remove termite config as I no longer use it

This commit is contained in:
Nico 2022-02-02 22:18:29 +00:00
parent 963f352974
commit ebf6869235
3 changed files with 6 additions and 101 deletions

View File

@ -3,13 +3,12 @@ if status is-interactive
set -gx PATH ~/.local/bin ~/.luarocks/bin ~/.cargo/bin ~/projects/go/bin ~/games/launchers ~/x-tools/arm-kobo-linux-anueabihf/bin $PATH
set -gx EDITOR micro
set -gx VISUAL micro
set -gx EDITOR textadept
set -gx VISUAL textadept
set -gx VITASDK ~/.local/vitasdk
set -gx LEDGER_FILE ~/Documents/hledger/personal.journal
set -gx GOPATH ~/projects/go
set -gx PSION_PREFIX ~/software/psion-prefix
alias v=micro
alias vw="cd ~/vimwiki && textadept"
alias yt="mpv --ytdl-format='bestvideo[height<=1080]+bestaudio'"
alias psion="export WINEPREFIX=$PSION_PREFIX"

View File

@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
#allow_bold = true
#audible_bell = false
#clickable_url = true
#dynamic_title = true
font=FantasqueSansMono 14
#fullscreen = true
#geometry = 640x480
#icon_name = terminal
#mouse_autohide = false
#scroll_on_output = false
#scroll_on_keystroke = true
# Length of the scrollback buffer, 0 disabled the scrollback buffer
# and setting it to a negative value means "infinite scrollback"
scrollback_lines = 10000
#search_wrap = true
#urgent_on_bell = true
#hyperlinks = false
# $BROWSER is used by default if set, with xdg-open as a fallback
#browser = xdg-open
# "system", "on" or "off"
#cursor_blink = system
# "block", "underline" or "ibeam"
#cursor_shape = block
# Hide links that are no longer valid in url select overlay mode
#filter_unmatched_urls = true
# Emit escape sequences for extra modified keys
#modify_other_keys = false
# set size hints for the window
#size_hints = true
#font = Monospace 12
#foreground = #dcdccc
#background = #3f3f3f
#active_foreground = #e68080
#active_background = #3f3f3f
#padding = 10
#border = #3f3f3f
#border_width = 0.5
#roundness = 2.0
# Base16 Tomorrow Night
# Author: Chris Kempson (
foreground = #c5c8c6
foreground_bold = #c5c8c6
cursor = #c5c8c6
cursor_foreground = #1d1f21
background = #1d1f21
# 16 color space
# Black, Gray, Silver, White
color0 = #1d1f21
color8 = #969896
color7 = #c5c8c6
color15 = #ffffff
# Red
color1 = #cc6666
color9 = #cc6666
# Green
color2 = #b5bd68
color10 = #b5bd68
# Yellow
color3 = #f0c674
color11 = #f0c674
# Blue
color4 = #81a2be
color12 = #81a2be
# Purple
color5 = #b294bb
color13 = #b294bb
# Teal
color6 = #8abeb7
color14 = #8abeb7
# Extra colors
color16 = #de935f
color17 = #a3685a
color18 = #282a2e
color19 = #373b41
color20 = #b4b7b4
color21 = #e0e0e0

View File

@ -7,6 +7,9 @@
;; add uxntal lexer
(tset textadept.file_types.extensions "tal" "uxntal")
;; set uxntal build commands
(set "/home/nico/.local/bin/uxnasm \"%f\" \"%f.rom\"")
(set "/home/nico/.local/bin/uxnemu \"%f.rom\"")
;; extensions!
@ -25,5 +28,5 @@
(not= md nil) (io.open_file (.. dir "/" md))
(not= zettel nil) (io.open_file (.. dir "/" zettel)))))
(tset (+ 1 (length
(table.insert 1
["Follow Link" _G.follow-link])