2022-05-19 14:45:52 +02:00

103 lines
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-- Simple interpreter for combinator calculi
module Main where
import System.IO
data Value = Atom Char | Compound [Value]
deriving (Eq)
instance Show Value where
show (Atom c) = [c]
show (Compound vs) = "(" ++ concatMap show vs ++ ")"
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStr "λ> "
hFlush stdout
input <- getLine
stepEval $ parse input
stepEval :: [Value] -> IO [Value]
stepEval [] = return []
stepEval (hed:rest) = do
putStr $ "~> " ++ (concatMap show (hed:rest))
hFlush stdout
case rest of
[] -> return [hed]
_ ->
case hed of
Atom combinator ->
case combinator of
'I' -> stepEval rest
'S' -> apply s rest
'K' -> apply k rest
'B' -> apply b rest
'C' -> apply c rest
'W' -> apply w rest
'M' -> apply m rest
'T' -> apply t rest
_ -> return (hed:rest)
Compound expr -> do
stepEval $ expr ++ rest
apply :: Combinator -> [Value] -> IO [Value]
apply f vals = case f vals of
Just xs -> stepEval xs
Nothing -> do
hPutStrLn stderr "Invalid application of combinator."
stepEval []
-- Parsing
parse s = parseAux s []
-- uhhhh
parseAux :: String -> [Value] -> [Value]
parseAux [] v = reverse v
parseAux (x:rest) v
| x == '(' = parseAux newRest (newVal:v)
| otherwise = parseAux rest (Atom x:v)
where (newRest, newVal) = compound rest []
compound :: String -> [Value] -> (String, Value)
compound [] _ = error "parse error: unclosed parenthesis"
compound (')':s) ret = (s, Compound $ reverse ret)
compound ('(':s) ret =
let (r, v) = compound s [] in
compound r (v:ret)
compound (x:s) ret = compound s (Atom x:ret)
-- Combinators
type Combinator = [Value] -> Maybe [Value]
-- Sxyz ~> xz(yz)
s (x:y:z:rest) = Just $ x:z:Compound [y,z]:rest
s _ = Nothing
-- Kxy ~> y
k (x:y:rest) = Just $ x:rest
k _ = Nothing
-- Bxyz ~> x(yz)
b (x:y:z:rest) = Just $ x:Compound [y,z]:rest
b _ = Nothing
-- Cxyz ~> xzy
c (x:y:z:rest) = Just $ x:z:y:rest
c _ = Nothing
-- Wxy ~> xyy
w (x:y:rest) = Just $ x:y:y:rest
w _ = Nothing
-- Mx ~> xx
m (x:rest) = Just $ x:x:rest
m _ = Nothing
-- Txy ~> yx
t (x:y:rest) = Just $ y:x:rest
t _ = Nothing