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208 lines
6.9 KiB

//GET doesn't carry over through POST, so I do it this way
$fid = $_GET['id'];
if(!$_GET[id]) $fid=$_POST[fid];
//Get the data
$posts=mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id = $fid"));
$threads=mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM threads WHERE id = $posts[thread]"));
$forums=mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM forums WHERE id = $threads[forum]"));
$users=mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = $loguserid"));
//Gotta be logged in
if (!$loguserid) {
print "$header<br><table border=0 bgcolor=$tableborder width=$tablewidth align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1 width=100% bgcolor=$tableborder>
$tccell1 You are not logged it!</table></td></table>$footer";
//Do we have permission to edit?
if ($loguserid!=$posts[user]) {
print "$header<br><table border=0 bgcolor=$tableborder width=$tablewidth align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1 width=100% bgcolor=$tableborder>
$tccell1 You do not have permission to edit this post!</table></td></table>$footer";
//This should be moved to layout.php
$tccellha="<td bgcolor=$tableheadbg";
//Why do we need posts per page?
// $ppp=20;
// if ($logpassword!="") {
// $ppp=$users[$loguserid][16];
// if ($ppp==0) { $ppp=20; }
// }
//Have a nasty variable "$threads[$posts[$id][0]][4]"
print $header;
// $forumid=$threads[$posts[$id][0]][0];
if ($_POST[action]=="" and $forums[id]>-1 and $threads[closed]!=1 and !$_GET[action]) {
print "$fonttag<a href=index.php>$boardname</a> - <a href=forum.php?id=$forums[id]>".$forums[title]."</a> - ".$threads[title]."
<table border=0 bgcolor=$tableborder width=$tablewidth align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1 width=100% bgcolor=$tableborder>
<FORM ACTION=\"editpost.php\" NAME=\"REPLIER\" METHOD=\"POST\">
//Replace <br> with line breaks. This needs to be revised at some point
//Begin reply table
$replytable="$tccellha width=150$tccellhb"."&nbsp;</font></td>";
$replytable.="$tccell2"."</center><TEXTAREA NAME=\"message\" ROWS=20 COLS=60 WRAP=VIRTUAL>$message"."</TEXTAREA></td><tr>";
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"action\" VALUE=\"editpost\">
<INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=\"submit\" VALUE=\"Edit post\">
<INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=\"preview\" VALUE=\"Preview post\"></td></FORM>";
print "$replytable
<table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1 width=100% bgcolor=$tableborder>
print "
$fonttag<a href=index.php>$boardname</a> - <a href=forum.php?id=$forums[id]>".$forums[title]."</a> - ".$threads[title]." ";
if ($_POST[action]=="editpost") {
print "
<table border=0 bgcolor=$tableborder width=$tablewidth align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1 width=100% bgcolor=$tableborder>
//Check if crap is empty
print "$tccell1"."You left your post blank!";
print "<br>Click <a href=thread.php?id=$threads[id]>here</a> to return to the thread.";
print $footer;
if (0==0) {
// $message=str_replace("
while ($smilies[$s][0]!="") {
eval ("\$message=str_replace(\"$smile\",\"<img src=$smilie[1]>\",\$message);");
if ($_POST[submit]!="") {
while ($posts[$i][0]!="" and $i<($id+1)) {
if ($posts[$i][0]==$posts[$id][0]) {
print "$_POST[fid]";
mysqli_query($con,"UPDATE posts SET lastedit = '$date', edituser = '$loguserid', text = '$message1' WHERE id = $_POST[fid]") or mysqli_error($con);
print "$tccell1"."Thank you, ".$users[name].", for editing the post.
Click <a href=thread.php?id=$threads[id]>here</a> to return to the thread.
} else {
print "
<FORM ACTION=\"editpost.php\" NAME=\"REPLIER\" METHOD=\"POST\">
$tccell1 This is a preview of your post.</td><tr>
<table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1 width=100% bgcolor=$tableborder>
$tccell1 <b>Post:</td>
$tccell2 </center><TEXTAREA NAME=\"message\" ROWS=20 COLS=60 WRAP=VIRTUAL>".str_replace("<br>","
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"action\" VALUE=\"editpost\">
<INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=\"submit\" VALUE=\"Edit post\">
<INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=\"preview\" VALUE=\"Preview reply\"></td></FORM>
} else {
print "$tccell1"."Couldn't edit the post. Either you didn't enter an existing username, ";
print "or you haven't entered the right password for the username, or you are not allowed to edit this post.";
print "<br>Click <a href=thread.php?id=$threads[id]>here</a> to return to the thread.";
if ($_GET[action]=="delete") {
print "
<table border=0 bgcolor=$tableborder width=$tablewidth align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
<table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1 width=100% bgcolor=$tableborder>
if (0==0) {
mysqli_query($con,"DELETE FROM posts WHERE id=$fid");
print "$tccell1"."Thank you, ".$users[name].", for deleting the post.
Click <a href=forum.php?id=$forums[id]>here</a> to return to the forum.
} else {
print "$tccell1"."Couldn't delete the post. Either you didn't enter an existing username, ";
print "or you haven't entered the right password for the username, or you are not allowed to delete this post.";
print "<br>Click <a href=thread.php?id=$id>here</a> to return to the thread.";
print $footer;