add documentation about hacking

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Solene Rapenne 2016-04-30 18:12:55 +02:00
parent 2c4804f372
commit c31fd9ad38
1 changed files with 29 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -1,18 +1,14 @@
# Introduction
This blog is generated using cl-yag. It stands for Common Lisp Yet Another Generator and obviously it's written in Common Lisp.
cl-yag stands for Common Lisp Yet Another Generator and obviously it's written in Common Lisp.
It has only one dependency : a common lisp interpreter, I recommend both sbcl or clisp which are free, open-source and multi-platform.
# The hierarchy
Here are the files and folder of cl-yag :
Here are the files and folder you can find in your project folder :
+ **Makefile** : exists to simplify your life (updating, cleaning)
+ **generator.lisp** : contains all the code of the generator
+ **templates/** : contains .tpl files which are used as template for the html structure
@ -20,7 +16,7 @@ Here are the files and folder you can find in your project folder :
+ **data/** : contains what will make the content of your website different from another website (or not)
+ **articles.lisp** : contains metadata about the website and the list of the articles with their id/title/date/(author/short description) (aren't mandatory)
+ **${id}.txt** : contains the html text of the article ${id} that will be used when displayed
+ **output** : this is where the websites goes when your run *make*, and where it's cleaned when you run *make clean*;
+ **output** : this is where the websites goes when your run *make*, and where it's cleaned when you run *make clean*; You can make it a symbolic link to the web server folder.
# How to add an article
@ -34,18 +30,37 @@ The _:short_ field is used on the homepage. It it is defined, this is the text t
The _:author_ field is used to display who wrote the article. You can omitt it, the generator will take the name from the *config* variable
# How to hack it
I tried to make it "hacking friendly" so it's very extensible.
## Include a template page in the layout
Here is an example code if you want to add something like a panel on the layout.
+ Add a string for the replacement to occure, like %%Panel%% in **template/layout.tpl** (because we want the panel on every page)
+ In **generator.lisp** modify the function *generate-layout* to add "**(template "%%Panel%%" (slurp-file "template/panel.tpl"))**" after one template function call
+ Create **template/panel.tpl** with the html
## Add a new specific page
You may want to have some dedicated page for some reason, reusing the website layout, which is not the index nor an article.
In **generate-site** function we can load a file, apply the template and save it in the output. It may look like this
(generate "somepage.html" (slurp-file "data/mypage.html"))
This will produce the file somepage.html in the output folder
# How to use markdown for articles
Here is a tip to produce html files from markdown using emacs
1. edit the article file with emacs using ham-mode (which is html)
1. edit the article file with emacs using ham-mode which will convert the html to markdown
2. write your text with markdown syntax
3. save your file (ham-mode will convert it to html inside)
4. *make* to update your site
3. save your file, ham-mode will convert it back to html
4. run *make* to update your site
The generator do not do it natively because I do not want it to have dependencies. You can use what you want to produces the html files.
The generator don't do it natively because I didn't want it to have dependencies. You can use what you want to produces the html files.