/*************************************************************************** * __________ __ ___. * Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___ * Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ / * Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < < * Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \ * \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ * $Id$ * * Copyright (C) 2008 Dan Everton (safetydan) * Copyright (C) 2009 Maurus Cuelenaere * Copyright (C) 2018 William Wilgus * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. * ****************************************************************************/ #define lrocklib_c #define LUA_LIB #include "lua.h" #include "lstring.h" #include "lauxlib.h" #include "rocklib.h" #include "lib/helper.h" /* * http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#lua_CFunction * * In order to communicate properly with Lua, a C function must use the following protocol, * which defines the way parameters and results are passed: a C function receives its arguments * from Lua in its stack in direct order (the first argument is pushed first). To return values to Lua, * a C function just pushes them onto the stack, in direct order (the first result is pushed first), * and returns the number of results. Any other value in the stack below the results will be properly * discarded by Lua. Like a Lua function, a C function called by Lua can also return many results. * * When porting new functions, don't forget to check rocklib_aux.pl whether it automatically creates * wrappers for the function and if so, add the function names to @forbidden_functions. This is to * prevent namespace collisions and adding duplicate wrappers. */ /* * ----------------------------- * * Rockbox wrappers start here! * * ----------------------------- */ #define RB_WRAP(func) static int rock_##func(lua_State UNUSED_ATTR *L) #define SIMPLE_VOID_WRAPPER(func) RB_WRAP(func) { (void)L; func(); return 0; } /* KERNEL */ RB_WRAP(current_tick) { lua_pushinteger(L, *rb->current_tick); return 1; } #ifdef HAVE_SCHEDULER_BOOSTCTRL RB_WRAP(schedule_cpu_boost) { bool boost = luaL_checkboolean(L, 1); if(boost) rb->trigger_cpu_boost(); else rb->cancel_cpu_boost(); return 0; } #endif RB_WRAP(sleep) { unsigned ticks = (unsigned) lua_tonumber(L, 1); rb->sleep(ticks); return 0; } #ifdef HAVE_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING RB_WRAP(thread_set_priority) { unsigned int thread_id = rb->thread_self(); int priority = (int) luaL_checkint(L, 1); int result = rb->thread_set_priority(thread_id, priority); lua_pushinteger(L, result); return 1; } #endif RB_WRAP(current_path) { return get_current_path(L, 1); } /* DEVICE INPUT CONTROL */ RB_WRAP(get_plugin_action) { int timeout = luaL_checkint(L, 1); bool with_remote = luaL_optint(L, 2, 0); int btn = get_plugin_action(timeout, with_remote); lua_pushinteger(L, btn); return 1; } #ifdef HAVE_TOUCHSCREEN RB_WRAP(action_get_touchscreen_press) { short x, y; int result = rb->action_get_touchscreen_press(&x, &y); lua_pushinteger(L, result); lua_pushinteger(L, x); lua_pushinteger(L, y); return 