2021-05-10 21:57:13 +01:00

126 lines
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(import chicken.time) ; for current-milliseconds
(import chicken.random) ; for pseudo-random-integer
(define (smallest-divisor n)
(find-divisor n 2))
(define (find-divisor n test-divisor)
(cond ((> (square test-divisor) n) n)
((divides? test-divisor n) test-divisor)
(else (find-divisor n (+ test-divisor 1)))))
(define (divides? a b)
(= (remainder b a) 0))
;(define (prime? n)
;(= n (smallest-divisor n)))
(define (square x) (* x x))
(define (timed-prime-test n)
;(display n)
(start-prime-test n (current-milliseconds)))
(define (start-prime-test n start-time)
(if (prime? n)
(report-prime n (- (current-milliseconds) start-time))))
(define (report-prime n elapsed-time)
(display n)
(display " *** ")
(display elapsed-time)
(define (search-for-primes min max)
(if (<= min max)
(cond ((odd? min) (timed-prime-test min)
(search-for-primes (+ min 2) max))
(else (search-for-primes (+ min 1) max)))))
; (search-for-primes 100000 100100): First 3 take 1 ms each
; (search-for-primes 1000000 1000100): First 3 take 4, 3, 5 ms each
; (search-for-primes 10000000 10000200): First 3 take 14, 12, 13 ms each
; (sqrt 10) is 3.1622, so time increase is around sqrt(n), as expected.
(define (next n)
(if (= n 2)
(+ n 2)))
;(define (find-divisor n test-divisor)
;(cond ((> (square test-divisor) n) n)
;((divides? test-divisor n) test-divisor)
;(else (find-divisor n (next test-divisor)))))
; Now (search-for-primes 10000000 10000200): takes 7, 7, 10 ms each. So approximately
; half for the first two but a bit more for the third. This will be quicker, if the
; procedure has to search through lots of candidate divisors. Each call to next is
; more expensive that adding 1, which may account for the difference.
; Increase the size of the integers (to reduce noisy measurements):
; (search-for-primes 10000000000 10000000200)
; This takes ~141ms for the +1 case and ~87ms for the next case: A speedup of around
; 1.6. This must be accounted for by the extra comparison.
; 1.24
(define (fermat-test n)
(define (try-it a)
(= (expmod a n n) a))
(try-it (+ 1 (pseudo-random-integer (- n 1)))))
(define (expmod base exp m)
(cond ((= exp 0) 1)
((even? exp)
(remainder (square (expmod base (/ exp 2) m))
(remainder (* (expmod base (- exp 1) m) base)
(define (fast-prime? n times)
(cond ((= times 0) #t)
((fermat-test n) (fast-prime? n (- times 1)))
(else #f)))
(define (prime? n)
(fast-prime? n 10))
; Now prime test as above takes 2-3 ms for the first three answers
; (search-for-primes (square 10000000000) (+ 500 (square 10000000000)))
; This should be about double, given the the algorithm is logarithmic in time.
; We get 6, 8, 8 ms (more like 3 times as long). Maybe this is from the higher
; overhead of the random number generator? Or more likely, because we are running
; the Fermat test 10 times.
; 1.25: The answer should be the same if we take remainders after exponentiating,
; but exponentiating first keeps the numbers smaller, thus enabling testing of
; larger primes with less memory.
; 1.26: Writing out the multiplication instead of using square means that the
; argument is computed twice (once for each argument to * rather than once for
; square. So we are no longer halving the number of steps needed. Hence, this is
; no longer a log n algorithm.
; 1.27
; Test if a^n is congruent to a mod n for all a<n
(define (fermat n)
(define (fermat-rec a n)
(if (= a 1)
(and (= (expmod a n n) a)
(fermat-rec (- a 1) n))))
(fermat-rec (- n 1) n))