# gmrun configuration file # Set terminal Terminal = xterm TermExec = ${Terminal} -e AlwaysInTerm = ssh telnet ftp lynx mc vi vim pine centericq perldoc man # Set window geometry # - Wx width 400x # - WxH width x height 400x70 (height = 0 = ignore) # - WxH+x+y width x height +x +y 400x0+200+100 # # If +x+y is not specified (or not allowed), the gmrun window is displayed centered Geometry = 450x # History size History = 256 # Shows last history line selected when invoked ShowLast = 0 # Show files starting with '.' # Default is 0 (off), set it to 1 if you want "hidden" files to show up # in the completion window ShowDotFiles = 0 # Timeout (in milliseconds) after which gmrun will simulate a TAB press # Set this to NULL if don't like this feature. TabTimeout = 0 # use GLib XDG handling? (freedesktop specification) USE_XDG = 0 #======================================================================= # if not using XDG, you can specify URL and extension Handlers... #======================================================================= # URL handlers # If the entered text is "http://www.google.com" then: # - %u gets replaced with the whole URL ("http://www.google.com") # - %s gets replaced with "//www.google.com". This is useful for URL-s # like "man:printf" --> %s will get replaced with "printf" URL_http = xdg-open %u URL_mailto = xdg-email %u URL_file = xdg-open %s URL_man = ${TermExec} 'man %s' URL_info = ${TermExec} 'info %s' URL_search = xdg-open 'http://www.google.com/search?q=%s' # extension handlers # Customize your own extension handler. EXT:doc,rtf,txt,cc,cpp,h,java,html,htm,epl,tex,latex,js,css,xml,xsl,am,ps,pdf = xdg-open %s