use ; use ; // TODO make supports and plate file match // TODO update tolerances to match supports.scad pcb_size = 60; // the PCB is 60x60mm square pcb_depth = 7.57; // the PCB is 7.57mm deep, overall (including connector + lEDs) connector_depth=5.7; // the connector on the bottom of the PCB is 5.8mm thick. pcb_thickness= 1.7; // the PCB itself (just the board, w/o components) is roughly 1.7mm thick pcbs_long = 4; pcbs_wide = 2; wall_width = 5; // width of walls above the top of the supports support_depth=10; // depth of support structure wall tolerance = 2; // TODO update to reflect supports.scad so cuts work properly wall_height = (pcb_depth-connector_depth)+4; // height of walls above the top of the supports rotate([180,0,0]) { translate([pcb_size/2,-pcb_size/2-pcb_size, -support_depth-pcb_thickness]) { for(x=[0:pcbs_long-1]) { for(y=[0:pcbs_wide-1]) { translate([pcb_size*x,pcb_size*y,0]) { //%import("pcb-single.stl"); } } } } } intersection() { translate([-wall_width-tolerance,-wall_width-tolerance,0]) cube([wall_width+tolerance+pcb_size*2,(wall_width+tolerance)*2+pcb_size*2,50]); //cube([wall_width+tolerance+(pcb_size/4),(wall_width+tolerance)+(pcb_size/4p),50]); //translate([-wall_width-tolerance+wall_width+tolerance+pcb_size*2,-wall_width-tolerance,0]) // cube([wall_width+tolerance+pcb_size*2,(wall_width+tolerance)*2+pcb_size*2,50]); union() { //box(); translate([0,0,wall_height+support_depth]) { color("red") plate(); }; } }