
370 lines
12 KiB

* __________ __ ___.
* Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___
* Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ /
* Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < <
* Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \
* \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
* $Id$
* Copyright (C) 2006 Antonius Hellmann
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
* KIND, either express or implied.
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "codeclib.h"
struct riff_header
uint8_t riff_id[4]; /* 00h - "RIFF" */
uint32_t riff_size; /* 04h - sz following headers + data_size */
/* format header */
uint8_t format[4]; /* 08h - "WAVE" */
uint8_t format_id[4]; /* 0Ch - "fmt " */
uint32_t format_size; /* 10h - 16 for PCM (sz format data) */
/* format data */
uint16_t audio_format; /* 14h - 1=PCM */
uint16_t num_channels; /* 16h - 1=M, 2=S, etc. */
uint32_t sample_rate; /* 18h - HZ */
uint32_t byte_rate; /* 1Ch - num_channels*sample_rate*bits_per_sample/8 */
uint16_t block_align; /* 20h - num_channels*bits_per_samples/8 */
uint16_t bits_per_sample; /* 22h - 8=8 bits, 16=16 bits, etc. */
/* Not for audio_format=1 (PCM) */
/* unsigned short extra_param_size; 24h - size of extra data */
/* unsigned char *extra_params; */
/* data header */
uint8_t data_id[4]; /* 24h - "data" */
uint32_t data_size; /* 28h - num_samples*num_channels*bits_per_sample/8 */
/* unsigned char *data; 2ch - actual sound data */
} __attribute__((packed));
#define RIFF_FMT_HEADER_SIZE 12 /* format -> format_size */
#define RIFF_FMT_DATA_SIZE 16 /* audio_format -> bits_per_sample */
#define RIFF_DATA_HEADER_SIZE 8 /* data_id -> data_size */
#define PCM_DEPTH_BITS 16
#define PCM_SAMP_PER_CHUNK 2048
static int num_channels IBSS_ATTR;
static uint32_t sample_rate;
static uint32_t enc_size;
static int32_t err IBSS_ATTR;
static const struct riff_header riff_header =
/* "RIFF" header */
{ 'R', 'I', 'F', 'F' }, /* riff_id */
0, /* riff_size (*) */
/* format header */
{ 'W', 'A', 'V', 'E' }, /* format */
{ 'f', 'm', 't', ' ' }, /* format_id */
H_TO_LE32(16), /* format_size */
/* format data */
H_TO_LE16(1), /* audio_format */
0, /* num_channels (*) */
0, /* sample_rate (*) */
0, /* byte_rate (*) */
0, /* block_align (*) */
H_TO_LE16(PCM_DEPTH_BITS), /* bits_per_sample */
/* data header */
{ 'd', 'a', 't', 'a' }, /* data_id */
0 /* data_size (*) */
/* (*) updated during ENC_END_FILE event */
/* called version often - inline */
static inline bool is_file_data_ok(struct enc_file_event_data *data) ICODE_ATTR;
static inline bool is_file_data_ok(struct enc_file_event_data *data)
return data->rec_file >= 0 && (long)data->chunk->flags >= 0;
} /* is_file_data_ok */
/* called version often - inline */
static inline bool on_write_chunk(struct enc_file_event_data *data) ICODE_ATTR;
static inline bool on_write_chunk(struct enc_file_event_data *data)
if (!is_file_data_ok(data))
return false;
if (data->chunk->enc_data == NULL)
ci->logf("wav enc: NULL data");
return true;
if (ci->write(data->rec_file, data->chunk->enc_data,
data->chunk->enc_size) != (ssize_t)data->chunk->enc_size)
return false;
data->num_pcm_samples += data->chunk->num_pcm;
return true;
} /* on_write_chunk */
static bool on_start_file(struct enc_file_event_data *data)
if ((data->chunk->flags & CHUNKF_ERROR) || *data->filename == '\0')
return false;
data->rec_file = ci->open(data->filename, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC);
if (data->rec_file < 0)
return false;
/* reset sample count */
data->num_pcm_samples = 0;
/* write template header */
if (ci->write(data->rec_file, &riff_header, sizeof (riff_header))
!= sizeof (riff_header))
return false;
data->new_enc_size += sizeof (riff_header);
return true;
} /* on_start_file */
static bool on_end_file(struct enc_file_event_data *data)
/* update template header */
struct riff_header hdr;
uint32_t data_size;
if (data->rec_file < 0)
return false; /* file already closed, nothing more we can do */
/* always _try_ to write the file header, even on error */
if ((ci->lseek(data->rec_file, 0, SEEK_SET)) ||
(ci->read(data->rec_file, &hdr, sizeof (hdr)) != sizeof (hdr)))
return false;
data_size = data->num_pcm_samples*num_channels*PCM_DEPTH_BYTES;
/* "RIFF" header */
