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<h1 class="post-title p-name">Ask the readers: do you keep a portfolio?</h1>
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<a class="u-url" href="">Wednesday 21 October 2009</a>
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<li class="p-category"><span class="tag">Learning</span></li>
<li class="p-category"><span class="tag">Portfolio</span></li>
<li class="p-category"><span class="tag">Reflection</span></li>
<li class="p-category"><span class="tag">Personal development</span></li>
<li class="p-category"><span class="tag">Professional development</span></li>
<li class="p-category"><span class="tag">Ask the readers</span></li>
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<a href=""><img alt="Room 800: Police Evidence Room by Sam Teigen" src="" title="Room 800: Police Evidence Room" width="240" height="178"></a><p>Room 800: Police Evidence Room by Sam Teigen</p>
<p>One of my favourite posts so far has been my <a href="">first Ask the Readers post</a>, so Ive decided its time to continue the series with another request for ideas. Ive written before about how I kept a <a href="">digital portfolio</a> as part of my Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education qualification. Its something that I learned a lot from, particularly in conjunction with learning about learning, and Ive continued the reflective ethos of that portfolio here on the blog.</p>
<p>But as Ive come to the end of my current stint of volunteering at the National Trust (on which more in a later post), Ive been feeling that I want something a bit more than just the shouting into the void that I do here.<br>
<p>I have two difficult tasks ahead:</p>
<li>Find a challenging and rewarding job in a very competitive marketplace;</li>
<li>Continue to learn and grow outside the structures of formal education.</li>
<p>What I really want, then, is somewhere I can:</p>
<li>Continue to reflect and learn, even when said reflections arent suitable for public consumption;</li>
<li>Gather a base of evidence for my skills, to draw on when applying for jobs, and to identify gaps for me to work on;</li>
<li>Access online, from work, home, conferences, etc.;</li>
<li>Keep private but make available to individuals for PDRs, professional qualifications, etc.;</li>
<li>Retain control of and keep regular backups of (this stuffs valuable).</li>
<p>It seems to me like its time to resurrect a full portfolio, but as Im new to this I thought Id ask for some advice. My question to you is this: <strong>Do you keep a professional portfolio and if so, what are your top tips for doing so?</strong></p>
<p>To get the ball rolling, this is where I am at the moment:</p>
<li>Ive set up a new blog on my trusty self-hosted <a href="">Wordpress MU</a> installation;</li>
<li>For advice I have <a href="">this advice</a> from the University of Sheffield careers service, the <a href="">course guide</a> from the PCHE and my other halfs copy of <a href=";s=books&amp;qid=1256154507&amp;sr=8-1">Building Your Portfolio</a> (aimed at qualified librarians seeking chartership).</li>
<p>I look forward to reading your comments and Ill be sure to summarise them in a blog post next month and continue to keep you informed about my progress.</p>
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