[config] use_i3=true # If we are connecting to i3/sway or not. font="FantasqueSansMono" # Font [colors] # Colors are an array of [r,g,b] as floats from 0 to 1 selected=[0.72,0.74,0.41] deselected=[1,1,1] background=[0.11,0.12,0.13] # All menu options are formatted like this. # There are 4 types: shell, internal, i3, and submenu. [[options]] label = "Power" type = "submenu" [[options.options]] label = "Shut Down" type = "shell" command = "poweroff" [[options.options]] label = "Reboot" type = "shell" command = "reboot" [[options]] label = "Internet" type = "submenu" [[options.options]] label = "Browser" type = "shell" command = "firefox" [[options.options]] label = "Telegram" type = "shell" command = "telegram-desktop" [[options]] label = "Utilities" type = "submenu" [[options.options]] label = "Terminal" type = "shell" command = "termite" [[options.options]] label = "File Manager" type = "shell" command = "nautilus" [[options.options]] label = "Volume Control" type = "shell" command = "pavucontrol" [[options]] label = "Personal" type = "submenu" [[options.options]] label = "Calendar" type = "shell" command = "/home/nihilazo/.local/bin/calcurse-ui" [[options.options]] label = "Anki" type = "shell" command = "anki" [[options]] label = "Media" type = "submenu" [[options.options]] label = "Sunvox" type = "shell" command = "sunvox" [[options.options]] label = "PixiTracker" type = "shell" command = "/home/nihilazo/pixitracker/START_LINUX_ARM64" [[options.options]] label = "Audacity" type = "shell" command = "audacity"