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2022-01-05 13:54:55 +00:00
(var lfs (require :lfs))
(var fennel (require :fennel))
(global pp (fn [x]
(print (fennel.view x))))
;;; Configuration. You will need to modify these for your site.
;; Directories
; URL of your site over the gemini protocol.
2022-01-05 13:54:55 +00:00
(var gemini-baseurl "gemini://")
; URL of your site over the HTTP protocol (on the web).
2022-01-05 13:54:55 +00:00
(var html-baseurl "")
; the directory generated gemini files will be saved to.
2022-01-05 13:54:55 +00:00
(var gemini-outdir "public_gemini")
; the directory generated HTML files will be saved to.
2022-01-05 13:54:55 +00:00
(var html-outdir "public_html")
; the directory that your input content is stored in.
2022-01-05 13:54:55 +00:00
(var content-dir "content")
;; Headers and footers
;; Headers and footers are are added in this order:
;; <header>
;; <blog-header> (on the blog index page)
;; <page content>
;; <footer>
; header of the blog index page on gemini
2022-01-05 13:54:55 +00:00
(var gemini-blog-header "# lipu pi jan Niko\n\n")
; footer added to all gemini output
2022-01-05 13:54:55 +00:00
(var gemini-footer "\n=> gemini:// Go Home\n")
; header added to the blog index page on the web
2022-01-05 13:54:55 +00:00
(var html-blog-header "<h1>lipu pi jan Niko</h1>\n\n")
; header added to all pages on the web
2022-01-05 13:54:55 +00:00
(var html-header "<!DOCTYPE html><head><link rel=stylesheet href=''><title>lipu pi jan Niko</title><body><article>")
; footer added to all pages on the web
2022-01-05 13:54:55 +00:00
(var html-footer "</article><footer>
<a href=>Go Home</a><br>
<a href='' target='_blank'><img id='webring' src=''/></a></footer></body>")
;; Header of the RSS feed. Here you should set your site title (in between the <title> and </title> tags) and name (in between the <name> and </name> tags).
2022-01-05 13:54:55 +00:00
(var rss-feed-header "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>
<feed xmlns=\"\">
<title>lipu pi jan Niko</title>
<author><name>jan Niko</name></author>\n")
2022-01-05 13:54:55 +00:00
; working variables
(var dirs [])
(var files [])
(var posts [])
2022-01-05 13:54:55 +00:00
(fn html-link [line]
"converts a gemini link line to an html link line, with file extension and protocol link changes if required"
2022-01-05 13:54:55 +00:00
(var url "")
(let [(u name) (line:match "=> ([^%s]+) (.+)")] ; get the url and name
(set url u) ; if the link isn't an offsite gemini link, change .gmi extensions to .html
(if (and (string.match url ".%.gmi") (not (string.match url "gemini://.+")))
(set url (string.gsub url "%.gmi" ".html")))
(if (= (string.sub url 1 1) "/")
; if it's an absolute link, add the base url
(string.format "<a href=\"%s%s\">%s</a><br>\n" html-baseurl url name)
(string.format "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a><br>\n" url name))))
(fn generate-gemini-log []
"generates the gemini blog index page"
2022-01-05 13:54:55 +00:00
(var gemini-index gemini-blog-header)
(each [_ p (ipairs posts)]
(let [{: date : title : path} p
url (.. gemini-baseurl path)]
(set gemini-index
(.. gemini-index (string.format "=> %s %s %s\n" url date title)))))
(set gemini-index (.. gemini-index gemini-footer))
2022-01-05 17:29:51 +00:00
(with-open [f ( (.. gemini-outdir "/log/index.gmi") :w+)]
(f:write gemini-index)))
2022-01-05 13:54:55 +00:00
(fn generate-rss-feeds []
"generates rss/atom feeds"
2022-01-05 13:54:55 +00:00
(var gemini-rss-feed (.. rss-feed-header "<id>" gemini-baseurl "</id>\n"))
(var html-rss-feed (.. rss-feed-header "<id>" html-baseurl "</id>\n"))
; add last updated info to rss feeds
(let [d (. posts 1 :date) ]
(set gemini-rss-feed (.. gemini-rss-feed "<updated>" d "T12:00:00Z</updated>\n"))
