static site scripts =================== Description ----- This is a fork of the [original project]( enabling XHTML 1.1 support. As well featuring the `gensite` script and the ability to source configuration files like [Saait]( and filenames as UUIDs inherited from [Logarion]( [Control-C/~novaburst]( is a site generated using those scripts Usage ----- - `mkpage <description> <author>` - `gensite` Features -------- - Small and simple to understand (I hope). - Small amount of dependencies, requires a POSIX shell and basic Linux/Unix utilities[1][2]. - Markdown supported by default[0], easily extendable to add your \<favorite markup language\>. - RSS and Atom output support. - Sitemap support (sitemap.xml and urllist.txt). Pages ----- Pages are defined as shellscripts containing the metadata, for example the file pages/ The content filename is the basename of the shellscript with the type of markup file appended to it (.html or .md), for example the file pages/html-example.html. If `mkpage` is used the filename is a value from `openssl rand -hex 3` and a .md file with the same name. Example: + => output/ddc7ac.html (either LibreSSL or regular OpenSSL should work) Markdown is supported. By default "smu"[0] is set as a Markdown processor, to change this set $markdown to your favorite Markdown-to-HTML converter in the file gensite Dependencies ------------ cat, cut, date, mkdir, printf, read, sed, sh (POSIX), test, tr License ------- ISC, see LICENSE file. References ---------- - [0] smu - markdown processor: - [1] sbase - - ubase - - [2] busybox - - [3] 9base - - [4] plan9port - Extras -------- - The sample CSS file included is [envs]('s default CSS file