# About ToyEd > A toy text editor in Tcl/Tk for educational purposes. ToyEd is a toy text editor made for fun and learning. It's not meant for serious use, but rather to be studied and built upon. ToyEd is written in 700+ lines of Tcl/Tk (see below), but has many expected features: - GUI controls - keyboard operation - line and word count - formatting functions - display options ToyEd is open source under the MIT license. See source code. As of 23 Jan 2024, the editor has seen little use. Please back up your data. The user interface should be fairly obvious. ## System requirements Running ToyEd from source requires Tcl/Tk 8.6 or newer, with Tklib. Both are available on most Linux distributions, or else from the tcl-lang.org website. Recommended screen resolution: 800x600. ## Credits and support ToyEd was born from the experience of developing Scrunch Edit TT, and reuses most code from it. You can usually find me on IRC, in the #ctrl-c channel of tilde.chat, or else as @notimetoplay on the elekk.xyz Mastodon instance. Would love to hear from you.