delq 'new-line flycheck-check-syntax-automatically)
;; And don't recheck on idle as often
(setq flycheck-idle-change-delay 1.0)
;; For the above functionality, check syntax in a buffer that you switched to
;; only briefly. This allows "refreshing" the syntax check state for several
;; buffers quickly after e.g. changing a config file.
(setq flycheck-buffer-switch-check-intermediate-buffers t)
;; Display errors a little quicker (default is 0.9s)
(setq flycheck-display-errors-delay 0.25)
;; Don't commandeer input focus if the error message pops up (happens when
;; tooltips and childframes are disabled).
'(("^\\*Flycheck error messages\\*" :select nil)
("^\\*Flycheck errors\\*" :size 0.25)))
(add-hook! 'doom-escape-hook :append
(defun +syntax-check-buffer-h ()
"Flycheck buffer on ESC in normal mode."
(when flycheck-mode
(ignore-errors (flycheck-buffer))
(map! :map flycheck-error-list-mode-map
:n "C-n" #'flycheck-error-list-next-error
:n "C-p" #'flycheck-error-list-previous-error
:n "j" #'flycheck-error-list-next-error
:n "k" #'flycheck-error-list-previous-error
:n "RET" #'flycheck-error-list-goto-error
:n [return] #'flycheck-error-list-goto-error))
(use-package! flycheck-popup-tip
:commands flycheck-popup-tip-show-popup flycheck-popup-tip-delete-popup
:hook (flycheck-mode . +syntax-init-popups-h)
(setq flycheck-popup-tip-error-prefix "X ")
(after! evil
;; Don't display popups while in insert or replace mode, as it can affect
;; the cursor's position or cause disruptive input delays.
(add-hook! '(evil-insert-state-entry-hook evil-replace-state-entry-hook)
(defadvice! +syntax--disable-flycheck-popup-tip-maybe-a (&rest _)
:before-while #'flycheck-popup-tip-show-popup
(if evil-local-mode
(eq evil-state 'normal)
(not (bound-and-true-p company-backend))))))
(use-package! flycheck-posframe
:when (featurep! +childframe)
:hook (flycheck-mode . +syntax-init-popups-h)
(setq flycheck-posframe-warning-prefix "! "
flycheck-posframe-info-prefix "··· "
flycheck-posframe-error-prefix "X ")
(after! company
;; Don't display popups if company is open
(add-hook 'flycheck-posframe-inhibit-functions #'company--active-p))
(after! evil
;; Don't display popups while in insert or replace mode, as it can affect
;; the cursor's position or cause disruptive input delays.
(add-hook! 'flycheck-posframe-inhibit-functions
;;; TODO Flymake

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-
;;; checkers/syntax/packages.el
(package! flycheck :pin "79c9245ee0bd1722d41c865fef69aa2b1ac08fde")
(package! flycheck-popup-tip :pin "ef86aad907f27ca076859d8d9416f4f7727619c6")
(when (featurep! +childframe)
(package! flycheck-posframe :pin "66b73ddb93b357fe9b849d2aa14d5cc9e89e9ffd"))
;; TODO flymake?

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@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
#+TITLE: completion/company
#+DATE: February 19, 2017
#+SINCE: v2.0
#+STARTUP: inlineimages
* Table of Contents :TOC_3:noexport:
- [[#description][Description]]
- [[#module-flags][Module Flags]]
- [[#plugins][Plugins]]
- [[#prerequisites][Prerequisites]]
- [[#features][Features]]
- [[#code-completion][Code completion]]
- [[#vim-esque-omni-completion-prefix-c-x][Vim-esque omni-completion prefix (C-x)]]
- [[#configuration][Configuration]]
- [[#enable-company-backends-in-certain-modes][Enable company backend(s) in certain modes]]
- [[#troubleshooting][Troubleshooting]]
- [[#x-mode-doesnt-have-code-completion-support-or-requires-extra-setup][X-mode doesn't have code completion support or requires extra setup.]]
- [[#no-backends-or-the-incorrect-ones-have-been-registered-for-x-mode][No backends (or the incorrect ones) have been registered for X-mode.]]