3; } RB_WRAP(touchscreen_mode) { int origmode = rb->touchscreen_get_mode(); if(!lua_isnoneornil(L, 1)) { enum touchscreen_mode mode = luaL_checkint(L, 1); rb->touchscreen_set_mode(mode); } lua_pushinteger(L, origmode); return 1; } #endif RB_WRAP(kbd_input) { luaL_Buffer b; luaL_buffinit(L, &b); const char *input = lua_tostring(L, 1); char *buffer = luaL_prepbuffer(&b); if(input != NULL) rb->strlcpy(buffer, input, LUAL_BUFFERSIZE); else buffer[0] = '\0'; if(!rb->kbd_input(buffer, LUAL_BUFFERSIZE, NULL)) { luaL_addstring(&b, buffer); luaL_pushresult(&b); } else return 0; return 1; } static const char ** get_table_items(lua_State *L, int pos, int *count) { int i; luaL_checktype(L, pos, LUA_TTABLE); *count = lua_objlen(L, pos); int n = *count; /* newuserdata will be pushed onto stack after args*/ const char **items = (const char**) lua_newuserdata(L, n * sizeof(const char*)); for(i=1; i<= n; i++) { lua_rawgeti(L, pos, i); /* Push item on the stack */ items[i-1] = lua_tostring(L, -1); lua_pop(L, 1); /* Pop it */ } return items; } static inline void fill_text_message(lua_State *L, struct text_message * message, int pos) { int n; /* newuserdata will be pushed onto stack after args*/ message->message_lines = get_table_items(L, pos, &n); message->nb_lines = n; } RB_WRAP(gui_syncyesno_run) { struct text_message main_message, yes_message, no_message; struct text_message *yes = NULL, *no = NULL; lua_settop(L, 3); /* newuserdata will be pushed onto stack after args*/ fill_text_message(L, &main_message, 1); if(!lua_isnoneornil(L, 2)) fill_text_message(L, (yes = &yes_message), 2); if(!lua_isnoneornil(L, 3)) fill_text_message(L, (no = &no_message), 3); enum yesno_res result = rb->gui_syncyesno_run(&main_message, yes, no); lua_pushinteger(L, result); return 1; } static lua_State* store_luastate(lua_State *L, bool bStore) { /* it is dangerous to store the lua state byond its guaranteed lifetime be sure to clear state asap (as in before you exit the calling function) */ static lua_State *LStored = NULL; if(bStore) LStored = L; return LStored; } static int menu_callback(int action, const struct menu_item_ex *this_item, struct gui_synclist *this_list) { (void) this_item; (void) this_list; static int lua_ref = LUA_NOREF; lua_State *L = store_luastate(NULL, false); if(!L) { lua_ref = action; action = ACTION_STD_CANCEL; } else if (lua_ref != LUA_NOREF) { lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, lua_ref); lua_pushnumber(L, action); lua_pcall (L, 1, 1, 0); action = luaL_optnumber (L, -1, ACTION_STD_CANCEL); lua_pop(L, 1); } return action; } RB_WRAP(do_menu) { struct menu_callback_with_desc menu_desc = {NULL, NULL, Icon_NOICON}; struct menu_item_ex menu = {MT_RETURN_ID | MENU_HAS_DESC, {.strings = NULL}, {.callback_and_desc = &menu_desc}}; int n, start_selected; int ref_lua = LUA_NOREF; const char **items, *title; title = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); start_selected = lua_tointeger(L, 3); if (lua_isfunction (L, -1)) { /*lua callback function cb(action) return action end */ ref_lua = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); menu_callback(ref_lua, NULL, NULL); store_luastate(L, true); menu_desc.menu_callback = &menu_callback; } /* newuserdata will be pushed onto stack after args*/ items = get_table_items(L, 2, &n); menu.strings = items; menu.flags |= MENU_ITEM_COUNT(n); menu_desc.desc = (unsigned char*) title; int result = rb->do_menu(&menu, &start_selected, NULL, false); if (ref_lua != LUA_NOREF) { store_luastate(NULL, true); luaL_unref (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, ref_lua); menu_callback(LUA_NOREF, NULL, NULL); } lua_pushinteger(L, result); return 1; } /* DEVICE AUDIO / PLAYLIST CONTROL */ RB_WRAP(playlist) { /* just passes NULL to work with the current playlist */ enum e_playlist {PLAYL_AMOUNT = 0, PLAYL_ADD, PLAYL_CREATE, PLAYL_START, PLAYL_RESUMETRACK, PLAYL_RESUME, PLAYL_SHUFFLE, PLAYL_SYNC, PLAYL_REMOVEALLTRACKS, PLAYL_INSERTTRACK, PLAYL_INSERTDIRECTORY, PLAYL_ECOUNT}; const char *playlist_option[] = {"amount", "add", "create", "start", "resume_track", "resume", "shuffle", "sync", "remove_all_tracks", "insert_track", "insert_directory", NULL}; const char *filename, *dir; int result = 0; bool queue, recurse, sync; int pos, crc, index, random_seed; unsigned long elapsed, offset; int option = luaL_checkoption (L, 1, NULL, playlist_option); switch(option) { case PLAYL_AMOUNT: result = rb->playlist_amount(); break; case PLAYL_ADD: filename = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); result = rb->playlist_add(filename); break; case PLAYL_CREATE: dir = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); filename = luaL_checkstring(L, 3); result = rb->playlist_create(dir, filename); break; case PLAYL_START: index = luaL_checkint(L, 2); elapsed = luaL_checkint(L, 3); offset = luaL_checkint(L, 4); rb->playlist_start(index, elapsed, offset); break; case PLAYL_RESUMETRACK: index = luaL_checkint(L, 2); crc = luaL_checkint(L, 3); elapsed = luaL_checkint(L, 4); offset = luaL_checkint(L, 5); rb->playlist_resume_track(index, (unsigned) crc, elapsed, offset); break; case PLAYL_RESUME: result = rb->playlist_resume(); break; case PLAYL_SHUFFLE: random_seed = luaL_checkint(L, 2); index = luaL_checkint(L, 3); result = rb->playlist_shuffle(random_seed, index); break; case PLAYL_SYNC: rb->playlist_sync(NULL); break; case PLAYL_REMOVEALLTRACKS: result = rb->playlist_remove_all_tracks(NULL); break; case PLAYL_INSERTTRACK: filename = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); /* only required parameter */ pos = luaL_optint(L, 3, PLAYLIST_INSERT); queue = lua_toboolean(L, 4); /* default to false */ sync = lua_toboolean(L, 5); /* default to false */ result = rb->playlist_insert_track(NULL, filename, pos, queue, sync); break; case PLAYL_INSERTDIRECTORY: dir = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); /* only required parameter */ pos = luaL_optint(L, 3, PLAYLIST_INSERT); queue = lua_toboolean(L, 4); /* default to false */ recurse = lua_toboolean(L, 5); /* default to false */ result = rb->playlist_insert_directory(NULL, dir, pos, queue, recurse); break; } yield(); lua_pushinteger(L, result); return 1; } RB_WRAP(audio) { enum