(set html-rss-feed (.. html-rss-feed "<updated>" d "T12:00:00Z</updated>\n")))
; add posts to rss feeds
(each [_ p (ipairs posts)]
(let [ {: date : title : path} p
entry "\n<entry>
<link href=\"%s\" rel=\"alternate\" />
</entry>\n" ]
(set html-rss-feed (.. html-rss-feed
(entry:format html-baseurl (path:gsub ".gmi" ".html") title date (path:gsub ".gmi" ".html"))))
(set gemini-rss-feed (.. gemini-rss-feed
(entry:format gemini-baseurl path title date path)))))
(set html-rss-feed (.. html-rss-feed "</feed>"))
(set gemini-rss-feed (.. gemini-rss-feed "</feed>"))
; write out rss feeds
2022-01-05 17:29:51 +00:00
(with-open [f ( (.. gemini-outdir "/atom.xml") :w+)]
(f:write gemini-rss-feed))
(with-open [f ( (.. html-outdir "/atom.xml") :w+)]
(f:write html-rss-feed)))
2022-01-05 13:54:55 +00:00
(fn generate-ass-feeds []
"generates ass ( feeds"
(let [header "# Actually Simple Syndication -\n"]
(var gemini-ass-feed header)
(var html-ass-feed header)
; add posts to ass feeds
(each [_ p (ipairs posts)]
(let [ {: date : title : path} p]
(set html-ass-feed (.. html-ass-feed
(string.format "%s\t%s%s\t%s\n" date html-baseurl (path:gsub ".gmi" ".html") title)))
(set gemini-ass-feed (.. gemini-ass-feed
(string.format "%s\t%s%s\t%s\n" date gemini-baseurl path title)))))
2022-01-05 13:54:55 +00:00
; write out ass feeds
2022-01-05 17:29:51 +00:00
(with-open [f ( (.. gemini-outdir "/feed.ass") :w+)]
(f:write gemini-ass-feed))
(with-open [f ( (.. html-outdir "/feed.ass") :w+)]
(f:write html-ass-feed))))
2022-01-05 13:54:55 +00:00
(fn generate-html-log []
"generates the blog index page for HTML"
2022-01-05 13:54:55 +00:00
(var html-index (.. html-header html-blog-header :<ul>))
(each [_ p (ipairs posts)]
(let [{: date : title : path} p
url (.. html-baseurl path)]
(set html-index (.. html-index "<li>"
(html-link (string.format "=> %s %s %s\n" url date
(set html-index (.. html-index "</ul>" html-footer))
2022-01-05 17:29:51 +00:00
(with-open [f ( (.. html-outdir "/log/index.html") :w+)]
(f:write html-index)))
2022-01-05 13:54:55 +00:00
(fn generate-logs []
"generates the log index pages and feeds from the posts index (if there are any posts)"
(when (not= 0 (length posts))
(table.sort posts (fn [a b]
(> (. a :date) (. b :date))))
2022-01-05 13:54:55 +00:00
; index-post adds a log post to the post index
(fn index-post [f]
"adds a log post from the file f to the post index"
2022-01-05 13:54:55 +00:00
(io.input (.. content-dir f)) ; open file
(let [post {}]
(tset post :path f)
(let [line (] ; read first line, match title
(if (not= line nil)
(let [title (line:match "^#%s*([^\n]+)%s*$")]
(if (not= title nil)
(tset post :title title)
(error (.. "cannot read title from file " f ". Is it misformatted?"))))
(error (.. "cannot read title from file " f ". Is it missing?" ))))
(let [line (] ; read second line, match date
(if (not= line nil)
(let [date (line:match "^%s*(%d%d%d%d%-%d%d%-%d%d)%s*")]
(if (not= date nil)
(tset post :date date)
(error (.. "cannot read date from file " f ". Is it misformatted?"))))
(error (.. "cannot read date from file " f ". It is missing?"))))
2022-01-05 13:54:55 +00:00
(table.insert posts post))
2022-01-05 13:54:55 +00:00
(fn html-clean [l]
"trims and escapes a string for inclusion in HTML"
2022-01-05 13:54:55 +00:00
(let [s (l:match "%s*(.+)%s*")]
(-> s
(string.gsub "&" "&amp;")
(string.gsub "<" "&lt;")
(string.gsub ">" "&gt;")
(string.gsub "\"" "&quot;")
(string.gsub "''" "&#39;"))))
; converts a gemtext line to an html line. This could probably be done far better. TODO am I overusing string matching here? Maybe could write an lpeg or something similar?
(var state :normal)
; either :normal or :pre depending on the current position in the file.
