PREFIX ?= /usr/local BINDIR ?= $(PREFIX)/bin MANDIR ?= $(PREFIX)/share/man # Attempt to find bash completion dir in order of preference ifneq ($(wildcard /etc/bash_completion.d/.),) CPLDIR ?= /etc/bash_completion.d endif HAS_BREW := $(shell command -v brew 2> /dev/null) ifdef HAS_BREW CPLDIR ?= $$(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion.d endif HAS_PKGCONFIG := $(shell command -v pkg-config 2> /dev/null) ifdef HAS_PKGCONFIG CPLDIR ?= $$(pkg-config --variable=completionsdir bash-completion 2> /dev/null) endif install: @echo Installing the executable to $(BINDIR) @mkdir -p $(BINDIR) @cp -f pb $(BINDIR)/pb @chmod 755 $(BINDIR)/pb @echo Installing the manual page to $(MANDIR)/man1 @mkdir -p $(MANDIR) @cp -f pb.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/pb.1 @chmod 644 $(MANDIR)/man1/pb.1 ifdef CPLDIR @echo Installing the command completion to $(CPLDIR) @mkdir -p $(CPLDIR) @cp -f pb.d $(CPLDIR)/pb @chmod 644 $(CPLDIR)/pb endif uninstall: @echo Removing the executable from $(BINDIR) @rm -f $(BINDIR)/pb @echo Removing the manual page from $(MANDIR)/man1 @rm -f $(BINDIR)/man1/pb.1 ifdef CPLDIR @echo Removing the command completion from $(CPLDIR) @rm -f $(CPLDIR)/pb endif .PHONY: install uninstall