e_audio {AUDIO_STATUS = 0, AUDIO_PLAY, AUDIO_STOP, AUDIO_PAUSE, AUDIO_RESUME, AUDIO_NEXT, AUDIO_PREV, AUDIO_FFREWIND, AUDIO_FLUSHANDRELOADTRACKS, AUDIO_GETPOS, AUDIO_LENGTH, AUDIO_ELAPSED, AUDIO_ECOUNT}; const char *audio_option[] = {"status", "play", "stop", "pause", "resume", "next", "prev", "ff_rewind", "flush_and_reload_tracks", "get_file_pos", "length", "elapsed", NULL}; long elapsed, offset, newtime; int status = rb->audio_status(); int option = luaL_checkoption (L, 1, NULL, audio_option); switch(option) { case AUDIO_STATUS: break; case AUDIO_PLAY: elapsed = luaL_checkint(L, 2); offset = luaL_checkint(L, 3); if (status == (AUDIO_STATUS_PLAY | AUDIO_STATUS_PAUSE)) { /* not perfect but provides a decent compromise */ rb->audio_ff_rewind(elapsed + offset); rb->audio_resume(); } else if (status != AUDIO_STATUS_PLAY) rb->audio_play((unsigned long) elapsed, (unsigned long) offset); break; case AUDIO_STOP: rb->audio_stop(); break; case AUDIO_PAUSE: rb->audio_pause(); break; case AUDIO_RESUME: rb->audio_resume(); break; case AUDIO_NEXT: rb->audio_next(); break; case AUDIO_PREV: rb->audio_prev(); break; case AUDIO_FFREWIND: newtime = (long) luaL_checkint(L, 2); rb->audio_ff_rewind(newtime); break; case AUDIO_FLUSHANDRELOADTRACKS: rb->audio_flush_and_reload_tracks(); break; case AUDIO_GETPOS: lua_pushinteger(L, rb->audio_get_file_pos()); return 1; case AUDIO_LENGTH: if ((status & AUDIO_STATUS_PLAY) == AUDIO_STATUS_PLAY) lua_pushinteger(L, rb->audio_current_track()->length); else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; case AUDIO_ELAPSED: if ((status & AUDIO_STATUS_PLAY) == AUDIO_STATUS_PLAY) lua_pushinteger(L, rb->audio_current_track()->elapsed); else lua_pushnil(L); return 1; } yield(); lua_pushinteger(L, status); /* return previous (or current) audio status */ return 1; } RB_WRAP(sound) { enum e_snd {SOUND_SET = 0, SOUND_CURRENT, SOUND_DEFAULT, SOUND_MIN, SOUND_MAX, SOUND_UNIT, SOUND_SET_PITCH, SOUND_VAL2PHYS, SOUND_ECOUNT}; const char *snd_option[] = {"set", "current", "default", "min", "max", "unit", "pitch", "val2phys", NULL}; lua_pushnil(L); /*push nil so options w/o return have something to return */ int option = luaL_checkoption (L, 1, NULL, snd_option); int setting = luaL_checkint(L, 2); int value, result; switch(option) { case SOUND_SET: value = luaL_checkint(L, 3); rb->sound_set(setting, value); return 1; /*nil*/ break; case SOUND_CURRENT: result = rb->sound_current(setting); break; case SOUND_DEFAULT: result = rb->sound_default(setting); break; case SOUND_MIN: result = rb->sound_min(setting); break; case SOUND_MAX: result = rb->sound_max(setting); break; case SOUND_UNIT: lua_pushstring (L, rb->sound_unit(setting)); return 1; break; #if defined (HAVE_PITCHCONTROL) case SOUND_SET_PITCH: rb->sound_set_pitch(setting); return 1;/*nil*/ break; #endif case SOUND_VAL2PHYS: value = luaL_checkint(L, 3); result = rb->sound_val2phys(setting, value); break; default: return 1; break; } lua_pushinteger(L, result); return 1; } RB_WRAP(pcm) { enum e_pcm {PCM_APPLYSETTINGS = 