* Description
This module provides code completion, powered by [[][company-mode]]. It is required
for code completion in many of Doom's :lang modules.
** Module Flags
+ =+childframe= Enables displaying completion candidates in a child frame,
rather than an overlay or tooltip (among with other UI enhancements). *This
requires GUI Emacs 26.1+ and is incompatible with the =+tng= flag*
+ =+tng= Enables completion using only ~TAB~. Pressing ~TAB~ will select the
next completion suggestion, while ~S-TAB~ will select the previous one. *This
is incompatible with the =+childframe= flag*
** Plugins
+ [[][company-mode]]
+ [[][company-dict]]
+ [[][company-box]]* (=+childframe=)
* Prerequisites
This module has no direct prerequisites.
However, some major modes may require additional setup for code completion to
work in them. Some major modes may have no completion support at all. Check that
major mode's module's documentation for details.
* Features
** Code completion
By default, completion is triggered after a short idle period or with the
=C-SPC= key. While the popup is visible, the following keys are available:
| Keybind | Description |
| =C-n= | Go to next candidate |
| =C-p= | Go to previous candidate |
| =C-j= | (evil) Go to next candidate |
| =C-k= | (evil) Go to previous candidate |
| =C-h= | Display documentation (if available) |
| =C-u= | Move to previous page of candidates |
| =C-d= | Move to next page of candidates |
| =C-s= | Filter candidates |
| =C-S-s= | Search candidates with helm/ivy |
| =C-SPC= | Complete common |
| =TAB= | Complete common or select next candidate |
| =S-TAB= | Select previous candidate |
** Vim-esque omni-completion prefix (C-x)
In the spirit of Vim's omni-completion, the following insert mode keybinds are
available to evil users to access specific company backends:
| Keybind | Description |
| =C-x C-]= | Complete etags |
| =C-x C-f= | Complete file path |
| =C-x C-k= | Complete from dictionary/keyword |
| =C-x C-l= | Complete full line |
| =C-x C-o= | Invoke complete-at-point function |
| =C-x C-n= | Complete next symbol at point |
| =C-x C-p= | Complete previous symbol at point |
| =C-x C-s= | Complete snippet |
| =C-x s= | Complete spelling suggestions |
* Configuration
** Enable company backend(s) in certain modes
The ~set-company-backend!~ function exists for setting ~company-backends~
buffer-locally in MODES, which is either a major-mode symbol, a minor-mode
symbol, or a list of either. BACKENDS are prepended to ~company-backends~ for
those modes.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(after! js2-mode
(set-company-backend! 'js2-mode 'company-tide 'company-yasnippet))
(after! sh-script
(set-company-backend! 'sh-mode
'(company-shell :with company-yasnippet)))
(after! cc-mode
(set-company-backend! 'c-mode
'(:separate company-irony-c-headers company-irony)))
To unset the backends for a particular mode, pass ~nil~ to it:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(after! sh-script
(set-company-backend! 'sh-mode nil))
* Troubleshooting
If code completion isn't working for you, consider the following common causes
before you file a bug report:
** X-mode doesn't have code completion support or requires extra setup.
There is no guarantee your language mode will have completion support.
Some, like ~lua-mode~, don't have completion support in Emacs at all. Others may
requires additional setup to get code completion working. For instance,
~go-mode~ requires ~guru~ to be installed on your system, and ~ruby-mode~
requires that you have a Robe server running (~M-x robe-start~).
Check the relevant module's documentation for this kind of information.
** No backends (or the incorrect ones) have been registered for X-mode.
Doom expects every mode to have an explicit list of company-backends (and as
short a list as possible). This may mean you aren't getting all the completion
you want or any at all.
Check the value of ~company-backends~ (=SPC h v company-backends=) from that
mode to see what backends are available. Check the [[*Assigning company backend(s) to modes][Configuration section]] for
details on changing what backends are available for that mode.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
;;; completion/company/autoload.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defvar +company-backend-alist
'((text-mode (:separate company-dabbrev company-yasnippet company-ispell))
(prog-mode company-capf company-yasnippet)
(conf-mode company-capf company-dabbrev-code company-yasnippet))
"An alist matching modes to company backends. The backends for any mode is
built from this.")
