require "pry" require "open-uri" require "base64" require "erb" require "json" USER_ID = "@z2M8msI2EUubNHnrEJncglDIy2/SUd+36jCyJnfeiHk=.ed25519" BLOB_URL = "http://localhost:8989/blobs/get/%s?contentType=%s" BLOB_PATH = "source/img/ssb/%s.%s" POST_TEMPLATE ="ssb_import.erb.markdown")) txt = `ssb-server createHistoryStream --id #{USER_ID} | jq 'select(.value?.content?.type? == "post")' -c -M` posts = [] txt.each_line do |x| json = JSON.parse(x, symbolize_names: true) if json.dig(:value, :content, :reply) == nil t =, :timestamp) / 1000) posts.push({ sequence: json.dig(:value, :sequence), time: t.iso8601, key: Base64.urlsafe_encode64(Base64.decode64(json.fetch(:key))), text: (json.dig(:value, :content, :text) || ""), links: json.dig(:value, :content, :mentions) || [], }) end end do |post| key = post.fetch(:key) content = post[:text] time = post[:time] sequence = post[:sequence] post[:links].map do |link| hash = link[:link] case hash[0] when "@" # Just link usernames to the SSB Site content.gsub!(hash, "") when "&" b64 = Base64.urlsafe_encode64(Base64.decode64(hash)) type = link[:type] url = BLOB_URL % [hash, type] extension = type.split("/").last path = BLOB_PATH % [b64, extension] unless File.file?(path) File.write(path, open(url).read) `convert #{path} +dither -remap netscape: #{path}` `convert #{path} -resize 640 #{path}` end content.gsub!(hash, path.gsub("source/", "")) end end File.write("source/blog/ssb-#{key}.html.markdown", POST_TEMPLATE.result(binding)) end