0, PCM_ISPLAYING, PCM_ISPAUSED, PCM_PLAYSTOP, PCM_PLAYPAUSE, PCM_PLAYLOCK, PCM_PLAYUNLOCK, PCM_CALCULATEPEAKS, PCM_SETFREQUENCY, PCM_GETBYTESWAITING, PCM_ECOUNT}; const char *pcm_option[] = {"apply_settings", "is_playing", "is_paused", "play_stop", "play_pause", "play_lock", "play_unlock", "calculate_peaks", "set_frequency", "get_bytes_waiting", NULL}; bool b_result; int left, right; size_t byteswait; lua_pushnil(L); /*push nil so options w/o return have something to return */ int option = luaL_checkoption (L, 1, NULL, pcm_option); switch(option) { case PCM_APPLYSETTINGS: rb->pcm_apply_settings(); break; case PCM_ISPLAYING: b_result = rb->pcm_is_playing(); lua_pushboolean(L, b_result); break; case PCM_ISPAUSED: b_result = rb->pcm_is_paused(); lua_pushboolean(L, b_result); break; case PCM_PLAYPAUSE: rb->pcm_play_pause(luaL_checkboolean(L, 2)); break; case PCM_PLAYSTOP: rb->pcm_play_stop(); break; case PCM_PLAYLOCK: rb->pcm_play_lock(); break; case PCM_PLAYUNLOCK: rb->pcm_play_unlock(); break; case PCM_CALCULATEPEAKS: rb->pcm_calculate_peaks(&left, &right); lua_pushinteger(L, left); lua_pushinteger(L, right); return 2; case PCM_SETFREQUENCY: rb->pcm_set_frequency((unsigned int) luaL_checkint(L, 2)); break; case PCM_GETBYTESWAITING: byteswait = rb->pcm_get_bytes_waiting(); lua_pushinteger(L, byteswait); break; } yield(); return 1; } RB_WRAP(mixer_frequency) { unsigned int result = rb->mixer_get_frequency(); if(!lua_isnoneornil(L, 1)) { unsigned int samplerate = (unsigned int) luaL_checkint(L, 1); rb->mixer_set_frequency(samplerate); } lua_pushinteger(L, result); return 1; } /* DEVICE LIGHTING CONTROL */ RB_WRAP(backlight_onoff) { bool on = luaL_checkboolean(L, 1); if(on) rb->backlight_on(); else rb->backlight_off(); return 0; } SIMPLE_VOID_WRAPPER(backlight_force_on); SIMPLE_VOID_WRAPPER(backlight_use_settings); #ifdef HAVE_REMOTE_LCD SIMPLE_VOID_WRAPPER(remote_backlight_force_on); SIMPLE_VOID_WRAPPER(remote_backlight_use_settings); #endif #ifdef HAVE_BUTTON_LIGHT SIMPLE_VOID_WRAPPER(buttonlight_force_on); SIMPLE_VOID_WRAPPER(buttonlight_use_settings); #endif #ifdef HAVE_BACKLIGHT_BRIGHTNESS RB_WRAP(backlight_brightness_set) { if(lua_isnoneornil(L, 1)) backlight_brightness_use_setting(); else { int brightness = luaL_checkint(L, 1); backlight_brightness_set(brightness); } return 0; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_BUTTONLIGHT_BRIGHTNESS RB_WRAP(buttonlight_brightness_set) { if(lua_isnoneornil(L, 1)) buttonlight_brightness_use_setting(); else { int brightness = luaL_checkint(L, 1); buttonlight_brightness_set(brightness); } return 0; } #endif /* DEVICE STRING / FILENAME MANIPULATION */ #if 0 /*See files.lua */ RB_WRAP(strip_extension) { const char* filename = luaL_checkstring(L, -1); const char* pos = rb->strrchr(filename, '.'); if(pos != NULL) lua_pushlstring (L, filename, pos - filename); return 1; } RB_WRAP(create_numbered_filename) { luaL_Buffer b; luaL_buffinit(L, &b); char *buffer = luaL_prepbuffer(&b); buffer[0] = '\0'; const char * path = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); const char * prefix = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); const char * suffix = luaL_checkstring(L, 3); int numberlen = luaL_checkint(L, 4); int num = luaL_optint(L, 5, -1); (void) num; if(rb->create_numbered_filename(buffer, path, prefix, suffix, numberlen IF_CNFN_NUM_(, &num))) { luaL_addstring(&b, buffer); luaL_pushresult(&b); } else return 0; return 1; } #endif RB_WRAP(utf8encode) { unsigned long ucs = (unsigned long) luaL_checkint(L, 1); unsigned char tmp[9]; unsigned char *end = rb->utf8encode(ucs, tmp); *end = '\0'; lua_pushstring(L, tmp); return 1; } RB_WRAP(strncasecmp) { int result; const char * s1 = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); const char * s2 = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); if(lua_isnoneornil(L, 3)) result = rb->strcasecmp(s1, s2); else result = rb->strncasecmp(s1, s2, (size_t) luaL_checkint(L, 3)); lua_pushinteger(L, result); return 1; } /* ROCKBOX SETTINGS / INFO */ static int mem_read_write(lua_State *L, uintptr_t address, size_t maxsize, bool isstr_p) { if(isstr_p) /*pointer to string (**char)*/ { lua_settop(L, 2); /* no writes allowed */ } intptr_t offset = (intptr_t) luaL_optnumber(L, 1, 0); size_t size = (size_t) luaL_optnumber(L, 2, maxsize); size_t written; int type = lua_type(L, 3); if(offset < 0) { /* allows pointer within structure to be calculated offset */ offset = -(address + offset); luaL_argcheck(L, ((size_t) offset) <= maxsize, 1, ERR_IDX_RANGE); size = (size_t) maxsize - offset; } luaL_argcheck(L, ((uintptr_t) offset) + size <= maxsize, 2, ERR_IDX_RANGE); char *mem = (char*) address + ((uintptr_t) offset); const void *value = NULL; lua_Integer var_luaint; #ifdef UINT64_MAX int64_t var_64; #endif int32_t var_32; int16_t var_16; int8_t var_8; bool var_bool; switch(type) { case LUA_TSTRING: { size_t len; const char* str = lua_tolstring (L, 3, &len); luaL_argcheck(L, len + 1 <= size, 3, ERR_DATA_OVF); size = len + 1; /* include \0 */ value = str; break; } case LUA_TBOOLEAN: { var_bool = (bool) lua_toboolean(L, 3); value = &var_bool; break; } case LUA_TNUMBER: { var_luaint = lua_tointeger(L, 3); switch(size) { case sizeof(var_8): var_8 = (int8_t) var_luaint; value = &var_8; break; case sizeof(var_16): var_16 = (int16_t) var_luaint; value = &var_16; break; case sizeof(var_32): var_32 = (int32_t) var_luaint; value = &var_32; break; #ifdef UINT64_MAX case sizeof(var_64): var_64 = (int64_t) var_luaint; value = &var_64; break; #endif } /* switch size */ break; } case LUA_TNIL: case LUA_TNONE: /* reader */ { if(isstr_p && mem) { lua_pushstring (L, *(char**) mem); return 1; } luaL_Buffer b; luaL_buffinit(L, &b); while(size > 0) { written = MIN(LUAL_BUFFERSIZE, size); luaL_addlstring (&b, mem, written); mem += written; size -= written; } luaL_pushresult(&b); return 1; } default: break; } /* switch type */ /* writer */ luaL_argcheck(L, value != NULL, 3, "Unknown Type"); rb->memcpy(mem, value, size); lua_pushinteger(L, 1); return 1; } RB_WRAP(global_status) { const uintptr_t address = (uintptr_t) rb->global_status; const size_t maxsize = sizeof(struct system_status); /*const bool isstr_p = lua_toboolean(L, 4);*/ return mem_read_write(L, address, maxsize, false); } RB_WRAP(global_settings) { const