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2019-09-02 21:42:06 +00:00
title: pass, the CLI Password Manager
author: erxeto
description: Usage guide for pass
# pass, the CLI Password Manager
`pass` is a command line utility to manage your passwords.
It creates a simple file/folder structure under your `$PASSWORD_STORE_DIR`
(by default `~/.password-store`) where every file is encrypted with your
gpg key.
You can organize that hierarchy as you see fit. For instance something like
`sites/` is a common way of doing it.
Those files are not limited to contain simply a password, they can contain
anything. But is recommended that the password goes alone in the first
line, so you can benefit from the `-c` option which copies that to the
clipboard directly.
There is `bash`, `zsh` and `fish` command line completion available and
all can be tracked using `git`. So it's really convenient.
## Setup
This is simple, just one command (assuming you have your GnuPG key
ready). GPG-ID is the hex id of your key.
$ pass init GPG-ID
mkdir: created directory /home/user/.password-store
Password store initialized for GPG-ID
## Basic Usage
List all passwords "tree" style
$ pass Password Store
├── sites
│ ├──
│ │ ├── myUserName
│ │ ├── secondAccount ...
Find a password
$ pass find
Search Terms:
└── sites
See the content of a file
$ pass email/
Copy the first line to the clipboard. Clear time can be configured with
$ pass -c email/
Copied email/ to clipboard.
Will clear in 45 seconds.
Insert a new password. It can be multiline with `-m`. Remember to put the
password on the first line if you want to use the clipboard function
$ pass insert sites/
Enter password for sites/
Generate a 32 chars random password and store it. You can define the
default length with `$PASSWORD_STORE_GENERATED_LENGTH`. With `-n` the
password will not include symbols, but alphanumeric characters only. With
`-c` it gets copied to the clipboard as usual.
$ pass generate sites/ 32
The generated password to sites/ is:
take a look at the `--help` option or the complete documentation on
their website.
## Changing Keys
If you need to change the key being used for your password files,
simply navigate to the directory and re-issue `pass init`, but with
the ID of the new key to be used. Pass will prompt for the old key's
password, then automatically decrypt all keys and re-encrypt them
with the new key.
$ cd ~/.password-store
$ pass init NEWGPGKEYID
* [pass home page](