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2 Commits

1 changed files with 13 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -32,24 +32,26 @@ alias \
mv='mv -iv' \
rm='rm -vI' \
..='cd ..' \
df='df -ahiT --total' \
lsl='ls -lhFA' \
ps='ps auxf' \
free='free -mt' \
du='du -hs * | sort -h' \
df='df -ahiT --total' \
lsl='ls -lhFA' \
ps='ps auxf' \
free='free -mt' \
# du sort by size please
alias du='du -ach * | sort -h'
# Shortcuts for common directories
alias \
cf='cd ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config} && ls -a --color=auto' \
sc='cd ~/.local/bin/ && ls -a --color=auto' \
sc='cd ~/.local/bin/ && ls -a --color=auto'
cz='cd ~/.local/share/chezmoi/ && ls -lha'
# responseGatherer aliases (I really need to find a better way for this.)
alias sj="responseGatherer -i ~/wrt/journal/selfMonitoringPrompts/sleepJournal -o ~/wrt/diary/$(date +%F).md"
alias hbps="responseGatherer -i ~/wrt/journal/selfMonitoringPrompts/healthyBoundaryPositiveStatement -o ~/wrt/diary/$(date +%F).md"
# Aliases for Self Monitoring
alias \
jr='emacsclient ~/wrt/diary/$(date +%F).md' \
stm='responseGatherer -i ~/wrt/journal/selfMonitoringPrompts/stoicThoughtMonitoring -o ~/wrt/diary/$(date +%F).md' \
sj='responseGatherer -i ~/wrt/journal/selfMonitoringPrompts/sleepJournal -o ~/wrt/diary/$(date +%F).md' \
as='responseGatherer -i ~/wrt/journal/selfMonitoringPrompts/actionSteps -o ~/wrt/diary/$(date +%F).md' \
hbps='responseGatherer -i ~/wrt/journal/selfMonitoringPrompts/healthyBoundaryPositiveStatement -o ~/wrt/diary/$(date +%F).md'
# Play a random video file from the cd
alias rnmv="mpv $(ls -p | grep -v / | shuf | head -1)"