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;;; sorcery-theme.el --- A D&D (Dark and Dusty) Theme -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (c) 2020 Maxime Tréca
;; Author: Maxime Tréca <maxime@gmail.com>
;; Version: 1.0
;; Package-Version: 20210101.1352
;; Package-Commit: 5a1c4445b9e6e09589a299a9962a6973272a0c2f
;; Package-Requires: ((autothemer "0.2"))
;; URL: http://github.com/vxid/emacs-theme-sorcery
;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;; A dark and low-contrast Emacs theme.
;;; Code:
(require 'autothemer)
(unless (>= emacs-major-version 24)
(error "Requires Emacs 24 or later"))
magik "Sorcery - A D&D (Dark and Dusty) Emacs Theme."
((((class color) (min-colors #xFFFFFF)))
(fg "#dddddd")
(bg "#000000")
(c0 "#111111")
(c1 "#af5f5f")
(c2 "#5F8787")
(c3 "#87875f")
(c4 "#5f87af")
(c5 "#5f5f87")
(c6 "#5Fafaf")
(c7 "#666666")
(c8 "#222222")
(c9 "#999999")
(c10 "#334a60")) (
;;; Face weights
(bold (:weight 'bold))
(bold-italic (:weight 'bold :slant 'italic))
(fixed-pitch (:height 1.0))
(fixed-pitch-serif (:height 1.0))
(italic (:slant 'italic))
(underline (:underline t))
(variable-pitch (:height 1.0))
;;; Basic faces
(default (:foreground fg :background bg))
(error (:foreground c1))
; (highlight (:foreground c4 :slant 'italic))
(highlight (:foreground c4))
(match (:foreground c4))
(menu (:foreground fg :background bg))
; (minibuffer-prompt (:foreground fg :slant 'italic))
(minibuffer-prompt (:foreground fg))
; (read-multiple-choice (:foreground fg :slant 'italic))
(read-multiple-choice (:foreground fg))
(region (:background c10))
(secondary-selection (:background c8))
(shadow (:foreground c7))
(success (:foreground c2))
(warning (:foreground c3))
;; Frame and window elements
(border (:foreground c0 :background bg))
(internal-border (:foreground c0 :background bg))
(fringe (:foreground c7 :background bg))
(scroll-bar (:foreground c0 :background bg))
(tool-bar (:foreground c0 :background bg))
(tooltip (:foreground c0 :background bg))
(vertical-border (:foreground c0 :background bg))
(window-divider (:foreground c0 :background bg))
(window-divider-first-pixel (:foreground c0 :background bg))
(window-divider-last-pixel (:foreground c0 :background bg))
;; Header line and mode line
(header-line (:foreground fg :background c0))
(header-line-highlight (:foreground fg :background c0))
(mode-line (:foreground fg :background c0))
(mode-line-buffer-id (:foreground fg :background c0))
(mode-line-emphasis (:foreground c4 :background c0))
(mode-line-highlight (:foreground c4 :background c0))
(mode-line-inactive (:foreground fg :background c0))
;; Other UI elements
(button (:foreground fg :background bg :box t))
(cursor (:background fg :background bg))
(link (:foreground c5 :underline t))
(link-visited (:foreground c5 :underline t))
(mouse (:foreground fg :background bg))
(mouse-drag-and-drop-region (:foreground fg :background c8))
(tty-menu-disabled-face (:foreground fg :background bg :strike-through t))
(tty-menu-enabled-face (:foreground fg :background bg))
(tty-menu-selected-face (:foreground fg :background c8))
;; Special Characters
(escape-glyph (:foreground c7))
(glyphless-char (:foreground c7))
(homoglyph (:foreground c7))
(nobreak-hyphen (:foreground c7))
(nobreak-space (:foreground c7))
;; Search items
(isearch (:background c4))
(isearch-fail (:foreground c1))
(lazy-highlight (:underline t))
;;; Line numbers
(line-number (:foreground fg :background bg))
(line-number-current-line (:foreground c4 :background bg))
(linum (:foreground c7 :background bg))
;; Font lock
(font-lock-builtin-face (:foreground fg))
(font-lock-comment-delimiter-face (:foreground c7))
(font-lock-comment-face (:foreground c7))
; (font-lock-comment-face (:foreground c7 :slant 'italic))
(font-lock-constant-face (:foreground fg))
(font-lock-doc-face (:foreground c7))