(defun set-company-backend! (modes &rest backends)
"Prepends BACKENDS (in order) to `company-backends' in MODES.
MODES should be one symbol or a list of them, representing major or minor modes.
This will overwrite backends for MODES on consecutive uses.
If the car of BACKENDS is nil, unset the backends for MODES.
(set-company-backend! 'js2-mode
'company-tide 'company-yasnippet)
(set-company-backend! 'sh-mode
'(company-shell :with company-yasnippet))
(set-company-backend! '(c-mode c++-mode)
'(:separate company-irony-c-headers company-irony))
(set-company-backend! 'sh-mode nil) ; unsets backends for sh-mode"
(declare (indent defun))
(dolist (mode (doom-enlist modes))
(if (null (car backends))
(setq +company-backend-alist
(delq (assq mode +company-backend-alist)
(setf (alist-get mode +company-backend-alist)
;;; Library
(defun +company--backends ()
(let (backends)
(let ((mode major-mode)
(modes (list major-mode)))
(while (setq mode (get mode 'derived-mode-parent))
(push mode modes))
(dolist (mode modes)
(dolist (backend (append (cdr (assq mode +company-backend-alist))
(default-value 'company-backends)))
(push backend backends)))
(append (cl-loop for (mode . backends) in +company-backend-alist
if (or (eq major-mode mode) ; major modes
(and (boundp mode)
(symbol-value mode))) ; minor modes
append backends)
(nreverse backends))))))
;;; Hooks
(defun +company-init-backends-h ()
"Set `company-backends' for the current buffer."
(or (memq major-mode '(fundamental-mode special-mode))
(doom-temp-buffer-p (or (buffer-base-buffer) (current-buffer)))
(setq-local company-backends (+company--backends))))
(put '+company-init-backends-h 'permanent-local-hook t)
;;; Commands
(defun +company-has-completion-p ()
"Return non-nil if a completion candidate exists at point."
(and (company-manual-begin)
(= company-candidates-length 1)))
(defun +company/toggle-auto-completion ()
"Toggle as-you-type code completion."
(require 'company)
(setq company-idle-delay (unless company-idle-delay 0.2))
(message "Auto completion %s"
(if company-idle-delay "enabled" "disabled")))
(defun +company/complete ()
"Bring up the completion popup. If only one result, complete it."
(require 'company)
(when (ignore-errors
(/= (point)
(cdr (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'symbol))))
(save-excursion (insert " ")))
(when (and (company-manual-begin)
(= company-candidates-length 1))
(defun +company/dabbrev ()
"Invokes `company-dabbrev-code' in prog-mode buffers and `company-dabbrev'
everywhere else."
(if (derived-mode-p 'prog-mode)
(defun +company/whole-lines (command &optional arg &rest ignored)
"`company-mode' completion backend that completes whole-lines, akin to vim's
C-x C-l."
(interactive (list 'interactive))
(require 'company)
(pcase command
(`interactive (company-begin-backend '+company/whole-lines))
(`prefix (company-grab-line "^[\t\s]*\\(.+\\)" 1))
"^[\t\s]+" ""
(concat (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (line-beginning-position))
(buffer-substring-no-properties (line-end-position) (point-max))))
"\\(\r\n\\|[\n\r]\\)" t))))))
(defun +company/dict-or-keywords ()
"`company-mode' completion combining `company-dict' and `company-keywords'."
