Switch to custom where possible

This might make things simpler.
This commit is contained in:
Oliver Payne 2023-03-05 23:06:28 +00:00
parent 388231b36e
commit 0fa0acaa58
1 changed files with 42 additions and 57 deletions

View File

@ -1,42 +1,15 @@
(require 'use-package))
'(default ((t (:inherit nil :height 100 :family "Terminus")))))
(scroll-bar-mode -1)
(tool-bar-mode -1)
(show-paren-mode t)
(savehist-mode t)
(save-place-mode 1)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-o") 'other-window)
;; Thinkpad keyboards have PrtSc where right alt should be
(global-set-key (kbd "<print>") 'execute-extended-command)
;; OpenBSD prefixes gnu coreutils programs with g
;; Requires installation of coreutils package
(setq dired-chmod-program "gchmod"
dired-chown-program "gchown"
(setq dired-chown-program "gchown"
dired-touch-program "gtouch"
dired-grep-program "ggrep"
insert-directory-program "gls")
;; Gnus
(setq gnus-select-method '(nntp "news.gmane.io"))
(setq gnus-secondary-select-methods '((nnml "")))
(setq mail-sources
'((file :path "/var/mail/olly")))
;; (require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives
'("melpa" . "https://melpa.org/packages/"))
(add-to-list 'package-archives
'("melpa-stable" . "https://stable.melpa.org/packages/"))
(add-to-list 'package-archives
'("nongnu" . "https://elpa.nongnu.org/nongnu/"))
(setq use-package-compute-statistics t)
(require 'use-package))
(use-package magit
:ensure t
@ -49,26 +22,20 @@
(load-theme 'modus-vivendi)
("<f5>" . modus-themes-toggle))
;;("<f5>" . modus-themes-toggle)
(use-package vertico
:ensure t
(use-package orderless
:ensure t
(setq completion-styles '(orderless basic)
completion-category-defaults nil
completion-category-overrides '((file (styles partial-completion)))))
:ensure t)
(use-package smartparens-config
:ensure smartparens
:config (progn (show-smartparens-global-mode t)))
(use-package org-journal
:ensure t
:defer t
(setq org-journal-dir "~/journal"
org-journal-file-type 'monthly))
:defer t)
(use-package corfu
:ensure t
@ -82,10 +49,6 @@
:ensure t)
(use-package consult
:ensure t
(setq consult-grep-args "ggrep --null --line-buffered --color=never --ignore-case --line-number -I -r .")
(setq xref-show-xrefs-function #'consult-xref
xref-show-definitions-function #'consult-xref)
:bind (;; C-c bindings (mode-specific-map)
;; C-x bindings (ctl-x-map)
("C-x M-:" . consult-complex-command) ;; orig. repeat-complex-command
@ -100,7 +63,7 @@
("C-M-#" . consult-register)
;; Other custom bindings
("M-y" . consult-yank-pop) ;; orig. yank-pop
("<help> a" . consult-apropos) ;; orig. apropos-command
;; ("<help> a" . consult-apropos) ;; orig. apropos-command
;; M-g bindings (goto-map)
("M-g e" . consult-compile-error)
("M-g f" . consult-flymake) ;; Alternative: consult-flycheck
@ -133,39 +96,61 @@
:map minibuffer-local-map
("M-s" . consult-history) ;; orig. next-matching-history-element
("M-r" . consult-history)) ;; orig. previous-matching-history-)
(use-package expand-region
:ensure t
:bind ("C-=" . er/expand-region)
(setq expand-region-fast-keys-enabled t))
:bind ("C-=" . er/expand-region))
(use-package racket-mode
:ensure t)
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'auto-fill-mode)
(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'display-line-numbers-mode)
(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'turn-on-smartparens-strict-mode)
;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
'(column-number-mode t)
'(completion-category-overrides '((file (styles partial-completion))))
'(completion-styles '(orderless basic))
"ggrep --null --line-buffered --color=never --ignore-case --line-number -I -r .")
'("4c56af497ddf0e30f65a7232a8ee21b3d62a8c332c6b268c81e9ea99b11da0d3" "4cc1cc7efd5c2362ef684657eec7d7e482223b1def4edeb0fab52ba1d334d38a" "0c2d7f410f835d59a0293f2a55744e9d3be13aab8753705c6ad4a9a968fb3b28" default))
'("dde643b0efb339c0de5645a2bc2e8b4176976d5298065b8e6ca45bc4ddf188b7" default))
'(desktop-save-mode nil)
'(gnus-secondary-select-methods '((nnml "")))
'(gnus-select-method '(nntp "news.gmane.io"))
'(mail-sources '((file :path "/var/mail/olly")))
'(org-agenda-files '("~/org/home.org"))
'(org-journal-dir "~/journal")
'(org-journal-file-type 'monthly)
'(("melpa-stable" . "https://stable.melpa.org/packages/")
("melpa" . "https://melpa.org/packages/")
("gnu" . "https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/")
("nongnu" . "https://elpa.nongnu.org/nongnu/")))
'(expand-region project consult pdf-tools slime corfu org-journal smartparens modus-themes orderless solarized-theme vertico use-package racket-mode magit)))
'(haskell-mode undo-tree expand-region project consult pdf-tools slime corfu org-journal smartparens modus-themes orderless solarized-theme vertico use-package racket-mode magit))
'(flyspell-prog-mode display-line-numbers-mode turn-on-smartparens-strict-mode))
'(save-place-mode t)
'(savehist-mode t)
'(scroll-bar-mode nil)
'(turn-on-flyspell turn-on-auto-fill text-mode-hook-identify))
'(tool-bar-mode nil)
'(use-package-compute-statistics t)
'(xref-show-definitions-function 'consult-xref)
'(xref-show-xrefs-function 'consult-xref))
;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
'(default ((t (:inherit nil :height 100 :family "Terminus")))))
(setq custom-safe-themes
'("dde643b0efb339c0de5645a2bc2e8b4176976d5298065b8e6ca45bc4ddf188b7" default))
(put 'narrow-to-region 'disabled nil)