; (font-lock-doc-face (:foreground c7 :slant 'italic))
(font-lock-function-name-face (:foreground fg))
(font-lock-keyword-face (:foreground fg))
(font-lock-negation-char-face (:foreground fg))
(font-lock-preprocessor-face (:foreground fg))
(font-lock-regexp-grouping-backslash (:foreground fg))
(font-lock-regexp-grouping-construct-face (:foreground fg))
(font-lock-string-face (:foreground fg))
(font-lock-reference-face (:foreground fg))
(font-lock-type-face (:foreground fg))
(font-lock-variable-name-face (:foreground fg))
(font-lock-warning-face (:foreground fg))
;; Bookmarks Menu
(bookmark-menu-bookmark (:foreground fg :background bg))
(bookmark-menu-heading (:foreground fg :background bg :weight 'bold))
;; Buffer Menu
(buffer-menu-buffer (:foreground fg :background bg))
;; Calendar and Diary
(calendar-month-header (:foreground fg :background bg))
(calendar-today (:foreground c4 :background bg :slant 'italic))
(calendar-weekday-header (:foreground fg :background bg))
(calendar-weekend-header (:foreground fg :background bg))
(diary (:foreground c4 :background bg))
(diary-anniversary (:foreground c3 :background bg))
(diary-button (:foreground fg :background bg :box t))
(diary-time (:foreground fg :background bg))
(holiday (:foreground c5 :background bg))
;; Compilation
(compilation-column-number (:foreground fg))
(compilation-error (:foreground c1 :weight 'bold))
(compilation-info (:foreground fg))
(compilation-line-number (:foreground fg))
(compilation-mode-line-exit (:foreground fg))
(compilation-mode-line-fail (:foreground c1))
(compilation-mode-line-run (:foreground c4))
(compilation-warning (:foreground c3))
(next-error (:foreground c1 :underline t))
;; Changelog
(change-log-acknowledgment (:foreground fg :background bg))
(change-log-conditionals (:foreground fg :background bg))
(change-log-date (:foreground fg :background bg))
(change-log-email (:foreground fg :background bg))
(change-log-file (:foreground fg :background bg))
(change-log-function (:foreground fg :background bg))
(change-log-list (:foreground fg :background bg))
(change-log-name (:foreground fg :background bg))
;; Comint
(comint-highlight-input (:foreground fg :background bg :weight 'bold))
(comint-highlight-prompt (:foreground fg :background bg :weight 'bold))
;; Minibuffer completions
(completions-annotations (:foreground fg :background bg))
(completions-common-part (:foreground fg :background bg))
(completions-first-difference (:foreground c1 :background bg))
;; Customize
(custom-button (:foreground fg :background bg :box t))
(custom-button-mouse (:foreground fg :background bg :box t))
(custom-button-pressed (:foreground fg :background bg :box t))
(custom-button-pressed-unraised (:foreground fg :background bg :box t))
(custom-button-unraised (:foreground fg :background bg :box t))
(custom-changed (:foreground c3 :background bg :slant 'italic))
(custom-comment (:foreground fg :background bg))
(custom-comment-tag (:foreground fg :background bg))
(custom-documentation (:foreground fg))
(custom-face-tag (:foreground fg :slant 'italic))
(custom-group-subtitle (:foreground fg :background bg))
(custom-group-tag (:foreground fg :background bg :weight 'bold))
(custom-group-tag-1 (:foreground fg :background bg :weight 'bold))
(custom-invalid (:foreground fg :background bg :strike-through t))
(custom-link (:foreground fg :background bg :underline t))
(custom-modified (:foreground c3 :background bg :slant 'italic))
(custom-rogue (:foreground c1 :background bg))
(custom-saved (:foreground fg :background bg))
(custom-set (:foreground fg :background bg))
(custom-state (:foreground fg :background bg :slant 'italic))
(custom-themed (:foreground fg :background bg))
(custom-variable-button (:foreground fg :background bg :box t))
(custom-variable-tag (:foreground fg :background bg))
(custom-visibility (:foreground fg :background bg))
