$tblstart $tccell1 Your password has been blanked while your userid has been retained. If you are logged in, attempting to click another page should result in an authentication fail. $tblend"; setcookie ("logpassword",""); } //Begin debug menu print"$smallfont Logged-in user info. $tblstart $tccellh   $tccellh   $tccell1 Your user id $tccell2 $loguserid $tblend

$smallfont List of permissions and their respective users. $tblstart $tccellh User $tccellh Permission"; //Permissions aren't finished while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($perms)) { print " $tccell1"."$row[name] $tccell2"."$row[permission] "; } print "$tblend
$tblstart $tccellh"."Logged in user has these permissions"; //Only show logged in user's permissions if they are actually /logged in/ if($loguserid) { while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($logperms)) { print" $tccell1 $row[permission]"; } } print "
$tccellh"."Logged in user is Moderator "; if($loguserid && mysqli_num_rows($modperms)) { print" $tccell1"."Yes "; } else { print" $tccell1"."No "; } print "

$tccellh"."Logged in user is Admin "; if($loguserid && mysqli_num_rows($adminperms)) { print" $tccell1"."Yes "; } else { print" $tccell1"."No "; } print "

$tccellh"."Logged in user is a mere pawn used for testing "; if($loguserid && mysqli_num_rows($dummyperms)) { print" $tccell1"."Yes "; } else { print" $tccell1"."No "; } print "

$fonttagSet logpassword blank
"; print "$footer
"; rendertime(); ?>