uintptr_t address = (uintptr_t) rb->global_settings; const size_t maxsize = sizeof(struct user_settings); /*const bool isstr_p = lua_toboolean(L, 4);*/ return mem_read_write(L, address, maxsize, false); } RB_WRAP(audio_next_track) { const uintptr_t address = (uintptr_t) rb->audio_next_track(); const size_t maxsize = sizeof(struct mp3entry); const bool isstr_p = lua_toboolean(L, 4); lua_settop(L, 2); /* no writes allowed */ return mem_read_write(L, address, maxsize, isstr_p); } RB_WRAP(audio_current_track) { const uintptr_t address = (uintptr_t) rb->audio_current_track(); const size_t maxsize = sizeof(struct mp3entry); const bool isstr_p = lua_toboolean(L, 4); lua_settop(L, 2); /* no writes allowed */ return mem_read_write(L, address, maxsize, isstr_p); } RB_WRAP(settings_save) { rb->settings_save(); return 0; } #if 0 RB_WRAP(read_mem) { lua_settop(L, 2); /* no writes allowed */ const uintptr_t address = lua_tonumber(L, 1); const size_t maxsize = luaL_optnumber(L, 2, strlen((char *)address)); luaL_argcheck(L, address > 0, 1, ERR_IDX_RANGE); lua_pushnil(L); lua_replace(L, -3);/* stk pos 1 is no longer offset it is starting address */ return mem_read_write(L, address, maxsize, false); } /* will add this back if anyone finds a target that needs it */ RB_WRAP(system_memory_guard) { int newmode = (int) luaL_checkint(L, 1); int result = rb->system_memory_guard(newmode); lua_pushinteger(L, result); return 1; } #endif /* SPEAKING */ static int rock_talk(lua_State *L) { int result; bool enqueue = lua_toboolean(L, 2); if (lua_isnumber(L, 1)) { long n = (long) lua_tonumber(L, 1); result = rb->talk_number(n, enqueue); } else { const char* spell = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); result = rb->talk_spell(spell, enqueue); } lua_pushinteger(L, result); return 1; } RB_WRAP(talk_shutup) { if (lua_toboolean(L, 1)) rb->talk_force_shutup(); else rb->talk_shutup(); return 0; } /* MISC */ RB_WRAP(restart_lua) { /*close lua state, open a new lua state, load script @ filename */ luaL_checktype (L, 1, LUA_TSTRING); lua_settop(L, 1); lua_pushlightuserdata(L, L); /* signal exit handler */ exit(1); /* atexit in rocklua.c */ return -1; } RB_WRAP(show_logo) { rb->show_logo(); return 0; } #define RB_FUNC(func) {#func, rock_##func} #define RB_ALIAS(name, func) {name, rock_##func} static const luaL_Reg rocklib[] = { /* KERNEL */ RB_FUNC(current_tick), #ifdef HAVE_SCHEDULER_BOOSTCTRL RB_FUNC(schedule_cpu_boost), #endif RB_FUNC(sleep), #ifdef HAVE_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING RB_FUNC(thread_set_priority), #endif RB_FUNC(current_path), /* DEVICE INPUT CONTROL */ RB_FUNC(get_plugin_action), #ifdef HAVE_TOUCHSCREEN RB_FUNC(action_get_touchscreen_press), RB_FUNC(touchscreen_mode), #endif RB_FUNC(kbd_input), RB_FUNC(gui_syncyesno_run), RB_FUNC(do_menu), /* DEVICE AUDIO / SOUND / PLAYLIST CONTROL */ RB_FUNC(audio), RB_FUNC(playlist), RB_FUNC(sound), RB_FUNC(pcm), RB_FUNC(mixer_frequency), /* DEVICE LIGHTING CONTROL */ RB_FUNC(backlight_onoff), /* Backlight helper */ RB_FUNC(backlight_force_on), RB_FUNC(backlight_use_settings), #ifdef