;; Diff mode
(diff-added (:foreground c2 :background bg))
(diff-changed (:foreground c7 :background bg))
(diff-context (:foreground c7 :background bg))
(diff-file-header (:foreground c7 :background bg))
(diff-function (:foreground c7 :background bg))
(diff-header (:foreground fg :background bg :weight 'bold))
(diff-index (:foreground fg :background bg))
(diff-hunk-header (:foreground fg :background bg))
(diff-indicator-added (:foreground c2 :background bg))
(diff-indicator-changed (:foreground c7 :background bg))
(diff-indicator-removed (:foreground c1 :background bg))
(diff-refine-added (:foreground c2 :background bg))
(diff-refine-changed (:foreground c7 :background bg))
(diff-refine-removed (:foreground c1 :background bg))
(diff-removed (:foreground c1 :background bg))
;; Dired
(dired-directory (:foreground fg :weight 'bold))
(dired-flagged (:foreground c1))
(dired-header (:foreground fg :weight 'bold))
(dired-ignored (:foreground c7))
(dired-mark (:foreground c5 :slant 'italic))
(dired-marked (:foreground c5 :slant 'italic))
(dired-perm-write (:foreground fg))
(dired-symlink (:foreground c3))
(dired-warning (:foreground c3 :weight 'bold))
;; Ediff mode
(ediff-current-diff-A (:foreground fg :background c8))
(ediff-current-diff-B (:foreground fg :background c8))
(ediff-current-diff-C (:foreground fg :background c8))
(ediff-current-diff-Ancestor (:foreground fg :background c8))
(ediff-even-diff-A (:foreground fg :background c0))
(ediff-even-diff-B (:foreground fg :background c0))
(ediff-even-diff-C (:foreground fg :background c0))
(ediff-even-diff-Ancestor (:foreground fg :background c0))
(ediff-fine-diff-A (:foreground c1 :background c8))
(ediff-fine-diff-B (:foreground c2 :background c8))
(ediff-fine-diff-C (:foreground c3 :background c8))
(ediff-fine-diff-Ancestor (:foreground c4 :background c8))
(ediff-odd-diff-A (:foreground fg :background c0))
(ediff-odd-diff-B (:foreground fg :background c0))
(ediff-odd-diff-C (:foreground fg :background c0))
(ediff-odd-diff-Ancestor (:foreground fg :background c0))
;; Eldoc
(eldoc-highlight-function-argument (:foreground fg :background bg :weight 'bold))
;; Easy PG
(epa-field-body (:foreground fg))
(epa-field-name (:foreground fg))
(epa-mark (:foreground c3))
(epa-string (:foreground c7))
(epa-validity-disabled (:foreground c7))
(epa-validity-high (:foreground c2))
(epa-validity-low (:foreground c1))
(epa-validity-medium (:foreground c3))
;; Eshell
(eshell-prompt (:foreground fg))
(eshell-ls-archive (:foreground fg))
(eshell-ls-backup (:foreground fg))
(eshell-ls-clutter (:foreground c7))
(eshell-ls-directory (:foreground fg :weight 'bold))
(eshell-ls-executable (:foreground fg))
(eshell-ls-missing (:foreground c1))
(eshell-ls-product (:foreground c7))
(eshell-ls-readonly (:foreground c3))
(eshell-ls-special (:foreground c6))
(eshell-ls-symlink (:foreground c2))
(eshell-ls-unreadable (:foreground c1))
;;; Gnus
(gnus-button (:foreground fg :background bg :box t))
(gnus-emphasis-bold (:weight 'bold))
(gnus-emphasis-bold-italic (:weight 'bold :slant 'italic))
(gnus-emphasis-highlight-words (:foreground c4))
(gnus-emphasis-italic (:slant 'italic))
(gnus-emphasis-strikethru (:strike-through t))
(gnus-emphasis-underline (:underline t))
(gnus-emphasis-underline-bold (:underline t :weight 'bold))
(gnus-emphasis-underline-bold-italic (:underline t :weight 'bold :slant 'italic))
(gnus-emphasis-underline-italic (:underline t :slant 'italic))
(gnus-group-mail-1 (:foreground fg :weight 'bold))
(gnus-group-mail-1-empty (:foreground fg))
(gnus-group-mail-2 (:foreground fg :weight 'bold))
(gnus-group-mail-2-empty (:foreground fg))
(gnus-group-mail-3 (:foreground fg :weight 'bold))
(gnus-group-mail-3-empty (:foreground fg))
(gnus-group-mail-low (:foreground fg :weight 'bold))
(gnus-group-mail-low-empty (:foreground fg))
