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// Copyright 2021, Paul Mosier
// This file is part of Scriptura, a ncurses-based Bible study
// software for the libsword backend.
// Scriptura is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, under version 2 of the License.
// Scriptura is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Scriptura. If not, see <>.
// pane.h -- header file for pane class
#ifndef PANE
#define PANE
#include <menu.h>
#include <form.h>
#include <string>
#include <swconfig.h>
#include "free.h"
//! Defines a window complex to display data retrieved from sword.
class pane {
WINDOW *win; //!< the window drawing the bounding box
char titlebar[40]; //!< window titlebar
bool hasFocus; //!< holds window focus status
WINDOW *pad; /*!< typically a pad holding buffer text, but may
* instead be a window holding a menu or form */
int padx; //!< pad bounding box upper left X coord
int pady; //!< pad bounding box upper left Y coord
int padrows; //!< the pad's number of rows
int padcols; //!< the pad's number of columns
int buflocx; //!< if pad is a true pad, our current X location
int buflocy; //!< if pad is a true pad, our current Y location
int bufsizex; //!< if pad is a true pad, it's full number of rows
int bufsizey; //!< if pad is a true pad, it's full number of columns
modkey mod; //!< module key associated with this pane
char* rawtext; //!< copy of unprocessed text the pane is showing
//! Refresh the title of the window.
void retitle();
/*! Take a text to display and format it for display, also creating the pad
* to hold it. */
void renderText();
/*! For floating panes, print out instruction lines that fit in the window
* bounds
* \returns the next available row in the window to print on. */
int printInstructions(int y, //!< starting y coord to print at
const char* inst //!< the line of text to print
int x; //!< starting X location on screen
int y; //!< starting Y location on screen
int height; //!< full height of the pane
int width; //!< full width of the pane
//! Pane constructor.
pane(int starty, //!< the pane's upper left Y coord
int startx, //!< the pane's upper left Y coord
int lines, //!< the pane's number of lines
int cols, //!< the pane's number of columns
const char* title //!< starting titlebar text
//! Resize the window & pad, in the case of terminal resizing.
void resize(int starty, //!< starting y coord of pane
int startx, //!< starting x coord of pane
int lines, //!< new number of lines
int cols //!< new number of columns
//! Sets the title of the window & truncates if too long.
void setTitle(const char* newtitle //!< the new title to set
//! Have a pane display a string of text.
void loadText(const char* stext //!< the text to load
//! When the window changes, put them on the screen.
void redraw(bool borders = false /*!< Optional. If true, will refresh the
* window outer border. */
//! Move down a page in the window.
void nextPage();
//! Move down a line in the window.
void scrollDown();
//! Move up a line in the window.
void scrollUp();
//! Move up a page in the window.
void prevPage();
//! Toggles whether the pane has focus. Will refresh the window titlebar.
void toggleFocus();
/*! Have a pane display a generated menu for user selection.
* \returns integer index of selected item,
* -1 if escaping out,
* -2 if terminal was resized */
int loadMenu(starray opts //!< the array of strings used as menu items
/*! Have the pane display a form for user input.
* \returns a list of strings of user input, with starray.length = the
* length of input fields if successful, 0 if the user escaped out,
* and -1 if the terminal was resized */
starray loadForm(starray inputs, //!< list of form item descriptions
const char* secondinst //!< instruction line for top of form
//! Unpost a menu and free up all allocated memory for it.
void menuClean(MENU* menu, //!< the menu that was loaded
ITEM** items, //!< the array of menu items
int numitems //!< the number of menu items
//! Clean up a loaded form, freeing up all allocated memory
void formClean(FORM* form, //!< the form that was loaded
FIELD** fields, //!< the array of form fields
int numfields //!< the number of form fields
/*! Change the module associated with this pane - stores the module index
* and switches the pane title to be something else. */
void setModule(const char* newtitle, //!< the new titlebar for this pane
const char* newmod, //!< the new module to load in modkey
int keytype /*!< indicates how the module is keyed,
* see modkey in scabbard.h */
//! Change the searchkey associated with this pane.
void setKey(const char* newkey //!< the new searchkey to assign into modkey
//! Set the search parameters stored in the modkey for this pane.
void setSearch(int type, /*!< the search type int used by Sword:
* 0 - word or part
* 1 - phrase
* 2 - multiple words
* 3 - attribute (eg. Strongs) */
const char* scope //!< scope to search within, in key format
/*! Gets the modkey associated with this pane.
* \returns modkey associated with this pane */
modkey getModkey();