(var listing false)
; true if we are in a list, false otherwise
(var blockquoting false)
(fn to-html [line]
"converts a line of gemtext to a line of HTML"
2022-01-05 13:54:55 +00:00
(var prefix "")
(if (and listing (not (line:match "^%*%s")))
(set listing false)
(set prefix "</ul>")))
(if (and blockquoting (not (line:match "^>")))
(set blockquoting false)
(set prefix "</blockquote>")))
(if (= state :pre)
(if (line:match "^```") (do
(set state :normal)
"</pre>") line)
(= state :normal)
(if (line:match "^```")
(set state :pre)
(.. prefix "<pre>")) ; open pre
(line:match "^#[^#]")
(.. prefix "<h1>" (html-clean (line:match "^#([^#].+)")) "</h1>")
(line:match "^##[^#]")
(.. prefix "<h2>" (html-clean (line:match "^##([^#].+)")) "</h2>")
(line:match "^###[^#]")
(.. prefix "<h3>" (html-clean (line:match "^###([^#].+)")) "</h3>")
(line:match "^=>")
(.. prefix (html-link line)) ; link
(line:match "^%s*$")
prefix ; blank line
(line:match "^%*%s")
(if (not listing)
(set prefix "<ul>")
(set listing true)))
(.. prefix "<li>" (html-clean (line:match "^%*(.+)")) "</li>"))
(line:match "^>%s")
(if (not blockquoting)
(set prefix "<blockquote>\n")
(set blockquoting true)))
(.. prefix (html-clean (line:match "^>(.+)"))))
(.. prefix "<p>" (html-clean line) "</p>"))))
; processes, converts, and writes out an input gemini page in html
(fn process-html-page [f]
"processes, converts, and writes out the input page f in html"
2022-01-05 13:54:55 +00:00
(let [infile (.. content-dir f)
outfile ( (.. html-outdir (string.gsub f "%.gmi" ".html")) :w+)]
(outfile:write html-header)
(set state :normal)
(each [line (io.lines infile)]
(let [h (to-html line)]
(outfile:write h "\n")))
(outfile:write html-footer)
; processes and writes out an input gemini page into an output one
(fn process-gemini-page [f]
"processes and writes out the input page f for the gemini protocol"
2022-01-05 13:54:55 +00:00
(let [infile (.. content-dir f)
outfile ( (.. gemini-outdir f) :w+)]
(each [l (io.lines infile)]
(if (string.match l "^=>.+") ; if the line is a link
(let [(url name) (string.match l "=> ([^%s]+) (.+)")] ; get the url and name
(if (= (string.sub url 1 1) "/")
; if it's an absolute link, add the base url
(outfile:write (string.format "=> %s%s %s\n" gemini-baseurl url
(outfile:write (string.format "=> %s %s\n" url name))))
(outfile:write l "\n")))
(outfile:write gemini-footer)
(fn process-file [f]
"runs for every input file to process it"
2022-01-05 13:54:55 +00:00
(if (string.match f ".+log/.+%.gmi")
(index-post f)
(process-gemini-page f)
(process-html-page f)) ; add log posts to index
(string.match f ".+%.gmi")
(process-gemini-page f)
(process-html-page f))
(os.execute (.. "cp " content-dir f " " gemini-outdir f))
(os.execute (.. "cp " content-dir f " " html-outdir f)))))
; else copy file
; process-dir is run for every input directory to copy the tree into output directories
(fn process-dir [f]
"run for every input directory to re-create the directory structure in the output"
2022-01-05 13:54:55 +00:00
(lfs.mkdir (.. gemini-outdir f))
(lfs.mkdir (.. html-outdir f)))
(fn walk [base position] ; for each file in the current directory
"walks through the input directory tree and populate the `files` and `dirs` tables for future processing"
2022-01-05 13:54:55 +00:00
(each [file (lfs.dir (.. base position))]
(let [fullpath (.. base position "/" file)]
(let [{:mode filemode} (lfs.attributes fullpath)] ; get the mode (file or directory)
(if (and (not= file "..") (not= file ".")) ; skip . and ..
(if (= filemode :directory)
; recurse
(walk base (.. position "/" file))
(table.insert dirs (.. position "/" file)))
(= filemode :file) ; process the file
(table.insert files (.. position "/" file))))))))
; main section
; recreate output dirs
2022-01-05 13:54:55 +00:00
(os.execute (.. "rm -rf " gemini-outdir))
(os.execute (.. "rm -rf " html-outdir))
(lfs.mkdir gemini-outdir)
(lfs.mkdir html-outdir)
; walk and process files
2022-01-05 13:54:55 +00:00
(print "getting files")
(walk content-dir "")
(print "processing directory structure")
(each [_ d (ipairs dirs)]
(process-dir d))
(print "processing files")
(each [_ f (ipairs files)]
(process-file f))
(print "generating feeds")
(print "done!")