(gnus-group-news-1 (:foreground fg :weight 'bold))
(gnus-group-news-1-empty (:foreground fg))
(gnus-group-news-2 (:foreground fg :weight 'bold))
(gnus-group-news-2-empty (:foreground fg))
(gnus-group-news-3 (:foreground fg :weight 'bold))
(gnus-group-news-3-empty (:foreground fg))
(gnus-group-news-4 (:foreground fg :weight 'bold))
(gnus-group-news-4-empty (:foreground fg))
(gnus-group-news-5 (:foreground fg :weight 'bold))
(gnus-group-news-5-empty (:foreground fg))
(gnus-group-news-6 (:foreground fg :weight 'bold))
(gnus-group-news-6-empty (:foreground fg))
(gnus-group-news-low (:foreground fg :weight 'bold))
(gnus-group-news-low-empty (:foreground fg))
(gnus-header-content (:foreground fg))
(gnus-header-from (:foreground fg))
(gnus-header-name (:foreground fg))
(gnus-header-newsgroup (:foreground fg))
(gnus-header-subject (:foreground fg))
(gnus-signature (:foreground c7))
(gnus-slash (:foreground fg :background bg))
(gnus-summary-cancelled (:strike-through t))
(gnus-summary-high-ancient (:foreground c7))
(gnus-summary-high-read (:foreground fg))
(gnus-summary-high-ticked (:foreground fg))
(gnus-summary-high-undownloaded (:weight 'bold))
(gnus-summary-high-unread (:foreground c4 :weight 'bold))
(gnus-summary-low-ancient (:foreground c7))
(gnus-summary-low-read (:foreground fg))
(gnus-summary-low-ticked (:foreground fg))
(gnus-summary-low-undownloaded (:weight 'bold))
(gnus-summary-low-unread (:foreground fg :weight 'bold))
(gnus-summary-normal-ancient (:foreground c7))
(gnus-summary-normal-read (:foreground fg))
(gnus-summary-normal-ticked (:foreground fg))
(gnus-summary-normal-undownloaded (:weight 'bold))
(gnus-summary-normal-unread (:foreground fg :weight 'bold))
(gnus-summary-selected (:background c8))
;; Help
(help-argument-name (:slant 'italic))
;; Hl-line
(hl-line (:background c0))
;; Ibuffer
(ibuffer-locked-buffer (:foreground c1))
;; Ido
(ido-first-match (:foreground fg :weight 'bold))
(ido-incomplete-regexp (:foreground fg))
(ido-indicator (:foreground c4))
(ido-only-match (:foreground fg))
(ido-subdir (:foreground fg :weight 'bold))
(ido-virtual (:foreground c7))
;; Info mode
(Info-quoted (:foreground c7 :background bg))
(info-header-node (:foreground fg :background bg :weight 'bold))
(info-header-xref (:foreground fg :background bg :underline t))
(info-node (:foreground fg :background bg))
(info-index-match (:foreground fg :background c4))
(info-menu-header (:foreground fg :background bg :weight 'bold))
(info-menu-star (:foreground fg :background bg))
(info-title-1 (:foreground fg :background bg :weight 'bold))
(info-title-2 (:foreground fg :background bg :weight 'bold))
(info-title-3 (:foreground fg :background bg :weight 'bold))
(info-title-4 (:foreground fg :background bg :weight 'bold))
(info-xref (:foreground fg :background bg :underline t))
(info-xref-visited (:foreground fg :background bg :underline t))
;; Ispell
(ispell-highlight (:underline (:color c1)))
(flyspell-duplicate (:underline (:color c3)))
(flyspell-incorrect (:underline (:color c1)))
;; Message
(message-cited-text (:foreground c7))
(message-header-cc (:foreground fg))
(message-header-name (:foreground fg))
(message-header-newsgroups (:foreground fg))
(message-header-other (:foreground fg))
(message-header-subject (:foreground fg))
(message-header-to (:foreground fg))
(message-header-xheader (:foreground fg))
(message-Mml (:foreground fg))
(message-separator (:foreground c7))
;; MM
(mm-command-output (:foreground fg))
;; Outline
(outline-1 (:foreground fg))
(outline-2 (:foreground fg))
(outline-3 (:foreground fg))
(outline-4 (:foreground fg))
(outline-5 (:foreground fg))
(outline-6 (:foreground fg))
(outline-7 (:foreground fg))
(outline-8 (:foreground fg))
;; Package
(package-description (:foreground fg))
(package-help-section-name (:foreground fg :weight 'bold))
(package-name (:foreground fg :underline t))