HAVE_REMOTE_LCD RB_FUNC(remote_backlight_force_on), RB_FUNC(remote_backlight_use_settings), #endif #ifdef HAVE_BUTTON_LIGHT RB_FUNC(buttonlight_force_on), RB_FUNC(buttonlight_use_settings), #endif #ifdef HAVE_BACKLIGHT_BRIGHTNESS RB_FUNC(backlight_brightness_set), #endif #ifdef HAVE_BUTTONLIGHT_BRIGHTNESS RB_FUNC(buttonlight_brightness_set), #endif /* DEVICE STRING / FILENAME MANIPULATION */ #if 0 /*See files.lua */ RB_FUNC(strip_extension), RB_FUNC(create_numbered_filename), #endif RB_FUNC(utf8encode), RB_FUNC(strncasecmp), /* ROCKBOX SETTINGS / INFO */ RB_FUNC(global_status), RB_FUNC(global_settings), RB_FUNC(audio_next_track), RB_FUNC(audio_current_track), RB_FUNC(settings_save), /* SPEAKING */ {"talk_number", rock_talk}, {"talk_spell", rock_talk}, RB_FUNC(talk_shutup), /* MISC */ RB_FUNC(restart_lua), RB_FUNC(show_logo), {NULL, NULL} }; #undef RB_FUNC #undef RB_ALIAS extern const luaL_Reg rocklib_aux[]; /* ** Open Rockbox library */ LUALIB_API int luaopen_rock(lua_State *L) { luaL_register(L, LUA_ROCKLIBNAME, rocklib); luaL_register(L, LUA_ROCKLIBNAME, rocklib_aux); lua_getglobal(L, "require"); lua_pushstring(L, "rb_defines"); if (lua_pcall (L, 1, 0, 0)) lua_pop(L, 1); #if 0 /* see rb_defines.lua */ static const struct lua_int_reg rlib_const_int[] = { /* useful integer constants */ RB_CONSTANT(HZ), RB_CONSTANT(LCD_DEPTH), RB_CONSTANT(LCD_HEIGHT), RB_CONSTANT(LCD_WIDTH), RB_CONSTANT(SCREEN_MAIN), #if LCD_DEPTH > 1 RB_CONSTANT(LCD_DEFAULT_FG), RB_CONSTANT(LCD_DEFAULT_BG), #endif #ifdef HAVE_REMOTE_LCD RB_CONSTANT(LCD_REMOTE_DEPTH), RB_CONSTANT(LCD_REMOTE_HEIGHT), RB_CONSTANT(LCD_REMOTE_WIDTH), RB_CONSTANT(SCREEN_REMOTE), #endif RB_CONSTANT(FONT_SYSFIXED), RB_CONSTANT(FONT_UI), RB_CONSTANT(PLAYLIST_INSERT), RB_CONSTANT(PLAYLIST_INSERT_LAST), RB_CONSTANT(PLAYLIST_INSERT_FIRST), RB_CONSTANT(PLAYLIST_INSERT_LAST_SHUFFLED), RB_CONSTANT(PLAYLIST_INSERT_SHUFFLED), RB_CONSTANT(PLAYLIST_PREPEND), RB_CONSTANT(PLAYLIST_REPLACE), /* queue sys events */ RB_CONSTANT(SYS_USB_CONNECTED), RB_CONSTANT(SYS_USB_DISCONNECTED), RB_CONSTANT(SYS_TIMEOUT), RB_CONSTANT(SYS_POWEROFF), RB_CONSTANT(SYS_CHARGER_CONNECTED), RB_CONSTANT(SYS_CHARGER_DISCONNECTED), #ifdef HAVE_TOUCHSCREEN RB_CONSTANT(TOUCHSCREEN_POINT), RB_CONSTANT(TOUCHSCREEN_BUTTON), #endif {NULL, 0} }; static const struct lua_int_reg* rlci = rlib_const_int; for (; rlci->name; rlci++) { lua_pushinteger(L, rlci->value); luaS_newlloc(L, rlci->name, TSTR_INBIN); lua_setfield(L, -2, rlci->name); } static const struct lua_str_reg rlib_const_str[] = { /* some useful paths constants */ RB_STRING_CONSTANT(HOME_DIR), RB_STRING_CONSTANT(PLUGIN_DIR), RB_STRING_CONSTANT(PLUGIN_APPS_DATA_DIR), RB_STRING_CONSTANT(PLUGIN_GAMES_DATA_DIR), RB_STRING_CONSTANT(PLUGIN_DATA_DIR), RB_STRING_CONSTANT(ROCKBOX_DIR), RB_STRING_CONSTANT(VIEWERS_DATA_DIR), {NULL,NULL} }; static const struct lua_str_reg* rlcs = rlib_const_str; for (; rlcs->name; rlcs++) { luaS_newlloc(L, rlcs->value, TSTR_INBIN); lua_pushstring(L, rlcs->value); luaS_newlloc(L, rlcs->name, TSTR_INBIN); lua_setfield(L, -2, rlcs->name); } #endif return 1; }