(var fennel (include "fennel")) ;; config stuff (view:set_theme "base16-tomorrow-night" {:font "Fantasque Sans Mono" :size 14}) (set view.wrap_mode view.WRAP_WORD) ;; add uxntal lexer (tset textadept.file_types.extensions "tal" "uxntal") ;; set uxntal build commands (set textadept.run.compile_commands.uxntal "/home/nico/.local/bin/uxnasm \"%f\" \"%f.rom\"") (set textadept.run.run_commands.uxntal "/home/nico/.local/bin/uxnemu \"%f.rom\"") ;; extensions! ;; markdown link matching pattern (var markdown-link "%[[^%]]+%]%(([^%)]+)%)") ;; zettel link matching pattern (var zettel-link "%[%[([^%]]+)%]%]") (fn _G.follow-link [] "opens the file (in a new tab) of the markdown or zettelkasten link under the cursor" (let [(line cpos) (buffer.get_cur_line) md (line:match markdown-link) zettel (line:match zettel-link) dir (string.match buffer.filename "(.+)/.+%..+" )] (if (not= md nil) (io.open_file (.. dir "/" md)) (not= zettel nil) (io.open_file (.. dir "/" zettel))))) (table.insert textadept.menu.context_menu 1 ["Follow Link" _G.follow-link])