(require 'company-dict)
(require 'company-keywords)
(let ((company-backends '((company-keywords company-dict))))
(call-interactively #'company-complete)))
(defun +company/dabbrev-code-previous ()
(require 'company-dabbrev)
(let ((company-selection-wrap-around t))
(call-interactively #'+company/dabbrev)

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@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
;;; completion/company/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(use-package! company
:commands company-complete-common company-manual-begin company-grab-line
:hook (doom-first-input . global-company-mode)
(setq company-minimum-prefix-length 2
company-tooltip-limit 14
company-tooltip-align-annotations t
company-require-match 'never
company-global-modes '(not erc-mode message-mode help-mode gud-mode)
'(company-pseudo-tooltip-frontend ; always show candidates in overlay tooltip
company-echo-metadata-frontend) ; show selected candidate docs in echo area
;; Buffer-local backends will be computed when loading a major mode, so
;; only specify a global default here.
company-backends '(company-capf)
;; These auto-complete the current selection when
;; `company-auto-complete-chars' is typed. This is too magical. We
;; already have the much more explicit RET and TAB.
company-auto-complete nil
company-auto-complete-chars nil
;; Only search the current buffer for `company-dabbrev' (a backend that
;; suggests text your open buffers). This prevents Company from causing
;; lag once you have a lot of buffers open.
company-dabbrev-other-buffers nil
;; Make `company-dabbrev' fully case-sensitive, to improve UX with
;; domain-specific words with particular casing.
company-dabbrev-ignore-case nil
company-dabbrev-downcase nil)
(when (featurep! :editor evil)
(add-hook 'company-mode-hook #'evil-normalize-keymaps)
(unless (featurep! +childframe)
;; Don't persist company popups when switching back to normal mode.
;; `company-box' aborts on mode switch so it doesn't need this.
(add-hook! 'evil-normal-state-entry-hook
(defun +company-abort-h ()
;; HACK `company-abort' doesn't no-op if company isn't active; causing
;; unwanted side-effects, like the suppression of messages in the
;; echo-area.
;; REVIEW Revisit this to refactor; shouldn't be necessary!
(when company-candidates
;; Allow users to switch between backends on the fly. E.g. C-x C-s followed
;; by C-x C-n, will switch from `company-yasnippet' to
;; `company-dabbrev-code'.
(defadvice! +company--abort-previous-a (&rest _)
:before #'company-begin-backend
(add-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook #'+company-init-backends-h 'append)
(when (featurep! +tng)
(company-tng-mode +1))
;; NOTE Fix #1335: ensure `company-emulation-alist' is the first item of
;; `emulation-mode-map-alists', thus higher priority than keymaps of
;; evil-mode. We raise the priority of company-mode keymaps
;; unconditionally even when completion is not activated. This should not
;; cause problems, because when completion is activated, the value of
;; `company-emulation-alist' is ((t . company-my-keymap)), when
;; completion is not activated, the value is ((t . nil)).
(add-hook! 'evil-local-mode-hook
(when (memq 'company-emulation-alist emulation-mode-map-alists)
;; Fix #4355: allow eldoc to trigger after completions.
(after! eldoc
(eldoc-add-command 'company-complete-selection
;;; Packages
(after! company-files
(add-to-list 'company-files--regexps "file:\\(\\(?:\\.\\{1,2\\}/\\|~/\\|/\\)[^\]\n]*\\)"))
(use-package! company-box
:when (featurep! +childframe)
:hook (company-mode . company-box-mode)
(setq company-box-show-single-candidate t
company-box-backends-colors nil
company-box-max-candidates 50
company-box-icons-alist 'company-box-icons-all-the-icons
(cons #'+company-box-icons--elisp-fn
(delq 'company-box-icons--elisp
(let ((all-the-icons-scale-factor 0.8))
`((Unknown . ,(all-the-icons-material "find_in_page" :face 'all-the-icons-purple))
(Text . ,(all-the-icons-material "text_fields" :face 'all-the-icons-green))
