#!/bin/sh # Generates scripts to run steam games. STEAM=$HOME/.local/share/Steam # Steam directory APPS=$STEAM/steamapps LIBRARY=$HOME/games/launchers/ # Directory for scripts to go in if [ ! -d $LIBRARY ] then mkdir $LIBRARY else rm $LIBRARY/*_steam fi for f in $APPS/*.acf do ID=$(cat $f | awk '/\t"appid".+/ {print $2}' | tr -d '"') NAME=$(cat $f | grep '"name"'| cut -d' ' -f3- | tr -d '"') # Game name straight from steam if echo $NAME | grep 'Proton ' > /dev/null || echo $NAME | grep 'Steamworks' || echo $NAME | grep 'Runtime' # Skip non-game things then echo "Skipping $NAME" else FN=$(echo $NAME | sed "s/[:!+™'\./]//g" | sed 's/ /_/g') # Clean out all the stuff I don't want in filenames P=$LIBRARY/${FN}_steam echo "#!/bin/sh" > $P echo "steam-native steam://run/$ID" >> $P chmod +x $P fi done