--- title: SSB Log Entry 597 date: 2020-05-11T07:58:59-05:00 tags: --- # Pigeon Protocol Daily Update Pretty sure I **naively screwed up the lipmaa link implementation and need to re-write**. Going back and fixing the mess I made in [a branch](https://tildegit.org/PigeonProtocolConsortium/pigeon_ruby/src/branch/lipmaa_fix). Currently there are 10 failing tests. Based on the discussion surrounding SSB URLs, I am going to **diverge from SSB's sigil usage scheme**: * Change the `@` sigil to `feed.` * Change the `%` sigil to `mesg.` * Change the `&` sigil to `blob.` The new sigils will all be four letter abbreviations followed by a period char. The reasons are: * Does not use unsafe or reserved URL characters. * Easier for new devs to remember (although I can "sight read" SSB multihashes, I do remember it took a while to remember). Here's an example: ``` OLD WAY: @PSAZVT7913W2Q7GJEY1EJ789A2QJ22WD9VMFSJ2BS2DPDZ37RMVG.ed25519 NEW WAY: feed.PSAZVT7913W2Q7GJEY1EJ789A2QJ22WD9VMFSJ2BS2DPDZ37RMVG.ed25519 ``` #pigeon-protocol