(Method . ,(all-the-icons-material "functions" :face 'all-the-icons-red))
(Function . ,(all-the-icons-material "functions" :face 'all-the-icons-red))
(Constructor . ,(all-the-icons-material "functions" :face 'all-the-icons-red))
(Field . ,(all-the-icons-material "functions" :face 'all-the-icons-red))
(Variable . ,(all-the-icons-material "adjust" :face 'all-the-icons-blue))
(Class . ,(all-the-icons-material "class" :face 'all-the-icons-red))
(Interface . ,(all-the-icons-material "settings_input_component" :face 'all-the-icons-red))
(Module . ,(all-the-icons-material "view_module" :face 'all-the-icons-red))
(Property . ,(all-the-icons-material "settings" :face 'all-the-icons-red))
(Unit . ,(all-the-icons-material "straighten" :face 'all-the-icons-red))
(Value . ,(all-the-icons-material "filter_1" :face 'all-the-icons-red))
(Enum . ,(all-the-icons-material "plus_one" :face 'all-the-icons-red))
(Keyword . ,(all-the-icons-material "filter_center_focus" :face 'all-the-icons-red))
(Snippet . ,(all-the-icons-material "short_text" :face 'all-the-icons-red))
(Color . ,(all-the-icons-material "color_lens" :face 'all-the-icons-red))
(File . ,(all-the-icons-material "insert_drive_file" :face 'all-the-icons-red))
(Reference . ,(all-the-icons-material "collections_bookmark" :face 'all-the-icons-red))
(Folder . ,(all-the-icons-material "folder" :face 'all-the-icons-red))
(EnumMember . ,(all-the-icons-material "people" :face 'all-the-icons-red))
(Constant . ,(all-the-icons-material "pause_circle_filled" :face 'all-the-icons-red))
(Struct . ,(all-the-icons-material "streetview" :face 'all-the-icons-red))
(Event . ,(all-the-icons-material "event" :face 'all-the-icons-red))
(Operator . ,(all-the-icons-material "control_point" :face 'all-the-icons-red))
(TypeParameter . ,(all-the-icons-material "class" :face 'all-the-icons-red))
(Template . ,(all-the-icons-material "short_text" :face 'all-the-icons-green))
(ElispFunction . ,(all-the-icons-material "functions" :face 'all-the-icons-red))
(ElispVariable . ,(all-the-icons-material "check_circle" :face 'all-the-icons-blue))
(ElispFeature . ,(all-the-icons-material "stars" :face 'all-the-icons-orange))
(ElispFace . ,(all-the-icons-material "format_paint" :face 'all-the-icons-pink)))))
;; HACK Fix oversized scrollbar in some odd cases
;; REVIEW `resize-mode' is deprecated and may stop working in the future.
;; TODO PR me upstream?
(setq x-gtk-resize-child-frames 'resize-mode)
;; Disable tab-bar in company-box child frames
;; TODO PR me upstream!
(add-to-list 'company-box-frame-parameters '(tab-bar-lines . 0))
;; Don't show documentation in echo area, because company-box displays its own
;; in a child frame.
(delq! 'company-echo-metadata-frontend company-frontends)
(defun +company-box-icons--elisp-fn (candidate)
(when (derived-mode-p 'emacs-lisp-mode)
(let ((sym (intern candidate)))
(cond ((fboundp sym) 'ElispFunction)
((boundp sym) 'ElispVariable)
((featurep sym) 'ElispFeature)
((facep sym) 'ElispFace)))))
;; `company-box' performs insufficient frame-live-p checks. Any command that
;; "cleans up the session" will break company-box.
;; TODO Fix this upstream.
(defadvice! +company-box-detect-deleted-frame-a (frame)
:filter-return #'company-box--get-frame
(if (frame-live-p frame) frame))
(defadvice! +company-box-detect-deleted-doc-frame-a (_selection frame)
:before #'company-box-doc
(and company-box-doc-enable
(frame-local-getq company-box-doc-frame frame)
(not (frame-live-p (frame-local-getq company-box-doc-frame frame)))
(frame-local-setq company-box-doc-frame nil frame))))
(use-package! company-dict
:defer t
(setq company-dict-dir (expand-file-name "dicts" doom-private-dir))
(add-hook! 'doom-project-hook
(defun +company-enable-project-dicts-h (mode &rest _)
"Enable per-project dictionaries."
(if (symbol-value mode)
(add-to-list 'company-dict-minor-mode-list mode nil #'eq)
(setq company-dict-minor-mode-list (delq mode company-dict-minor-mode-list))))))

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