(package-status-avail-obso (:strike-through t))
(package-status-available (:foreground fg))
(package-status-built-in (:foreground c7))
(package-status-dependency (:foreground c7))
(package-status-disabled (:foreground c3))
(package-status-external (:foreground fg))
(package-status-held (:foreground fg))
(package-status-incompat (:foreground c1))
(package-status-installed (:foreground c7))
(package-status-new (:weight 'bold))
(package-status-unsigned (:foreground fg))
;; Replace
(query-replace (:foreground fg :background c4))
;; Rmail
(rmail-header-name (:foreground fg))
(rmail-highlight (:foreground c4))
;; Semantic
(semantic-complete-inline-face (:foreground fg :background c8))
(semantic-decoration-on-fileless-includes (:foreground c1 :background bg))
(semantic-decoration-on-includes (:foreground fg :background bg))
(semantic-decoration-on-private-members (:foreground fg :background bg))
(semantic-decoration-on-protected-members (:foreground fg :background bg))
(semantic-decoration-on-unknown-includes (:foreground c1 :background bg))
(semantic-decoration-on-unparsed-includes (:foreground c3 :background bg))
(semantic-highlight-edits (:foreground fg :background bg))
(semantic-highlight-func-current-tag (:foreground fg :background bg))
(semantic-idle-symbol-highlight (:foreground c4 :background bg))
(semantic-tag-boundary-face (:foreground c3 :background bg))
(semantic-unmatched-syntax-face (:foreground c1 :background bg))
(senator-momentary-highlight-face (:foreground c4 :background bg))
(srecode-field-face (:foreground fg :background c8))
;; Show paren
(show-paren-match (:underline t))
(show-paren-match-expression (:underline t))
(show-paren-mismatch (:foreground c1 :weight 'bold))
;; Shr
(shr-link (:underline t))
(shr-strike-through (:strike-through t))
;; Table mode
(table-cell (:foreground fg :background c8))
;; smerge
(smerge-base (:foreground fg :background c8))
(smerge-lower (:foreground c2 :background bg))
(smerge-markers (:foreground c7 :background c8))
(smerge-refined-added (:foreground c2 :background c8))
(smerge-refined-changed (:foreground c7 :background c8))
(smerge-refined-removed (:foreground c1 :background c8))
(smerge-upper (:foreground c1 :background bg))
;; TODO Tab bar
(tab-bar (:foreground fg :background c8))
(tab-bar-tab (:foreground fg :background c8))
(tab-bar-tab-inactive (:foreground c7 :background c8))
;; Terminal
(term (:foreground fg :background bg))
(term-bold (:weight 'bold))
(term-color-black (:foreground bg))
(term-color-red (:foreground c1))
(term-color-green (:foreground c2))
(term-color-yellow (:foreground c3))
(term-color-blue (:foreground c4))
(term-color-magenta (:foreground c5))
(term-color-cyan (:foreground c6))
(term-color-white (:foreground fg))
(term-underline (:underline t))
;; VC
(vc-conflict-state (:foreground c1))
(vc-edited-state (:foreground fg :slant 'italic))
(vc-locally-added-state (:foreground c2))
(vc-locked-state (:foreground c3 :weight 'bold))
(vc-missing-state (:foreground c1 :weight 'bold))
(vc-needs-update-state (:foreground c3 :slant 'italic))
(vc-removed-state (:foreground c1 :slant 'italic))
(vc-state-base (:foreground fg))
(vc-up-to-date-state (:foreground fg))
;; Whitespace
(trailing-whitespace (:foreground c8 :background c8))
(whitespace-big-indent (:foreground c8 :background c8))
(whitespace-empty (:foreground c8 :background c8))
(whitespace-hspace (:foreground c8 :background c8))
(whitespace-indentation (:foreground c8 :background c8))
(whitespace-line (:foreground c8 :background bg))
(whitespace-newline (:foreground c8 :background c8))
(whitespace-space (:foreground c8 :background c8))
(whitespace-space-after-tab (:foreground c8 :background c8))
(whitespace-space-before-tab (:foreground c8 :background c8))
(whitespace-tab (:foreground c8 :background bg))
(whitespace-trailing (:foreground c8 :background c8))
