moved players into GameState so GameStates can be easily saved as records

This commit is contained in:
Nico 2022-04-04 14:35:43 +01:00
parent 8a98223d67
commit e84ee87d72
2 changed files with 9 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -68,6 +68,6 @@
[label (format "Final Score: R: ~a, B: ~a" (first (GameState-scores game)) (last (GameState-scores game)))]))
(send frame show #t))
(define g (play-game (GameState (grid '() 6 6) 0 '(0 0)) (list random-player random-player)))
(define g (play-game (GameState (grid '() 6 6) 0 '(0 0) (list random-player random-player))))
(print (GameState-grid g))
(analysis-gui g)

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@ -19,13 +19,14 @@
; grid is the grid
; player is the current player
; scores is a list of numbers for the score of each player.
(struct GameState (grid player scores) #:transparent)
; players is a list of two players who are playing in the game
(struct GameState (grid player scores players) #:transparent)
; represents a player. func is a function with the signature:
; Grid Number -> Line
; where the grid is the current board state, the Number is if the player is player 1 or 2, and it returns the move it will play that turn.
; name is the player's name.
(struct player (name func))
(struct player (name func) #:transparent)
; width and height of the playing grid.
(define GRID-WIDTH 6)
@ -123,10 +124,6 @@
(not (out-of-bounds? (line-from line)))
(not (out-of-bounds? (line-to line))))))
; a Player is a function with the signature:
; Grid Number -> Line
; where the grid is the current board state, the Number is if the player is player 1 or 2, and it returns the move it will play that turn.
; a Player that plays random moves
(define random-player
@ -165,18 +162,18 @@
([boxes (boxes-for l)]
[g (append-move grid l)])
(length (filter (lambda (b) (= (count-square b g) 4)) boxes))))
; GameState, List of 2 Players -> GameState
; GameState -> GameState
; runs the game.
; If the game is over, returns the final game state
; else, lets a player play a move. If they complete a box, they stay on and earn a point. Else, the other player has a turn.
(define (play-game s players)
(define (play-game s)
(let ([g (GameState-grid s)]
[p (GameState-player s)])
[(= (length (grid-lines g)) (length (grid-lines FULL-GRID))) s] ; end of the game
(let* ([move ((player-func (list-ref players p)) g p)]
(let* ([move ((player-func (list-ref (GameState-players s) p)) g p)]
[new-grid (append-move g move)]
[boxes (completes-boxes g move)]
[box (not (= 0 boxes))]
@ -184,7 +181,7 @@
(play-game (GameState
(if box p (abs (- p 1)))
(if box (list-set scores p (+ boxes (list-ref scores p))) scores)) players))])))
(if box (list-set scores p (+ boxes (list-ref scores p))) scores) (GameState-players s))))])))
; Grid -> Image
; renders grid to an image for showing humans the game.