
156 lines
5.1 KiB

// Copyright 2021, Paul Mosier
// This file is part of Scriptura, a ncurses-based Bible study
// software for the libsword backend.
// Scriptura is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, under version 2 of the License.
// Scriptura is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Scriptura. If not, see <>.
// scabbard.h -- header for Scabbard
#ifndef SCABBARD
#define SCABBARD
#include <swmgr.h>
#include <swmodule.h>
#include <swconfig.h>
#include <swbuf.h>
#include <versekey.h>
#include <treekey.h>
#include <installmgr.h>
#include <osisredletterwords.h>
#include <osisstrongs.h>
#include <osisfootnotes.h>
#include <gbfredletterwords.h>
#include <gbffootnotes.h>
// unimplemented extras
//#include <osismorph.h>
//#include <osislemma.h>
//#include <osisheadings.h>
#include "free.h"
/*! Structure for associating a Sword module type (Bibles,
* commentaries, etc) to a list of modules. */
typedef struct {
char label[25]; //!< the module type
int keytype; //!< 0 - versekey, 1 - treekey, 2 - direct/alpha
int modlen; //!< length of module list
sword::SWModule ** modlist; //!< list of modules
} modtype;
//! Handles the interface to the Sword library.
class scabbard {
//! Sword manager structure
sword::SWMgr swrd;
/*! Sword iterator for module parsing.
* Module data fields of interest:
* name - internal name
* description - full text name
* type - class of module */
sword::ModMap::iterator iter;
int nummods; //!< number of module types that contain modules
int markred; //!< flag for returning red letter output
int markstrongs; //!< flag for returning Strong's numbers
int markfoot; //!< flag for returning footnotes
/*! Parse a list of verses (Gen 1:1,3; Eph 1:5-10, etc)
* \returns the full text of the verses requested as one long string */
const char* parseVerses(sword::SWModule *text, //!< the source to reference
sword::ListKey lk //!< list of verses to get
/*! Helper to the search function for non-versekeyed modules.
* \returns the closest (or exact) match to a search term */
const char* directSearch(sword::SWModule *text,
//!< the module to search on
modkey mod
//!< modkey containing the search term
//! Construct the internal list of modules used in the selection menu.
void constructModlist();
//! Takes as input various preferences on text markup from our config file
/*! Struct to hold listing of different modules - each modtype corresponds
* to a different type of module - see comments for modtype */
modtype modules[5];
/*! Get all module types loaded in and accessible by Sword.
* \returns the module types loaded into an array */
starray getModClassifications();
/*! Get the full text names of all modules of a given type (Bibles,
* commentaries, etc.)
* \returns all module text names in an array */
starray getModDescriptions(int type //!< from getModClassifications()
/*! Get the internal module name for a specific module.
* \returns the name requested */
const char* getModName(int modt, //!< from getModClassifications()
int mod //!< from getModDescriptions()
/*! Get the full text name for a module identified by menu indices.
* \returns the module description */
const char* getModDescription(int modt, //!< from getModClassifications()
int mod //!< from getModDescriptions()
/*! Get the full text name for a module identified by key name. Vulnerable
* to malicious input.
* \returns the module description */
const char* getModDescription(const char* modname //!< module internal name
//! Return an array of all module names.
starray getModules();
/*! Given a text name for a module, determine if it exists.
int modExists(const char* modname //!< module internal name
/*! Determine how a module is keyed/indexed.
* \returns the proper keytype; see the keytype field for modkey */
int getKeyType(int modt //!< return value from getModClassifications()
/*! Do a passage or text lookup.
* \returns the passage or text referenced in the modkey */
const char* getSpan(modkey mod //!< the modkey supplied by the pane
/*! Search for a term or passage.
* \returns the text requested, or in the case of a non-versekeyed text,
* the nearest alphabetical entry to the search term supplied */
const char* search(modkey mod //!< the modkey supplied by the pane
//! Install KJVA from
void installKJVA();