;; widget
(widget-button (:foreground fg :background bg :box t))
(widget-button-pressed (:foreground c4 :background bg :box t))
(widget-documentation (:foreground fg :background bg))
(widget-field (:foreground fg :background c8))
(widget-inactive (:foreground c7 :background bg))
(widget-single-line-field (:foreground fg :background c8))
;;; External Packages
;; Counsel
(counsel--mark-ring-highlight (:foreground c4 :slant 'italic))
(counsel-active-mode (:foreground c2))
(counsel-application-name (:foreground fg))
(counsel-evil-register (:foreground fg))
(counsel-key-binding (:foreground c7 :slant 'italic))
(counsel-outline-1 (:foreground fg :background bg))
(counsel-outline-2 (:foreground fg :background bg))
(counsel-outline-3 (:foreground fg :background bg))
(counsel-outline-4 (:foreground fg :background bg))
(counsel-outline-5 (:foreground fg :background bg))
(counsel-outline-6 (:foreground fg :background bg))
(counsel-outline-7 (:foreground fg :background bg))
(counsel-outline-8 (:foreground fg :background bg))
(counsel-outline-default (:foreground fg :background bg))
(counsel-variable-documentation (:foreground fg :background bg))
;; Elfeed
(elfeed-log-date (:foreground fg))
(elfeed-log-debug-level-face (:foreground fg))
(elfeed-log-error-level-face (:foreground c1))
(elfeed-log-info-level-face (:foreground fg))
(elfeed-log-warn-level-face (:foreground c3))
(elfeed-search-date-face (:foreground c7))
(elfeed-search-feed-face (:foreground fg))
(elfeed-search-filter-face (:foreground fg))
(elfeed-search-last-update-face (:foreground fg))
(elfeed-search-tag-face (:foreground c7))
(elfeed-search-title-face (:foreground c7 :slant 'italic))
(elfeed-search-unread-count-face (:foreground fg))
(elfeed-search-unread-title-face (:foreground fg :slant 'italic))
;; Ivy
(ivy-action (:foreground fg :slant 'italic))
(ivy-completion-annotations (:foreground c7))
(ivy-confirm-face (:foreground c2))
(ivy-current-match (:foreground c5))
(ivy-cursor (:foreground bg :background fg))
(ivy-grep-info (:foreground fg))
(ivy-grep-line-number (:foreground fg))
(ivy-highlight-face (:foreground c4 :slant 'italic))
(ivy-match-required-face (:foreground c1))
(ivy-minibuffer-match-face-1 (:underline t))
(ivy-minibuffer-match-face-2 (:underline t))
(ivy-minibuffer-match-face-3 (:underline t))
(ivy-minibuffer-match-face-4 (:underline t))
(ivy-minibuffer-match-highlight (:foreground c4))
(ivy-modified-buffer (:foreground fg :weight 'bold))
(ivy-modified-outside-buffer (:foreground fg :weight 'bold))
(ivy-org (:foreground fg))
(ivy-prompt-match (:foreground fg :background bg))
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;; Magit
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(magit-keyword-squash (:foreground fg :background bg))
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;; Mini Modeline
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;; mu4e
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;; Org mode
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(org-level-2 (:foreground fg))
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(org-tag-group (:foreground fg))
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(org-todo (:foreground c1 :slant 'italic))
(org-upcoming-deadline (:foreground fg))
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;; PDF tools
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;; Vterm
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;; git-gutter
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;; company
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;;; Language-specific
;; LaTeX
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;; Tex faces
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;; Shell
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;;; sorcery-theme.el ends here