--- title: SSB Log Entry 610 date: 2020-05-12T07:59:24-05:00 tags: --- # Pigeon Protocol Daily Update ## Done * Fixed a mistake I made in the Lipmaa link implementation ## TODO * Fix a bug where a message containing `\n` in a key causes `StringScanner` to hang indefinitely. * Re-order header fields to be more readable * Cleanup and documentation ## IDEAS WELCOME (Naming Things) Yesterday I talked about how I [want to get rid of SSB-style sigils](%HKZ687D5pkUjfvbPn3CLhHquJ4PaIIXJm2GYHAQ1MO8=.sha256) in favor of ones that are URL-safe and human readable. The idea was well received, but **there's some disagreement as to what we should use instead of the current sigils**. Right now, we use `@`, `%`, `&` sigils to represent identities, messages and blobs, respectively. I had originally proposed changing them to the following: * Change `@` to `feed.` * Change `&` to `blob.` * Change `%` to `mesg.` The first two seem to work. The last one was not as popular, mostly based on the feedback that people don't like abbreviating words for various reasons. Eg: makes it harder for non-native English speakers to look it up in a dictionary, and it will act funny in screen readers (though I think the Base32 that follows a sigil would do the same anyway). I'm not sure what I should use instead of `mesg.`. * I don't want to use `message.` because pigeon multihashes are already longer than SSB multihashes (52 characters, last time I checked). * It would be nice if the new sigil is exactly 4 letters long because you can perform string indexing more easily when writing lexers or working in constrained environments / languages with minimal string support. It is also a lot easier on the eyes when multihashes all line up neatly. * [@kas](https://scuttlebutt.nz/) suggested using `post.` This is probably what I will use if I can't find a better alternative. Does anyone have any other ideas? Another alternative I've considered is using single character sigils, such as `F` for feeds, `B` for blob, `M` for message. It's not as readable, but it _is_ more URL safe and only slightly less anglocentric than the current sigils. I'm open to more ideas. I will probably just go with `post.` otherwise. #pigeon-protocol