
153 lines
3.4 KiB

import { IssueProviderKey } from '../issue/issue.model';
import { Reminder } from '../reminder/reminder.model';
import { EntityState } from '@ngrx/entity';
import { TaskAttachment } from './task-attachment/task-attachment.model';
import { MODEL_VERSION_KEY } from '../../app.constants';
export enum ShowSubTasksMode {
HideAll = 0,
HideDone = 1,
Show = 2,
export enum TaskAdditionalInfoTargetPanel {
Default = 'Default',
Attachments = 'Attachments',
export type DropListModelSource = 'UNDONE' | 'DONE' | 'BACKLOG';
export enum TaskReminderOptionId {
DoNotRemind = 'DoNotRemind',
AtStart = 'AtStart',
m5 = 'm5',
m10 = 'm10',
m15 = 'm15',
m30 = 'm30',
h1 = 'h1',
export interface TaskReminderOption {
id: TaskReminderOptionId;
title: string;
export interface TimeSpentOnDayCopy {
[key: string]: number;
export interface TaskArchive extends EntityState<ArchiveTask> {
ids: string[];
// additional entities state properties
export type TimeSpentOnDay = Readonly<TimeSpentOnDayCopy>;
export interface IssueFieldsForTask {
// NOTE: keep in mind that the issueId is not unique (especially for github)
issueId: string | null;
issueType: IssueProviderKey | null;
issueWasUpdated: boolean | null;
issueLastUpdated: number | null;
issueAttachmentNr: number | null;
issuePoints: number | null;
export interface TaskCopy extends IssueFieldsForTask {
id: string;
projectId: string | null;
title: string;
subTaskIds: string[];
timeSpentOnDay: TimeSpentOnDay;
timeSpent: number;
timeEstimate: number;
created: number;
isDone: boolean;
doneOn: number | null;
plannedAt: number | null;
// remindCfg: TaskReminderOptionId;
notes: string;
parentId: string | null;
reminderId: string | null;
repeatCfgId: string | null;
tagIds: string[];
// attachments
attachments: TaskAttachment[];
// ui model
// 0: show, 1: hide-done tasks, 2: hide all sub tasks
_showSubTasksMode: ShowSubTasksMode;
* standard task but with:
* * reminder removed, if any
* * sub tasks not included (but copied)
// attachment data saved to it
export type ArchiveTask = Readonly<TaskCopy>;
export type Task = Readonly<TaskCopy>;
export interface TaskWithReminderData extends Task {
readonly reminderData: Reminder;
readonly parentData?: Task;
export interface TaskWithSubTasks extends Task {
readonly subTasks?: Task[];
export const DEFAULT_TASK: Task = {
id: '',
projectId: null,
subTaskIds: [],
timeSpentOnDay: {},
timeSpent: 0,
timeEstimate: 0,
isDone: false,
doneOn: null,
title: '',
notes: '',
tagIds: [],
parentId: null,
reminderId: null,
repeatCfgId: null,
plannedAt: null,
_showSubTasksMode: ShowSubTasksMode.Show,
attachments: [],
issueId: null,
issuePoints: null,
issueType: null,
issueAttachmentNr: null,
issueLastUpdated: null,
issueWasUpdated: null,
export interface TaskState extends EntityState<Task> {
// overwrite entity model to avoid problems with typing
ids: string[];
// additional entities state properties
currentTaskId: string | null;
selectedTaskId: string | null;
taskAdditionalInfoTargetPanel: TaskAdditionalInfoTargetPanel | null;
lastCurrentTaskId: string | null;
isDataLoaded: boolean;
export interface WorklogTask extends Task {
dateStr: string;