hdr.riff_size = htole32(RIFF_FMT_HEADER_SIZE + RIFF_FMT_DATA_SIZE
+ RIFF_DATA_HEADER_SIZE + data_size);
/* format data */
hdr.num_channels = htole16(num_channels);
hdr.sample_rate = htole32(sample_rate);
hdr.byte_rate = htole32(sample_rate*num_channels* PCM_DEPTH_BYTES);
hdr.block_align = htole16(num_channels*PCM_DEPTH_BYTES);
/* data header */
hdr.data_size = htole32(data_size);
if (ci->lseek(data->rec_file, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0 ||
ci->write(data->rec_file, &hdr, sizeof (hdr)) != sizeof (hdr) ||
ci->close(data->rec_file) != 0)
return false;
data->rec_file = -1;
return true;
} /* on_end_file */
STATICIRAM void enc_events_callback(enum enc_events event, void *data)
STATICIRAM void enc_events_callback(enum enc_events event, void *data)
if (event == ENC_WRITE_CHUNK)
if (on_write_chunk((struct enc_file_event_data *)data))
else if (event == ENC_START_FILE)
if (on_start_file((struct enc_file_event_data *)data))
else if (event == ENC_END_FILE)
if (on_end_file((struct enc_file_event_data *)data))
((struct enc_file_event_data *)data)->chunk->flags |= CHUNKF_ERROR;
} /* enc_events_callback */
/* convert native pcm samples to wav format samples */
static inline void sample_to_mono(uint32_t **src, uint32_t **dst)
int32_t lr1, lr2;
lr1 = *(*src)++;
lr1 = (int16_t)lr1 + (lr1 >> 16) + err;
err = lr1 & 1;
lr1 >>= 1;
lr2 = *(*src)++;
lr2 = (int16_t)lr2 + (lr2 >> 16) + err;
err = lr2 & 1;
lr2 >>= 1;
*(*dst)++ = swap_odd_even_be32((lr1 << 16) | (uint16_t)lr2);
} /* sample_to_mono */
STATICIRAM void chunk_to_wav_format(uint32_t *src, uint32_t *dst) ICODE_ATTR;
STATICIRAM void chunk_to_wav_format(uint32_t *src, uint32_t *dst)
if (num_channels == 1)
/* On big endian:
* |LLLLLLLLllllllll|RRRRRRRRrrrrrrrr|
* |LLLLLLLLllllllll|RRRRRRRRrrrrrrrr| =>
* |mmmmmmmmMMMMMMMM|mmmmmmmmMMMMMMMM|
* On little endian:
* |llllllllLLLLLLLL|rrrrrrrrRRRRRRRR|
* |llllllllLLLLLLLL|rrrrrrrrRRRRRRRR| =>
* |mmmmmmmmMMMMMMMM|mmmmmmmmMMMMMMMM|
uint32_t *src_end = src + PCM_SAMP_PER_CHUNK;
sample_to_mono(&src, &dst);
sample_to_mono(&src, &dst);
sample_to_mono(&src, &dst);
sample_to_mono(&src, &dst);
sample_to_mono(&src, &dst);
sample_to_mono(&src, &dst);
sample_to_mono(&src, &dst);
sample_to_mono(&src, &dst);
while (src < src_end);
/* |LLLLLLLLllllllll|RRRRRRRRrrrrrrrr| =>
* |llllllllLLLLLLLL|rrrrrrrrRRRRRRRR|
uint32_t *src_end = src + PCM_SAMP_PER_CHUNK;
*dst++ = swap_odd_even32(*src++);
*dst++ = swap_odd_even32(*src++);
*dst++ = swap_odd_even32(*src++);
*dst++ = swap_odd_even32(*src++);
*dst++ = swap_odd_even32(*src++);
*dst++ = swap_odd_even32(*src++);
*dst++ = swap_odd_even32(*src++);
*dst++ = swap_odd_even32(*src++);
while (src < src_end);
/* |llllllllLLLLLLLL|rrrrrrrrRRRRRRRR| =>
* |llllllllLLLLLLLL|rrrrrrrrRRRRRRRR|
ci->memcpy(dst, src, PCM_CHUNK_SIZE);
} /* chunk_to_wav_format */
static bool init_encoder(void)
struct enc_inputs inputs;
struct enc_parameters params;
if (ci->enc_get_inputs == NULL ||
ci->enc_set_parameters == NULL ||
ci->enc_get_chunk == NULL ||
ci->enc_finish_chunk == NULL ||
ci->enc_get_pcm_data == NULL )
return false;
if (inputs.config->afmt != AFMT_PCM_WAV)
return false;
sample_rate = inputs.sample_rate;
num_channels = inputs.num_channels;
err = 0;
/* configure the buffer system */
params.afmt = AFMT_PCM_WAV;
enc_size = PCM_CHUNK_SIZE*inputs.num_channels / 2;
params.chunk_size = enc_size;
params.enc_sample_rate = sample_rate;
params.reserve_bytes = 0;
params.events_callback = enc_events_callback;
return true;
} /* init_encoder */
/* main codec entry point */
enum codec_status codec_main(void)
if (!init_encoder())
ci->enc_codec_loaded = -1;
/* main application waits for this flag during encoder loading */
ci->enc_codec_loaded = 1;
/* main encoding loop */
uint32_t *src;
while ((src = (uint32_t *)ci->enc_get_pcm_data(PCM_CHUNK_SIZE)) != NULL)
struct enc_chunk_hdr *chunk;
if (ci->stop_encoder)
chunk = ci->enc_get_chunk();
chunk->enc_size = enc_size;
chunk->num_pcm = PCM_SAMP_PER_CHUNK;
chunk->enc_data = ENC_CHUNK_SKIP_HDR(chunk->enc_data, chunk);
chunk_to_wav_format(src, (uint32_t *)chunk->enc_data);
/* reset parameters to initial state */
/* main application waits for this flag during encoder removing */
ci->enc_codec_loaded = 0;
return CODEC_OK;
} /* codec_start */
#endif /* ndef SIMULATOR */